An MP was asked by a constituent to ask about the WEF and its' ties to our government. He was cut off and it was deemed disinformation. They moved on. @stillgray@TheoFleury14@LovesCanada8@PrisonPlanet
Palpatine's speech is eerily similar to Justin awarding himself emergency powers.
It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me!
After the confrontation with Master Mace Windu, and his face became deformed, it gave him the ultimate reason to declare the Jedi as Enemies of the Republic. He used a scapegoat to award himself more power, and a new target for war. A new focus of fear for the people.
He declared the innocent group as insurrectionists. Stated they planned to take over the government. Then he declared that he would hunt them down. Sound familiar @OttawaPolice ?