Rain check 2days b4 the new meta for @PlayCrabada mining.
1. There's still a 73% chance of bumping into a pure bulk amongst the pure 6/6 population
2. Across 1w, bulk dominance only shifted -3%. Despite more aggressive breeding in Prime/Gems/Others
3. With virgin Prime/Gems/Others still being really expensive.(> USD 15K) We can probably assume that -3% will be a reasonable rate of decline in terms of bulk dominance
4. Still so, that's going to be MINIMALLY 3 MONTHS of continual -3% decline of population dominance before we can get anywhere closer to bulks accounting for only 1/8 of population
My take is this might take much longer than expected. Probably 5-6 months.
5. I'm not a data wiz so I've got to make some blatant assumptions here. Now assuming all PURE BULKS mine and all PURE LUX loot. We'll probably see 4600 BULK teams VS 1100 LUX teams (green). That's honestly still a 1:4 ratio as of today.
6. Now because I was unable to obtain data of the real team composition distribution. I had to make some assumptions again with what I see from mines.
And what we see is that at any one time. 1168 (orange) of the mines are usually left not attacked.
7. Assuming that all these are all 711 Pure Bulk teams. That's a 20% of all mines in the world now.
Now sharp eye folks will note that, we probably have 1168 Pure Bulk Teams but didn't I say 4600 possible Pure Bulk Teams above?
8. Which brings me to another point. Not all PURE BULK TEAM will mine. Not all players are able to assemble 3 PURE BULKS to form a team. And we should assume so too for the other classes.
9. Which also means that MAYBE and I say MAYBE because I don't know for sure.
Only 50% of the current possible LUX teams will enter the game as looters eventually. So what I'm saying is over 500 teams PURE LUX TEAMs.
10. And if you have a PURE LUX Team, why are you even looting? You should be mining unless you've found a way to loot all 12 times. (*ahemmm Bots*)
11. My takeaway as a BULK BREEDER? I want to call out to my fellow BULK brothers. DON'T STOP BREEDING. I believe that we still have a considerable runway here of at least 2 months additional.