Karen Vaites Profile picture
Feb 19, 2022 34 tweets 17 min read Read on X
I've been digging into claims that @CDCgov recently lowered its bar for children's speech development.

CDC did change milestones. Today, it's out of line with @ASHAWeb & NY State.

Importantly, these other orgs haven't changed any guidance during the pandemic.

Let's unpack.
Now, I'm not a speech pathologist, nor do I play one on Twitter. But literacy advocates & Speech & Language Pathologists share common advocacy terrain, so I Know People.

I had many conversations today with SLP friends. The universal refrain:

@ASHAWeb is the Gold Standard.
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (@ASHAWeb) is clear that "saying fewer than 50 words" when a child is two years old is a sign of a "language problem."

asha.org/public/early-i… Image
.@ASHAWeb has been critiqued by many SLPs for staying on the sidelines about masking.

Whatever you think about that...

ASHA's guidance has remained completely unchanged during COVID.

ASHA in April 2019 via @waybackmachine:
So now let's look at the recent changes made by the @CDCgov, with support by the @AmerAcadPeds.
Here's @CDCgov on 2YO milestones now (left).

Compared to the CDC in March, 2021 via
@waybackmachine (right).

The difference in 2YO milestones: ImageImage
Pre-pandemic, two year olds were typically repeating words and speaking two- to four-word sentences.

Also, "knowing names" of familiar things.

The original CDC videos won't render via the Wayback Machine, I can't go deeper into what all this means. Image
Today, @CDCgov milestones are heavy on pointing and gesturing, and typical 2 year olds are only expected to say two words together. Image
In latest changes, @CDCgov introduced a 30-month milestone, which didn't exist previously.

For the first time, @CDCgov milestones introduce expectations for number of words spoken: 50. cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearl…

Recall, @ASHAWeb says that 50 words at 2YO is a red flag for delays. Image
Age 2 has always been a pivotal year in children's speech development. Many kids make major speech strides between 18-24 months, which is why Early Intervention services typically start at age 2.

Accordingly, 2YO milestones warrant special focus.

The other thing I noticed...
Is that the @CDCgov milestones for 2YOs used to have an "Act early" section at the bottom of the page, emphasizing the 2-word phrase expectation.

Now, there are some parenting tips.

I find these to be less helpful.

(Pages linked above.) ImageImage
I was surprised that @CDCgov milestones didn't mention expected number of words spoken by a 2YO (now, and pre-pandemic).

When I had a speech delayed 2YO, I found those to be really helpful.

So, I refreshed my memory on the milestones in my state, New York.
New York State says the same thing now:

As it said in 2019:

At age 2, most children speak 2-3 word sentences and "say about 50 words." Image
I find it odd that the @CDCgov – an organization that takes a conservative stance on sunny side up eggs and sampling of cooking dough – takes the least caution position, by far, on children's speech development.

Especially in its latest updates.
And now, I’d like to talk anecdotally, about one mom’s experience with a speech-delayed two year old in New York State.

That mom is me. Image
When this wee New Yorker turned two, she spoke ~20 words.

She was evaluated by NY State Early Intervention, and qualified immediately for speech therapy, which began at age 27 months.

3 months later, she was speaking sentences.

It was frankly amazing. Image
One reason I feel confident about the New York State and @ASHAWeb guidelines is that all SLPs who considered my daughter’s case were consistent:

If she had less than 50 words at age two, that was a BIG problem.

No one said, “It’s no biggie! Give it ‘til 30 months!” Image
What’s more, *everyone* told me to count the number of words she spoke. I had a post-it that tracked the words.

I also had a huge assist: my amazing sister is a speech pathologist who saw warning signs for my daughter – early, by 15 months – and told me what to look for.

I count my blessings that people (first my sister, then others, incl NYS professionals) explained spoken word milestones clearly.

So clearly that I could act on them as a parent.

Child development experts rightly emphasize the importance of early intervention…
These new @CDCgov @AmerAcadPeds milestones fly in the face of early intervention, and we have to ask why.
This isn’t the first time @CDCgov made quiet updates to guidance related to risks of masking young children.

Of note:
Have doubts?

Here’s the @MayoClinic, noting 50 words “or more” as appropriate at age 2.

FWIW, my speech pathologist sister who was monitoring my daughter told me that most kids speak 100+ words at age 2. Fifty words is a fair worry point.

mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifest… Image
BTW, yes I was aware of the CDC's stated rationale for making these changes. They are well-summarized in this thread.

Whatever the CDC's intentions... the dissonance between their guidance and the guidance of orgs like ASHA remains...

And it's simply strange that the CDC's review process, as outlined in their paper, even references ASHA guidance... yet their milestone updates conflict with ASHA and every other set of guidelines I have seen. ImageImage
Also, I couldn't find any speech pathologists who thought that 25% of children are, in fact, speaking only 50 words at 30 months. Which is what you'd have to believe to believe that the CDC change is appropriate to accomplish the goals outlined here.

When you check in with a dozen people in a field, and they all reflects your sense that the ASHA guidelines are appropriate... and your own child received services based on identical guidelines... well, it makes the CDC changes seem fishy.
Can I prove that the @CDCgov changes were political? I cannot.

Do I think this topic deserves conversation, even if the CDC/AAP had no nefarious motives?

Well, there is never a bad time to have public discussions about children’s development & value of early intervention.

