🔞 Joongdok ABO AU where KDJ has no sense of smell (anosmia) and therefore cannot control the release and output of his pheromones since he has no indication. Angst ensue.

It’s like how someone born deaf is able to produce sounds but cannot control their own volume properly.
CW: Mentioned past s*xual assa*lt, mentioned past attempted s*icide, drug abuse (?), NSFW, sensitive topics

Twitter nerfs certain tweets in long threads, so please click the tweet RIGHT ABOVE the Show Replies button each time INSTEAD of the button to see all the tweets 🥺🙏
When KDJ was 15, he got his nose smashed in by SMW so badly that all his nasal receptors got obliterated and no longer function properly.

People usually present when they reach puberty (13) but KDJ was a late bloomer who hasn’t presented yet even at 15.
Since he hasn’t presented yet. He had no prior experience or practice or even an inkling on how to control his pheromones. Even after his nose healed and he realized he could no longer smell anything, he didn’t think it would be an issue. He was certain he was a beta.
All the signs pointed to beta. So he was extremely surprised when he was overcome with a debilitating fever one day and had to stay home. His cold symptoms soon turned into slick dripping down his trembling thighs and a gut wrenching need to be filled and fucked.
He was so hard, so horny, he actually thought he was dying. It was a neverending scalding heat that was boiling him alive from the inside out.

It felt like eternity, the dead of his room punctuated only by his cries, but his first heat ended in a little under a week actually.
Even then he didn’t see it as a problem that he could no longer smell. It was better that he couldn’t smell, he’s heard that the scents of alphas were often times overbearing and anxiety inducing. Good thing he can’t tell, right?

It turns out, it was in fact, not a good thing.
He realized this the next time SMW found him during a time when he was actually happy from one of his favorite webnovels updating.

Turns out, his pheromones and scent leak out in accordance to his emotions and feelings, like some godawful color changing mood ring.
Half of the time, he smelled mild or like nothing, since he’s mostly emotionally repressed. His inability to smell the scents of other secondary genders has also hindered the development of his own gland.

The other half of the time, his scent was sour and acetic from stress.
His scent became tart and acrid whenever SMW goes near him, the fear making him want to curl in on himself and never wake up. The sour scent only seemed to spur SMW on more though.

KDJ was glad he couldn’t smell the malice and hatred of SMW’s awful alpha scent.
If he was able to smell the scent, he was sure the beating and the pain would be a hundred times worse.

But he wasn’t actually aware he was letting out any scent of his own. So he wasn’t expecting for SMW to ambush him when he was excited to read the new update.
If he could smell, he would’ve caught SMW’s scent from a mile away. If he could smell, he would’ve caught his own floral scent leaking out. Intoxicatingly sweet and fragrant, like honey and daisies, pure like the aroma of a new unopened book.

If only he could smell…
That was the day KDJ, just like a new book, was opened, pages flipped but not read, and discarded like trash.

Soon afterwards, he jumped out the 2nd story window of his school building. Sadly, he didn’t die.

He wakes up at the hospital. He manages to find a good webnovel, WOS.
He barely recovers and is forced to transfer to a different middle school in order to cover up the scandal.

As soon as possible, KDJ immediately went on both heat suppressants and scent blockers of every kind that he could get his hands on from the convenience store.
It drains his already minimal allowance from his extended family but starving a few days was worth it.

He’s not sure why he even buys them. He’s just biding his time until his 2nd attempt, just waiting until that webnovel ends. It’ll be his end too.

But it continues for years.
And the 2nd attempt never happens. Especially not when he enters college and meets the author HSY by sheer accident one day in class.

Especially not when he hits it off with HSY surprisingly well, despite her being a snarky alpha, not that he could tell by scent.
Their slow but steady friendship grew from there. Tentative from KDJ’s side and blazing from HSY’s side. They grow close.

Close enough that KDJ was willing to divulge some of his shameful past. She listens without judging and it feels good being able to confide in someone.
It feels good to not get any pitiful looks and false condolences. It feels so good to just have someone read a bit of his past and still wish to continue reading.

She hugs him tightly and they stay like that for a while. It feels so good, KDJ nearly cries at the silent comfort.
“I was wondering why you couldn’t tell I was an alpha. And why you’re so unresponsive to scents.” She comments afterwards, choosing wisely not to mention any of the traumatic events.

KDJ sighs tiredly. “Yeah, and so I’ve been on heat suppressants and scent blockers ever since.”
HSY blinks rapidly for a few seconds upon hearing that. “Wait, ever since you were 15??”

KDJ hums in response.

“And you haven’t gotten off them once? In what? 6 years?”

He nods.

HSY’s blanches. “You’re not supposed to use it for that long! That can’t be healthy.” She hisses.
KDJ smiles that unlucky smile, giving a low chuckle before solemnly saying, “I know.”

HSY wants to gut punch him. She benevolently chooses instead to use her words today. “Then get off them, you idiot.”

KDJ takes on a contemplative expression, smile becoming even more unlucky.
He looks like a philosopher that has pondered this dilemma extensively. “Sooyoung-ah,” he starts softly, “I wasn’t in a good place when I was younger to go off them, right?”

“Mhm, but you’re in a better place now.”

KDJ nods his head in agreement. “I am,” he says wistfully.
“But it was 4 years before that happened.”

“KDJ, get to the point.”

“HSY, what do you think will happen if I get off them now.”

“You’ll be able to release pheromones again.” Her brow furrows in thought. “Are you saying you need someone to scent you since you have no control?”
KDJ continues to stare at her as if waiting for her to continue or realize something.

“Look, I can do it if you want. I’m sure YSA won’t mind if we explain to her why. She can scent you too so—”

KDJ cuts her off. “My heats will also come back.”

HSY’s mouth snaps shut.
KDJ nods regretfully at her wide-eyed expression of realization. “I have 6 years worth of heats and pheromones just waiting to come out. I’m frankly scared of what I’ll become…”

“You…! This is why you shouldn’t have waited for so long!” She hisses vehemently.
KDJ lets out a long sigh. “Well, when it hit the 4 year mark, I was already too scared by then.”

“So you just kept going for 2 more years?!”

“It’s not like I had much of a choice!” He defends himself. “If I stopped, I’m pretty sure my culmination of heats would kill me.”
“If I dealt with it by myself, I don’t think I’ll survive.” He laments. “I would need a partner, which I’m definitely wholeheartedly against.”

“Maybe the heat won’t—” She starts to suggest but KDJ cuts her off, having already thought of what she was going to say.
“If the heat itself doesn’t kill me, I would need to be barricaded and have someone make sure I’m hydrated and fed. But I’m pretty sure whatever hell I unleash would trigger their own rut.”

“Then just get a beta, they won’t react.” She suggests.

“HSY, name one beta we know.”
She frowns deeply. She herself was out of the question. So was YSA…and JHW…and JHY.

“Yah, bastard! Why do you only make friends with alphas!?” She hisses angrily.

“If I could choose my friends, I most certainly wouldn’t have chosen you.” KDJ deapans.
HSY can feel a vein pop. “Wtf is that supposed to mean, asshole?!”

He readily ignores her. “Anyways, thank you for the offer to help. It’s not that I think you have no self-control, I just don’t want to risk it in case my pheromones do overpower your innate lesbian nature.”
HSY can feel a shiver of disgust crawl under her skin. “I would rather die than fuck you. All offense.”

“None taken.” He responds without missing a beat. “But I think I’ll be fine. I feel fine still.”

“People infected with parasites feel fine too until they DON’T.” She snarks.
“What’s the worse that can happen?” He laughs. “Infertility? As if anyone would want to get together with me in the first place.”

HSY scowls. “Hey, don’t joke about that.” KDJ getting self- deprecating was never a good thing. “And stop jinxing it.”

“I’m not going to jinx it.”
KDJ does, in fact, jinx it.

He’s not infertile, yet. No, something else went wrong before that could happen.

It’s been a year since his talk with HSY, and against his friends’ better advice and threats, he refused to stop. He was just too scared of what will happen if he did.
Apparently 7 years was the upper limit of his body’s tolerance because he stinks now.

Like, really stinks. The kind of odor that can rival sewage, decay, rotten food. The kind of odor that made HSY’s eyes water and almost vomit the next time they met.

He smelled awful.
It was an adverse effect from overdosing so much on suppressants and blockers. It made his scent reek in order to alert him of the impending danger, to tell him his scent gland was effectively dying. Too bad he couldn’t tell.

Too bad everyone else could though. Especially YJH.

YJH had recently transferred to Star Stream University (SSU) within the last year because his absent parents had dumped a younger sister into his care.

The college he went to before wasn’t anywhere near an elementary school YMA can attend. So he had to move.
It was a huge hassle since he had to move to a new apartment, make sure his credits transferred, and make sure YMA was situated comfortably.

It wasn’t all bad though, SSU had an Esports team called Pacheonmaeng and had offered him plenty of scholarships to join them.
His teammates were kind of annoying, but they cared for him and maybe he cared for them too.

With him on the team, they quickly gained acclaim from winning multiple competitions. His dream of becoming a pro-gamer was within reach since he’s already being scouted.
Overall, SSU was better than N’Gai University he’d chose to get as far away as possible from his parents.

The only thing that was not ideal was this annoying rat that kept bothering him.

No matter how much of a hostile scent he released, KDJ remained unfazed and ever present.
Ever since the first day of class, he has always felt KDJ’s gaze on him, trailing after him.

YJH is no stranger to people staring at him, finding him attractive. He catches people’s attention everywhere he goes and there is rarely a moment of peace from watchful eyes for him.
The only difference is usually his overpowering scent would ward them away. However, no matter how much aggression he released, KDJ seemed oblivious even when those around them noticed.

Either KDJ was
A. Incredibly stupid
B. Lacks self preservation
C. Had a backbone
D. A and B
YJH was going to go with D for now.

At first, YJH had thought KDJ must be an alpha.

YJH’s scent was naturally already overbearing at its lowest setting, which meant only other alphas could stand being around him for extended amounts of time.
But KDJ didn’t act like an alpha and certainly didn’t give off their own pheromones in order to contest the pressure of YJH’s.

So YJH then thought he must be a beta. YJH’s scent was strong enough to even put off most betas. But not all betas.

Maybe KDJ was a resilient beta.
That would also explain the lack of scent too. But that’s not entirely right? Even betas had scents, though mild. KDJ didn’t smell like a beta, he smelled like…nothing?

KDJ had no scent, he was a completely blank canvas. He wasn’t actually sure what secondary gender he was?
Definitely not an omega though. Omegas all around avoided YJH as a red flag despite everything. His scent screamed danger after all. Not to mention, he wanted nothing to do with omegas.

Omegas also had sweet scents, which KDJ did not. So it’s back to square one. Wtf is KDJ?
He finds himself asking that more and more.

“What you thinking about?” Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

YJH can feel a vein throb on his forehead. “Go away.”

“Aw, don’t be like that. You can tell me what’s wrong. I just don’t want you to get wrinkles when you age.”
“I’m not thinking about anything.” YJH spits back, pheromones flaring, and yet KDJ still remains.

KDJ rolls his eyes before leaning forward, chin in his hands. “You know your left brow is twitching, right? Come on, what serious decision are you trying to make? Are you ok?”
Surprise colors his face for only a split second before returning to normal.

KDJ is the first person ever to notice that and actually ask about his well being.

“You don’t have to concern yourself with me.”

“Nonsense. Come on, spit it out.” KDJ flippantly ignores him.
“Are you saying I can’t handle myself?” He growls threateningly.

KDJ put his hands up placatingly. “I’m not saying anything, stop jumping to conclusions and showing off your alpha pride. Though, it’s fine to ask for help even if you’re an alpha. I don’t judge.”
YJH glares angrily for a moment, face marred with a scowl before calming down to a frown. He couldn’t say he was thinking about KDJ so he chooses to say the other thing that’s been plaguing his mind.

“I need a baby sitter.”

“I can—”


“Then why tf would you ask me then—!”
“I wasn’t asking you.” YJH retorts with venom in his voice.

“Do you not know how conversations work??” KDJ gapes before shaking his head in a manner that almost seemed fond?

YJH frowns more.

“Come on, I can babysit for you.” He offers again.


“Why not?” KDJ pouts.
YJH did NOT think he looked cute just then. “I don’t trust you.”

KDJ rolls his eyes. “I’m not going to kidnap your sister.”

YJH hardens his glare, a scowl forming. “How did you know I have a sister?”

KDJ freezes up for a second as if he had slipped up before recovering.
“You’re kinda famous already, everyone knows why you came to SSU.”

YJH feels like it’s a lie but KDJ was already changing the subject.

“Also if she’s your sister, she’ll be able to beat me up if I did anything to her.” KDJ brags. He’s not sure if that’s something to brag about.
But he was right. The current problem YJH had was not that he couldn’t find a babysitter, it was that he couldn’t find a babysitter that could handle YMA, much less one that YMA actually liked.

“You won’t be able to handle her.” He warns. YMA has made a lot of people quit.
KDJ waves him off. “How bad can she be? I may not look like it, but I’m actually pretty good with kids.”

YJH also feels like that’s a lie but clearly KDJ needs to learn the hard way. Maybe even after, he’ll finally leave YJH alone after whatever YMA will do to him.
He relents. “Fine. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

KDJ looks surprised for a second, eyes widening before turning into sly crescents.

And that was how KDJ found himself at YJH’s apartment one Saturday morning with a long list of instructions thrusted into his hand.
“Everything is in the fridge already, all you have to do is heat it up. YMA has a play date with some of her school friends later, so make sure to keep watch on her. Make sure she gets to bed by 9 pm sharp.” YJH lists monotonously, pointing to the bullet points one by one.
KDJ just keeps staring at the itinerary with wide eyes in disbelief, as if he didn’t think he’ll get this far.

“If anything happens to her, I’ll kill you.” YJH threatens.

“As if I can when you have it all planned like this.” KDJ scoffs, unfazed. “We’ll be fine, right Mia-yah?”
The little girl clutching YJH’s pant leg glares at him with petulance.

“Oppa! I don’t like this Ahjussi, he looks like an ugly squid!” She whines. “Please don’t go! I don’t want you to leave!”

KDJ chokes as if he’s been dealt a great blow but YJH ignores him to face YMA.
“Mia-yah, I’ll be back by 10 pm tonight. Make sure to listen to him.” He says instead, but he doubts she’ll actually listen. He doesn’t mention how he doesn’t agree with her opinion on KDJ’s appearance.

With that, he leaves, internally bidding good luck to the smaller male.
The competition went as expected, Pacheonmaeng won with flying colors. But YJH was disappointed with his KDA ratio. It could’ve been better, but he had been distracted thinking about what was happening back home.

