One of Ireland's earliest dated megaliths, Poulnabrone.
This portal tomb in the heart of the Burren was excavated by Dr. Ann Lynch. The commingled remains of at least 36 individuals were recovered from the tomb chamber. They largely ranged in date from c.3800–3200 BC.
There was a Bronze Age burial in the area in front of the tomb, showing later reuse of a Neolithic monument (that we see elsewhere like at the Mound of the Hostages on the Hill of Tara).
The ages of the people buried at Poulnabrone ranged from unborn babies to a woman in her 50s
Signs of violence were also identified. The hip bone of a male had the tip of a stone projectile point embedded in it.
Poulnabrone is a remarkable site. One of my favourite megalithic tombs, helped by its wonderful setting in the Burren of course!
Ann Lynch's book 'Poulnabrone: An Early Neolithic Portal Tomb in Ireland' is excellent if you can find it.