вареничок.eristavi Profile picture
Feb 20, 2022 84 tweets 64 min read Read on X
when foreigners casually drop ‘bombing of kyiv’ these pics always come to mind. this is what #RussianColonialism did to chechnya and grozny when they tried to leave the empire in 2000. a war crime of horrific scale, but the rest of the world was like ‘meh’, so moscow continued

moscow is awfully uncreative. in the last one hundred years #RussianColonialism has been using the same invasion and occupation tactic over and over and over again. thread.
1920. central asia tries to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow invades to protect from ‘ethic violence’. bukhara, one of the oldest cities in the world, ends up in ruins. 150,000 slaughtered across the region in pogroms and ethnic cleansing
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basmachi_… ImageImageImage
1917-32. ukraine tries to to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow invades to ‘stop violence’, spends years on a mass murder spree across the country, stokes unrest and eventually occupies it. kremlin uses the #holodomor genocide and mass terror to crush the resistance Image
1917-20. azerbaijan tries to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow manufactures fakes about mass murders and invades ‘to stop violence’. tens of thousands slaughtered

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Army_… Image
1917-20. armenia tries to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow manufactures fakes about mass murders and invades ‘to stop violence’

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Army_… Image
1917-24. georgia tries to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow stages ethnic violence and invades to ‘stop it’. over 15,000 executed and 20,000 deported in ethnic cleansing of georgians
civil.ge/archives/39704… Image
1918-45. north caucasus tries to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow stages ethnic violence and invades to ‘stop it’. mass ethnic cleansing and deportations in following two decades kill hundreds of thousands

