Kurt Phillips🧛‍♂️ Profile picture
Feb 22, 2022 118 tweets 39 min read Read on X
1. Day 24.

I have a feeling that this is going to be, for all intents and purposes, the last longish thread and it won't focus entirely on this day's events.

Previous thread can be found here.

2. The big story of the morning is that Tamara Lich was denied bail.

5. Diagolon de facto leader Jeremy MacKenzie shared a post without comment other than to note the denial of bail and the potential for a 10 year sentence.
9. Far-right pseudo-journalist and #OttawaOccupation participant/supporter Leigh Stewart is now pinning her hopes that the Emergencies Act will not be enacted on the Senate.
10. In Alberta QAnon supporter Logan Murphy vigorously promotes another convoy that he thinks will get mandates eliminated and force Jason Kenney to resign.
11. I combined the three short clips for the sake of brevity.
12. As I write this, Pat King is also having his bail hearing. Please follow @JamesDBowie's thread to see how that is going (I suspect it won't go especially well for Pat considering what happened with Lich today).

13. Because things had slowed down (and continue to slow down) considerably, I had time to cut up Pat King's "secret recording" (they actually knew) of his @cbcfifth interview with @GillianCBCfifth who interviewed me in August 2019 for a story that came out in January 2020.
14. The link is from that story when my identity was concealed, though I ended up being doxxed the next day (not the fault of "The Fifth Estate" btw).

I was also interviewed last Wednesday by another team from the series just prior to Pat's.

15. In any case, I figure I would, since we have time, post Pat King's recorded interview.

He believed he really pulled one over on the journalists. He wanted it shared widely. He thinks it makes himself look good.

Spoiler: It does not indeed make him look good.
16. He starts with a whole lot of anti-vaccine misinformation and challenged people to prove them wrong.
17. Claims that it is all a plot by "big pharma" and says he says all they want is for someone to prove them wrong which he claims hasn't happened.
18. When asked if felt he was proven wrong would he get vaccinated, Pat King says absolutely not. Discusses natural immunity and proves he doesn't know what it means (don't eat random forest mushrooms people). Says that survival of the fittest helped create our society.
19. By the way, the previous claim that he hasn't gotten sick? He was sniffling and coughing the whole way to Ottawa and for the first week and a bit.

Pat King doesn't play politics!

Except, you knowm when he does.
20. Okay, a bit confusing. This is the part where when presented with his own words, he says he isn't racist, however he receives a phone call (he is using his phone to share the interview) so he needs to reset.
21. Pat King tries to explain away his "Anglo-Saxon bloodline" being the strongest but that "they" are trying to eliminate it comments. Claims he was clipped and taken out of context. He was not.

Finishes by telling a veteran journalist to "do your research."
22. Pat King says he isn't violent and never says anything violent. When confronted with violent things he said, claims they were taken out of context, just him blowing off steam, and people are too damn politically correct and he should have the right to say what he wants.
23. Pat King says his words suggesting violence won't influence people and that everyone has a mind of their own:

"That's what makes us individuals."
24. He now gets into the conspiracy theory that the Prime Minister sexually assaulted a teenager while a teacher in BC. Claims to have the non-disclosure document. Wants Trudeau jailed but is waiting for the "right time" when he is arrested.
25. The origin of this claim is a long debunked fake news site.

26. In fact and unsurprising Pat King is a fount of conspiracy theories.
27. Pat King claims that the Emergencies Act isn't lawful and that they are peacefully and politically winning their freedoms back
28. Pat King claims the original convoy to Ottawa was successful because they "got their pipelines back" which... huh?

Had they not gotten their "pipelines back" he suggests they would have stayed then as well.

I am dubious about all of these claims.
29. Talks about how his children are being discriminated against how his eldest son won't be able to go to Japan... except he can because he was vaccinated (Pat King claims under pressure). Used is an opportunity to attack his ex wife.
30. This part cuts in and out. When asked about collective responsibility, Pat King has none of it. He has a right to live freely. Also, he's not dead even though he was told by the media everyone was going to die from it. Besides, he had Covid (he thinks) but not a sniffle since
31. A reminder once again that Pat King has been sick frequently over the past two years based on evidence from his own videos.
32. When asked what happens when the police act, he gets into some sovcit stuff.
33. An American link, but still relevant context.