It’s not like he was worried for KDJ though. Definitely not.
But maybe this was too much for the male to handle. What if something happened, what if something went wrong, what if—

Turns out he was worried about the wrong things. He comes back to see his apartment was a complete mess, but in the middle of it was an unbelievable sight.
In his living room was KDJ covered in paint with ribbons and bows sticking out of his hair. He looked absolutely exhausted, but he was smiling still, laughing softly as he humored the kids.

Around him was YMA and her friends SYS and LGY still here despite it being so late.
“Why would you put makeup on Hyung!” LGY yells, looping his arms protectively around KDJ.

“Ahjussi looks good, you’re just jealous cause you’re ugly.” SYS sticks out her tongue before giggling.

YMA is the first to notice her brother by the open doorway. “Oppa! You’re back!”
She launches herself at him, wrapping her arms around to hug him.

Her declaration catches everyone’s attention and they all turn to look at the new arrival.

“You’re…” YJH chooses not to comment on their wide smiles and happy laughter. “Up past your bedtime.”
KDJ is scrambling to remove the ribbons and bows and rub the paint off, but it just smudges more on his face. “Ah, YJH, welcome back! Uh, ok so, I can explain—”

He gets cut off by YMA who’s exclaiming excitedly (tattling) on the events that happened, much to KDJ’s grief.
“Oppa! Squid-Ahjussi was terrible in the kitchen! He burned everything and there was a fire, so we had to get McDonald’s instead. I love McDonald’s! Then he tried to find the park but got lost so SYS and LGY had to come here instead, but he let us play with him and stay up late!”
KDJ grew paler and paler as YMA continued to expose him. Now that YJH looked around more closely, there were indeed McDonald burger wrappers on his floor. When he looked in the kitchen, he noticed 2 of his pans were burnt and his microwave was broken.

He wanted to throttle KDJ.
But then YMA’s laughter made him decide to be benevolent. He let KDJ off the hook after forcing him to clean up the mess he made.

YJH may have helped with scrubbing the paint off of KDJ’s face. And he may have chuckled at the other’s disgruntled expression at being manhandled.
YJH hesitates for a moment before saying, “Thanks. For babysitting.”

“It was no problem, your sister was very…active.” He laughs awkwardly as the remnants of “makeup” are wiped off.

“You’re surprisingly good with kids. You would make a good parent.” YJH comments offhandedly.
A look YJH couldn’t read flashes across KDJ’s eyes for a second before it’s gone. A smile with a forlorn lilt was the only thing that remained on his now pristine face.

YJH had a feeling he said something he shouldn’t have. His eyes linger on his skin trying to figure out what.
When he finally lets KDJ go, it was already past midnight.

“Mia-yah, did you have fun today?” YJH asks, tucking her into bed and giving her forehead a light kiss.

She nods sleepily, still smiling. “I did, Oppa. I had a lot of fun.”

“Were you happy with him as the babysitter?”
“I was.” She nods again. “Oppa looks happy when talking about that Ahjussi too.”

YJH feels embarrassment sink in and replies sharply. “You are mistaken.”

YMA just kept smiling. “Is that so?” She laughs.

YJH scowls and wanted to say something. But she had already dozed off.
Curiosity certainly killed the cat cause YJH found himself not batting away KDJ’s company as much anymore.

He started observing KDJ back. He wanted to know what he was, who he was.

He was different from everyone YJH’s ever met. It felt like KDJ knew him but he didn’t know KDJ.
KDJ who had the audacity to openly chide him, tease him on his bad habits, and insult him by saying he’s a “sunfish” under his breathe as if YJH couldn’t hear every inhale and exhale the smaller man took from those delicate pink lips.

It was infuriating. Maddening, almost.
But what was more infuriating was the way KDJ looked at him sometimes, as if he was someone else, brows furrowing lightly in scrutinization. Then, his eyes will soften and a melancholy would overtake him.

YJH hated it. Who was KDJ thinking of when he looked at him?
Their time spent together increased and became something more tentative than the previous excuse of pestering KDJ had done.

YJH found himself even seeking out the other. It was nice, but mostly annoying, that someone wasn’t scared away by his scent. He’ll never admit it though.
YJH had been alone for a majority of his life. It was partially his fault, either he couldn’t stand the scents of others or he drove others away with his scent.

He couldn’t stand most people anyways. Ever since he was young, the life he’s had has been oppressive.
Born to shitty absent parents who lived by the alpha motto, YJH had been raised to be the perfect alpha in society.

Perfect alphas can’t have emotions because it’s a sign of weakness. They had to be strong, fierce, unfeeling. An absolute dominating force capable of anything.
He had to be mature, intimidating, domineering. He couldn’t be cared for, or else he’s weak, and he couldn’t show he cared, cause that also meant he was weak.

The expectations put on him to act like one, be like one, and continue the legacy made a deep seated fury boil.
He didn’t understand why he had to be treated this way, why so much was expected out of him. Was it too much to ask for a single moment of happiness?

Why did he have to grow up to the image of someone else’s dream if they couldn’t even bother to ask about his well-being?
YJH hated this alpha image. Why did he have to be feared and avoided? He didn’t want to treat others poorly in the name of alpha pride like he’s seen others do. He hated it.

He wants friends and companions, not followers and sycophants.

Most of all, he didn’t want to be alone.
There was no way this type of suffering and neglect could be called tough love. YJH didn’t feel any of this supposed love.

But he withstood it in an effort to get noticed by his parents, craving any attention he could get. He did everything he was supposed to.
He never questioned a single thing they asked of him, he never failed any task given to him. And what did they do?

Sent him to a private boarding school in Jeju.

If attention was already scarce before, if neglect was at its highest before, wasn’t this abandonment?
Why? Even after he did everything they said. Of course, the answer was so he could become the perfect alpha.

That was the breaking point, the point that broke whatever tolerance YJH had inside him. If they wanted him to be a perfect alpha, then he’ll show them just that.
Middle school was a blur of violence and blood. The rage that’s been building up inside him broke out all at once.

He fought whoever dared to challenge him. He put anyone beneath him in their place. He contested for the top position in the school. Consequences be damned.
If being good and following directions wasn’t enough to get him noticed, then he’ll just have to act out and be bad.

But no matter what he did, his parents never gave him what he wanted.

That was his first mistake, to expect things out of others, like they’ve done to him.
When he realized that, the remaining time he resided in Jeju throughout middle school, throughout high school, was overwhelmingly filled with the slow acceptance that he was alone.

He’s scared everyone off by now. He ended up becoming exactly what he feared, what he hated.
By the time he realized, it was already too late. The way he acted, the way he thought, the way he moved. Aggressive, arrogant, brutal, prideful.


Ah, the expectations have poisoned him. Who he was now was caused by his own repeated failures and regrets.
Like words written in a novel, he became a perfect alpha just like his parents wanted. As if it was meant to be. As if he couldn’t change a single thing.

The rest of his school years felt endless, like he was trapped in time. Always moving forward, yet still stuck in the past.
As soon as he could, he cut all ties with his family and moved as far away as possible to whatever college would accept him. He couldn’t stay in Jeju, his life would end there.

But no matter where he went, he couldn’t shake his “alpha” habits and no one dared come close.
He was a fool for being hopeful that just leaving behind his parents would make everything better. College was no different here, he was no different here.

His only reprieve was gaming. It helped him let off steam and relieve his stress. He could hide in the virtual world a bit.
However, by the end of his 2nd year and before the start of his 3rd year, a little sister appeared in his life and for the first time ever, there was someone that cared for him and someone that he could care for in return.

Things got better from there gradually.
He made friends at SSU actually. They were alphas too, so they weren’t scared off, but he could tell it was still too much for them at times.

It was tough to get closer, he felt as though they still expected something of him. Like they didn’t really view him as an equal per se.
Then he met KDJ, who simultaneously looked as if he was full of expectations for YJH, yet also expected nothing out of him.

Despite the paradoxical behavior, he still treated YJH as someone of equal footing. Not a leader, a model, or a god. Just someone who needed company.
The first thing he ever noticed about KDJ after observing him back was the bastard never ate. He was deathly thin and gaunt, just skin and bones.

So he started packing a lunch for the other. He still ate so little, but he seemed shocked and delighted when eating his food.
The second thing he noticed was that KDJ liked to read. A lot. If he wasn’t bothering YJH then his eyes would be glued to his phone or his nose would be stuck in a book.

He seemed almost lost in another world when reading, longing for something he couldn’t reach.
The third thing he noticed was KDJ hangs out a lot with this alpha girl named HSY. He REEKED of her fiery scent at times and it irritated him to the ends of the universe.

He was overcome with possessiveness whenever that happened, releasing his pheromones to coat KDJ back.
KDJ never seemed to mind, or never noticed.

They seemed close to each other, too close. YJH wonders if perhaps she was his competition.

Not that he was interested in KDJ as a mate, but HSY should learn to back off from other people’s claims. It was basic common courtesy.
He really wasn’t interested. He may have put a claim on KDJ, but it’s only so HSY can get the hint and back off from what didn’t belong to her. Not that KDJ belonged to him either.

It was just annoying. It felt like he was losing somehow? It was just a precaution, just in case.
In hindsight, his clear attraction to KDJ despite the other’s lack of scent should’ve been the first indicator that this was more than a thing influenced by pheromones.

Nothing but KDJ’s aggravating personality could’ve swayed YJH. He still hasn’t figured it out, KDJ was blank.
But whatever he was feeling was something beyond what their gender dictated. Nothing was forced, nothing was expected from either of them.

The realization doesn’t come until right before summer break at the end of their 3rd year together. It hits YJH like a lightning bolt.
There was a dilemma YJH had been facing. With the 4th year coming, with YJH no longer under his parents’ thumb, with him about to become a pro gamer, was this the right thing for him?

In a world where the expectations have come to an end, what should he do to continue living on?
There was no going back after he’s chosen, there was no time to regret his actions.

KDJ opened his mouth and spoke.

It was like a flash that blinded him, enlightened him, and then suddenly everything was bright and electrifying, tingling under his skin like fire.
The words he had spoken resonated deep within YJH’s soul.

He was in love with KDJ. He was interested in him as a mate.

But did KDJ feel the same about him? Would KDJ accept an alpha like him? If not, then he’ll do everything he can to reach his dream. YJH needs to confess.
He wondered if he should do so during the summer. Maybe at a festival or at the beach? At dinner? Somewhere romantic? He should just ask if KDJ had any place in mind he wanted to go to.

His pondering turned out to be in vain cause KDJ was no where to be seen during the summer.
He thought perhaps the smaller male was busy but days went on without an answer to his texts. There was no reply even when spammed with a plethora of messages ranging from asking if he was ok to demanding KDJ respond to him.

YJH’s grew progressively worried. It gnawed at him.
Did something happen to KDJ? Was he hurt? Did he need help? Where was he?

YJH didn’t know where KDJ lived off campus, having only ever known where his dorm was. He was completely helpless, he couldn’t find or reach KDJ.

It felt like a star had disappeared from his life.
The days felt longer, grueling, and the nights felt colder, aching. The concerns ate at him. He felt like something was missing from his life now, there was an emptiness. He was hollow and full of dread.

What if he never saw KDJ again? Was KDJ leaving him too?
Summer couldn’t pass faster and when the 4th year started, he was on edge in anticipation, waiting to catch a glimpse of KDJ.

He knew they shared at least one class together, cause only one professor taught it. But even as time drew nearer to the start, KDJ still didn’t appear.
YJH had already spotted HSY across the room, her scent always a sore thorn in his side. He was tempted to ask her, he was that dire.

He didn’t have to though. A rancid scent suddenly engulfed the room, burning his nose and choking him, briefly blurring his vision to black.
It was the worst thing he’s ever smelled in his life. When he snapped his head to see what it was, he felt his gut wrench to see it’s KDJ. His mind stutters to a stop, so something was wrong? What was it?

He gets his answer when HSY is frantically getting up, beating YJH to it.
His eyes twitch and his teeth grit together when he sees her forcibly drag KDJ out the room by the collar of his shirt.

So that’s how it is. Now it all makes sense. He should’ve known.

KDJ got together with HSY and she forced him to cut off all contact with other alphas.
He lost to HSY. But the worst part was HSY wasn’t even treating KDJ right. He’s well aware of the scent of someone who was distressed, so what kind of duress was she putting KDJ under to make the scentless man reek like death?

He always knew HSY was the type of alpha he hated.
He goes to find them but they were already no where in sight. YJH didn’t know what dorm room KDJ was in this year. He was going to fucking KILL HSY when he sees her again.

YJH scours the campus with this goal. The next time he spots them, his nose is met with more burning.
This time it was the smell of perfume, chemically sweet and horribly unpleasant. It was the kind that HSY used, now covering KDJ’s whole body.

Was she trying to cover up his scent gland’s clear cry for help with this? Did she think it would be that easy to fool him?
He endures the stinging migraine to stomp towards the two, only for them to immediately run away to avoid him.

It seemed he could only ever catch a glimpse of them in the distance before HSY gets the alert that he’s near, from his flaring scent no doubt, and drags KDJ away.
He would have to catch KDJ alone then, cause HSY was proving to be an obstacle as an alpha with a keen nose.

His glares grow darker and more intense with each time he sees them, practically trying to burn a hole through her head, hopefully killing her right there on the spot.
Weeks go by with such little success, thanks to that BITCH, that he’s desperate enough to break into the dormitory building despite not having a dorm ID for entry. All he needed to do was “persuade” someone who did to let him in too.

Once in, he let his nose guide him.
He went through each hallway on each floor and eventually he caught a whiff of that disgusting smell, immediately zeroing in.

He marches down the corridor and stops in front of what must be KDJ’s room. He knocks once, hearing the sound of shuffling on the other side.
“Ah, I’m coming, Sooyoung-ah.” He hears the voice he hadn’t heard in months sweetly call out. The honorific leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.

If he wasn’t so strung up, he would’ve found it weird that KDJ would think he’s HSY, because his scent was nothing like hers.
And he certainly wasn’t trying to temper the waves of pressure and pheromones he was letting out.

The door opens, KDJ’s eyes widen in alarm, and YJH violently shoves his way in, slamming the door shut.

KDJ stumbles back and almost trips and falls as he stares up in panic.

HSY had warned KDJ about YJH. But did he listen? No, of course not.

KDJ had first met YJH last year. When YJH first transferred, there was a lot of talk of the Esports team getting a new member, a hot member.

KDJ thought the news must be exaggerated.
It was not.

He had spotted YJH in the distance only a couple a days after the taller male had transferred, and wow did his eyes nearly pop out of his sockets.

He nudged HSY next to him on the bench. “Hey! Look at that guy over there. That must be the new guy right?”
HSY grumbled but looked at where he was gesturing.