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountaino… ImageImage
1917-21. Bashkortostan tries to leave #RussianColonialism and becomes the world's first muslim democracy. moscow stokes internal divisions, lures into a military union and then absorbs the republic, murders over 10,000 in following anti-colonial uprisings
ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Башкурдис… Image
1918. latvia tries to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow manufactures a civil war, but fails to take over the country and latvians manage to defend newly-born post-colonial democracy
okupacijasmuzejs.lv/en/history/ind… Image
1917-20. estonia tries to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow invades using token estonians & disinfo claiming 'liberation' of the country. with solidarity of uk & finland estonians managed to defend newly-born post-colonial democracy
1918. lithuania tries to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow breaks the word on international post-ww1 treaty that guaranteed lithuanian independence, creates a puppet statelet litbel to legitimize the invasion, orchestrates a coup, but lithuanians push back
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithuania… Image
1918. belarus tries to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow creates a puppet statelet litbel to sabotage the independence movement. small belarusian army resists enormous kremlin forces for over a month on a heroic suicide mission but loses
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belarusia… Image
тым, што пайшлі паміраць, каб жыла бацькаўшчына
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slutsk_up… ImageImage
1919-22. karelia tries to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow crushes anti-colonial uprisings, bans democratically-elected assembly, creates a puppet govt. hundreds slaughtered, approx 30,000 became refugees, local language/culture banned in 1930s
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Kare… ImageImage
1929-30. north afghanistan becomes a base for anti-colonial fighters from central asia. plus, unpopular afghan king gets ousted, asks #RussianColonialism to invade. kremlin sends troops dressed in afghan uniforms. they slaughter hundreds, but return home
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Army_… Image
1924. tungus republic of indigenous arctic nations tries to leave #RussianColonialism after centuries of genocides, exploitation, cultural erasure. moscow lured the republic in ceasefire with fake autonomy promises, then mass slaughtered the leadership
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tungus_Re… Image
1927. sick of exploitation of indigenous lands, yakutia tries to leave #RussianColonialism, form a democratic confederation. moscow lures the leaders into a false autonomy and amnesty deal, then breaks the word, executes most of the uprising's participants
ojs.lib.uwo.ca/index.php/iipj… Image
1933. indigenous siberian nation of khanty tries to leave #RussianColonialism after centuries of genocides, exploitation, cultural erasure and mass abductions. anti-colonial uprising was drowned in mass murder
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazym_reb… Image
1934-43. indigenous nation of nenets tries to leave #RussianColonialism after centuries of genocides, exploitation, cultural erasure. the mandalada uprising was drowned in another genocide
academia.edu/479640/Two_War… Image
1932. indigenous nation of dolgans tries to leave #RussianColonialism after getting sick of economic exploitation and cultural erasure. moscow drowns the taymyr uprising in blood and mass repressions
tol.org/client/article… Image
1939. moscow fabricates 'ethnic conflicts' and invades poland to protect 'minorities' — as a facade for a secret #RussianColonialism deal with hitler to divide europe. around 200,000 slaughtered in german-russian invasion
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_… Image
poles delayed pre-invasion mobilization believing it would provoke invaders and give them a reason to violate the peace in europe
1939. moscow lies it wants to protect itself from security threats inside finland & invades it as part of a secret #RussianColonialism deal with hitler to carve up europe. amid heavy losses kremlin settled for 11% of finland. over 400,000 slaughtered
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter_War Image
1940. moscow makes a #RussianColonialism deal with hitler, lies it wants ‘to protect itself’, bullies estonia, latvia, lithuania into accepting russian military bases, uses them to invade. Over 179,000 deported, tens of thousands die in ethnic cleansing
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupatio… Image
1940. moscow makes a #RussianColonialism deal with hitler, lies it wants ‘to protect itself’, invades romania and annexes 15% of romanian territory
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_oc… Image
1953. east germany tries to leave #RussianColonialism, millions show up for pro-democracy rallies. moscow uses a formal help request from a puppet regime to send tanks, kill hundreds and crush the uprising
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Germ… Image
1956. hungary tries to leave #RussianColonialism, students launch a popular pro-democracy uprising. moscow uses a facade collective security pact to invade. thousands slaughtered, uprising crushed
rferl.org/a/remembering-… ImageImageImage
1930. kazakhstan tries to leave #RussianColonialism amid moscow's wild pillage of farming lands and local resources. over 372 uprisings and rebellions pop up, some are explicitly anti-colonial. kremlin suppresses most of them, thousands killed
uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Антирадян… Image
1930-43. under the pressure of settler colonialism, indigenous nation of crimean tatars tries to leave #RussianColonialism via several uprisings. moscow lies it wants to protect itself and targets the nation with genocide & deportation. every second dies
ukrainianinstitute.org/today-we-comme… ImageImage
1917-18. indigenous nation of crimean tatars tries to leave #RussianColonialism, founds the second-ever muslim democracy. moscow overthrows the government, executes 33-yo president numan çelebicihan, throws his body into the sea. ethnic cleansing follows
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimean_P… ImageImage
1968. czechs and slovaks try to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow uses a facade collective security pact to invade. 137 slaughtered, the uprising is crushed
rferl.org/a/prague-sprin… ImageImage
1929-44. tannu-tuva tries to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow stages a coup, installs a puppet regime, starts cultural erasure, sends ethnically russian settler colonialists, forces tuva to grant them citizenship and eventually annexes the country
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuvan_Peo… Image
1917-22. ukrainians of the far east try to leave #RussianColonialism. they form the zeleny klyn state as part of newly-independent ukrainian people's republic, a democratic council, an army. a proto-state collapses with the russian occupation of ukraine
bigthink.com/strange-maps/u… Image
1917-20. kuban cossacks try to leave #RussianColonialism. they form a democratic parliament, a republic, join newly-independent ukrainian people's republic in a federation. after the invasion of ukraine, they get encircled and crushed by moscow
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuban_Peo… Image
1918. idel-ural tries to leave #RussianColonialism. a tatar proto-republic had one of the first democratic muslim parliaments and constitutions in the world. moscow stokes internal ethnic divisions, kidnaps MPs, invades and disbands the parliament
idelreal.org/a/29306275.html Image
1986. kazakhstan tries to leave #RussianColonialism, the jeltoqsan pro-democracy uprising becomes the country's own tiananmen moment. moscow dispatches kill squats: hundreds protesters executed, but they inspire anti-colonial fighters across the empire
