1 Putin’s speech is a masterclass on history & realism, please read it in its entirety. I’m posting the link so you can read HIS words, not the spin by assorted western hourly rental “analysts”…
2 first do these sounds like the words of an ethno-nationalist? He acknowledges the deep intermarriage & links between the two states. He states fact that these parts rejoined Russia starting 1654 variously from the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, Ottoman Empire & Golden Horde
3 Notice he says “history” - not “territory”. Again he states facts here - Modern Ukraine as we know it, was created ENTIRELY by the Romanovs & the USSR. Please ask any “analyst” to factually disprove who made these additions. The deep blue is Zaporozhian Hetmanate.
4 now we come to the most important part of the speech - the context - the idea of nationhood and appeasing nationalists at the expense of ethnic Russian populations. Why is this important?
5 I want you to overlay
1 the historical additions
2 the linguistic divisions of Ukraine as per the 2001 census by region
3 the linguistic divisions of the 2001 census by the municipality level. Notice the difference between 2 & 3? Why do you think that is?
6 Mostly this has to do with Russian populations concentrated in the heavily industrialised urban areas. Curiously Ukraine hasn’t held a census since 2001 (the only other country avoiding censuses is another ethnic hotspot - Lebanon) . But note the Russians are in a majority in
7 all areas ceded to “Ukraine” by Lenin and Khrushchev. Though we don’t have census data, we do have voting data. Now notice a stark pattern emerge on left & how sinisterly this pattern changes in the 2019 election on the right. This entirely reinforces Putin’s point.
8 now we’ve established 2 things - communist russia determined the borders of Ukraine and communist Russia’s determination of those borders also meant the Russian population both bears the brunt of but also determines elections. So notice this remarkably strong condemnation of
9 of communism here - how they would sell their own mothers, kill and betray anyone (my term not Putin’s) to stay in power.
10 this is where the next part of the speech gains context. He says “you want decommunisation? We’ll show you real decommunisation” - basically showing the hypocrisy of gaining 90% of your land through communism & then restricting decommunisation to just breaking Lenin’s statues.
11 he reinforces the point - that the cartographic divisions of the USSR were a pure figment of imagination given the heavy centralisation of Stalin. If you go by the cartographic fantasy the USSR was “super democratic”. If you go by reality it was a dystopian nightmare
12 he correctly points to a communist falsification of data (hint the entire basis of the wokery, disease is falsification - CRT as @ConceptualJames points out is just a revised communist manifesto substituting race for class). Now ask yourself honestly
13 does this sound like a “KGB officer” or indeed an “ethnonationalist” ? He’s equally critical of nationalism but much much more so of communism. He’s making a profound point here - that he’s not going to live in other peoples fantasies - rather he’s simply playing the cards
14 that history dealt him. That’s called a super-realist based guy, who understands both reality & limitations. This part here is very important. It shows how despite their exterior “scientific temper” communists will play every ethnic hatred there is - Yugoslavia, CRT, Bengal
15 Kerala, Xinjiang - etc etc etc. the list goes on and on. Now you understand why the Democrats & left academic elites are so obsessed with CRT & gender? It’s another identity card to be played in the face of failure and the desire to self-perpetuate.
16 again some cold hard facts - no western analyst has sought to disprove this - Ukraine was a consummate parasite. It took energy subsidies worth 250 billion in a 22 year period from Russia and exactly no share of the USSR’s debt much of which had gone into sustaining eastern
17 Ukraine’s heavy industry. Again I challenge anyone to disprove this. Notice the running theme here - Ukraine’s problems are because of its extreme kleptocracy. Continuing this pattern @ZelenskyyUa is dressing up personal corruption as Ukrainian “strategic concerns” - what
18 every hopelessly corrupt president before him has done. Note he like his equally rabid Russia hating predecessors has proven business ties with Russia. For indian readers, please note - this is exactly the game hopelessly corrupt Pakistan plays with China & the US.
19 obviously the usual cronyism set in. I don’t need to get into the rise of rancid extreme Ukrainian nationalism including the rehabilitation of Stepan Bandera. Here you can see him in SS uniforms and on Ukrainian stamps. Conferred Ukraines highest honour.
20 the role of NGOs here is well known enough. I’m going to give you a “fact check” by known propagandists politifact. I want you to see for yourself how they carefully avoid answering the question directly and instead engage in whataboutery…
21 this para refers to @ZelenskyyUa cultivated “honest” image & “reconciliation” & the “trust” referred to is the voting patterns of the 2019 election. Note since then he’s thrown journalists in jail & centralised power. Did a thread on this here
22 to note nobody has been brought to account for the burning alive of people in Odessa and Ukraine’s economy is in total shambles and has been despite the total rupture from Russia in 2014. Only disaster zones like Syria, Afghanistan and Lebanon would have these statistics
23 he keeps re-emphasising how since 2014 when Ukraine severed the Russian umbilical cord, everything has collapsed including “democracy”. Note this thread I did previously on how Zelensky has negated his own Parliament, thrown journos in jail etc.
