Alright, my ass is getting this started before I pass out.

Have another #kacchako sexy from me ;)

CW: 🔞🔞 NSFW Smut, aged up characters, PH!Katsuki PH!Ochako, swearing, drinking, sex, will tag as we go along. No beta, we're dying y'all
Ochako blew out a breath and turned her head to the side. She stared at her reflection with a gleam of intent in her eye, taking the pointed sponge in her hand and bouncing it across her skin rapidly.
The lady on that YapTube video always said to “blend like your life depended on it, bitch!” and well…she was blending like her life depended on it.

“Oh, shit!” she hissed when she dabbed foundation over the corner of her eye makeup…fuck, she should have done this first! She had no idea what she was doing.
Ochako was a pro hero, she never wore anything on her face short of some eyeliner and maybe a tiny smear of color on her lips. She didn’t know how to beat her face “to the gods!” Ochako stilled her hand for a moment and took a breath. “It’s fine…I’ll fix it later.”
Ochako’s eyes flicked up to the clock in the corner of the bathroom. It was a quarter past seven. She had plenty of time! Kiri and Mina’s engagement party didn’t start until later anyway.
Grinning, Ochako turned back to the mirror and continued to dab her face, blending her life away when a loud BOOM rapped against her door. It made her flinch product into her hairline.

“Oi, Cheeks! What the hell is taking so long?!”
Ochako let out an annoyed sigh. “Could you…ugh, I’ll be right out!”

“Tch, bullshit. You said that a whole hour ago! What the hell are you doing?!”

Couldn’t he just leave her alone?
Ochako briefly entertained the thought of ignoring him…but then decided it was probably best to answer him before he decided to blast the door in…again. Ochako gave a small snort before she continued blending. “My makeup!”
She heard the grumble on the other side of the door. Ochako chuckled as she heard the knob turn and the door opened. When she met his gaze in the mirror, her body went rigid and she felt the blood flood up to her cheeks. Well shit.
Bakugou Katsuki leaned against the doorframe, an annoyed expression cast over his handsome face. He wore a deep navy dress shirt with the top three buttons open to expose the delicious bronzed skin of his collarbones.
The sleeves were rolled up to the elbow, revealing strong, scarred forearms that flexed when he folded them across his chest.
He even styled his hair differently, and pushed his bangs back to put his forehead on display, his spikes tamed along the short-cut sides. And to top it all off…he was wearing his glasses.

Ochako bit her lip and turned her attention back to her reflection, quickly brushing the sponge around her nose and chin before she set it on the counter. Why did he /have/ to be this sexy??
She almost didn’t want to go to this engagement party at all…and just rip his clothes off right now. Ochako cleared her throat. “N-No contacts?”

“I’ve been wearing my contacts all fucking day,” Katsuki said with a scowl. “I’m giving my eyes a break.”

“What are you doing your make-up for?” he looked over to her and the beauty products dumped in the sink. The scowl got deeper. “I’m going to be so mad if we’re late…”

Ochako scoffed and turned around, crossing her arms to match him. “We’re not going to be late!”
“You’re not even fucking dressed!!”

“I have my shoes on!!” Ochako raised a foot to show him the black strappy heels she wore. She was pretty much ready to go; her hair was done up in a swirly bun, she had on her diamond earrings, and she was getting her face done.
The dress would be an easy slip. “I didn’t want to wrinkle my dress so it’s going on last.”

“You’ve been in the bathroom too long, babe.” There was a slight growl in his voice that made her roll her eyes.
Katsuki grumbled and took a few short strides inside before he was right in front of her. She was hit with the scent of clove, anise, and a tang of burnt sugar. Her eyes fluttered when his arms went around her waist. “Don’t keep me waiting unless you wanna piss me off.
“Grr, I’m so scared,” she teased before she brought herself up on tiptoes to kiss her grumpy boyfriend. Even wearing 3 in. heels, he still stood over her like a grand tower. God, she wanted to climb him like a tree…

Her body pulsed at the thought.
“Come on, Cheeks. You don’t need fucking make-up when you’re the hottest girl walking,” he glanced her over with a smug expression and licked his lips. “And I’m the lucky bastard that gets to call you mine.”
“Katsuki…” She wanted to kiss him senseless for his flattery but realized that it would smear all of her hard work, and she needed to stop being distracted. He was not helping when he looked so gorgeous. She pouted at him and batted her eyelashes.
“Can’t you let me finish getting sexy for /you/?”

