I mean maybe calling yourself they/them and leading men around on leashes in your free time has no correlation with your ability to do an important government job well. But I have no idea why on earth you would think that.
Important context: Ukraine is repressing Russian speakers, arresting opposition figures and launching a cultural purge, with tacit US support. It chose the path of repression because it thought Russia was weak and the US would bail it out. It bet wrong. ti.me/32QLp4o
“The Ukrainian government started by taking his TV channels off the air, depriving Russia of its propaganda outlets in the country. The U.S. embassy in Kyiv applauded the move.”
Sure sounds like America stands for democracy! If they’d shut down LGBT, then US would’ve been mad.
The Ukrainian government with US support prevents pro-Russian figures from owning TV stations or running for office and then we’re told democratic and sovereign Ukraine is making a free choice to join the West.
“the Pentagon said it would temporarily pull 160 American military trainers out of the country, where they had been working with Ukrainian troops near the Polish border.” Sign Biden isn’t that reckless, even if politics prevents him from making a deal. nytimes.com/live/2022/02/1…
Russia pulling embassy staff it says because the other side is panning aggression. So everyone agrees war may be coming, they just disagree on who will start it.
“The United States has picked up intelligence that Russia is discussing next Wednesday as the target date for the start of military action, officials said, acknowledging the possibility that mentioning a particular date could be part of a Russian disinformation effort.”
The path to avoid a war is quite simple. The US can guarantee no NATO expansion into Ukraine. The American response has been countries "can choose their own alliances." Maybe it's worth looking back to see what has happened when other countries have tried to do that?
Lindsey O'Rourke finds 64 cases of covert US attempts at regime change during the Cold War, in addition to 6 overt ones. "these missions targeted all types of states: adversaries and allies, powerful and weak, democratic and authoritarian, communist and capitalist."
"the United States covertly supported regime change efforts that directly or indirectly replaced democratically elected leaders with authoritarian regimes in six cases and covertly tried to influence the outcome of democratic elections in a dozen additional cases."
You always assume some percentage of crazy conspiracy theories floating around the internet are true. Looks like the one about Castro being Trudeau’s dad is not so crazy. medium.com/@leibowitt/of-…
Here's a screenshot of the story. Taking a chartered jet from Barbados to Cuba to get cucked by Castro?
Looks like a three hour and 20 minute flight to get cucked by Castro. That was Monday, April 12. By Tuesday they're already in Tobago. Ok, this seems unlikely, as much as I'd like to imagine Trudeau's dad timing his wife's cycle for the right moment to get cucked by Castro.
Three grad students sue Harvard for sexual harassment. They go to different media outlets and each includes a photo of them on campus staring somberly at the camera with crossed or folded arms. One of the allegations is an expert on Africa talked about African culture.
This comment on Africa is the centerpiece of the lawsuit. Another important piece is that a different girl joked about the clothes she wore and he responded with another joke. nytimes.com/2022/02/08/us/…
"The women are represented by Sanford Heisler Sharp, which filed a similar suit against Dartmouth, winning a $14 million settlement in 2019 for nine women in a sex abuse case." Sounds like productive work.