One more thing about the CDC’s stated goals vs its actions:

If a goal of the change was to make the line for “at risk” clearer, then you’d expect more pointed language to convey the need to get screening for intervention.

Yet the new guidance is less alarmist, per above.
To those saying, “But the changes are based on pre-pandemic data!”

Paper accepted 2021. Published 2022.

It’s a pandemic era *interpretation of literature & guidance* from pre-COVID era, including info from orgs like @ASHAWeb, whose guidance conflicts w/ new CDC milestones. Image
Y’all, the longer I sit with this, the more unnerving it becomes to watch a bunch of doctors cheer a CDC guidance change that is poorly-executed at best, anti-child at worst…

Just to stick to a position in the Mask Wars.

Short Thread:
All of these people vigorously – I mean VIGOROUSLY – defending these changes, as if the eight CDC oracles behind them just boiled an ocean of research.

Guess how many studies they cite to back up the new 50 words at 30 months milestone?

Three. Image
How much do you want to bet that the speech folks at ASHA can cite >3 studies to back the virtues of interventions at age 2 for children speaking <50 words?
The predictable development:

@ASHAWeb has spoken out about its concerns about the CDC changes, more or less saying that they are not evidence-based.

facebook.com/asha.org/posts… Image
Thank you to everyone who spoke out about this issue.

Regardless of the CDC's motive for the change, it's bad for the cause of identifying developmental delays in children and ensuring timely EI referrals. That matters most.

• • •

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Jan 14
Wowza news in early literacy:

Study shows major gains in K-1 reading outcomes from use of the viral, and virtually free, UFLI foundational skills program.

In fact, I’ve never seen effect sizes this high from a study of a literacy program.

Congrats @HollyLanePhD @burnsmk1 @UFLiteracy!Image
Link to study here:

If there are higher effect sizes from use of a curriculum product, pls send me that study, BC I need to know it.

One more reflection…researchgate.net/publication/38…
One of my favorite things about UFLI: it asks 30 minutes a day from teachers for foundational skills work.

Teachers in this study were spending 30 min/day.

The attention that the UFLI team gave to creating an effective program *within a 30 minute window* is laudable.

We still live in a world where the “Science of Reading” encounters resistance for being over focused on phonics, and for robbing time from other valuable and exciting work like getting kids into rich texts.

If your program is 30 minutes/day, you leave plenty of time for the other essentials of literacy.

AND - if a 30-min program has gone viral within the Science of Reading community, that says a lot about the demand in that community.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 8, 2024
A key reminder in the Science of Learning conversation:

You can always find weak studies to support adult preferences about how kids should learn.

Here’s a good example. This was recently tweeted by a prominent teacher, in defense of choice reading (letting kids pick the books they read).

If you read the study, you realize:

The authors are fully bought into the theory, common in education, that enjoyment of a task improves your outcome with the task.

Just because it does. Image
.@C_Hendrick talked about this common misperception in his brilliant keynote at @researchED_US.

This was the segment:
Read 9 tweets
Apr 7, 2024
.@C_Hendrick’s keynote at @researchED_US was astoundingly good.

I caught most of it on video…

Sorry that it’s in Tweetable chunks, but I promise that it’s worth the headache of pressing Play a few times.

What is learning, Carl asks?
The problem is that learning is highly counterintuitive.

How we think we learn, and how we actually learn, are more often than not very far apart.

@C_Hendrick As he outlines the six paradoxes of learning, @C_Hendrick speaks personally about #2, the difference between working memory and long-term memory.

“I had no idea about this for the first 5 years of my teaching.”
Read 16 tweets
Apr 6, 2024
Are these educational beliefs familiar to you?

They were once familiar to, and believed by, @MrZachG.

“I’m not a contrarian. I believed what I was told” in teacher preparation.

At @researchED_US: Image
His learning journey brought him to more effective practices.

@MrZachG details Project Follow Through, a massive US study of instructional approaches that showed the relative effectiveness of explicit instruction vs more popular approaches. Image
@MrZachG In his podcast, @MrZachG goes into detail on Project Follow Through with some of the original participants, including Linda Carnine:

It’s a fascinating listen! podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pro…
Read 4 tweets
Jan 13, 2024
Remarkably busy week on the state curriculum adoption front. A mixed bag of news, illustrating fragmented landscape.

Here’s a roundup thread.

The good:

MN short lists truly high-quality curriculum options. No weak basal programs on the list.

The bad:

A mostly-grim list of options out of South Carolina.

Core Knowledge Language Arts is the only high-quality option on a list dominated by mediocre basal series.
“I’ll take Lunch On Site, please” has been the best running joke about South Carolina’s options.

Read 8 tweets
Aug 18, 2023
It’s the seventh school day in Sumner County, Tennessee.

Fourth graders are already writing “well-developed” essays about their interpretation of multiple nonfiction texts.

The kind of teaching that produces this work = what every child deserves.

Also, this is a curriculum story. Sumner Cty uses one of the six high-quality curricula designed for this type of work.

@jenni_copeland didn’t invent this lesson, it was part of her curriculum. She is clearly crushing it. 🙌

If this isn’t happening in your school…

Why not?
@jenni_copeland Hope you are following @jenni_copeland… her work knocks my socks off every year.

And this didn’t just happen, y’all… Jenni and her curriculum have been building to this, intentionally.

Read 7 tweets

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