If @Reddit redirects all of their web traffic to the Vice News article, we'll restore Coursicle service to users.
@Reddit We were just a stepping stone. We were a small fish. And if Reddit does this, we'll have caught a bigger fish. @Reddit and @coursicle are the future of the internet. People who stand up for ideals instead of profit.
@Reddit@VICENews I want to thank @Reddit for everything they did for this company. We were one of their first advertisers and our spam-your-eyeballs-out advertising strategy was only possible because of the 1st amendment protections that @Reddit was obeying in their terms of service.
@Reddit@VICENews This, my friends, is how we make America great again.
@Reddit@VICENews You can murder a revolutionary, but you can't murder revolution - Fred Hampton
Just got tapped by the Illuminati. I shall not violate our tenets but a very large tech company you have all heard of just offered to buy Coursicle. I said no. lol.
Sorry all you astrology folks. But show me the evidence. Legit. I think some people have sent some interesting stuff but I need to consume more research papers.
You know why you should live in the moment and respond to stimuli with as little pre-planning or worry as possible (and designing your life such that you can do so?)
Well, for one, it's just our natural state. We're just animals (who cut people open like cantelopes). But also because math. If you've got a convex/concave cone (can't really remember the difference, and you want to get to the apex.
Then you evaluate the slope at each point and "go with the flow", so to speak. You look at the vector with the best slope at each stage of the way, and you'll find the shortest path to the apex. Life works that way too.
We are doing this to save our country. Right now the most used app by college students and younger is undoubtably @tiktok_us. Many TikTok users have expressed concerns over their devices being hot-miced by the app.
@tiktok_us They'll mention something in a conversation and then 10 minutes later they'll see an ad for it on TikTok. They find it super creepy but it's the only app where people can really be themselves.
@tiktok_us I've realized now that I don't want to kill @Twitter . I want to save it. We should all be here, not on TikTok. Our 1st amendment rights can and should be protected on Twitter here. Honestly, I think Twitter will happily change its terms so long as we as a people return in waves.