34. When asked about the weapons at Coutts, Pat King claims they were planted there and that no one was arrested. When told people were arrested and being held on multiple serious charges, Pat moves the goalposts.
35. When asked why there were children where present at the protest, Pat King asks "why not?" in return. When @GillianCBCfifth notes the danger when police acted, Pat replies the occupiers then wouldn't put the children in danger. It would be the fault of the police.
36. More sovcit woo, this time discussing Admiralty Law.
37. A snarky (which I love) analysis of this claim can be found here.

38. Pat King thought, prior to the actual police action, most officers would ignore their orders.

Also more proof Pat doesn't understand... things. Like, most things. In fact, almost all things.
39. They are winning with the power of love!

Also, don't take Pat King's threats seriously, except then he says that some people may snap (not him of course) because of what is being done to them.
40. Pat King: Yes those are my words, but if you use my words to call me a racist you are a liar.

In other words, don't believe your lying ears.
41. Pat King briefly talks about his upcoming trip to the East Coast (he is an investigative journalist, dontcha know!) and then claims that that he has talked to all the police agencies who have told him personally that "they got [their] backs."
42. Pat King said no laws have been broken and there have been no arrests (as of February 16 anyways) had occurred. The injunction against horn honking wasn't real. When presented with some examples he suggests it was all for show and there were no charges.
43. Again, when asked about the collective responsibility to protect the vulnerable in society, Pat King says that isn't his concern.
44. I could go into a lot in this brief clip, but I think it can be summed up with this:

Pat King compares the #OttawaOccupiers to Rosa Parks.

Yeah. He does that.
45. the government made Pat King's children get vaccinated. He should have had a say. He is the most loving father you will ever meet.

I'm waiting for him to a promise a chicken in every pot.
46. What will it take for Pat King and the other occupiers to leave?
47. Again, Pat King claims they were given permission to do everything that they had been doing by the police.
48. When asked for names, Pat says he'll look at his phone but then remembers that he is using it to "secretly record" the interview so he lies and says he doesn't have it. Proceeds to provide names of police leadership and spokesperson he claims to have had contact with.
49. His phone crashes so Pat has to reset it again.

Apparently "they" are trying to stop him from getting this out.
50. "This is intense!"

"Get this shit out!"

On that last part we can both agree.
51. Pat King tries to find the place where they left off. Of course, it is where he is asked if comparing Covid mandates to the Holocaust is appropriate.

You won't be surprised to learn his answer.
52. Pat King is asked if he thinks it is appropriate for people protesting mandates to wear yellow stars. He implies that perhaps they are Holocaust survivors.

"Did you look for tattoos?

The admonishment not to be superficial is tone deaf
53. Pat King talks about how he told people to stay put after Tamara Lich's negotiation with the mayor... which apparently actually means that Pat also wanted them to move.

"This is a very dynamic chessboard. It moves as we play."
54. Pat King tries to explain away his "the only way this will be solved is with bullets" comment. Claims that it was clipped by "hack journalists" and that if there is violence it will be due to Trudeau.
55. At the end of the interview he is asked about his trip to the East Coast. Claims it will be a quick jaunt. When told that it is a long trip, he says that it isn't a big deal and they are all professional drivers.

Pat King is not a professional driver.
56. Interview ends. Pat King things he did well.
57. Pat King reveals in the elevator with his sidekick Spike (er... Tyson Billings) that he was recording the whole thing.

He is very proud of how clever he is.
58. So Pat King's analysis?

The lying media was trying to bait him by confronting him with (reads notes) the words he recorded himself actually saying.
59. Now the rest of this is odd.

Pat King claims @antihateca Executive Director Evan Balgord (@ebalgord) was about to write a hit piece on him (he was not) but then also started talking about Evan Solomon (@EvanLSolomon).

Does he think they are the same person?
60. He shows the first part of what is apparently an expose that will blow everything wide open.

