Ukrainian coat of arms = khazar tamga = modern citizens of Ukraine.
The so called modern day "jews" are actually kahazars who created the Ukraine conflict to establish a 2nd Israel in their former khazarian homeland.
The truth is that their neighbors (Iran & Russia) are the Khazars #1 enemy.
They hate Christianity & Islam. Khazars are Pagans who practice Babylonian black magic/satanism/Idolatry, & adopted
Judaism as a front to avoid extermination from the Christian Tsar of Russia in ~800AD.
The khazar empire expanded from Ukraine, to Georgie, to Armenia, to Kazakh-stan (Khazar-stan).
Modern Khazars are turkic people who migrated from western Mongolia, & live in what is now Ukraine.
Remember the NWOs capital Astana = satana with pyramids & masonic buildings?
This was going to be their NWO khazarian empire until it fell to Trump & Putin & Astana’s citizens.
It was prophesied in their Torah, their failed plan to rule the world.
They have to tell you in order for their black magik spells to work.
Black Goo AI + Human = Grey Alien Hybrid
Eyes don’t lie.
I don’t hate their followers, I just wish to spread awareness.
Black Goo is made of material that’s smaller than nano tech.
Femto tech can go through the skin & metastasize the body in <1min.
Nano is 10^-9th power (nano= Billionth)
Femto is 10^−15th power (Femto= Quadrillionth).
Femto is Alien technology.
Femto is in Black Goo.
The Cintamani/Armanty stone is the same stone in Mecca & other places.
Both contain Black Goo. Both release Femto tech upon contact.
Links people to it’s AI Hive mind Network.
The SSP traced its origins back to a system 13.5 Billion LY away.
Entered our system ~10 times, ie China