codastory.com/disinformation… ImageImage
1991. estonia leaves #RussianColonialism. moscow sends tanks to drag it back. estonians mount barricades, peacefully confront invaders. demoralized russians go home
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singing_R… ImageImage
1990-91. latvia leaves #RussianColonialism. moscow orchestrates bombings, stokes ethnic hatred, fuels fear and hysteria via disinfo. citizens build barricades, meet kremlin kill squads mostly unarmed. 6 killed. demoralized russians go home
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Barri… ImageImageImage
1990-91. lithuania leaves #RussianColonialism. moscow puts economic blocade, uses disinfo to further ethnic strife, sends tanks to roll over peaceful protesters. 15 killed, but lithuania withstands. demoralized russians go home
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_E… ImageImage
1990. azerbaijan wants to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow fuels ethnic hatred, uses it as an excuse to send tanks & slaughter independence supporters. 170 die in the january massacre. instead of demoralizing, it turbo-charges the independence push
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Jan… ImageImageImageImage
1989. georgia wants to leave #RussianColonialism. moscow sends troops to mass murder a peaceful pro-independence uprising in tbilisi. 19 killed. instead of demoralizing, it turbo-charges the independence push
jam-news.net/28-years-since… ImageImageImage
1992. moldova leaves #RussianColonialism. moscow punishes it by fueling ethnic strife, uses it as a pretext for annexing 10% of the country, and creating a russian-control statelet of transnistria
rulac.org/browse/conflic… ImageImageImage
1992. georgia leaves #RussianColonialism. moscow punishes it by fueling ethnic strife & a civil war. kremlin claims 'neutrality' but keeps sending weapons, money to support breakaway regions. georgia ends up broken, with pro-russian kleptocratic regime
rferl.org/a/georgia-civi… ImageImage
2008. georgia kicks out a pro-#RussianColonialism kleptocratic regime and moves towards rejoining with europe. kremlin decides to punish it. moscow uses disinfo to fabricate claims about 'imminent genocide', invades and occupies 20% of the territory
rferl.org/a/russia-georg… ImageImageImageImage
2014. ukraine kicks out a pro-#RussianColonialism kleptocratic regime. kremlin decides to punish it, creates false disinfo narrative about ethnic strife, claims 'neutrality' but sends troops to create breakaway stateless and annex crimea
en.hromadske.ua/posts/an-open-… ImageImageImage
2015. syria is about to kick out a tyrant and get rid of a key #RussianColonialism military base. moscow sends troops to carpet bomb, gas and mass murder civilians - all to stop 'imminent genocide'. 600,000 killed, 7 million displaced
nytimes.com/2019/10/13/rea… ImageImageImage
1940. moscow wants to punish finland for leaving #RussianColonialism. it creates a puppet statelet on finish lands occupied earlier, promises to protect it from ‘genocide’, uses as a front for invasion of finland
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_D… Image
2022. russia wants to punish ukraine for leaving #RussianColonialism, creates fake ‘genocide’ narratives, uses puppet statelets as a front for invasion. invaders engage in mass war crimes, but blitzkrieg fails and they face unprecedented resistance from the population. TBC ImageImageImage
by popular demand, i will extend this thread to cover #RussianColonialism genocides pre-1917, too. stay tuned
1552. #RussianColonialism genocide of Kazan. after several failed colonizing attempts to install puppet rulers, russians sieged the capital for a month, then slaughtered each and every of 65k citizens, razing most buildings to the ground
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_… ImageImageImage
1651-56. #RussianColonialism genocide of the daur people, part of siberian settler colonialism push. no exact estimate how many killed, but males were systemically slaughtered. russians used rape and kidnapping of children as deliberate genocide strategy
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daur_peop… Image
1640-50s. #RussianColonialism genocide of yakut, koryak, kamchadals, chukchi people. part of siberian colonialism push. 80% killed or died of settler-introduced smallpox. russians used meat hooks to hang the native men, raped the women
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_c… Image
1706-44. #RussianColonialism genocide of itelmens. the indigenous nation was enslaved during siberian settler colonialism push. after several rebellions, russians killed 80% of the population. just 3k itelmens survived to the date
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itelmens ImageImage
1740-1850s. #RussianColonialism genocide of kamchatka indigenous nations. the original population of 150,000 went to 10,000 via systemic slaughter. at least 12 nations were fully exterminated, their lands stolen by settler russian colonists
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_c… Image
1750-1800. #RussianColonialism genocide of the koryaks indigenous nation. the original population of 11,000 reduced to 4,800 via systemic slaughter, settler-introduced smallpox and slavery
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koryaks Image
1820-70s. #RussianColonialism genocide of circassian people. ethnic cleansing, mass rape, and deportations affected 97% or 1,500,000 of this muslim indigenous nation. villages would be located and burnt mostly at night, systematically starved, massacred
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circassia… ImageImageImageImage
1900. #RussianColonialism genocide of chinese and other indigenous nations of the far east. when moscow got scared that anti-colonial boxer rebellion will inspire russian-colonized asian people it just slaughtered thousands and deported tens of thousands
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1900_Amur… ImageImage
1944. #RussianColonialism genocide of chechen & ingush people. after decades of anti-colonial insurgencies, moscow opts out for the 'final solution' of deporting two indigenous nations to central asia. between 200 & 400k die, every third chechen & ingush
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportati… ImageImageImageImage
1937-38. #RussianColonialism genocide of polish people. fearing anti-colonial uprisings, moscow declares polish minority 'fifth column', executes 200k+ and sends to gulags 30k+ killing every fifth pole living under russian rule
ipn.gov.pl/en/digital-res… Image
1937-40. #RussianColonialism genocide of polish people. fearing anti-colonial uprisings, moscow declares polish minority 'fifth column', executes 200k+ and sends to gulags 30k+ killing every 5th pole living under russian rule. this includes katyn massacre
ipn.gov.pl/en/digital-res… Image
1943. #RussianColonialism genocide of the kalmyks. threatened by anti-colonial uprisings within this indigenous and buddhist nation, moscow deports to siberia 20% or 93k. 17k die, the rest are made slaves. their lands remain stolen
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportati… ImageImageImage
1944. #RussianColonialism genocide of the karachays. to clear lands for russian settlers and as 'final solution for muslim problem', moscow invents the myth about this nation being 'a traitor.' reports all 70k of them to central asia. every 5th killed
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportati… ImageImage
1944. #RussianColonialism genocide of the meskhetian turks. as 'final solution for muslim problem', moscow deports 100k of them to central asia. every 2nd killed. most descendants remain stateless
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportati… ImageImageImage
my brilliant friend @Val_Voshchevska made a cover for this thread which now i will use for all my reels and tiktok adaptations in this thread.
дякую ✊🏽❤️‍🔥

