This was done across several of my own brands, I currently don’t run ads for clients
Spark Ads Achieve a Higher Conversion Rate
Normal ads only have 1 creative & 1 chance to sell the user on the product, but spark ads allow users to browse the brand’s profile & watch every video
The more content they watch, the higher they’ll convert
UGC Outperforms Everything
Any creative that showed a face in the first 3 seconds averaged 80% higher performance & increased watch-time by nearly a 2x
Creatives usually burnout on TikTok within 1-2 weeks, but it’s easy to trick the algorithm by changing the sound/trimming off 1-2 seconds of the video
The same winning creative could be used for months if done right (on 1 ad account)
Beta Features Outperform Everything
Auto-Targeting & Value Optimization were some of the best performing campaign types we ran, average 2-3x higher returns
Auto-Targeting was unfortunately discontinued, but value optimization is being pushed to all accounts soon
New Feature Releases Affect Performance
Every time a beta feature has been introduced, performance across all accounts take a hit & CPA volatility goes crazy. Takes 1-2 weeks to stabilize in my experience