Uhm, okay?
61. However Chris Barber's arrest resulted in a change of plans. Pat King talks about calling his lawyers.
62. Pat King believes a magic formula of Latin legal words will get him out of jail immediately.

Note that he has been in jail since this past Thursday.
63. Also, Pat King actually WASN'T going to the East Coast! It was all a ruse! A ruse!

Check mate!

I mean, sure. Okay. Congratulations on lying about something unimportant I guess?
64. And with that we bring this epic to a close.

65. Reports of someone with a gun at the Rideau Centre.

66. Of course the news is dynamic.

We'll see how the story unfolds.

69. So Tamara Lich doesn't get bail but Pat King does?

70. Wait, read that wrong. She has pledged $50,000 but the hearing is ongoing.
71. In fact it doesn't appear that the hearing is going especially well for Pat at all.
72. Follow this thread.

Oh boy... Pat King is in some trouble!

73. Okay I'm going to put these in some sort of order.

Thread one.

74. Let's try this again.

Thread two.

76. Thread four (already posted in my thread at tweet #72).

77. The good folks at @antihateca are also live tweeting the bail hearing.

78. Pat King claims he has biracial stepchildren.

Unless he has a new gf he is grifting, I suspect he is referring to this and the ex certainly thinks he was using her.

80. Those who were asking about Tyson Billings can find information here.

82. Back in Edmonton, QAnon supporter Logan Murphy seems to believe that a few hundred people at the Legislature is "lit."

I do not believe that it is particularly "lit" myself, but what do I know about what the kids think is hip these days?
84. Diagolon de facto leader Jeremy MacKenzie seems to be upset by the direction of the Senate debate on the Emergencies Act.
85. To be fair as far as I know Diagolon imagery was not found on weapons or body armour in Ottawa, though Diagolon members, MacKenzie included, were in Ottawa.
87. Also, he posts a tweet with no comment regarding Randy Hillier perhaps facing legal repercussions.
88. Alex Vriend, whose post MacKenzie shared, is also displeased.
90. Remember when I wrote that this would probably the last of the longish threads (and even then I thought it would be mostly background)?

91. Sent to me by a friend. There may be action in Winnipeg similar to that which occurred in Ottawa.

Warning letters have been given to occupiers in Winnipeg. The same thing occurred in Ottawa a couple of days before police action took place.
93. Also, she is one of the "founders" of the totally-not-a-scam crypto initiative.
94. Stepped out for a bite to eat.

Jeremy MacKenzie is still worked up about the senator who mentioned Diagolon by name in justification for his support of the Emergencies Act.
95. He is especially upset that his association with the novel, "The Day of the Rope" is, as he has claimed, been mischaracterized.

You see, it isn't about a race war. No, it is about vigilantes killing pedophiles. Says it is not at all like "The Turner Diaries."
96. More of MacKenzie complaining about senators not knowing what they are talking about.
97. Okay then, let's talk about "Day of the Rope."

We first came across his affinity for this novel when this article was published on ARC:

"Jeremy Mackenzie: Nova Scotia-Based Extremist YouTuber Spreads Hate"

98. I would urge the reading of that entire ARC article as MacKenzie tries to whitewash his previous statements.

Mention of the novel or the statement are also found in these @antihateca articles.

100. Now let's look at a brief synopsis of 'The Day of the Rope' by Devon Stack, a far-right author and podcaster.
101. Here is a write-up on 'The Turner Diaries' upon which 'The Day of the Rope' is said to be inspired by.

I see a lot of similarities.

101. Hell, you can even make a case that it is even closer to neo-Nazi William Pierce's other novel 'Hunter."

102. By the way, here is more on Pierce for background.

103. Also, Devon Stack's appearance on 'Red Ice' with Lana Lokteff and Henrik Palmgren was certainly telling.

I won't post the link, but the screen shot of the description of the show should suffice to get a taste of the discussion.
105. It also shouldn't be surprising that 'Red Ice" has taken a special interest in the #OttawOccupation which included an interview with A'ex "The Ferryman's Toll" Vriend.
107. So right.

Let's not get all huffy about being called out for what you are Jeremy.
108. In the end all you have are petty insults.
109. Hey forgot this which is sort of critical.