Katsuki rolled his eyes. “You’re /already/ sexy, Cheeks.”

“I mean…wait until you see this dress!”

“How the fuck can I see it, when you don’t have it on?”
Ochako blew out a breath and started shoving him towards the open door. “Leave and let me get ready then!”


“Go!!” she almost activated her quirk before Katsuki righted himself and shoved his hands into the pockets of his dark trousers. Ochako gave him a saucy grin.
“Give me…thirty minutes!”


“Fine!” Ochako was giggling as she shooed him away. Oooh…he was going to /die/. She started closing the door. “I can’t wait to see the look on your face…”

Katsuki looked down at his Rolex, his nostrils flaring impatiently as the hand ticked closer to 7:30. It’s not like they were terribly behind since Shitty Hair told him that the party wouldn’t really start until nine.
It didn’t matter. Katsuki liked to consider “on time”, arriving at least 30 minutes early. He hated these sorts of parties but if he was expected to make an appearance then he was going to show the fuck up.

Now if only his girlfriend would cooperate.
Katsuki was standing by the front door, glass of water in hand, and his brows twitching as he contemplated stomping back up the stairs to drag her out of the bathroom. What the hell is taking so long?! Was she floating her ass into this dress?! He exhaled sharply.


“I’m going to ignore that first part, and just say HURRY THE FUCK UP!” Katsuki rasped low in his throat before he heard her heels click down the steps.
He raised his glass to take a drink, immediately regretting it when his eyes fell on her and he spat water all over the floor. He was frozen still.

The material of the gown clung to her like it was painted on her body. Colored navy so they matched.
It hugged every delectable curve and accentuated the dip in her hips that made his palms spark just to grab her. The neckline gathered in a silky fold in the front and was held together by two crystal studded strings that came to a triangle point around her neck in a choker.
The peek of her supple breasts and a sliver of her sternum was making his mouth water and he immediately felt his whole body react to her, his trouser suddenly feeling…tight.
As she descended and her leg poked through a severe slit that went ALL the way up to her hip…barely kept closed by a few jeweled horizontal strings that strained against her plump flesh.

Was she mad at him or something?? Where did this dress come from?!
Katsuki opened his mouth and then closed it, rendered completely speechless. Something came over Ochako at that moment. He watched her brow lift suggestively as she posed on the final step, turning her body to the side so he could see the slit in full bloom.
Why was she doing this to him?

The dress was elegant as it was also just…sin. He hated and loved this dress. His left eye twitched as her fingers tapped along her exposed thigh, slipping underneath one of the jeweled straps to /curl/ her own fingers into her skin.
She was not wearing any panties.

Ochako then had the nerve to tilt her head and bat those damn eyelashes again. He noticed her sparkling browns, the shaky but curved lines of eyeliner, and the smeared edges…oh wait, wasn’t that a fucking makeup thing? Smoky eye or some shit?
Whatever it was, it transformed her face and amplified her natural beauty. She was perfect.

Ochako grinned and shimmied her hips before she turned around. Who told her to buy this?! The sheer expanse of her back exposed was about to send him into cardiac arrest. She had the nerve to give him a coy expression. “You like it?”

What sort of stupid question was that?!
“You-” His voice was dry and faded. Katsuki spared the briefest glance to the puddle on the floor before his scarlets fell to the glass he still held in a vice grip.
Any more pressure and the damn thing would break and they’d spend the night stitching his hand rather than dancing the night away.

Only now, his mind wasn’t on dancing, drinking, or celebrating anyone’s engagement.
Something feral was taking over and he wasn’t about to stop it. The blood galloping south towards his dick was in full control now.