“Talk about being God’s favorite, am I right?” KDJ whistled, oblivious to HSY’s growing turmoil. “You know who he reminds me of? The protagonist from your nove—”

He stopped upon hearing HSY’s lemon lollipop drop to the ground.
He looked over to see the look of pure horror etched onto her face, jaw nearly touching the ground.

“That’s cause he is.”

“Excuse me, what?”

“That’s YJH. He’s the model I based the protagonist off of.” She wheezed. “We went to the same private middle school and high school.”
“He’s the what you based the who off of cause you went to what together.” KDJ stared wide-eyed at her, no longer making any grammatical sense in his utter surprise.

He had read WOS to survive until he met the author in college. YJH was akin to his savior and now he’s real???
HSY scowled at having to repeat herself. “I said he’s the model I based the protagonist off of!”

“He’s YJH?? From WOS???”

“Yes.” She stressed.

“What’s his real name?”

“…It’s also YJH.”

“…” KDJ looked at her with a blank stare. She averted her eyes. “Sooyoung-ah, wtf.”
She threw her hands into the air in frustration. “Oh stfu!! I was like 13! WOS was a draft! A prototype!! I was still figuring things out! No one was actually supposed to read it! How was I supposed know that someone like you would?!”

“Hey, WOS was really good.” He defended.
“That’s cause you have bad taste.” She scoffed. “I’m way better now. SSSSS-Grade Infinite Regressor is the dream I always had in mind. WOS was just the framework, that’s why I didn’t bother changing the name.”

“Can you even say you changed the name?” KDJ said judgmentally.
“Yoo Joonhyun is only 2 letters off.”

HSY can feel a vein throbbing at her dark past. She regretted many things and one of them was WOS.

“I think you should write the epilogue to WOS already, aren’t you having writer’s block with Infinite Regressor right now?”
“Never,” she gritted out, completely disregarding his suggestion. She was never writing for WOS again. She only barely managed to finish it for KDJ’s sake, so that her first and only reader survived.

Now that they met each other, there was no need for her to write the epilogue.
She wasn’t gonna let anything happen to him. He doesn’t need to see the epilogue to that Neverending Story to be happy, to live, anymore.

KDJ frowned. “But there wasn’t a happy ending for—”

“Anyways,” she interrupted, “I’m warning you, KDJ. Don’t go anywhere near YJH.”
This peaked KDJ’s interest. “Why not?”

“YJH is dangerous. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“How so?”

“Trust me. You didn’t meet the guy like I did.” She sneered. “When we were in school, he was one of the most violent delinquents. I’m talking serious anger management issues.”
“He was a complete psychopath, I’m telling you.” She shivered just thinking about it. “Stereotypical alpha, he went around asserting dominance left and right. He picked fights with anyone and everyone! Became notorious at our school as the Supreme King. God, what a chuuni.”
KDJ listened with half-part fascination and half-part incredulity. “So you chose to use him as your protagonist??”

“Hey,” she protested. “I may be a lesbian, but I’m not blind. He made the perfect apocalyptic protagonist.”

Well, KDJ couldn’t disagree with her on that.
YJH fit the criterion perfectly. KDJ’s not sure how he felt hearing that the base to his favorite character sounded a lot like SMW. He’s not sure what he should feel cause it also sounded incredibly in character to YJH still.

Certainly that couldn’t be the case, right?
There was no way his favorite character could be like his bully in any way, shape, or form. The possibility unnerved him.

That was how KDJ found himself, against better judgement, trying to determine the differences. YJH couldn’t be like SMW, he was the protagonist he loved.
If YJH was just a character, he can like him without any turmoil even if he’s a psychopath. But if the character’s real life counterpart existed, then what? Could he still like that character the same?

He’s not sure, but he found himself staring intensely at YJH from then on.
They shared some of the same classes, and maybe KDJ followed (stalked) him from a distance a bit. He was trying to read what kind of person the real YJH was.

He really shouldn’t have interacted with YJH, but he couldn’t help but notice when the other’s mood was down.
He encountered a different ordeal now.

“HSY, he’s exactly the same! Nothing about him is different!” He bemoaned one day when they met up for lunch.

“Huh??” HSY sneered in confusion.

“YJH! You basically plagiarized his whole identity!” KDJ cried. “What were you thinking?!”
HSY was not benevolent that day and did not choose to use her words. She gut punched him at the accusation. He folded like paper.

“I didn’t plagiarize shit!” She seethed. “I took inspiration, idiot.”

“Inspiration, my ass! His personality is exactly the same as YJH from WOS!!”
“It’s fine, I put the author’s note that any resemblance to real people is pure coincidence at the beginning.”

“That’s just plain lying…”

She wanted to punch him again. “Who gives a shit!! No one’s read that shitty webnovel except you!”

KDJ sighed in heavy exasperation.
“Why tf are you even talking about him?” HSY grumbled before directing a chilling gaze. “KDJ, you didn’t…”

KDJ sighed even more. “I offered to babysit his sister this Saturday.”

“You fucking idiot! Did you not listen to a word I said? I told you not to get involved with YJH!”
He tried not to. But YJH wasn’t like SMW! The way he held himself, standing tall and imposing, with confidence brimming. He was just like his favorite protagonist. KDJ was drawn to him now.

Everything was the same, except the way he stared at KDJ, as if trying to pick him apart.
“KDJ, I’m being serious here.” HSY scolded. “YJH is not someone you want to get involved with. I know you have a fat crush on the character I wrote. But the protagonist is the type of alpha that would chuck you off a bridge into the mouth of a sea serpent without remorse.”
HSY looked directly at him. “And the base model was where I got that protagonist from.”

“I know, but I only offered cause I thought he would say no.” KDJ whined. “Except he didn’t!”

Her ears twitched. “He accepted?”

“He did. Weird, huh? That’s a bit out of character for him.”
HSY stared at him silently with a calculative and pensive gaze as if predicting something. But he had no idea what. The probability of her getting sued for copyright infringement?

Well, she has been avoiding YJH like the plague this year lest she get recognized and confronted.
But HSY getting sued for copyright infringement wasn’t the issue here yet! The issue was he has never babysat anyone in his life!

“HSY, what do you think YJH’s real motive is for letting me babysit?” He whispers, his grin sly and contemplative. “What do you think he’s up to?”
HSY didn’t respond for a long time as if she was deep in thought about the future. When she finally did, it was not with the answer to his question.

“KDJ, you know he’s a base, right?

“Huh? Of course I do.”

“So there was no way I could’ve captured him perfectly.” She finished.
“What do you mean?” KDJ quirked a brow. “Sooyoung-ah, you’re a great author. Don’t doubt yourself.”

“That’s not what I was trying to say.”

“Then what were you trying to say?”

She continued giving an indecipherable look. “You’ll realize eventually.”
KDJ didn’t understand her ominous and ambiguous statement. She was being oddly cryptic for no reason.

Perhaps she was just concerned for him? He was about to go straight into the lion’s den. Well, if anyone knows how to deal with the protagonist, it was him obviously.
But HSY’s words buzzed in his head and niggled the back of his mind the entire time.

The realization started setting in like she said it would, especially when he was left with his bratty sister alone now in the apartment.

“You must love your brother a lot, huh?” He comforted.
YMA glared at him before responding. “I do, he’s the only one I have.”

“Your brother cares a lot about you, you have nothing to worry about.”

“Squid-Ahjussi, you can’t say that when you don’t even know Oppa.”

“But I do know him.”

YMA looked at him evenly. “Do you?”

Did he?
Little things popped up to contradict him.

YJH wouldn’t like neon green as an accent color for his gaming equipment, but he did.

YJH wouldn’t be interested in stars, but there were some books on astronomy and astronautics.

YJH wouldn’t have let him babysit YMA, but he did…
And then he began questioning things.

Would YJH live in such a homely place? He was a minimalist, wasn’t he?

Does he stream online? But doesn’t he not like being watched by others?

Why this and why that? This all seemed not like him. But did KDJ even know him to begin with?
KDJ was distracted to say the least.

He ended up breaking the microwave, burning 2 pans cause he couldn’t smell the scent of smoke, and making a mess out of his apartment with paint cause it turns out he had a hard time saying no to the kids.

He was fucked. He was dead meat.
He had expected to be killed as promised when YJH came home to see KDJ had failed every bullet point on his meticulously crafted list, on top of trashing the living room. But instead, he got soft eyes and a gentle smile.

YJH wouldn’t do this cause he hated failure to comply.
YJH carefully wiped the paint off his face and actually thanked him sincerely, even though KDJ did a really piss poor job of babysitting.

YJH wouldn’t do this, he was someone who’s cold and harsh and cruel.

“You’re surprisingly good with kids. You would make a good parent.”
KDJ froze. YJH could only say this cause he did not know KDJ. If he knew, he wouldn’t have made such a statement. KDJ wouldn’t be a good parent and could never have kids. KDJ was alone.

He bid farewell soon after with cold pooling in his veins and numbing his mind.
They saw each other more from then on and surprise would color KDJ’s face each time when YJH would go to him to initiate the conversation.

It was strange, apprehension and a weird lightness would fill his chest simultaneously. His mind kept flipping back and forth in confusion.
YJH wouldn’t talk this much, but he did.

Oh, but this is something YJH would do, he doesn’t like strangers.

YJH wouldn’t be this warm, but he was.

Oh, but this is correct, YJH doesn’t like the color white.

YJH wouldn’t cook for others but his sister, but HE DID. FOR KDJ.
For some reason, YJH had started bringing lunch for him.

KDJ has always had a poor appetite due to his lack of smell. Food just didn’t taste that good, wasn’t that enticing. He just ate whatever was cheap since it all tasted the like same bland mush anyways, rotten or not.
YJH’s food was the best he’s ever tasted, so much better than convenience store kimbap. He’s never lamented more than now that he can’t get all the flavors. But despite the muted taste, he ate every bite cause no one’s ever cooked for him before.

YJH always seemed satisfied.
The more they got to know each other, the less KDJ felt like he truly knew YJH.

Ah, this guy was a complete stranger to him. He was not some crazed psychopath nor was he an impregnable stubborn idiot, either.

The only problem was KDJ was slowly but surely falling in love.
His heart beat faster when he was around the other. His hands became clammy. His thoughts were drifting to the other more and more.

The way he interacted with his teammates, the way he worried about his sister, the way he enjoyed cooking.

The way he laughs, smiles, and talks.
It made his throat dry and his face flush. It also made him slather more scent blockers onto himself.

He had to. His nerves were fried thinking about the possibility that anything would leak out to reveal his possible affections, his blooming feelings born out of deceit.
The YJH he knew would never like him, he would kill him. But what about this YJH? The answer was most likely “he wouldn’t” and that scared KDJ more than the vice versa.

Were his feelings even real? Did he like YJH cause he likes the protagonist? Can he tell fiction from reality?
Fear and shame filled him. Yet he still spent the year with YJH. It was the happiest KDJ’s ever been.

HSY has now been gauging him everyday with imploring eyes. But KDJ isn’t sure what for. Maybe she was just judging him more, he deserved it for what he’s done.
He reached a decision before the start of summer.

It was the last day of the semester and YJH had asked him something.

In a world where the expectations have come to an end, what should he do to continue living on?

KDJ wished he knew the answer. He spoke honestly still.
“Y’know, this implies you want to live up to my expectations.” He smiled softly, eyes shut against the sun. “But Joonghyuk-ah, you’re your own person. You always have been. You don’t need me to tell you the answer, you don’t need anyone to tell you.”

He turned to gaze at him.
“Whatever makes you happy is the right thing for you to do, only you can decide that for yourself. No one else can. Joonghyuk-ah, please be happy.”

That’s right, YJH had always been his own person.

YJH was not the protagonist. He never was.

KDJ had no right to be with him.
It had always been so obvious, yet KDJ didn’t notice until then. He was a horrible person, a monster.

YJH hated expectations, he had told him. Yet what did KDJ do this whole time? He held expectations for YJH and expected him to act a certain way.

KDJ was no better than them.
He didn’t deserve YJH after what he’s done. YJH deserved someone who would treat him right, someone who could look at him as him. Someone who knew him as him.

If it weren’t for WOS, if they had met normally in the world, KDJ would never ever have chosen to befriend YJH.
KDJ met him as if he was the protagonist, a character in a novel, and not as a living, breathing person.

That made KDJ withdraw in fear. There was no longer a fourth wall between them. KDJ was vulnerable now, without any novel insight to help him with reality, with YJH.
He didn’t respond to YJH that summer, wallowing in his own self-pity.

YJH wasn’t the type to spam messages, yet he did. KDJ ignored all the texts because KDJ did not know YJH at all.

KDJ did not want to confront the prospect that he liked YJH, that YJH possibly liked him too.
Summer was a miserable event for him but it was necessary. YJH can forget about him and move on now, find someone better, and KDJ won’t get hurt in the long run.

HSY says he’s an idiot. That this is not the tale he truly wanted, that this is not the conclusion he wished to see.
[Is the conclusion you didn’t want to see a failure of an ending?]

[KDJ, is this your full stop, is this really the ending you longed to see?]

[Yes, HSY.]

[You are denying your own dream.]

[No. I am continuing on with the dream.]

If he stayed with YJH, the dream would end.
With this, he was safe. He won’t be hurt.

[This way, I can reread WOS too without feeling weird about it. That is the story I adore the most, you see.]

[But you might grow to hate the story you love the most one day.]

[If that happens…that will be the price I must pay.]
He should’ve known something would go wrong. That the story would change.

He had progressively increased his usage of blockers the last year due to paranoia that they would wear off from overuse (irony), especially on that last day he spent with YJH.

That was his downfall.
He shouldn’t have pushed his body further than he already has.

He didn’t notice it until the first day of his 4th year since he couldn’t smell and remained all alone during the summer despite HSY’s nagging.

Perhaps he should’ve met up with her. It would’ve prevented this.
He felt an ominous suspicion as everyone gave him a wide berth, gagging and pinching their noses.

His gut sank even further when he entered the classroom, everyone immediately jolting in their seats and snapping their heads towards him. Including YJH.

He forgot he’ll be here.
KDJ felt the pressure of a hundred glares scrutinizing him before HSY stumbled forward from her seat, scowl present and eyes watering as she quickly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out forcibly. His steps faltered and stumbled after her in distress.
He didn’t notice the way YJH rose from his seat too. HSY was too fast.

He was too busy trying not to fall flat on his face and break his nose. “HSY! Stop, slow down! What’s wrong? What’s happening?”

“Everything! KDJ, you fucked up, you fucking stink!” She yelled.
KDJ bristled at the insult. “Hey, what did I even do—”

“No! I’m saying you actually stink! KDJ, you absolutely fucking REEK!”

KDJ froze upon hearing that, realization sinking in. “Oh god…!”