The Day of the Rope has a VERY specific meaning that everyone, EVERYONE, in this ecosystem knows and understands the meaning of.

110. Randy Hillier may be barred from participating in the legislature.

111. New night. New mug.

I’m not actually sure this is new, but in any case I thought some Prosecco in my hand blown chalice made from recycled glass would be nice.

Also, unrelated, my neck is sore from looking at a keyboard for hours a day. I should do something about that.
112. Also to the kind souls who are asking me if I am doing anything besides looking at really hate filled, know that I’m already buying my seeds.

The socks in the first picture are courtesy of two oldest and closest friends.
113. Tonight's protest at the War Museum tonight.

This is just sad at this point.
115. Critical question for which I value the collective’s judgement!
The ayes have it!
117. By the way, an related but perhaps even more important story.

James Sears is going away again because of the efforts of a very brave and determined friend.

118. Okay, time to go to bed.

Here is Parliament Hill at 2:30 am mst and other peaceful and quite streets in Ottawa at varying times this evening and this morning.

• • •

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Aug 8, 2024
1. By now I'm guessing that most of my Twitter followers are aware of the most recent threats against Trudeau and the subsequent of a suspect. I think there is an even more important story though related to the poisonous influence of social media

2. Dawid Zalewski was arrested for making death threats against the Prime Minister. The following video was posted to his second Facebook profile. Be warned that it may be triggering as it promotes graphic violence against the PM and others.
3. Zalewski is clearly not well, but I think would be wrong to dismissively call him "crazy" move on without further examination. There is a reason why he got to this point and I believe we can learn a great deal from his social media footprint.
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Aug 2, 2024
1. I’ve been enjoying my summer break and have not been paying a lick of attention to the Olympics. Until today however since Twitter has collectively lost the plot.
2. Earlier boxer Imane Khelif defeated her Italian opponent in the first round when Angela Carini quit after 45 seconds stating that she had never been hit so hard.

To be fair, I don’t enjoy being punched in the face either so I can at least sympathize with Carini.
3. Now a preliminary fight would never be important enough to make international news under normal circumstances however we are, as the saying goes, living in interesting times.
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Jul 25, 2024
1. Given what is happening in Jasper, these all seem to be especially relevant.

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Jun 25, 2024
1. Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (aka Tommy Robinson) was arrested in Calgary on an immigration warrant apparently. He may have since been released, though he has to turn in his passport and remain in southern Alberta.

I'd prefer that he be kicked out immediately.
2. Despite claiming to have been a "political prisoner" many of Yaxley-Lennon's criminal convictions his Islamophobic "activism" and a number of convictions since have had nothing to do with his political views.
3. In 2005, he was convicted assaulting a police officer who intervened during an argument Yaxley-Lennon was having with his then girlfriend.
Read 12 tweets
May 15, 2024
1/ It's been a while since I've done a thread here, but the recent focus on Pat King got me to wondering what was up with his own Salacious Crumb, Tyson "Freedom George" Billings.

2/ Last time I looked at Billings he was a part of the efforts to set up a permenant camp outside Ottawa so there could be daily protests, though the original plan involved surrounding the police and arresting politicians.

Suffice to say it didn't go anywhere.
3/ Billings and Ron Clark soon headed home, but they both soon got involved in other protests including the anti-carbon tax protests occurring in the province. The numbers at these events have been small but that hasn't stopped from politicians from courting the fringes it seems. Image
Read 37 tweets
Mar 26, 2024
1/ Though I'm not especially active these days, I'm still sometimes gobsmacked by some of the ridiculous (though sadly effective) rage farming by some on the right. Harrison Faulkner of "True North" is just a recent example of that. Image
2/ So a bit of background. Musical artist Karan Aujla won the 2024 TikTok Juno Fan Choice Award at the award ceremony this past weekend.

I think it was this weekend. Truth be told I don't pay a lot of attention to awards shows.

3/ It should be noted that Aujla has been in Canada for years emigrating as an orphan. He graduated from high school in Canada. The album was produced by a Canadian on a Canadian label.

He has made his home here.
Read 23 tweets

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