If they were late…they were late.
“Earth to Katsuki…?” His eyes returned to her when he heard the giggly tease in the way she said his name. His dick twitched in his pants, a growing bulge he didn’t try to hide. He flexed his fingers and tried to control his breathing but it was...difficult to manage.
He didn’t answer her. He couldn’t answer her because words were meaningless when it came to describing that /fucking/ dress, and what he felt seeing her WEARING it. No. He’d /show/ her just how good she looked.
Still wordless, Katsuki let his gaze reap over her from the top of her perfectly twisted brown hair to the tips of her heeled toes. Ochako creased her brows in a silent “What?” before he turned and walked over to a small table they had in the hall.
He placed the glass down. Glancing at his Rolex again, the hand just touched at 7:40. His lip turned up in a smirk. He rotated back to face her, bringing his wrist up and tilted his head as he removed his watch and put it in his pocket. Ochako’s heel faltered as she froze.
Ochako swallowed and cleared her throat. His smirk grew more devious as he ran his tongue over the top of his teeth.

“Ahem, Katsuki…we, uh, we gotta get…going…” Her words were wavering as he popped another button of his shirt open and rumbled low in his throat.
His eyes sharpened. “.....Kat?”

He took a step forward and she took one back, a thrill of excitement passing through her eyes…along with panic? Katsuki sauntered over to the stairs, seeing his beloved take one more step back, holding out her fingerpads in a defensive manner.
“K-Katsuki…” she was giving him a serious look but he saw her body shiver, tiny prisms of light sparking from the crystals around her neck.

He took his glasses off and she whimpered. Without breaking his gaze from hers, he used a corner of his shirt to clean his lenses.
He then dropped his eyes to examine his work, all while flexing the muscles in his arms. He heard her breath catch. When crimson met chocolate, he slid the glasses back on his face with a dark chuckle and licked his lips. “...lie back on the stairs for me…”

For reference...this is what the dress looks like 🤭 a variation of mostly this and another dress but...🙈 Image

The moment he took his glasses off, she was fucked…and she knew it. Hell, she knew it when Mina had convinced her that buying this dress was a good idea. Ochako whimpered when he started cleaning, flushed and completely immobilized by the heat of his gaze.
She wanted to murder him tonight and well…consider her mission accomplished? Or maybe the tables had turned? Her eyes had dipped to the muscles in his forearms and his hands…the glass pinched between scarred rubbing fingers…

God…she was so fucked.
She swallowed hard and felt her core clench when he slid his glasses over his nose. His tongue running over his bottom lip just about turned her into liquid.

/Lie back on the stairs…/

Ochako’s fingers twitched as she brought her hands down. “Katsuki, I don’t-”
“Are you going to make me repeat myself?” His voice got deeper and raspier at that moment, his words cutting through her with a threat that made her back start arching.
Ochako felt the heat rise on her face and opened her mouth to speak before Katsuki had pulled forward to claim it with his own.
Ochako squealed in his mouth, stumbling up a few steps before she laid against the wood finish with Katsuki’s weight overwhelming her. His hands gripped the step above her head, caging her under him. Ochako moaned eagerly in response to his kisses,
his tongue gliding in languid strokes against hers while her fingers dug into his scalp.

“K-Katsuki…m-my hair…” she stuttered against his mouth, feeling the pins keeping her hair in place loosen. She heard him chuckle in response,
his hands falling from the step to whine calloused fingers through her curls to yank crystal-studded clips out of her locks. Ochako gasped.

“...looks better down your back, baby…” His voice held a guttural purr she felt ripple through her down to her belly button.
Her stomach clench hard, her mouth dropping in pants when she felt his body begin a slow grind against her that eradicated everything else from thought.
His mouth broke from hers and descended down the length of her neck, stopping just briefly to suck nuzzle his nose against her breasts. “Fucking /Christ/, Ochako…”
“Katsuki!” she moaned, arching her neck against the step and letting her legs wrap possessively around his waists. His left arm immediately retreated from her hair and ran down the silkiness of her exposed leg.
Ochako squeaked, her knee twitching when he ignited tiny sparks against her skin. His other hand grasped a fistful of her hair and jerked her eyes up to his. The expression on his face was wild, his glasses on a slant, and his lips deliciously stained with her lipstick.
His pupils were huge, his irises darkening to the color of blood.

