Marc Andreessen Profile picture
Feb 17 13 tweets 2 min read
"The world of the future. The world I want. A world of obedience and unity. A world where the thought of each man will not be his own, but an attempt to guess the thought of his neighbor, who'll have no thought of his own but an attempt to guess...and so on, around the globe."
"All must agree with all. A world where no man will hold a desire for himself, but will direct all his efforts to satisfy the desires of his neighbor, who'll have no desire except to satisfy the desires of the next neighbor who will have no desires except... around the globe."
"All must serve all. A world in which man will not work for money, but for that headless monster--prestige. The approval of his fellows--their good opinion--the opinion of men who'll be allowed to hold no opinion. An octopus, all tentacles and no brain."
"Judgment? Not judgment, but public polls. An average drawn upon zeros--since no individuality will be permitted. A world with its motor cut off and a single heart, pumped by hand. My hand--and the hands of a few, a very few other men like me."
"Those who know what makes you tick--you great, wonderful average, you who have not risen in fury when we called you the average, the little, the common, you who've liked and accepted those names."
"You'll sit enthroned and enshrined, you, the 'little people', the absolute ruler to make all past rulers squirm with envy, the absolute, the unlimited, God and Prophet and King combined. Vox populi. The average, the common, the general."
"But even the trite has to be originated by someone at some time. We'll do the originating. Vox dei. We'll enjoy unlimited submission--from men who've learned nothing except to submit."
"You'll fall over one another in a scramble to see who can submit better and more. There will be no other distinction to seek. No other form of personal achivement. Everything that can't be ruled, must go."
"And if freaks persist in being born occasionally, they will not survive beyond their twelfth year. When their brain begins to function, it will feel the pressure and it will explode. The pressure gauged to a vaccum."
"What of us, the rulers? I'll achieve no more than you will. I'll have no purpose save to keep you contented. To lie, to flatter you, to praise you, to inflate your vanity. To make speeches about the people and the common good."
" I'm the most selfless man you've ever known. I have less independence than you, who I just forced to sell your soul. I want nothing for myself. I use people for the sake of what I can do to them. It's my only function and satisfaction. I have no private purpose. I want power."
"I want my world of the future. Let all live for all. Let all sacrifice and none profit. Let all suffer and none enjoy. Let progress stop. Let all stagnate. There's equality in stagnation. A great circle--and a total equality. The world of the future..."
-- A fictional character who could never exist in real life, I assume.

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