“Stfu, God’s not going to help you now, you scared him off with how awful you smell!”
KDJ can feel a cold sweat envelop his body at the news, cause no no no nO NO NONONO!

“HSY, do you know what this means?!” He cried out, panic etched into his features.

He was in his dingy dorm now with HSY, frantically pacing around as she tried to find cover for her nose.
“Ya, you fucking idiot, it means your scent gland is dying!”

“It means YJH is going to hate me cause I stink!”

They said at the same time before silence filled the air between them as they looked at each other.

HSY’s one of disbelief.

KDJ’s one of ‘oh, I’m kinda in danger?’
HSY would gut punch him again if it weren’t for the fact she was trying desperately not to vomit.

“Priorities, KDJ! Where the fuck are your priorities?! Why the fuck would you care if he hates you? Didn’t you ghost him already?”

KDJ felt shame and guilt blossom within him.
“Ya, but…”

“KDJ,” she whispered softly. “You can’t be serious”

“I…” KDJ dropped his head down. “This is different…”

HSY felt like pulling out her hair, pulling out KDJ’s hair. So that she can catch a glimpse of his clearly empty skull before bashing it in with her fist.
“No longer talking doesn’t equate to hate” KDJ defended. “But smelling bad can lead to that!”

She heaved a long suffering sigh, cause leave it to KDJ to think him stopping all contact with YJH wouldn’t lead to hate.

HSY gave him a dead stare that withered him even further.
“Weren’t you the one that told me not to get involved in the first place? Why have you been trying to convince me otherwise lately, huh?” KDJ said.

HSY closed her eyes to calm herself or ELSE she’ll lose it. “And you didn’t listen to me both times no matter what stance I took.”
“That’s cause—!”

“Idgaf about your excuses!” She sneered. “KDJ, you need to get off the blockers now!”

KDJ groaned. “I can’t! You know what’ll happen if I do.”


“Then give me your perfume!”

HSY’s teeth were about to break from how hard she was gritting them.
KDJ wanted her WHAT. Deep breathes, deep fucking breathes, no wait, she can’t, cause it’ll make her throw up.


“HSY, please. There is no other way.” He begged.

“KDJ, no! You could die—”

“Please, HSY. I’ll go see a doctor, ok? But I can’t stink in the meantime.”
HSY had a feeling she would regret this half-baked plan, but she did manage to force KDJ to schedule an appointment a few weeks from now.

Her mind was telling me there’s a misunderstanding somewhere, but didn’t specify where.

Either way, the main problem was YJH as always.
YJH was obviously not pleased with having been ghosted and has been trying to hunt them down the past several days. KDJ had been too mortified to confront the other while in his current nasal irritating state, avoiding him at all costs.

“KDJ, you can’t avoid him forever.”
“I know, I know. But not when I smell like this…” He sighed.

That’s why HSY has been on guard duty against her will. Since KDJ couldn’t smell, it was up to her to pick up on the beacon of hostility and murderous intent that was YJH whenever he was within a 50 ft radius of them.
The tips of her nose hairs have definitely been singed by now. Escorting KDJ from class to class, minus the one they shared with YJH, while avoiding said man was so painfully tiring.

“I hope you slip and fall and break your nose.” She cursed.

“Not like anything would change.”
“Maybe if I break it again, your nose will magically be fixed.”


This was testing HSY’s patience and her life. The piercing dark glare of YJH was boring into her with killing intent. She’s even made eye contact with him several times.

Fuck, he definitely recognized her.
The twisted game of hide and seek ends after a couple of weeks. KDJ’s luck finally runs out when he goes to answer the knock on his door.

He’d been expecting HSY to come and send him off to class again, so he didn’t bother to check who was on the other side. He should’ve though.
Now YJH has him cornered like a rat in his dorm with his massive build blocking the only exit.

“Kim Dokja.” He growls. He stalks forward, each step thunderous.

KDJ hastily starts backing up but YJH pushes forward and slams his hands on the wall on either side of KDJ’s head.
KDJ yelps at the look of absolute fury in his face. “What are you doing.”

“What a-are you talking about, YJH? I haven’t been doing anything.” He excuses.

“You’re right.” YJH agrees, much to KDJ’s confusion. “You haven’t been doing anything.”

“Then what’s the problem—!”
“You’ve been avoiding me.” YJH accuses, dark obsidian jewels that seem to contain all the misfortunes of the world pierce KDJ’s weak and trembling irises. “Something’s wrong.”

KDJ gulps, trying hard to steady his voice. “What do you mean? Nothing’s—“

“You REEK.” YJH grits out.
A vein was throbbing on YJH’s forehead at having to be this close to the poignant stench of chemicals and rot.

KDJ’s mouth snaps shut immediately in humiliation cause he knows. He knows he stinks. But being told that by YJH makes him want to curl in on himself and disappear.
Seeing the way his face falls makes YJH soften his glare as he brings a hand to cup his cheek. KDJ squeezes his eyes shut at the gesture.

YJH isn’t this soft, except he is. KDJ is reminded again of his sins.

“Is it that girl? Did she do this to you?” He asks. “I’ll kill her.”
“Huh?” KDJ’s eyes snap open in confusion at the first degree murder about to happen. “W-What girl?”

“HSY. Your alpha.” Just saying it out loud makes YJH grimace.

It also makes KDJ grimace. “HSY isn’t my alpha!” He chokes out cause he would literally rather die. All offense.
YJH’s brows furrow, but a joy flickers in his chest for a brief second. “She isn’t? Then why do you smell like her? Why is she always around you?”

KDJ shakes his head. “She’s just a friend helping me out with my problem. That’s really it!”

“Then why didn’t you ask me for help?”
KDJ’s mouth opens and closes without sound. He doesn’t know how to say that YJH is part of the reason this is even happening. The words get stuck in his throat.

His silence and panic makes YJH’s gaze turn even more menacing if possible. “Is it someone else? Some other alpha?”
“No…! No, it’s nothing like that. There’s no other person or alpha,” except you. “This smell thing is all my fault.”

“Then why have you been avoiding me? Is it because of this?” He snarls, leaning in until they were a breathe apart. “You should’ve told me. I would’ve helped.”
“I… I just didn’t want to bother you.” He replies meekly, voice hoarse.

“So you ignored me the entire summer with no explanation.” His scowl deepens. “KDJ, do you take me for a fool here.”

KDJ feels guilt grow in him. YJH looked hurt. “It’s a lot more complicated than jus—”
“Then why have you been avoiding me.” He pressures.

“YJH, I think we should stop seeing each other.” KDJ pushes out in one breathe before his throat could constrict any more.

HSY was right, he couldn’t avoid YJH forever. YJH has the right to know what KDJ has done to him.
It was better to cut off ties now, while his scent is still masked by perfume and decay. He’s not sure how he would smell otherwise. Perhaps heartbreak maybe.

“What do you mean…” YJH asks quietly under his breathe. KDJ thought that nothing has ever sounded louder to his ears.
“I just don’t think we should see each other anymore.” KDJ replies just as quietly. “Let’s just stop.”

“Why?” The hands clench into fists next to KDJ’s head. “Was it something I did?”

“No, It’s nothing you did—”

“If you tell me what it is, I won’t do it again.”
“I said it’s nothing you did—”

“Then why?” YJH yells. “After a whole year, after you were the one who approached me first!”

KDJ was trying hard to remain unfeeling, but it felt like his chest was collapsing in and he was choking on the blood leaking from his own heart.
KDJ couldn’t respond, he couldn’t breathe.

“So was it just all lies?” YJH continues. “Am I just supposed to ignore everything?”

KDJ remains silent. If he spoke now, he’ll want to take it all back.

“Kim Dokja.” He says harshly. “You like me, don’t you.” It wasn’t a question.
KDJ’s heart drops to the ground, his eyes widening, fear and panic clawing at his innards. “I, I don’t…” He denies.

“You do.” YJH refutes, leaving no room for argument. “Kim Dokja, you read me better than anyone else, did you really think I wouldn’t read you back?”
He knew, YJH knew. He knew even though KDJ had no scent. He knew about his feelings even though KDJ tried so desperately to hide them.

“If you’re trying to run away, don’t.” YJH scoffs, leaning in closer. “Kim Dokja, I like y—”

“No!” KDJ slams his hands onto YJH’s mouth.
He couldn’t let those words be said. If YJH said them, KDJ would shatter. “No!” He cries, eyes watering. “No, you don’t!”

YJH grabs his wrists to pull them off. “I do. You know me better than anyone else, you know that I do—”

“No! No, I don’t, YJH!” KDJ sobs, cutting him off.
Because KDJ did not know YJH. He needed the other to know that. “I don’t know you, YJH. I don’t know you at all!”

KDJ is breathing heavily, chest heaving as he shouts. “It was all lies, everything! Nothing was real.”


“Because I saw you as a character from a novel!”
Silence befell them, surrounding the air. YJH blinks, baffled.

KDJ was sure he’s crying right now, he feels a wetness streaming down his face. “You were the protagonist to be precise. I read about you in a novel… That’s why I had approached you. I wouldn’t have otherwise.”
YJH doesn’t know what to say. He’s confused cause there was a book of him? What?

“KDJ, what are you saying.”

“I’m saying that I expected you to be like the protagonist I read, that HSY wrote…” The farce is over. “But you’re not. I don’t know you anymore. I never did.”

“Yoo Joonghyuk, I don’t know you, and you don’t know me either. How can you when you don’t even know my gender.”

A chilling coldness seeps into YJH’s veins. He was right. KDJ knew this.

“Yoo Joonghyuk. You’re not who I thought you were. Let’s end this.” KDJ whispers. “Please.”
KDJ doesn’t look back up from staring at the floor until the sound of a door being slammed loudly was heard. It’s only then that he collapses, sliding down the wall to the ground, sobbing.

HSY finds him like that 30 minutes later and KDJ has never bawled more in his entire life.

YJH finds HSY the way a wolf tracks its prey, except the prey this time is another alpha who doesn’t take too kindly to being followed.

As if done with the farce, HSY is actually the one to approach him, snarl present.

“Alright, what the fuck do you want?!”
Her pheromones flare up in irritation, but YJH doesn’t back down, leveling out an equal, if not more aggressive, amount. “You wrote a novel.” It’s not a question.

HSY curses under her breathe, teeth grinding before taking a deep inhale. “KDJ told you, didn’t he.”
“Answer the question.”

Her eye twitches. She had ALMOST forgotten how insufferable of a person he was. “Well, what if I don’t want to?!”

YJH’s expression darkens and his pheromones increase tenfold to a near suffocating pressure. “I wasn’t asking, answer the fucking question.”
HSY fiercely grit her teeth and held her ground but her knees were beginning to buckle. This guy was a monster.

Just when she was about to give in, all the pressure drops at once, as if it was never there in the first place.

The whiplash alone could’ve made her fall.
It has been several days now since the confrontation and YJH couldn’t piece together what happened, what went wrong. What did KDJ mean. The only clue he had, based off what KDJ said, is that HSY was involved.

He’s swallowing his pride cause it hurt more to not have KDJ around.
“I want you to explain.” YJH says honestly, voice laden with defeat. “I don’t know what to do.”

HSY gapes slightly. Never in her 6 years of being in school with this guy did she ever see him like this. It hits her.

“You really like him, don’t you. You’re serious about him.”
It wasn’t a question so YJH didn’t answer. He silently waits. It was pitiful.

HSY scoffs, running her hand through her hair in frustration. “Goddammit!” She gives in, sighing heavily. “The novel he’s referring to is called WOS. I wrote it.”

YJH listens without saying a word.
“I started writing WOS on a whim, just to see what I could do, if I could. It wasn’t supposed to continue for as long as it did. You were the protagonist I chose to have in the novel.”

His mouth twitches at that information, ready to retort but HSY puts her hand up to stop him.
“Let me finish, bastard.” She huffs. “It really wasn’t supposed to be serious. In fact, I was ready to drop it. You were unbearable to write, after all. But then one day I get a comment on it, saying it was good, asking for the next chapter.”

Her snarl softens at the memory.
Since it was already written, HSY had posted it, thinking it was a fluke and expecting him to leave after that. But another comment came with praises asking for the next chapter.

So she just kept writing to humor him til he stopped, but he never did. A comment always came.
She started talking to him from then on and eventually found out that her shitty webnovel was his only reason to live.

He mentioned it offhandedly, like it didn’t matter. He said it while trying to cheer her up from her pathetic bout of low confidence and self-doubt.
Kim Dokja:
[This is really good, author-nim! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here right now. If you don’t give up, I won’t give up either! You can do it.]

[What do you mean?]

Kim Dokja:
[It’s just a figure of speech, I’m just saying I’ll always support you!]
Of course she didn’t buy the excuse. Turns out he was the kind of idiot who used his real name as a username.

It wasn’t hard to find him, dozens of articles and news reports detailing what happened. And in the middle of all that was a helpless little boy she couldn’t reach.
So she continued to write and write and write. She put her everything into that novel, which only ever retained a view count of 1, slaving over it day and night.

It drained her soul and ruined her mind and yet it was still so bad, but he loved every word that she had written.
She told all this to YJH, staring straight into his impassive face.

“If I didn’t continue writing that novel, KDJ would’ve died.” She states intently. “It’s not my right to tell you the specific details, so I won’t, but just know that I wrote that novel so that he could live.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t his intention to guilt me into it. It’s not his fault.” Her voice cracks. “He was definitely not at fault for this story being born. So don’t blame him. I, just like you, grew attached, cause he was the first person to ever believe I could become a writer.”
“Well, now I know he was just a person with bad taste. But back then with how bad the writing for WOS was, I really wouldn’t have continued writing if it weren’t for him encouraging me.”

She takes a deep breathe. “WOS was my biggest mistake, but I can’t say I regret writing it.”
“A mistake?” YJH repeats, expression unreadable.

“Cause I wrote it so that he could live, but it ended up being the one thing preventing him from living.” She says chillingly. “KDJ is someone who turns his back on reality. He prefers fiction over it, over his own life.”
“The thought that I might’ve doomed him in the future with this story haunts me everyday with its voices.” There’s a bitter taste in her mouth. “When I met him by coincidence in college, I hastily ended WOS as soon as possible, after 6 arduous years finally, and befriended him.”
There was a heavy silence as YJH processed what was said. HSY watches him with a critical stare.

She’d been nonstop comforting KDJ ever since the incident. She’s never seen him in such a state before, dizzy with trying to suppress the vomit welling up as he breathed shallowly.
HSY observes YJH as the information sinks in. A good writer always started out as a good reader, so she could read this bastard on a level right below that of KDJ’s obsession.

But even if she could, she still didn’t have enough time to react before YJH grabs her by the collar.
He pulls on her hoodie till she’s dangling, feet off the ground, making her sneer.