“I fucking /hate/ this dress…” he growled, his eyes raking over her face, heavy-lidded and flushed.
His hand squeezed her hip once before it disappeared between the fabric to run hot along the seam between her legs. Ochako's eyes fluttered close and her back arched against him.
Her hands had abandoned his locks what felt like a while ago, her nails digging deep into the mahogany above her head in anticipation. He dropped his mouth to nip her jaw, running his fingers slow against wet folds. “I wanna tear it off…”
“Kats-” Her words were lost to her when his middle finger slid inside and her muscles clenched instantly around it. She heard him exhale against her ear and felt his breath skate over her neck.
“I love how wet you are for my cock..." he hissed brokenly in her ear before pulling his gaze back to watch her fall apart under his touch. Ochako’s body was hot, writhing under the sharp curl and jerk of his finger inside her heat.
Her eyes opened in a haze to catch him staring down at her, his bruised lips parted and eyes hungry. She couldn’t take it. Ochako grabbed his face in her hands and smashed her lips against his, bucking her hips painfully against the increasing thrust of his finger inside of her.
His mouth moved hotly against hers as he added a second finger and his thumb brushed quick strokes against her clit.

“Mm’a’gah!” she mumbled against his lips, her hands moving around his neck and beneath the fabric of his shirt.
Her fingers curled against the muscles of his back. His fingers opened her, his thumb playing her like an instrument, each press eliciting sounds that changed in shaking octaves.

“Do you want it?” he ground out through clenched teeth.
“Yes!” she pleaded, her nails digging into his skin. Katsuki hissed and kissed her chin, trailing his lips along crystalized strings with his teeth nipping at her collarbones.

“You want my dick deep inside you?”

“Y-Yes…baby, please!”
Katsuki scaled down her body, his teeth biting her nipples through the fabric of her dress and he worked her over his sharp, punishing thrusts. Ochako’s brows knitted together, her tail bone starting to burn where she repeated hit it against the edge of the step,
moving to the rhythm of his hand. Her legs were trembling, her heels slacking at his sides the further down he went.

His fingers slowed.
She flinched when his lips touched the peaked beginning of her dress slit. Ochako lifted herself on her elbows to watch him, mouth agape with heavy pants. “Katsuki, /please/…”

“It’s too easy to fuck you /here/, Cheeks…way too easy…” He dragged the words out slow,
swirling his tongue along the skin inside her thigh, his teeth tugging on her softness. His other hand slid the material of her dress away, her eyes fixated on the lazy push and pull of his fingers inside of her. “Consider this…a warm-up…”
She blushed when she noticed that his glasses were starting to fog, crimson eyes flicking away from her face towards her aching pussy, and adjusted his lenses like he was about to go to work.

He gave her no time to think before he threw her leg over his shoulder,
and replaced his thumb with assaulting flicks of his tongue in contrast to how slow he dragged along her walls. Ochako's hand raked up his neck and gripped the short sides of his hair, a high-pitched wail rupturing from her throat as he feasted on her.
She was going to wear this dress every day, she’d find ways to do hero work in this fucking dress.

Her body arched off the stairs like a bow, her fingers trembling in his scalp as she jerked his head into her grinding hips, squirming and thrashing at his rumbling hums.
They washed over her body in ripples, her jaw slack as she sang for him. Katsuki rumbled in an approving tone to her incoherent phrases before he pressed forward and kissed her clit,
nipping at the tender nerve to force more tremors out of her before he withdrew his fingers and thrust his tongue inside of her.

Ochako's vision was destroyed.

