Another big scam has rocked Bharat. This scam is even bigger than by Vijay Mallya (₹900 Crore) and Nirav Modi (₹14,000 Crore) with estimated fraud of around ₹ 22,842 crore.
35 old year Gujarat Based Company.
ABG Shipyard by Chairman and Managing Director Rishi Kamlesh Agarwal has defrauded many PSUs and private sector banks with thousands of crore rupees.
CONgress was quick to accuse PM Modi for the scam connecting Co's Gujrat base with him.
How Smart !!
◾ABG Shipyard was incorporated on 15 March 1985.
◾- ABG Shipyad had total Capital Liability of ₹278.70 Crore in Mar04 which increased to ₹5,394.23 by Mar10.
No problem with that. Co's business was growing.
Under whose छत्रछाया?
See how "Modi" helped ABG Shipyard.
◾2009: Company was selected to build 11 high-speed water jet propelled interceptors for Coast Guard
Who gave Contract? UPA Govt under CONgress.
◾Oct 10: ABG took over a PSU "Western India Shipyard Ltd"
Who sold PSU? UPA Govt under CONgress.
Who was funding? Banks!!!
◾2011 : ABG was awarded a ₹9700 Crore deal to build 2 cadet training ships for the Indian Navy.
Who gave Contract?....UPA Govt under CONgress.
◾2012 : It won an order again for ₹500 Crore from UPA Govt under CONgress.
Where was money managed from? Bank Loans!!!
No problem with expansion of business by raising debts....but if one can afford to pay EMI & interest on Working Capital Advances.
But with so many orders in hands, that too from Central Govt, should there be problem with Regular Repayments?
Now comes the twist in story.
◾ABG Shipyard was declared NPA in Nov 13 for "Non Operations" Failure to pay EMI & Interest against Advances
Then what about so many orders from Central Govt for Navy & Coast guard? No follow up by UPA Govt?
ABG kept on being "GIFTED" loans & it's Capital Liability reached ₹ 12,187.84 Crore. Account is already NPA.
Now water was raising above head for Banks.
So here steps in Great Chidambaram & Then RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan.
Get ready. We are reaching climax of Story.
◾"All" ABG Shipyard Debts were immediately "Restructured" in March 2014 under instructions from then Finance Minister Chidambaram & RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan.... WITHOUT ANY FORENSIC AUDIT !!!
Intersting, Isn't it?
ABG continued with glorious record of being NPA wrt Restructured Loans too as business had already ceased to exist.
◾ Finally..ABG was declared NPA in July16 wrt Restructured Loan too putting it in "Dirty Dozen NPA" list & RBI NOW ordered Forensic Audit.
Audit Report..
Forensic Audit report submitted by M/s. Ernst & Young LP on 18 Jan19 for Apr12 to July17 says:
Do I need say anything more?
Now....take a Microscope and tell me how has PM Modi & his Govt was/is involved in this Another Scam which originated & continued under UPA Govt.
Modi Govt is infact Cleaning the System & has booked the fact, at a fastest speed.
Lastly..Which bank disbursed Most Loans to ABG Shipyard?..ICICI.
Who was bank's CFO & Joint MD at ICICI bwn 2007-09 when ICICI was दानवीर कर्ण in giving loans to ABG?..Chanda Kochhar.. Supposed to be CLOSE to Chidambaram & Raghuram Rajan.
US President Donald Trump's provocative bid to annex Greenland from Denmark has brought storm in Geopolitics! But why's Trump so interested in annexing Greenland?
It's for island's vast natural wealth!
Which's that most precious resource?
Read details 1/4
🌏 Greenland, renowned for its colossal glaciers, contains 10% of the world's freshwater reserves.
🌏 Every day, an estimated 200 to 300 billion tons of fresh meltwater flow from the island's ancient ice sheets into the surrounding seas.
🌏 Some reports say Greenland's ice mass spans an area approximately 2,400 kilometers in length and 1,100 kilometers in width.
🌏 In certain regions of the island, the water is pure enough to drink directly from the source, according to local authorities.
Why is fresh water crucial?
🔶 Fresh water is vital for all life on Earth. As global population grows, demand for fresh water increases exponentially.
🔶 Although 70% of planet's surface is covered by water, nearly 97.5% of it is undrinkable saltwater, and less than 1% is fresh water accessible for human use.
🔶 Each year, humanity draws up to 4.3 trillion cubic meters of fresh water from Earth's waterways and reservoirs for agriculture (70%), industry (19%), and household consumption (11%).
A one-stop thread for exposing CONgress wrt events in last 1 week!
From disrespecting their own leaders to trying to rewrite history, CONgress continues to shoot itself in the foot because of their incompetent & Pidiotic-fool leaders. Their recent actions have exposed their hypocrisy at every turn. Let’s take a look at how CONgress' Murkh-Leaders have repeatedly scored self-goals!
1/ Defenders of Constitution or Its Biggest Threat?
CONgress targeted BJP over the Constitution but got exposed for its own history. From the 42nd Amendment weakening Fundamental Rights to the 39th Amendment shielding Indira Ghandy from judicial scrutiny, CONgress’s attempts to alter the Constitution’s basic structure are now widely debated.
2/ Championing Ambedkar Ji or Betraying Him?
CONgress tried to claim Ambedkar Ji’s legacy but faced backlash as BJP highlighted how the party sidelined him historically. Even Nehru campaigned against Ambedkar during elections, Indira voiced against reservation, their leaders disrespecting his legacy, exposing CONgress’s double standards.
A chemical accident on night of 2–3 Dec 1984 at Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) Pesticide Plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, Bharat. The industrial disaster is considered the world's worst in history.
It claimed more than 15000 lives & 6+ Lakh people were affected after getting exposed to Methyl Isocyanate (MIC) gas.
It WASN'T Accident, BUT case of Criminal Negligence!
The preparators ought to be brought to books & taken stern action!
That's what Rajiv Ghandy did!🫡
4 days after deadly Toxic Gas Leak,Company’s Chairman,Warren Anderson,was arrested on arrival in MP.
CONgress State Govt kept him under HOUSE ARREST for HUGE 2 hours. Bail was Immediately ARRANGED for Anderson & Anderson was HELPED to FLEE Bharat to Never Return Again.
Kamala Harris is trailing big as per latest opinion polls.
My opinion- Trump: 297, Harris: 241
(unless Deads vote as in 2020)
I'm just putting my view in both scenarios wrt possible consequences in both cases & #Modi Sarkar's moves!
Efforts to destabilise Bharat will continue. Balak Buddhu will be fuelled to create unrest in Bharat. In this case, #Modi Sarkar will have to tackle 2 fronts..internal & external (East Pakistan). Modi Sarkar may go bit slow on internal front to not give...
chance to Balak Buddhu to burn Nation & focus more on External front. Bharat may not target East Pakistan directly. But we may suddenly find Balochistan getting too heated up with Sindh also on boil. We may see OUR Kashmir FULLY integrated with Bharat in hard response to....