YJH’s face was dark and glowering. He didn’t know what he was feeling, his throat felt tight and there was a burning in his chest. He felt wronged?

Cause this meant what KDJ said was true.
“And you made me the protagonist of such a godawful novel. Without any of my say.” He growls, furious. “So what he said was true!”

He shakes her as his own words sink in, it hurt to breathe.

“The only reason he really did approach me was cause I was some protagonist.”
“The only reason he even liked me was cause I was some character to him. He didn’t see me as me.”

YJH’s whole world was falling apart. Everything KDJ had ever done for him, has ever said to him were lies.

He was just like all the rest, expecting YJH to be something he’s not.
KDJ liked YJH cause he liked the character, he pulled away cause YJH didn’t meet his expectations, didn’t meet whatever stereotypes this hack of a writer put onto him—

HSY hit him in the gut. He barely felt it but it was enough to pull him out of his downward spiral.
She’s hissing in pain and holding her hand as if it’s wounded before seething. “You’re as fucking stupid as he is, truly a match made in hell.”

YJH snarls back. “I don’t want to hear that from you.”

“You are, you’re an idiot. I can see what you’re thinking on your face.”
YJH is about to retort but HSY doesn’t let him. “Do you really think I was that great of a writer back then to be able to capture you perfectly in a book of words and sentences?”


“No shit, I barely interacted with you in school.” She rolls her eyes.

“Get to the point.”
“KDJ is pulling away cause you’re not like the protagonist, and that scares him. He’s feeling guilty over the fact he thought you were, and that his affection for you started as such.”

YJH’s eyes widens as if he’s reached an epiphany.
“Even if he saw you as a character, do you really believe all his actions were done out of selfish intentions? Would he have cried if they were?” HSY’s eyes were about to roll out of her head, jfc. “At first, I thought you were the worst thing that could happen to KDJ.”
“I was barely pulling him away from the fictional world and here you were ready to drag him back in. But I was wrong.” She clicks her tongue in annoyance. This was tough for her to say. “YJH, I think you may be the only one capable of bringing KDJ back to reality, back to Earth.”
YJH’s breathing has returned to a more steady pace as he regards the woman half his height. KDJ’s expectations of him… What were they even?

“But if he doesn’t see me as a character, doesn’t that mean he’s no longer interested?”

“Do you really think you have no chance?”

YJH promptly turns around, walking away without even waiting for her to reply. “I have something I need to go do.”

HSY shouts after him, glaring threateningly. “Don’t you dare fucking hurt him, YJH.” She growls. “If you do, I swear I will make you suffer for the rest of time.”
YJH scoffs. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

“I mean it! I will personally authorize the tragedy that will be your life, do you hear me?!”

If HSY is cursing him out still as he leaves, he doesn’t register it as he begins running. He needed to find KDJ now. He needed to talk with him.
It’s dark when he finally locates the smaller male, putrid scent permeating the air. He’s sitting on a bench outside in the chilly weather under a streetlight.

He looks like a star shining in the night sky. Beautiful, but also lonely.

YJH walks towards the back facing him.
“Hey.” YJH says when he’s standing behind him. KDJ jolts at the familiar voice, whipping his head around to look before quickly averting his gaze again.

YJH catches it though, the red puffiness of his eyes. He frowns at the sight. KDJ looked as miserable as YJH felt.
“Hey…” KDJ rasps, coughing to clear his throat. He moves to get up. “Sorry, do you want to sit here, I can just go—”

YJH lays a firm hand on his shoulder to push him back down, but retracts it when the other flinches. His frown deepens, KDJ used to never flinch.

YJH sits down on the bench next to him, their thighs only an inch apart from touching. KDJ gulps as he settles back down.

The nighttime air is quiet and cold, but their body heat was emanating through their clothes to the other.

YJH breaks the silence. “We should talk.”
KDJ hesitates to respond for a second. “What’s there to talk about?”

“Why did you approach me that day?”

He can see KDJ swallow thickly, fingers twisting in his lap as he thought of how to answer.

YJH waits patiently. He can wait for eternity if he has to.
KDJ opens his mouth. “I… I really did approach you cause you looked troubled. The protagonist…has the same quirk with their eyebrows, so I thought you might’ve needed help…” He drifts off. “I wasn’t trying to manipulate you or anything.”

“I know.” YJH reassures.
KDJ helped him a lot this past year, while YJH barely did anything in return. If anything, KDJ was a bit too selfless.

“What kind of expectations did you have then when you approached me?”

KDJ shifts awkwardly. “I just thought you would be like the protagonist, that’s all.”
“And I wasn’t?” He prompts.

KDJ smiles a bit sadly, a bit wistfully. “No, you weren’t. You’re a lot more open than the protagonist.”

YJH doesn’t say anything so KDJ continues.

“You’re less cold and calculating too. I never thought you’ll actually let me babysit your sister.”
KDJ chuckles breathily. “Honestly, I thought you would’ve killed me over a dozen times now. Surprisingly, you never grabbed my neck once.”

YJH frowns.

“You’re also a lot less cruel.”

YJH frowns more.

“Less prone to violence too.”

And more.

“Definitely not a psychopath.”
KDJ goes on to list off more traits, all of them insanely bad, and the more YJH listened, the more he’s made up his mind to kill HSY. What kind of fucking person did she write him as? What kind of fucking person did KDJ like??

But KDJ has never looked more animated than now.
“And that’s your favorite?” YJH asks, in mild horror.

KDJ sighs exasperatedly, but there’s a smile on his face. “Yes, he is. I love him the most.”

It’s silent again.

“Then what about me?” YJH breaks it once more.

KDJ blinks in surprise.

“Do I have a chance against this guy?”
Pink dusts across KDJ’s cheeks and he goes to hide his face again.

“I, I don’t know.”

“Kim Dokja, I like you.” YJH confesses earnestly, voice rough but tone sincere.

KDJ’s breathe hitches. “But I don’t know you… And you don’t know me. How can you say that so easily?”
“Because I’ve spent the last year with you.”

“But the past year was all under a false pretense. We don’t know each other…” KDJ whispers.

“Then let’s start over, from the beginning.” YJH tries again. “We never did introduce ourselves properly. Let’s get to know each other.”
YJH holds out his hand, determination resolute in his face. “Tell me about yourself.”

KDJ’s eyes widen, bottom lip trembling, before he shakily takes his large warm hand. “You probably already know this, but I’m not who you thought I was, far from it… My name is Kim Dokja.”
“I’m 23…no, wait. I was 23, and I’m your classmate. My hobby is reading webnovels…” KDJ’s smile seemed rueful. “It’s pathetic, right? Well, this is who I am… Who are you?”

“I am Yoo Joonghyuk.” His hand squeezed his to slowly shake it. “Yoo Joonghyuk, a former protagonist.”
For the rest of the night, they told each other their stories. YJH, who KDJ “knew” since from a long time ago, spoke a story different from what KDJ read. In return, KDJ carefully opened his pages so YJH can read his story too.

They learned to read each other, and read together.
KDJ was an omega, but not the kind you expect.

YJH was an alpha, but not the kind you expect.

KDJ had a rough childhood at home and at school.

YJH had a rough childhood at home and at school.

But they’re in a better place now, where they found each other.
YJH interlocks their fingers, thighs touching on the bench now.

“Kim Dokja.” He says reverently, like a prayer. “Character or not, you know I would never hurt you, right… Even if I am an alpha, I don’t want you to be scared or hate me.”

KDJ’s eyes soften, lips tilting up.
Despite everything that’s happened to him, he doesn’t hate alphas actually, character or not. He’s trying not to hate them.

He knows he can’t judge a book by its cover so he’s making a conscious effort. He feels like he’s searching for something? But he doesn’t know what.
KDJ smiles. “I have never been scared of you. I could never be scared of you.” He starts. “YJH, you are far more caring and kinder than the protagonist. If I couldn’t hate him, how could I hate you?”

“Kim Dokja, I like you. Please let me date you.” He confesses again.
KDJ trembles as he stares up at YJH, eyes wide. “Ok.” He breathes this time, ears flushing red. His voice quivered but there was no hesitation.

YJH leans in, slow enough that KDJ can move away if he wants to, but he doesn’t. Their foreheads touch, lips only centimeters apart.
YJH closes the distance, kissing him tenderly, like he was something precious. KDJ doesn’t flinch.

His lips were soft and warm. Time seemed to stand still as YJH moved his against KDJ’s, savoring the small sounds and sweet taste.

It was chaste.

Then it ended all too abruptly.
“Oh, but I’m pretty sure as a character, you would actually hurt me.” KDJ breaks the kiss just to correct him. “Like 100% throw me off a bridge and into the mouth of a sea serpent.” His face is pink and flustered, but he still felt the need to ruin the mood.

YJH grits his teeth.
“The protagonist sounds like a fucking asshole then. Why would you even like him.” He was going to kill HSY later.

“Hey! He’s still really cool! He’s just hardened from his regressions and the apocalypse!” KDJ defends petulantly, cause no one insults his favorite character!
Apparently not even that character’s base model. “And you’re not THAT MUCH better just cause you’re less homicidal! You’re still rude as hell, and blunt and aggressive! A brute! Also really mean too!”

YJH’s eye twitches as his jaw tightens cause wait, why does he like KDJ again?
“Shut. Up.” He growls and leans in to steal another kiss, this one deeper, effectively cutting of KDJ’s tirade permanently. Ah, oh yeah, that’s why.

They continue to lock lips for the rest of the night, YJH kissing him until KDJ is breathless with eyes full of glimmering stars.
YJH feels relief bloom within him. The expectations he had for YJH were tragically awful to begin with, so maybe it was a good thing YJH didn’t meet them?

Either way, KDJ still felt guilty. He was the only one, no one else ever had. That alone was enough for YJH to forgive him.
For once, he hoped to meet the new expectations KDJ has for him. Something outside the bounds of a novel, something outside the bounds of their genders.

Because YJH realizes KDJ must be searching for something, desperately so, because he has only ever made friends with alphas.
He thinks it’s proof, reassurance maybe.

He hopes to give that to KDJ.

Because KDJ does not hate alphas, he does not hate YJH. What KDJ probably hated was himself.

More than anything in the world, even when nothing was his fault.

He wants KDJ to love himself one day too.
Which is why the first thing YJH did after hours of making out was barge into KDJ’s bathroom to get rid of all the crap he was putting on his body.

“AH, hold on! Shouldn’t we wait until after the going to the doctor’s?” KDJ frets, watching YJH glare daggers at his treatments.
“No. You’re getting rid of all this tonight.” YJH says, already picking up the pills, salves, sprays, deodorants, soaps, balms, shampoos, lotions, ointment, gels, creams, even fucking wet wipes.

Each product made YJH’s fist clench more and more cause “Do you USE all of these?!”
“Y-Yes?” KDJ stutters. “Y’know like just in case one fails…”

“KDJ, are you fucking stupid.”

“Hey, that was uncalled for!”

No, it wasn’t. No wonder YJH could never smell anything from KDJ. You were supposed to use ONE product without layering TWENTY others on top of it.
“KDJ, do you want to die?” YJH asks in all seriousness.

“No, not particularly.” KDJ flusters. YJH gives him an unamused stare because this level of drug abuse said otherwise.

KDJ fidgets nervously. “I really think we should wait until after the doctor’s. What if my heat comes?”
YJH refrains from saying, “Then I’ll take care of it.” Instead he opted for, “It’ll take at least a couple of days for all this to flush out your system. Didn’t you say the appointment was this weekend?”

“I did, but—”

“KDJ, stop overthinking. You’ll be fine.”
YJH spots the multiple bottles of perfume on the counter next. He picks them up.

“Oh, those are all HSY’s. I’ll return those to her—”

And chucks them into the trash with everything else without a second thought.

KDJ gapes cause “Hey! Those aren’t even scent blockers!”
“You don’t need them.”

“Yes, I do! I still stink remember?! I have to mask it somehow!”

YJH grinds his teeth together. “I said you don’t need them.” The thought of KDJ smelling anything like HSY pissed him to high heavens.

“Yah, bastard! How else am I supp—”

“I’ll scent you.”
KDJ snaps his mouth shut as a furious red envelops his face. “You can’t just say that…”

“We’re dating. I can.” YJH leaves no room for argument. “After you shower, come out so I can scent you.”

YJH was going to be the death of KDJ way before the dying scent gland does him in.

So for the first time in 7 years, KDJ doesn’t do his post-shower 20 step “skincare” process. His hands itch at the unfamiliarity, but then they freeze when YJH takes hold of them.

KDJ finds himself being smothered as YJH pulls him in, holding him tightly.
His face is burning as YJH unabashedly starts rubbing himself all over, especially burying his face into KDJ’s slender neck.

“If I smell too bad, you don’t—”

He yelps as the other’s arm wrap tighter around his waist, kneading them as he rubs more vigorously.
KDJ was sure he still smelled like decay from all the damage he’s done to his scent gland, but YJH makes no indication that it bothered him.

YJH diligently stayed by his side as much as possible. He kept scenting him too, refusing to stop until KDJ was pink from ear to chest.
He thinks YJH may be releasing tenfold of his own scent to combat his rancid one, because for the next couple of days, people avoided the both of them.

It’s confirmed to him by HSY later when she complains about how oppressive they were being with their new relationship status.
KDJ has never been more embarrassed in his life, with the staring from other people and the massaging done in the name of scenting from YJH.

The doctor’s appointment that comes brings both relief and dread. YJH accompanied him and so did HSY because she couldn’t trust the other.
They’re all sitting awkwardly in the waiting room. KDJ has never been more tense as he’s stuck in between his best friend and boyfriend glaring daggers across.

He’s pretty sure they’re flaunting their pheromones too as if in competition with each other, not that he can tell.
When they finally call his name, KDJ quickly rises cause he’s been sweating for over an hour now trying to avoid picking sides to whatever fight the other two had gotten into.

He gets seated in an examination room with them when disaster strikes in the form of elegant beauty.
There’s a knock and someone opens the door. “Hello, I’m here to take your temperature reading—”

The voice belonging to one of the most beautiful woman KDJ’s ever seen pauses in surprise.

YJH and HSY who have been bickering this entire time stop too in equal amounts of surprise.
KDJ is the only one looking between all three of their wide-eyed shocked expressions cause is he missing something here?

Oh shit, is this love at first sight? Wait, then isn’t this a love triangle—

“Yoo Joonghyuk.” She breaks the silence first, addressing the other.
KDJ is confused. She knew him? Well, YJH is popular after all.

She then redirects her attention. “Han Sooyoung.” She greets too.

KDJ is even more confused now. She knew HSY too?

Is he the only one out of the loop? He looks over at YJH. No wait, he also looks confused.
“Wait, what’s going on?” He questions. “Do you all know each other??” Why is a reunion happening during HIS doctor’s appointment.