"Fuck~!!" she screamed, bucking against the suction and slide of his tongue,
Katsuki rolling and twisting the muscle in a way that had her seeing spots behind her painted lids. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes when her stomach tightened and she felt a pressure build and wash over her in liquid flames. "Fuck, baby, fuck! I'm close-"
Ochako squealed when Katsuki suddenly lifted her hips, his mouth latching in hard sucks that had her legs clamping around his head, her hands pulling his hair with the force of her orgasm.
Ochako came hard, her hips jerking with the motion of his lips and the soft drags of his tongue and he drank her dry. She moaned in a broken cadence, her thoughts dwindled down to the gorgeous blond between her thighs.
She rode the crest of her climax, pumping forward in a lazy dance before she felt his hand rub up and down her leg. Her eyes fluttered open. Katsuki was adjusting his glasses while shoving sticky fingers into his mouth. He looked so pleased with well fed...yet...
His eyes were still wild with hunger.

Ochako swallowed.

Katsuki leaned down and pressed a kiss along her swollen clit. Her body flinched.

"/That/ how good you look in that dress..." he said with a smirk aligning his lips.

"Y-You...couldn't have just.../said/ that?"
"I prefer action, my love." She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. He ran his hands up and down both her legs. Brown eyes caught the bulge still straining even harder against his trousers.

Suddenly, she felt hungry too...

Ochako laid against the stairs for another moment
before she finally allowed herself to move. Katsuki watched her carefully as he slicked his hair back and adjusted the buttons of his shirt. Ochako ran her hands down her dress and fumbled to collect her clips. Katsuki took his Rolex out of his pocket and fastened it back
on his wrist. He looked at the time with a raised brow. Ochako found herself momentarily distracted by how painfully sexy he was. Lenses in a receding fog, his lips glistening with cum and lipstick. Crimson eyes found hers.
"I spent so much time on hair and makeup..." Distraction was over and now she was annoyed. Katsuki regarded her as she attempted to comb fingers through her hair.

Katsuki snorted. "And? You weren't thinking about it as I was tongue-fucking you."

Ochako blushed.
"As I said, you don't need make-up when you're fucking gorgeous." He leaned over to give her a quick kiss on the lips, pressing his forehead to hers. "The most beautiful woman in the world."

Ochako sighed against him and gave another small peck.
"I still need to assess the damage, babe..."

Katsuki rolled his eyes and straightened himself off the staircase. He adjusted his pants and cleared his throat, extending out a hand to help her up to her feet. He scowled. "You have ten minutes or you're really gonna get it."
(TBC) 😏😉
(everybody say "Thank you @FloatyExplodey 😘)


"Did I /say/ fifteen minutes?"

Katsuki’s darted his gaze over to Ochako, watched her mouth open wordlessly before her back arched and she lulled back against the passenger seat with a soft gasp.
His lips curled up in a smirk before he pulled his eyes forward. His left hand was squeezed tight around the steering wheel.

His right…three fingers deep into her pussy.
Katsuki pressed his foot on the gas, biting his lip with the rev of the engine before his eyes caught her pleasured look reflected in the rearview mirror. Ochako reclined her seat back, her hands squeezing her breasts as she worked herself over his bruising grip on her mound.
He liked that. He liked making her collapse when she didn’t do what he so /politely/ asked. His perfect goddess and her perfect fucking dress.

He really hated this dress.

“K-Katsuki, please…yes, baby, right there. Right /there/!!!”
“Yeah?” He kept his eyes forward as he accelerated down the road, his fingers working her over in a frenzy that had him catch a brief pause of her eyes rolling to the back of her head.
He wanted to pull over and fuck her right now. His dick was hard and pulsing in his trouser but he wouldn’t give in. Not yet.

They went over a road bump, the motion pushing his fingers deeper that she screamed.

Katsuki's smirk transformed into a Cheshire grin.
The light ahead of them turned yellow. Katsuki eased his foot off the gas and his fingers slowed. Ochako's eyes widened and she tried started to move her hips before he withdrew his fingers from her.

"W-Why did you stop?!"

Katsuki turned to look at her and pulled his glasses
to the edge of his nose. He ran his tongue over his lips and tilted his head. "The light's red." He gave a light shrug. "I had to stop."


