2/ Where you live in Bristol and the ~c80 years of Bristol socio-economics of these communities massively influences your access to 🌳
Tree coverage varies between 9% and 27% depending on where you live - not cool.
Interestingly gentrification is skewing this (for another day)
3/ Approx 1,300 hectares of Bristol is trees – and for half the year when the leaves are out that’s 13km2 of canopy. (That’s pretty good)
But upping this will enhance wellbeing, boost mental health, provide food for insects, birds & mammals, reduce flood risk and create shade.
4/ But where we plant these trees matters. We’re determined to rebalance our canopy to provide equal access to trees across Bristol.
The fantastic #onetreeperchild project has been a tremendous success across Bristol (see our community orchard being planted in St George)
5/ There is no ‘one way’ to achieve this and there is a lot of mapping, data crunching and planning needed. But we also need to keep going each year getting 000’s of trees planted well and cared after. (shout out to @OTPCBristol@johnnieaka2002 & @AndrewJVarney for Garden motion)
6/ Where possible - We also have to protect the trees we have and act on public safety issues in the face of challenges such as #ashdieback
The Bristol Local Plan will continue to protect trees in spite of Government relaxing planning ‘red tape’ making this task harder.
7/ But like all things in cities - the solution is rarely a straight line as we balance all the challenges Bristol faces.
But with fresh funding sources including the Green Infrastructure fund in @MarvinJRees budget - as an administration we are 100% committed to this goal.
8/ If you have any ideas 💡and want to contribute something to achieving this @BristolOneCity goal please get in touch
E: Cllr.nicola.beech@bristol.gov.uk
E: Cllr.Ellie.king@bristol.gov.uk
1/ A short 🧵 on trees in Bristol.
@CllrEllieking and I have ambitious plans to double Bristol’s tree canopy.
Achieving this goal would transform Bristol’s access to trees.
We already have one of the highest tree covers of all UK cities but the canopy is patchy.