Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote this morning on the nomination of Memphis lawyer Andre Mathis to be U.S. Judge for the Sixth Circuit, which covers KY, MI, OH & TN. He's opposed by his state's two GOP Senators Blackburn and Hagerty.
Chair Durbin opened the Senate Judiciary Cmte mtg describing the "meaning consultation" between the WH with the 2 TN GOP Senators on the Andre Mathis 6th Circuit Court nomination: "The Biden WH did consult with the home-state Senators."
Durbin quoting Grassley,"'a Senator can't use a blue slip to block a nominee because it's not the person the Senator would have picked.' Under Sen. Grassley's stated standard,the fact the President choose to nominate Mr. Mathis is not a legitimate reason to block his nomination."
Ranking Mbr Grassley on Mathis:"TN Senators worked to find a nominee who they could support. Unfortunately, this Admin. refused to work with them,voting to move Mr. Mathis nomination...When I was chairman,I made sure WH had meaningful consultation with members before moving fwd."
Grassley: "The (TN) Senators have valid concerns about Mr. Mathis lack of federal appellate experience and his lack of attention to detail. He made unusual high number of mistakes in failing to follow the Sixth Circuit rules...I'll be voting No."
Blackburn (R-TN): "After reviewing the record, observing his performance at his hearing, and meeting with him one-on-one to discuss his knowledge and view of the law, there is no question in my mind that Mr. Mathis is unqualified for the position on the federal bench."
Blackburn (R-TN) on Andre Mathis 6th Circuit Court of Appeals nomination: "I do have concerns about his ability to do the job of a federal appellate judge."
Whitehouse (D-RI) on blue slip process for judicial nominees:"We are living today w/the consequences of getting rid of the blue slip for Circuit Ct nominees..I urged my colleagues not to do this..I don't know how you put the toothpaste back in the tube? I'm eager to find a way."
Senate Judiciary Committee on a near party line 12-10 vote favorably reported out the nomination of Andre Mathis to be U.S. Court of Appeals judge for the Sixth Circuit to the full Senate. Republican Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana joined all Democrats in voting yes.
Judiciary Cmte deadlocked 11-11 on the nomination of Jessica Clarke to be US District Court judge for Southern District of NY. Schumer, who intro'd Clarke at her confirmation hearing last month, can now move to discharge her nomination out of cmte to full Senate for floor action.
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WH on Presidents Biden & Putin hourlong call today: “President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with President Vladimir Putin of Russia about Russia’s escalating military buildup on the borders of Ukraine.”
WH: “President Biden was clear that, if Russia undertakes a further invasion of Ukraine, the United States together with our Allies and partners will respond decisively and impose swift and severe costs on Russia.”
WH: “President Biden reiterated that a further Russian invasion of Ukraine would produce widespread human suffering and diminish Russia’s standing.”
House and Senate top appropriators have reached a bipartisan, bicameral framework agreement for FY22 federal spending. House Approps Chair DeLauro: "I am pleased we have reached agreement on a framework which will allow our subcmtes to get to work finalizing an omnibus."
Senate Approps Chair Leahy: "In any successful negotiation, both sides have to compromise, and this agreement is no different...I look forward to crafting a bill that will receive strong support in both Chambers in the coming weeks.”
With Senate plans to vote on House-passed 3-week CR prior to February 18th deadline to avert a gov't shutdown, House and Senate will now work on the details of framework agreement in the hopes of passing an omnibus spending package before the new March 11th deadline.
McConnell from Senate floor: "The modern Democratic Party has convinced itself that order is actually oppression, and anarchy is actually compassion. This is totally wrong."
McConnell: "Tolerating lawlessness and anarchy is not compassionate. It doesn’t help vulnerable communities for politicians to passively watch them devolve into war zones."
McConnell: "It is not compassionate to let vulnerable kids grow up in war zones because Democrats feel guilty putting violent criminals behind bars where they belong."
Schumer just fast-tracked both the House-passed 3-week CR and the postal service reform bill to Senate calendar under Rule 14 for future floor action.
Schumer on House-passed postal reform bill: "It is my intention for the Senate to quickly up and pass this bipartisan, bicameral postal reform bill. We hope to take action here on the floor and pass the bill before we go to the President's Day recess."
Schumer on House-passed 3-week CR: "I expect both sides will support passage of the short-term CR that will keep the federal gov't open before next week's deadline" of Friday, February 18th at midnight.
272-162: House passes a 3-week CR to fund the government through March 11th to avert a shutdown February 18th at midnight, giving negotiators more time to reach a deal on full-year funding. Bill now heads to the Senate.
New Jersey Congressman Josh Gottheimer was the only Democrat to vote against the 3-week gov't funding bill.…
Senate Approps Chair Leahy on House-passed CR: "I am glad that the House acted quickly to pass a continuing resolution to fund the government through March 11th, and I encourage my colleagues in the Senate to take it up and pass it."
Schumer from Senate floor on 3-week CR headed to House floor today: "Once it is passed by the House I intend to have the Senate take it up quickly and in time before the February 18th deadline...avoid a pointless and costly government shutdown."
Schumer on long-term gov't funding talks: "My colleagues have made good progress, and I am optimistic that Democrats and Republicans can soon arrive at a topline deal for an omnibus."
Schumer: "I am more confident than ever before that we can reach agreement for an omnibus by March 11th, which is far more preferable to the alternative, a CR for the rest of the year."