24 It is true that nominations for the judiciary have been outsourced internationally, subject to obvious external manipulation. As for the other offices, I have no knowledge and would defer to @ClintEhrlich, but the “corruption is flourishing like never before” is 100% accurate
25 the privatisation of the state - again 100%, worth noting Putin also runs the same system in Russia. In this next section the first two paras are are debatable, but the last 2 are fact. The state has been stoking the orthodox schism & zelensky has been sanctioning citizens
26 This para is with respect to Crimean Tatars. Hizb Ul Tahrir is banned in Germany and every Muslim country except Lebanon, UAE & Yemen. It is banned in Russia but not it Ukraine. So this too checks out.
27 Indians will know very well that this is the Pakistan model - divert from domestic issues and dire corruption, through foreign wars and invite intervention & internationalisation. The parallels with pakistan (oligarchy, support for terrorism, intent to escalate) are obvious
28 as for the nuclear weapons allegation, this is the first I’m hearing of it. Seems entirely concocted, given we haven’t heard of any IAEA or Russian Intel reports on this prior to today.
• • •
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Apparently Rajdeep, Anant, Raj Kamal & Mazoomdaar were never taught FUTURE TENSE & PAST TENSE at school. Honestly my dogs have higher English comprehension than these clowns.
DOGE “were going to be spent”
Brothel of Courage “let’s check already spent from 2022”
Basically what this “offshore finance investigator” has done is gone through USA spending contracts () which as we’ve seen before are highly erratic and not a complete record (which is exactly why @DOGE is doing a forensic audit). For example take what
USA spending claims is the total lifetime grants and projects awarded to CEPPS: 190 million USD (how does this square with 400 million odd). What’s worse is that this seems to exclude a grant of 1.9 BILLION given for elections in Nigeria. Hang on 1.9 BILLION? No of you click on
Indian media claiming Mediaparte has “distanced itself” from the OCCRP report
Curiously the “distancing” statement isn’t on @Mediapart @MediapartEN or its editor @CarineFouteau’s X timeline or indeed on their French ( or English ( websites
None of the outlets publishing this “distancing” are hyperlinking the statement if it exists, nor are they providing screenshots.
Curiously @CarineFouteau never objected to the Opposition “instrumentalising” its reports. But worse claims BJP is spreading “fake news”. So my
Questions to @MediapartEN @Mediapart & @CarineFouteau are as follows 1) given your commitment to transparency - where is this “statement” on your X & websites? 2) Where exactly is @BJP4India misquoting/misattributing you? 3) what exactly has the BJP said that you’re claiming is
1) Government forces are fortifying and consolidating around Damascus and the Latakia-Tartous coast. As you can see both are ringed by mountains
2) The jihadist advance is just too fast and furious to sustain - especially given the lack of unified command
3) the situation as bad as it is, is still better than 2013-15 for the Government as of now
4) two possibilities - government falls after prolonged siege of the coast and Damascus OR government holds and then expands the inkblots as it did in 2016
6) problem with possibility 2 is Hizbollah is destroyed, Iran is preoccupied with homeland defence after the Israelis strikes. Russia is bogged down in Ukraine. Ergo no Syrian ally has the resources to expend on the costly and bloody offensives required to push back Jihadis
DELHI MEDIA GOSSIP 🧵: Gujarat Police sources telling me @LangaMahesh was paid the following:
• Reliance: ₹18 crores over 3 years
• Torrent: ₹ 10 crores over 4 years
• Adani: ₹ 20 lacs per month over several years
• Essar: use of the private jet on several occasions
He + wife stayed in 5 star hotels for a total of 99 days in 2023-24. Not one of these bills was paid by the couple. Instead several 3rd parties footed the stay. This is basically 1/3rd of the year spent in suites at 5 stars.
• The tacky “desi bridgerton” birthday party (of which videos have been doing rounds) of his wife was hosted at the highly exclusive Jade Ahmadabad. The owner of Jade has last week filed a police complaint claiming extortion and criminal intimidation by Langa over the party
DELHI MEDIA GOSSIP: Police sources say @LangaMahesh will be charged with Hawala and Extortion soon. they say he has named several extremely senior central bureaucrats as aiding him & profiting from his dealings. As of now the Police say that Mahesh was the glue of a cartel of
Babus, industrialist and journos all opposed to the Ambanis and Adanis (A&A). This rival group was headed funded and supplied documents by one major industrial rival (MIR) of A&A curiously he was also approaching A&A for favours and remuneration running into crores which the
Police say was basically extortion. Police also say that the Media Communications Chief (MCC) of a major opposition party was part of this cartel and Langa double/triple dipped on funding from all these sources. Moreover Langa drafted statements for MCC and acted as the liaison
DELHI MEDIA GOSSIP: Gujarat Police sources: @LangaMahesh was peddling sensitive documents on critical infrastructure which never made it to the @the_hindu. Instead they were shared with the media cell chief (MCC) of a major opposition party. WhatsApp convos reveal that Langa was
not only sharing these docs but also drafting the statements that the MCC was putting out + what MCC should or should not say at the presser. Police say these docs were also peddled for consideration to corporates & that they have the entire WhatsApp trail. Police also say two
Gujarat bureaucrats are now in deep soup. Police will be making the names public in the coming weeks, but the question worth asking is why MCC has been quieter than a mouse since Langa’s arrest? MCC has neither tweeted nor acknowledged the arrest and hasn’t even provided the