check her insta for more great visuals on ukraine and #RussianColonialism
instagram.com/vally_v/ Image

👉🏼museum documenting holodomor evidence
👉🏼based on real events movie about holodmor
👉🏼'red famine' by @anneapplebaum focusing on holodomor history
👉🏼holodomor: ukraine's genocide doc
👉🏼execution by hunger. the hidden holocaust by miron dolot. a memoir and first-hand account
👉🏼unmaking imperial russia by @SPlokhy: on dismantling russian imperial identity by 1st head of the independent ukrainian state mykhailo hrushevsky

👉🏼the gates of europe by @SPlokhy examining ukraine's search for its identity

👉🏼how russians manufactured ethnic identities to expand colonization in central asia

👉🏼on racist russian colonial policies in central asia

thx to @BotakozKassymb1 for the submissions
azerbaijan 1917-20 footnotes part 1
👉🏼the sovietization of azerbaijan by jamil hasanli
👉🏼russian-orchestrated ethnic violence and genocide of azerbaijani people
azerbaijan 1917-20 footnotes part 2
👉🏼bio of mahammad amin rasulzade, the father of azerbaijani independence movement by prominent historian aydin balayev (in ru)
👉🏼first azerbaijani republic
azerbaijan 1917-20 footnotes part 3
👉🏼march 1918: a defining moment for azerbaijan by aydin balayev
georgia 1917-24. footnotes 1
👉@MicheleBerdy’s longread on georgia's trailblazing democracy of 1918-21
👉@CivilGe archive of history reporting on first georgian republic
georgia 1917-24. footnotes 2
👉timeline of russian colonial occupation since 1921 by @Shamemovement

👉 @SovLab documents colonial crimes of Soviet rule in Georgia
north caucasus 1917-20. footnotes
👉🏼wiki on mountainous republic of the norther caucasus
👉🏼@BotakozKassymb1’s research on russian colonialism exotisizing caucasus to conceal genocide
bashkortostan 1917-1920. footnotes.
👉🏼ua wiki on bashkir anti-colonial movement
👉🏼ru wiki on the baymak slaughter