“You could say that.” HSY answers cryptically.

“Huh? How do—”

“KDJ,” HSY starts, dropping her head and heaving a tired sigh. “That’s Lee Seolhwa.”
KDJ whips back over to the snowy white hair and red lips and gapes, an aborted sound of recognition clicking. Cause oh, YJH’s ex-lover…

No wait, hold on a second—“HSY!” He hisses, trying to process this new jarring information and failing. “How many people did you plagiarize?!”
LSH was REAL too?! She’s also a doctor too like in WOS?? Wtf.

HSY hisses back. “I told you I didn’t plagi—!”

“How do you know LSH?” YJH interrupts, brows furrowing and expression darkening. “She doesn’t go to SSU.”

Now it’s HSY’s turn to stare at YJH as if he’s stupid.
LSH is also staring at YJH, but with one of exasperation. “YJH, HSY was our classmate in middle school and high school.”

YJH makes a face. It looks like disgust. “Since when.”

“Bastard! What tf do you mean since when?!” HSY yells. “I was in your class every single year!”
YJH deadpans. “I don’t remember you.”

HSY gapes, eye twitching. “You…! How do YOU not remember?!”

YJH frowns scathingly. “Why would I remember someone unimportant.”

“THAT’S IT! You’re lucky we’re in a fucking hospital right now cause I’m going to fucking KILL you!”
She fumes like a wet cat, pheromones flaring, and YJH snarls right back like a wolf, releasing his own.

It immediately simmers down when LSH steps in and releases, what KDJ presumes, her own scent. She was an incredibly deadly alpha in WOS, so it’s probably true in reality too.
“I can see why I was called specifically instead of the nurse to do this patient’s reading.” Her face was firm and her voice was stern. “Is the hospital really the most appropriate place to be doing this?” She chastises.

YJH and HSY back down like wounded animals, ashamed.
KDJ would clap proudly if he wasn’t still reeling in confusion.

“Now then, you must be,” she looks at her clipboard, “Kim Dokja, right?”

KDJ nods absentmindedly. LSH continues talking, asking questions that he answers on autopilot while she jots down notes studiously.
His mind is elsewhere, specifically the whispered conversation happening behind LSH.

“Bastard, I thought you knew who I was the entire time! You even said my name!” HSY hisses.

“You think too highly of yourself.” He scoffs out, crossing his arms. “I knew your name from KDJ.”
“Why you…! How did you think I wrote the novel if I wasn’t in school with you?!”

“I thought you wrote it at the start of college.”

“I said I wrote it for 6 fucking years!!”

“I also thought you got held back 2 years.”

“Huh?! YJH, that MATH doesn’t add up either way?!”
A vein was dangerously pulsing on HSY’s forehead. KDJ was worried she might pop a vessel. Good thing they were in the hospital.

“You didn’t transfer to SSU until your 3rd year?? How could I have written about you from the 1st year then!”

“I thought you were just a stalker.”
Oh, wow. It might actually burst.

“Why the fuck would I stalk you?!”

“Is that not what you did already?” YJH challenges, arching an incredulous eyebrow. “HSY, I don’t think about you as much as you think I do.”

“You stupid motherfucking character…!”

“A character, huh.”
“Alright, all done.” The slam of the clipboard jolts KDJ back from his eavesdropping. It also halts the fight that was about to break out again. “I’ll be back with the doctor in a bit.”

“Wait, you’re not a doctor?” He asks.

LSH smiles. “Not yet, I’m here for my internship.”
KDJ blinks cause oh right, she wasn’t like the novel character either. “Ah, I see…”

He opens his mouth, wanting to ask something else, but decides otherwise.

LSH gives him a knowing look. She was described as perceptive. He wonders if she can smell the scent of YJH on him.
“You have nothing to worry about.” She reassures. KDJ thinks there’s a double meaning in those words.

When she leaves, he turns to look at HSY with a dead stare, making her bristle.

“Oh stfu. She’s the perfect heroine and you know it.”

YJH glares. “So you stalked her too.”
She threw her hands up. “I didn’t stalk anyone!”

“So what did you write her as?” YJH grunts impatiently.

HSY hesitates, so KDJ decides to answer instead.

“She was your lover.” He says easily. “You had a kid together.”

YJH freezes and HSY clicks her tongue in frustration.
YJH turns to HSY, growling with killing intent. “You…”

“If I knew this would happen, do you really think I would’ve written it?” She sighs, rubbing her face. “KDJ, are you ok?”

KDJ puts his hands up placatingly. “No, no. I’m fine… I just didn’t think she was also real…”
He fidgets anxiously. “I mean, I know she’s not exactly like…” He drifts soft, unable to finish. “But did you two…like, y’know.”

YJH gazes at him. “We did.” He says honestly. “We dated.”

HSY’s jaw drops open. “Hey…!”

KDJ just nods. “It’s ok, I understand. You two look goo—”
“KDJ. Stop overthinking.” YJH says before KDJ’s thoughts could even begin to spiral. “The break up was mutual. We no longer have feelings for each other.”

KDJ closes his mouth and averts his eyes, feeling his insecurities eat away at him despite the reassurance. “But…”
“Whatever HSY wrote in her shitty novel was exaggerated.” YJH huffs. “LSH and I had a relationship, but that was in the past.”

KDJ wants to retort, wants to say there has to be some truth in what he read if HSY based it off them. But the door opens again and the doctor walks in.
KDJ keeps what’s bothering him inside as the examination continues, the doctor prodding and poking at various parts of his body.

Blood was drawn, scans were made, other tests were taken. KDJ felt like an experiment under all the scrutinization there after he said what he’s done.
After what felt like several more hours, it was LSH who came back to deliver the results.

The room grew heavier and gloomier as the diagnosis continued.

“It’s amazing that your gland hasn’t necrotized yet after everything you’ve done. You’re very lucky to be alive still.”
The prognosis was that KDJ was extremely malnourished and underweight, which stunted the development of his scent gland.

His further suppression of it for an extended amount of time has led to severe hormonal imbalances that would take at least a year to properly stabilize.
In conclusion, KDJ’s life isn’t in immediate danger and the stench of rot should go away if he took his prescribed medication to restore normal functioning and glandular balance.

His scent would still be weak in the meantime, or even afterwards, due to the extensive damage.
There was no guarantee to full recovery and processing though, not without further monitoring.

KDJ’s mouth was dry as he licked his lips. “I… Do you think my heat would return?” He asks quietly.

LSH hums thoughtfully. “Maybe? It’s hard to say. How is your sexual activity?”
KDJ chokes and he can see YJH stiffen up too. He’s coughing as he wheezes out a reply. “N-None. I have a low libido.”

“That’s to be expected.” She hums more, as if unperturbed. “Well, there’s a chance it can come back once your hormones balance out. But if it does, you’ll…”
Her eyes peek over at YJH. “Well, you’ll probably be fine if it comes back then.”

KDJ doesn’t catch the action, too busy wondering about his next question. “Then what about…f, fer—ferti…” He can’t finish it, too mortified.

LSH seems to understand him though.
“It’ll be diminished, chances of pregnancy would be low. Your body has been under a lot of stress and the lack of development and nourishment has effected reproductive capability.” She gives a sympathetic smile. “It’s not impossible though.”

KDJ just sighs heavily and nods.
When they leave, he catches YJH staying behind for a couple of minutes to talk to LSH.

He wonders what they’re whispering about. What if—

“KDJ.” HSY snaps, dragging KDJ’s attention away from the two. “You’re overthinking again.”

“I’m not.” He lies.

She rolls her eyes.
“You are.” She retorts. “KDJ, you need to—”

“HSY,” he cuts off, almost desperately as he whispers. “What were they like in middle and high school…?”

HSY frowns, unwilling to say.

“Please…” KDJ almost begs. “I’m just… I want to know why you casted them as such in WOS…”

“HSY.” He pleads.

She exhales deeply. “Remember, this was in the past.” She bites her lip before continuing. “YJH was a delinquent, right? LSH was the one who patched him up always when he got hurt after his fights. She was likely the only one who could approach him.”
Her eyes flicker to KDJ’s expression and then to the two behind him. “That’s all I know, though. They seemed close to each other so I just wrote what I saw.”

KDJ nods numbly. “Do you think—”


“I didn’t even finish asking.”

“Ya, because whatever it is, the answer is no.”
Despite being told to do otherwise, KDJ kept thinking about it. His decreased mood and taut facial expression throughout the night finally prompted YJH to speak.

“KDJ, what is it?”

Since it’s the weekend, KDJ is staying over at YJH’s apartment under the other’s insistence.
“Huh?” KDJ blearily asks. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

“KDJ.” He says sternly, clearly knowing it’s not nothing.

He winces at the tone, averting his eyes as he fidgets. “It’s really nothing though…”

“If it was really nothing, you wouldn’t be moping.” YJH points out.
KDJ’s not sure he likes being read so easily now. Was he that much of an open book?

“Tell me what’s on your mind.”

“You and LSH looked good together… Why did you guys break up?”

YJH sighs heavily as if he knew this was what was plaguing the other’s mind all day.
“Whatever you read in that novel—”

“I know, but I don’t think you two broke up cause she was the Poisoner this regression turn.”

YJH’s grimaces. Wtf did HSY write.

“There’s no grand reason.” He explains. “She wanted to focus on her career, I wanted to get away from there.”
“Were you two close?”

“We were, she was one of the few people who didn’t judge or expect anything from me.”

“Then doesn’t that mean you still have feel—”

“We don’t.” YJH says resolutely. “I don’t know what star crossed lovers shit HSY wrote, but it wasn’t anything like that.”
“We cared about each other and we trusted each other. But there was no eternal timeless love and there certainly wasn’t a kid.”

“Did you and her…y’know…” KDJ croaks. “Like…do it?”

YJH slams his hand down on the table they sat at. “KDJ, what is this really about?” He grits.
KDJ lowers his face, shoulders sinking in. “You should’ve stayed with her.”

“Why would I? I said we don’t have feelin—”

“But she can give you a child at least!” KDJ’s voice cracks. “YJH, you heard what she said, I’ve ruined myself!” He shouts, panting heavily.
YJH stills, eyes widening at the outburst. “Kim Dok—”

“YJH, you can still go back to her. I won’t mind if you do.” He rambles, mouth moving on his own. “In fact that’s better actually, I saw you talking to her earlier so I know—!”

KDJ yelps loudly when YJH suddenly grabs him.
He’s pulled immediately into YJH’s lap, back against his broad chest, strong arms encircling around him in warmth.

KDJ’s lets out a pitiful squeak as YJH leans in close to his ear, hot breathe catching the curve. “I wasn’t talking to her cause I still had feelings.”
A shiver washes down KDJ’s spine when YJH starts nuzzling his neck. “Do you want to know what I was talking to her about?”

KDJ’s voice was trapped in his throat, he was trembling too much to answer anyways.

“I was asking her if there was anything I could do to help you.”
YJH gives his nape a long slow lick that has KDJ shrieking shrilly at the tingling sensation. His hands gripped tightly onto YJH’s forearms as he whimpers.

“She said massaging it everyday would provide it good stimulation for recovery. That’s what I was talking about with her.”
KDJ’s mind was fraying at the seams as YJH continued rubbing. It was making his entire being quiver and flush in his hold.

His breathe hitches when he feels YJH kiss the nape of his neck, mouthing at it with his teeth and lips, like he wanted to mark KDJ and make him his.
“You know, you really don’t have to do this.” He mutters, squirming cause his heart was beating too fast in his chest for him to calm down. “You can leave—”

YJH tightens his hold on him before nipping his ear in retaliation. KDJ gasps but then he’s pulled into a deep kiss.
He shivers, hands grabbing onto YJH’s shoulders as a tongue massaged his, going deeper into his throat. It sucks the air out of him and a trail of saliva could be seen when they pull apart.

“KDJ, do you not want to be with me?” YJH asks instead, thumbing circles into his hips.
KDJ is still panting, but the question makes him jolt.

“No! No, I do!” He immediately objects. “I really do.” He could feel his face flush at such a bold declaration.

YJH pecks him on the lips again. It’s laced with so much affection that KDJ’s heart flutters.
“Then why?”

“It’s, I’m like…” He says. “I just—I don’t know…” He leans against YJH’s warm and broad chest.

“I’m not going to go behind your back and betray your feelin—”

“It’s not that. I know you won’t.” KDJ quickly affirms, burying his head into YJH’s neck. “I trust you.”
YJH’s heart stutters at those words, emotions blooming in the depths of his chest. It felt so light and heavy at the same time. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

KDJ’s throat tightens. He wasn’t a writer, the words he wanted to say can barely form, much less escape his mouth.
YJH waits patiently, never pushing him to continue.

“You can’t promise something like that.” He finally says.

“Why not?”

“Cause you don’t know.”

“I do—”

“No you don’t!” KDJ huffs. “How can you be certain of something like that?”

“KDJ, do you think I would—”
“No, not on purpose at least.” He croaks out. “But you can do better than me, YJH. What if you realize that one day and fall out of love and want to leave me? I can’t even blame you, it wouldn’t be your fault. But if that happens—I don’t think I’ll ever recover…”
KDJ’s shoulders tremble at the thought. “I really won’t recover if this doesn’t work out, I’ll never be able to. I—You deserve someone better, we don’t even know if I can get pregnant. You deserve someone who can give you a child, someone who’s clean and pretty and isn’t me—”
KDJ yelps at suddenly being manhandled into facing the other in the lap he sat on, effectively pulling him out of his deprecating ramble and stopping him from backing out of this out of fear.

YJH is staring at him with dark eyes and a deep frown.

“Kim Dokja.” He starts.
“What happened to you is not your fault, don’t refer to yourself as anything otherwise. I wouldn’t leave you for something like that, I had hoped you would think me better than that.”

“I do, I do, I—”

“But you also need to know you are whole with or without me, Kim Dokja.”
His chest tightens, was he really whole? Would he really be whole if YJH left him one day. He thinks he would shatter.

“I’ll repeat it as many times as you need to hear. You’re not ruined nor broken. I love you, l want you, every part of you if you would let me.”
“What I had with LSH was in the past and it’s not coming back. The only one I want is you, just you.”

“But… What if you le—”

“But what if I don’t?” YJH counters. “What if I stayed and what if I never leave you? What if we had a love story better than that novel’s? Then what?”
His heart swells, it was so hard to breathe but his chest was lighter. He leaned his forehead against YJH’s. He felt like denying, he felt like crying. He settles for smiling.

The expectations they had for each other had turned into their expectations for their future together.
“Also, I don’t think you need to worry about having kids.” YJH adds as an afterthought. “We can deal with that later on. I’ll help.”