He palmed her harshly, fingers pressing in and spreading but he didn't move, didn't push any further.
Ochako's hands wrapped around his wrist and jerked her hips forward. "Move!"



"The light is /red/." he dragged his fingers along her slit once then stilled. His eyes narrowed. "Red doesn't mean go."

Ochako closed her eyes and ground herself on his fingers.
He withdrew them.

It was her turn to growl. "Stop!"

"We are." He was grinning.

"I mean, go-"

"Didn't we just establish that we can't?"
He'd been so distracted with his own teases, playing his game with her that he didn't think about her hands reaching forward to grab his dick through his trousers.

Katsuki flinched and the car lurched forward. Ochako hand slid over him, rubbing the heel of her palm against
his tip strained against his zipper. God fucking damn it.

He exhaled sharply. "/Don't/."

"Let me /suck/ it."

Katsuki felt his jaw clench and he willed the light to turn green. His eyes went from the traffic light to Ochako's coffee eyes. Her face was flushed, her plump
lip wedged between her teeth. The thought of her sucking him the /that/ dress...

The light turned green.

His foot hit the gas and the car took off with a screech. This time, his fingers didn't return to the sweetness of her core but instead,
fumbled with his belt and undoing his zipper. Ochako adjusted herself over him as he leaned back, eyes focused forward as she dragged his hardened cock out with a jerk and immediately shoved him down her throat.

Even with his glasses on, his vision blurred for a moment.
(TBC) 😬😬 I don't wanna stop but I'm sleepy! Will continue tomorrow 😉😏😳

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More from @CVenom_Tai

Mar 23, 2022
Anyone up for some midnight munchies? 😉😉 some of you pushed me during the day and well...😈

So here's some sexy spice for y'all.

NSFW #kacchako 🔞

CW: Pussy eating, clit rubbing, slight edging, vaginal sex, rough desk sex, light choking
For all of you, my whores and goddesses 😘😘 @EoHasCats @PantherLillie @hanahaki_yume @FloatyExplodey @nootnoot345
“B-Bakugou, I-I…fuh…I-I’m supposed to be w-w-working…”

“Hah?! Who tha fuck is that?! Couldn’t be me.”

“B- Oh, fuck! Yes r-right there!”


Ochako pushed herself up on her elbows,
Read 85 tweets
Feb 8, 2022
👀👀 👉👈 hehe Image
1. Yes! I have a very cinematic brain when writing, so I listen to music usually before I start writing. Like I pace, listen to the song, thinking about what the music is bringing out of me for a scene, and then just go to town. Go to is usually score but I have playlists too!
2. Twitter wasn't long enough for my rambling ass 🤪 Image
Read 17 tweets
Jan 10, 2022
So I woke up and choose...horny? 😏💦👀

Here's some smut that I've owed you guys for the pain I brought you with the second part of Chaos '22

Take some #kacchako morning sex as a peace offering?

CW: 🔞NSFW, oral sex, everywhere sex, Ochako trying to remain in control 🙈💦
Light filtered through the window in a steady stream that glittered off the tacky sweat on her back. Her body ached pleasantly, light sweet tremors to remember their passions from last night.
Ochako sighed in pure contentment, cheek pressed against a heated chest. She dragged her fingers lazily across his skin, twisting shapes in hearts, stars, and circles. Her eyes opened slowly, a smile spreading on her lips as she looked up and saw Katsuki's sleeping face,
Read 76 tweets
Jan 9, 2022
Alrighty, first one out! Hehe. I went fluffy since the idea made me laugh so much for some reason? I don't know, I'm weird guys. First "micro" thread but I might get carried away with these 🙈😆


cw: Just some swearing but overall cuteness
"I'm not coming out."

"Katsuki, come on!"

"No, fuck you. I look stupid."

"I seriously doubt that."

"This is...I don't know, Ochako...this is just-"

"Babe.../please/?! Indulge me, just this once!"
Ochako sat cross-legged on his bed, bouncing and giggling, when she heard his deep growl come from behind his bathroom door. She had a wild grin aligning her face, holding her flip phone in her hands,
Read 22 tweets

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