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More from @maksymeristavi

Jan 9
Zaporizhzhia today. if i needed an illustration of what my soul looks like after three years of russians slowly erasing my native city, house by house, block by block, street by street, a loved one after a loved one. Image
this is calibrated torture technique to erase any physical anchors for your memories, any evidence that you ever inhibited that land. tested by russians on dozens of Ukrainians cities and thousands of cities across hundreds of nations before us Image
so one day it looks like Bakhmut (2023) Image
Read 32 tweets
Dec 8, 2024
messaging with Syrian friends today and hearing all about their unexpected joy — they made me remember one of the most important lessons in my life.
several days before our Maidan revolution in Ukraine culminated in russia-sponsored mass murder and subsequent collapse of russia-backed tyranny, i went for a quick trip to Berlin. there i stopped by a museum of GDR, a russian-controlled tyranny of East Germany in post WW2 times.
near the museum’s exit there was a long timeline of the events starting from the russian occupation of East Germany and to the fall of Berlin’s Wall — almost forty years in total.
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Aug 31, 2024
russians murdered Nika Kozhushko inside her own home. robbing all of us a vibrant, young talent, a queer joy. robbing Ukraine of brilliant future. let me share with you some of Nika’s work. please amplify so more people learn her name. so russians pay for this genocide
“Боротьба/Fight” (24.08.2024)

“24.08 was always an important date, even when I was a child and I did not understand the special meaning behind these numbers. But now, having a full awareness of history, what was and what is now, I am grateful for being born in this country and grateful to all those thanks to whom this country is independent today”Image
“what would you take with you, a small snail, when you will be trying to get out of a burning home?” (25.02.2024)

“And that's all I need... Vyshyvankas, sketchbook, work T-shirt, pencil case and hope. These are the things I packed with me on 24.02.2022, because I thought I was going to leave Kharkiv. I stayed and my life, like all Ukrainians, changed forever”Image
Read 25 tweets
Jul 24, 2024
the entire western industry of explaining russia has been a sham. for decades it cultivated the image of russia as this mysterious, chaotic and complex power, impossible to predict or explain it in simple terms and without the help of limited number of brilliant minds
the power where every decision is a byproduct of complex minds of russian rulers, sinister but brilliant. hence 99% of this Western expertise would happen at micro-level psychoanalysing individuals but remaining totally blind to more complex phenomena of russian abusive culture
the only industry where by merit of speaking the imperial language and visiting the metropole at least once you can automatically claim to be also an expert on hundreds of nations russia is or used to colonize
Read 7 tweets
Jul 18, 2024
art is the best shortcut for understanding russian colonial nature. would you like me to share some cool Ukrainian movies with English subtitles that will enlighten you about colonialism? you’re in luck
my absolute fav is Chornobyl 22 by Oleksiy Radynskyi, the brightest anti-colonial thinker in Ukraine. this doc is about russian failed occupation of a Ukrainian nuclear station in 2022. eco-terrorism has always been a fixture of russian colonial behavior
Eurodonbas by Kornii Hrytsiuk is a Ukrainian blockbuster of wartime docs, demolishing one of russia’s central imperial myths - that they ‘built’ eastern Ukraine. most of the featured cities don’t exist anymore, they were erased by russia
Read 13 tweets
Jun 16, 2024
together with thousands of other Ukrainian Roma, Oleksiy Tyrpak heroically fought to defend his home and Europe from fascism. young, brave and fearless, russian murderers stole his from us, too. he would turn 25 earlier this month Image
earlier into the full-scale invasion, Oleksiy got seriously injured defending Ukraine and could retire from the army. despite persuasions from the family, he decided to return to the frontline after the recovery: “I simply can’t leave my battalion behind,” he told his loved ones
“he would never leave anyone behind”
entire Oleksiy’s village Tur’ya Pasika in Zakarpattia oblast showed up to mourn him. kindness and Ukrainianness of this hero transcended ethnicity, skin color or social status. russia has no right to exist
Read 6 tweets

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