“What, you saying you have a magical protagonist dick too or something? Surely not.” KDJ laughs to lighten the mood, feeling better now.
Forebodingly, YJH did not laugh nor respond as he kissed his head sweetly. He looked as if he was deep in contemplation.

KDJ would’ve questioned the unusual silence to his quip but YJH’s hand grabbed the nape of his neck before he could connect any dots, stroking it tenderly.
Their senior year passed in such a manner, with YJH meticulously managing his diet, cooking food that was actually palpable to his diminished palate, and making sure he reached a healthy weight.

He spearheaded his recovery, knowing that he couldn’t count of KDJ to do it himself.
YJH would constantly nag KDJ to take his medication, eat 3 meals a day, and sleep at an appropriate time. It was almost overbearing.

“Are you my mom or my boyfriend?!”

But KDJ always listened to whatever YJH requested of him, knowing the other had his best interests in mind.
He did want to recover and to stop smelling rotten and putrid. If he stopped stinking so badly faster, it would put less of a strain on YJH who had to scent him a ridiculous amount everyday.

KDJ felt bad for YJH’s nose. He also felt bad for everyone else’s noses.
YJH’s scent must be very overpowering to be able to overwhelm the stench of decay. He knew it must be cause HSY constantly grumbled about how unbearable they both were.

YJH looked unbelievably smug whenever she complained. KDJ has played mediator more times than not due to it.
The most difficult part of all this (for KDJ) was YJH’s strong insistence that he be the one to massage KDJ’s gland daily, saying that he had better techniques, dexterity, and reach.

KDJ would constantly object at the beginning cause he’s perfectly capable of doing it himself.
It was unbearably embarrassing whenever YJH did it cause he would trap KDJ for hours, just stroking and rubbing, until KDJ was whining and panting breathily.

The underdeveloped and damaged gland was unused to stimulation so everything felt too sensitive and sensual.
Especially when YJH would suck at it with his mouth, tongue flattening over it. It has all of KDJ’s nerves burning and hair standing on end.

But he always gave in, having a hard time denying YJH. He eventually stopped fighting it all together, just letting YJH do whatever.
His obedience just seemed to spur YJH on even more though.

After a couple of months, KDJ finally stopped stinking and YJH didn’t need to scent him so much anymore and guard him during the day.

For some reason, his recovery leads to the exact opposite outcome.
He’s pretty sure he smells like nothing still, his own scent gland only having just healed from the brink of death. But the lack of stench has YJH scenting him twice as hard now, like a madman.

It also makes him cling more too, constantly holding him and refusing to let go.
KDJ would’ve never suspected YJH was the clingy type, yet here he was, burying his face into the back of his neck to nose at his nape.

KDJ would be lying if he said he didn’t like all this devoted care and attention, something he’s never gotten in his life. It felt so new.

By the end of the school year, KDJ’s gland has healed enough to let out one of the most faintest hints of something sweet and floral. KDJ couldn’t smell, but YJH can.

The first time he caught the slightest whiff of it, he almost snapped at the new scent.
It was so subtle, barely there unless you focused on trying to detect it. But it was undeniably KDJ’s scent. It was like honey and daisies on a summer day. Like the fresh pages of a new book.

KDJ wasn’t allowed to leave his lap for hours as YJH took his time to memorize it.
It was addicting, exhilarating almost. The scent he wondered about for over 2 years. It was wholly KDJ.

He can see now why KDJ was so protective over it, not letting anyone know of it. It was absolutely intoxicating. YJH wanted to be surrounded by this scent forever.
The thought that someone got KDJ cause of this scent, taking advantage of his vulnerability, made YJH insanely furious and possessive.

No one else will ever touch KDJ again. KDJ was his and only he will be allowed to indulge in this aroma. He makes sure everyone knows this.
They graduate and it’s a night of celebration and warm kisses.

YJH immediately made KDJ move in with him that night. Compared to the dingy apartment KDJ originally called a place of residence outside of college, YJH’s place was a hundred times better.
With the starry sky shining above them, they gazed at the bright constellations, fingers interlocked on the balcony. KDJ was staring at the view, but YJH was staring at the star in front of him.

“…It’s really been long. Hasn’t it?”KDJ murmurs, eyes softening with nostalgia.
YJH quirks a brow. “It’s only been four years, KDJ.” He shot back in question. Compared to the time he experienced throughout middle and highschool, this was nothing. He’s sure it’s the same for KDJ.

“Right.” KDJ laughs. “You weren’t even here for half of those years.”
It’s only been four years. That was how long college was, how long they’ve been here. But to KDJ, who escaped here in search of something, it felt much longer. Especially after all that’s happened in just the past two years alone.

“Four years that felt like a lifetime.”
YJH hums, understanding that sentiment. He too, escaped to college in search of something.

He’s finally found his Salvation, his Most Ancient Dream. He hopes KDJ found his in YJH too.

If KDJ could smell, he would know that YJH’s scent could only be described as liberation.
The days drift on by in bliss, even though YMA gags everyday at their overly public displays of affection.

YJH couldn’t help it. How could he when KDJ would act coy while his scent would display everything he felt. Even without that though, YJH could read KDJ like an open book.
Scents of joy and affection and warmth and adoration and fondness, though subtle, radiated off of KDJ everyday. It was breathtaking.

It made YJH starstruck. It made YJH want to give him his whole life and more. If he had more than one life, he would give them all to KDJ.
But even after several months and even after KDJ’s scent increased in potency, there were still no signs of a heat coming.

KDJ acts like he expected as much and is completely fine with it, but the small tinge of anxiety souring his sweet scent tells YJH otherwise.
It had always existed as a possibility, that KDJ may never get his heat again. It was something they both knew and had anticipated.

That didn’t necessarily mean they couldn’t have sex though. They had decided to take things slow in the relationship, for KDJ’s sake.
So that he could get used to the affection, so that he won’t feel pressured, and to avoid any complications in his recovery.

They had decided to have their first time whenever his heat came, and if it didn’t even after he’s all healed then whenever their hearts desired so.
That didn’t mean their was no sexual tension though. YJH cannot count the number of times he’s thought of fucking and marking KDJ as his.

KDJ likewise stared at YJH with that same yearning whenever he though YJH wasn’t looking. At times, it was almost unbearable.
Like when either of them got out of the shower, were changing clothes, catching each other smiling, cuddling in bed together, and especially when their kissing turned more passionate.

If YJH was any less of a man, he would’ve broke already. KDJ was that alluring and ethereal.
YJH had already accepted it a long time ago, ever since he decided to date KDJ. He was fully prepared for either outcome.

KDJ was in the process of accepting it. He was trying to look at the bright side of things. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. KDJ was being spared.

“Maybe it’s a good thing I won’t get my heat.”

KDJ got his heat.

It started off slowly, with KDJ feeling a little under the weather, a little hot under his skin. But nothing truly noticeable. His scent was still more muted and dull than normal after all.
Little wisps of something could be smelled periodically if you really concentrated and battled through the incredibly dense and heavy musk of an alpha that has obviously staked his claim on KDJ.

His cheeks were a constant rosy flush that had YJH scenting him more, just in case.
He would hold him from behind and continuously nose at the nape of KDJ’s neck until the other was just a mass of trembling flesh.

This was foreign to KDJ. Something he hadn’t felt in 8 years, at least not with the care being given to him. As if he was something precious.
KDJ realized it was coming when he felt the inexplicable urge to gather a bunch of YJH’s clothes into a pile to sleep in.

This must be nesting, was what he thought. He’s never done it before and it shows. The nest was poorly made with clothes strewn about, tufts sticking out.
But KDJ got great comfort from it regardless. The feel of it soothed his frayed nerves and anxious thoughts.

He felt bad taking all of YJH’s clothes but the other didn’t seem to mind, even encouraging it by handing him some articles he’s worn recently, even if KDJ can’t smell.
YJH must’ve also realized it was coming, cause he’s been painstakingly prepping meals and storing them in the fridge, making sure there was enough water nearby, along with all the other necessities. He also sent off YMA to stay with his trusted gaming coach and director NMY.
The last thing YJH did was clear up their schedules for an extended amount of time and send out texts to all their friends to politely fuck off.

When KDJ leaned over his shoulder to see, he had to chide YJH. He knew he should’ve supervised him on this last part!
“Yah! Bastard, what are saying to HSY!” He tried to swipe the phone away but YJH was faster.

“I’m telling her you’re going to be busy.”

“That’s clearly not what the text says!” He pointed.

[Never speak to KDJ again.]

YJH stared at it and pressed send anyways. KDJ screamed.
The coming days has KDJ’s anxiety on the rise cause the simmering heat under his skin has been stagnant, neither diminishing nor growing.

“What if it doesn’t come?” He asked worriedly. “Maybe it’s a fluke—”

“It’ll come.” YJH rebutted, wrapping his arms around that thin waist.
KDJ whined, nuzzling further into YJH’s body heat. Even though he was already warm, he wanted more.

“Do you think I should take birth control?” He asked quietly, making YJH stiffen. “No, right? It’s already low, I shouldn’t diminish it more. What if this is the only chance?”
“You can if you want.” YJH answered. “Cause it won’t be the only chance.”

KDJ clicked his tongue, flushing. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

YJH hummed, kissing his red ear. “But I mean it. You can take it if you want. If you don’t want to, I’m fine with that too.”
“Are you saying you’ll be fine if I do get pregnant now? Even though we just graduated?” KDJ huffed.

“Yes.” He replied with no hesitation. “If you get pregnant, I’ll take responsibility. But if you don’t want to, that’s fine too. We can wait. The choice is yours.”
YJH was ready for either outcome, but he won’t lie, the thought of KDJ bearing his pups has his blood racing somewhere.

KDJ stared at his earnest expression. He truly didn’t deserve YJH.

“I won’t take it then.” He smiled. “But you better keep your promise if we’re lucky.”
YJH’s eyes widened before gazing at KDJ with searching eyes. KDJ cheekily grinned. “If we do get lucky, I hope the child looks just like you, that would be best.” It would be a blessing. YJH’s genes defied probability and were impeccable.

YJH’s face hardened in contemplation.
“I want them to look like you though.” He said seriously. KDJ gaped cause that would be such a waste of YJH’s god sculpted face!

“Yah! Why would you want them to look like me??”

“You’re pretty.”

KDJ felt his eye twitch cause how can YJH say something so embarrassingly wrong!
“You’re prettier! YJH, I question your taste, are you maybe blind?” KDJ pouted. “The baby should look like you!”

“I’m not blind, you’re blind.” YJH frowned deeply. “I want them to look like you.”

KDJ was offended. KDJ has great taste and great eyesight, thank you very much!
He’s about to retort, but stops when he hears a deep laugh, puffs of air brushing against his cheek. His eyes widened at the sight.

YJH’s chest was rumbling with laughter.

“I guess we’ll have to see who wins.” YJH chuckles smugly. “I’ll be sure to try my hardest then with you.”
YJH had truly a strange and mystifying expression as he thought about the future.

If KDJ wasn’t flushing red before, he certainly was now. But he kept silent as he continued to stare at the other in awe and adoration.

It felt like he was falling in love all over again.
“You would make a great dad.” KDJ whispers fondly.

YJH nuzzles into the side of his head. “You too.”

KDJ doubted that. They both grew up with no parents, no family, no affection. But KDJ was sure YJH was more qualified than he was, having already raised YMA.
“KDJ, you hold more love in you than anyone I know.” YJH huffs, already knowing what that expression on KDJ’s face meant.

“Well, you don’t know a lot of people to begin with.” KDJ laughs.

“I don’t need to. We would both make good parents.” YJH ends the conversation with a kiss.
KDJ wasn’t sure about any of that, all he knew was that he would try his hardest if they could get a child.

He would give them everything he didn’t have as a kid, read to them every night, and love them with all he had.

But it’s a bit early to think about that still.
After 2 weeks of stale pre-heat symptoms, the start of the heat comes out of nowhere one day.

KDJ is in the bathroom, washing his hands since YJH was almost done making dinner when suddenly his knees buckle, legs shaking, as a blistering fever overtakes him, making him collapse.
He yelps as he hits the floor, something copious already leaking out over the tiles from between his legs.

KDJ hadn’t had a heat in years, but was it always this scorching. It was like a fire burning him alive from the inside out coupled with a bone deep aching from his core.
A whimper leaves his lips cause the emptiness of his insides was making him nauseous and dizzy. He barely even hears the sound of several pans clattering to the ground in the kitchen. The rushing of blood in his ears was too loud to hear over, a dense haze grasping at his mind.
The next thing he knows is that the bathroom door is practically ripped off its hinges. YJH stood in the door way, pupils dilated until his entire eye was dark and blazing.

Ah, the other must’ve smelt his scent. KDJ wonders how he smells right now. Hopefully good?
To say KDJ smelled good was a massive understatement. When YJH first caught that whiff, every nerve in his body began to scream at him to find where that scent was coming from and breed them. He had to fight himself to turn off the stove before breaking down the bathroom door.
KDJ whimpers seeing his alpha and the next second he’s being enveloped in sturdy arms as he’s picked up and carried. He’s panting, breathing heavily and nuzzling into YJH’s neck, hearing the rumbling of growls from the taller male.

“Joonghyuk-ah…” He whines.
“Dokja.” YJH groans back as he places him onto the bed. KDJ shivers at the lack of a honorific as YJH pushes him down into the sheets before devouring him in a hungry kiss.

KDJ moans at the tongue invading his mouth and down his throat. His breath was being sucked out of him.
His mind was so foggy with lust, body writhing as YJH hastily rips off the few clothes he had on in the first place.

A hand pinches his nipples and KDJ cries out, breaking apart the kiss and freely breathing again. YJH moves down to suck and bite at his neck instead.
It was overwhelming. There were so many new sensations KDJ was not used to and it all felt so good, the pleasure making his body tremble from YJH’s ministrations.

“J-Joonghyuk-aH, haa, please…” He begs, but he’s not sure for what. YJH’s fingers continue to pull at his nipples.
Each tug made KDJ convulse and moan wantonly, back arching into YJH’s chest. His arms wrap around his neck, fingers grabbing tightly into dark strands, tugging at the hair.

YJH lets out a possessive growl, sucking another deep bruising mark into the crook of his neck.
Wounds litter the expanse of his milky pale skin as YJH’s hands wander lower.

His mouth is now busy biting those delicate pink nubs until they’re swollen and shiny, making KDJ keen at how sensitive everything was.

When he felt a finger nudge his hole, he still tenses though.
“Shhh. It’s fine. It’s just me, I won’t hurt you.” YJH soothes, leaning up to suckle on KDJ’s flushed red ears.

KDJ knows that, he knows, cause he’s drowning already in pleasure, but his breath still stutters as a finger pushes past his slick drenched ring of muscle.
It reaches deep inside and KDJ stiffens cause it feels strange.

“Does it hurt?”

“N-No.” He shakes his head, voice hiccuping. What surprised him was the fact it didn’t hurt.

YJH smirks a little before starting to thrust slowly, drinking in the way KDJ’s chest would quiver.
Another finger soon joined in and KDJ found his body tremble as YJH began to scissor him open. The sounds of squelching makes KDJ bury his face into the sheets in embarrassment.

“Don’t cover your face.” YJH commands as his free hand grabs KDJ by the chin. “I want to see you.”
Tears bead at KDJ’s watery eyes, drool dripping down from his open wet lips. Whimpers and whines and sobs leaving him.


YJH leans in to kiss him again, right as his long fingers find that sweet spot inside him. KDJ screams and panic swells in him cause WHAT WAS THAT.
“W-Wait…! Wha—HNGH AHH!” KDJ keens shrilly again as YJH starts to bully that spot inside him.

“Found it.” He says smugly. Another finger joins in to utterly wreck KDJ.

“J-Joonghyuk-aH! I, I-I’m…!” He sobs brokenly before the pressure building up in his core bursts.
His dick that has been ignored this whole time sprays out strings of cum across his abdomen, hole clenching and walls tightening. Violent waves of pleasure rock his entire body, voice raw and hoarse already.

“Fuck.” He hears YJH say thickly, followed by the sounds of shuffling.
His fingers leave him and KDJ lets out a harrowing gasp.

His eyes are hooded, but they widen when YJH’s own cock is exposed finally, precum already leaking out.

Oh, so YJH DOES have a protagonist dick. He should’ve known honestly. But this, isn’t this just TOO much??
YJH has been gritting his teeth and jaw this entire time, fighting against the throbbing pain in his lower half as he worked KDJ open, until he was soft and pliant.

He knew he was big, and he knew KDJ didn’t have a previous good experience, so YJH was using all his self control.
“N-No way…” KDJ pants out, body trembling still from his high. “That’s…”

YJH rubs smoothing circles onto his hips to comfort him. “I’ll go slow.”

Even if he was slow, could that even fit?! KDJ wonders what something like that would do to this body. He’ll be molded to YJH.
Seeing his hesitance still, YJH soothes more, purring. “Are you scared? I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”

KDJ’s heart stutters at the reassurance. “I-I know you won’t…”

The overwhelming emptiness he feels makes him choke. He wants to be filled again.
KDJ spreads his legs a bit wider in acquiesce, making YJH suck in a sharp inhale as he presses in closer.

The tip lewdly kisses the fluttering hole and KDJ toes curl into the bedsheets as YJH pushes in slowly.

KDJ jolts and writhes as the massive girth splits him in two.
Oh god, YJH is so much bigger than SMW, KDJ can feel all the air heave from his lungs at the stretch. It hurt still, it stings and he’s crying because the pain was also mixing with the intense pleasure.

He’s trembling like a leaf, wailing as YJH enters him before bottoming out.
YJH is sweating profusely trying to keep still so KDJ could adjust. It was taking his everything to not just immediately start pounding.

“Are you ok?” He asks hoarsely, kissing away the lines of tears on those flushed cheeks. His hands were gripping his hips bruisingly hard.
KDJ nods his head, not trusting his voice. He’s so full. He’s stuffed to the brim. It’s so different, the sting only lasted for a second this time before the desire to be fucked stupid took over.

It feels so good, he wants YJH so badly. Everything, he’ll accept anything, please.
“You’re doing so well, taking me all in.” YJH croons, stroking KDJ’s stomach where the outline of his cock clearly violating the depths of his body could be seen. “I’ll make you feel good soon.”

KDJ is gasping at the intrusion, YJH’s words making him mewl as he nods blearily.
“You—haa, ahh—can move.” He pants heavily, legs looping around the other’s waist to bring him closer.

YJH presses more kisses onto his jaw before pulling out slowly until only the tip is in and then thrusting back in.

The pace is achingly slow, eating away at KDJ’s sanity.
He felt like he was on fire, burning from the culmination of years of buried heats. It was eating him alive and he was writhing, praying for relief.

He was already whimpering at a constant rate, hiccuping and panting, on the verge of tears from the delirious lust tainted pain.
It wasn’t enough. KDJ flushed more at the thought. He wants to be fucked harder. This was too slow.

“F-Faster.” He whimpers as another thrust carves him out, trying to move his hips to meet YJH’s hips.

YJH picks up the pace only a little bit, but it still wasn’t enough.
“No, n-no, haa, go harder please.” KDJ begs more, body writhing more.

YJH grits his teeth and thrusted a bit harder.

“More…!” KDJ cries cause the ache inside him wasn’t going away with just this.

YJH seemed to be having just as hard of a time as he was with this pace.
“Dokja-yah. I don’t want to be rough with you.” YJH says. Every muscle in his body was tensed in holding back from outright ruining the other. This was KDJ’s first time with him, he wanted it to be good.

But if KDJ kept squirming so enticingly, he worried if he can keep this up.
YJH was well aware of his own physical strength and size compared to his smaller and lither lover who was much more delicate.

He wanted to defile and debase, ravish and ram him until KDJ was a debauched mess, but he didn’t want to do anything that KDJ couldn’t handle.
KDJ, despite his delirium, knew that this pace was going to kill him more than anything. The intensity of the heat in his body was increasing. He was sure YJH can tell too from the way he kept huffing the air.

“No, it’s f-fine, please go, haa, harder. Please, I’m fine, faster.”
“I don’t want to hurt you—”

KDJ cut him off with a searing kiss, arms around his neck holding on for dear life as he gazed into the other’s eyes.

“N-Nothing you do can ever hurt me, Joonghyuk-ah. I’ll be ok, I won’t break, so p-please fuck me like you want me to be your mate.”
The coo that was in KDJ’s voice coupled with the pure affection laced in the scent KDJ had no idea he was releasing makes YJH snap, any semblance of self control gone as he gives in to his instincts.

He instantly pulls back and thrusts in with tenfold the force from before.
It hits KDJ’s prostate dead on, cum shooting out across his abdomen again, screaming as another orgasm takes him suddenly.

YJH doesn’t stop, his hips piston harder and faster. He might’ve before but definitely not now as he abuses the velvety heat encasing him.
He grabs the backs of KDJ’s thighs and folds him in half like paper, pushing him into a mating press.

His fat cock reaches even deeper than before. KDJ chokes, air knocked completely out of him as YJH had his way with him, using him like a personal cocksleeve.
He can feel YJH in his colon, in his stomach. It felt so much better, so good. He was losing his mind.

“Fuck, you’re perfect.” YJH groans gutturally. “You’re literally made for me to fuck. So tight and warm. You’re such a good boy.”

KDJ whimpers at the praise, at the lewdness.
The overstimulation was making everything more sensitive and frying his nerves.

Nothing except nonsensical babbling was leaving his quivering raw throat. The only words that could be made out was YJH’s name, desperately called out.

More marks and bruises appeared all over.
YJH was going to ruin this man, destroy him. He wanted KDJ so badly and now that he had him, he couldn’t stop.

He dove in to suckle KDJ’s tongue in a lewd open-mouthed kiss, swallowing the haggard moans and sweet sounds.

His hands gripped every part of his body, molding him.
When YJH reaches his climax, he’s burying himself deep, pushing past the brim to slam his knot inside while biting down hard at the junction between shoulder and neck.

KDJ wails as he comes too from the sudden impact, fueled by the sensation of hot liquid filling him up inside.
YJH’s hand massages the bulge distending KJD’s stomach, full of his cum to the point that he did look pregnant.

He pins down the other’s wrists in a death grip above his head on the bed, laying his abdomen on top of the other to hold him down as KDJ convulses from pleasure.
At the feeling of overwhelming pressure, KDJ chokes out an incoherent sob. YJH was still thrusting and it was too much now, but also not enough.

“You look so good like this, maybe I should breed you like the bitch you are.” YJH drawls directly into his ear, licking the curve.
A wave of shivers and need crawls up KDJ’s spine at those words. He doesn’t know if it’s possible but he starts begging. “P-Please, yes—haa, aH—I want your pups! I love you, please make me pregnant, please mate me!”

He bares his neck submissively, making YJH growl possessively.
Seems like his heat has triggered YJH’s rut to start too cause they fucked for hours without stop.

YJH was relentless and with a stamina that was unrivaled. KDJ was made pliant and limp by those rough hands, obediently taking everything given to him like a whore being used.
KDJ gets reduced to an utter pathetic mess, coming dry from his twitching dick and dribbling clear fluid all over himself. He was drenched inside and out, filled and knotted over and over. Even when KDJ was close to passing out, YJH didn’t stop, coaxing another round after round.
This continues on for an entire 3 weeks which is unheard of, with only enough time in between sessions for them to hastily eat and drink.

The apartment was in need of a very deep cleaning cause every surface was used as YJH held KDJ down in every position possible.
By the end of KDJ’s horrendous heat, even YJH was exhausted through and through. Even if he was considered the perfect alpha, this was insane. People weren’t built to take on years worth of heats in one go.

But when KDJ begs sweetly for him to claim him, how could he say no?
Especially when KDJ’s scent smelled just like love, especially when YJH was just as smitten with his reader.

He bites down hard on KDJ’s nape until blood is drawn, knot forming once again deep within the other male’s puffy pink hole.

Finally, KDJ is his for eternity now.

To say she was worried was an understatement. She hasn’t seen her best friend in over a month ever since she got that ominous text from YJH.

Today was the first time she’s meeting up with KDJ since then. She hopes nothing bad has happened to him in his absence.
Her hopes are dashed when she sees them approach from the distance with KDJ on YJH’s back and SPORTING A BROKEN NOSE AND TWO BLACK EYES.

She screeches cause she knew she shouldn’t have trusted that psychopath!

“You…!” She fumes, running up to them, ready to fucking KILL YJH.
“How fucking dare you lay a hand on him!” She screams. “I knew this would happen, I’m going to fucking—”

“Sooyoung-ah, wait!!” KDJ hurriedly shouts, patting YJH’s shoulder to be let down. “Wait! No, he didn’t hit me!”

He’s let down and there’s a significant limp in his step.
“How is this not his fault?!” She yells. She can already see the bruises peeking out from under his clothes. His WRISTS and NECK are so heavily BRUISED.

KDJ flushes pink as he coughs awkwardly. “No, no, I’m fine. We just…had a really intense session cause of my heat.”
HSY gags, she’s gonna fucking vomit. “So intense he bashed your face in?!”

KDJ gets even redder. “Ah, no… I tried to get up after we were all done in order to get ready to meet with you. I didn’t think I would have no sensation in my legs and that they’ll give out completely.”
He rubs the back of his head. “I ended up falling face first onto the floor and broke my nose. The black eyes is from the blood pooling there. I didn’t wanna cancel since it’s been so long since I’ve seen you so I just bandaged it and…” He drifts off.

HSY is speechless.
“If anything this is your fault.” He has the audacity to say.

“How tf is this my fault! I didn’t—”

“Didn’t you say you hoped I fell and broke my nose?” He points out.

HSY’s mouth snaps shut. Huh, she did say that.

“Maybe my sense of smell will be fixed now.” He mocks.
HSY bristles cause she didn’t mean it in earnest when she said that! But her retort dies in her throat.

He’s laughing so loudly at her as YJH smiles at him. KDJ’s scent can only be described as happy.

HSY grinned like an idiot.

KDJ has finally reached his epilogue.

The End.

KDJ nose heals and he actually does get some of his sense of smell back since this time he got proper medical treatment for recovery and repair. It’s still incredibly reduced (hyposmia) but if the scent is really strong, he can catch a slight whiff of it.

HSY: Omfg
Now YJH abuses this to release a downright foul overabundance of his own pheromones and scent as an excuse for KDJ to be able to smell him while also keeping everyone else but KDJ far away from them.

Now everyone avoids YJH cause he stinks. YJH doesn’t give a shit though.
KDJ has a hard time controlling his own scent still so YJH keeps scenting him like a man on a mission (madman).

He tries to dissuade YJH cause KDJ is already marked by him, so there is no need to go this far. But it doesn’t work because YJH is stubborn and paranoid.
YJH becomes a famous pro-gamer and KDJ is his manager. HSY becomes a renowned author but almost got sued by YJH for character defamation and copyright infringement.

Irony is that KDJ makes YJH cosplay and roleplay as protagonist YJH sometimes in bed. It’s the worst kink KDJ has.
YJH and KDJ eventually get married and after MANY attempts over the years that broke KDJ’s ass, they manage to conceive a baby girl at the age of 28. It’s truly a miracle!

YJH cried during the delivery but he’ll rather die than admit it. HSY video recorded the proof though.
They name her Biyoo. She looks like a spitting image of KDJ. YJH has never been more smug and happy, much to KDJ’s chagrin. KDJ should’ve known that YJH never loses in anything.

He loves her all the same though cause she’s perfect, they’re little angel (demon).
YJH did almost go to jail when they ran into SMW in public and 1st degree assault happened (YJH won). He briefly becomes a criminal (33, unemployed). HSY, of all people ironically, was YJH’s lawyer (despite being underqualified). Somehow they won the case too??? (Bribery).
KDJ feels avenged??

(“YJH, it happened over 15 years ago!!”

“I know, I’m still not over it.”

“It didn’t even happen to you!”


“You’re literally in a cell right now using your ONE PHONE CALL to say this to me.”)

He hoped this doesn’t set a bad example for Biyoo (5 y/o).
It does, she may have KDJ’s looks, but her temperament was exactly like YJH’s, much to KDJ’s lament. On top of that, she had the tendency to act innocent even when caught.

KDJ had to deal with a call from the school about how she was dunking heads into toilets and flushing them.
(“Those kids were bullying others though!”

“Biyoo-yah, you have to tell a teacher first—”

“You did good.”

“Yah, YJH! Don’t encourage her! You still have one court hearing left!”)

She became notorious in school as the Disaster of Floods.

They all lived happily ever after!
Sorry for the MASSIVE 500+ spam 🤡 Thank you for reading! This threadfic is dedicated to my friend who just finished the main story of ORV!

This convo was a couple of days ago, and I haven’t heard from them in 72+ hours so pray for them please! They’re going through it 💀
Some of the tweets are hidden cause Twitter sucks so if you felt there was a weird jump/discontinuity in the thread, you can just check but clicking on the Tweets around that area to see.

Hopefully nothing was too confusing otherwise! Feel free to ask me questions if it was!
I also realized 300+ tweets in that I forgot South Korea has school years starting in the spring but I was already past the point of no return so please just ignore that discrepancy 😮‍💨

It slipped my mind cause I was projecting how badly I wanted to leave my college already.

• • •

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