2. Marina Abramovic became megafamous for her Spirit Cooking... #SpiritCooking #MarinaAbramovic
3. She wrote on walls in pigs blood - Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk. Drink on earthquake nights #MarinaAbramovic #spiritcooking
4. Another was "With a sharp knife cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand, eat the pain"
There were 4 sayings and 4 figures
5. Fresh morning urine sprinkle over nightmare dreams #spiritcooking
6. Spin around until you lose consciousness Try to eat all the questions of the day #spiritcooking
7. The 1997 Spirit Cooking video - Zerynthia - Association for Contemporary Art in collaboration with Studio Stefania Miscetti Presents: Marina Abramović "Spirit Cooking"
#SpiritCooking #MarinaAbramovic
8. The reason Spirit Cooking shot into the public arena was because wikileaks released the John Podesta emails. One of these was from Abramovic to Podesta inviting him to a Spirit Cooking Dinner... #spiritcooking #johnpodesta #PodestaEmails #abramovic wikileaks.org/podesta-emails…
9. The Podesta emails were released just before the US election in 2016. Spirit Cooking and numerous strange codewords and references became "pizzagate" -widespread recognition that the "elite" were pedophiles and child abusers #PodestaEmails #pizzagatecathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/05/usa…
10. The frenzy of research flying around was phenomenal as Hillary's connections to child trafficking in Haiti were exposed, this was still before it was called pizzagate - but Comey caved in, ending investigation into her emails #Hillary #spiritcookingcathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/06/cli…
11. The other event that people may remember is a dinner with Abramovic and Debbie Harry and other celebs. Debbie held a "heart" aloft after cutting it out of a naked figure with a knife... #abramovic #DebbieHarry #MoCA
12. The event was Annual fundraiser dinner gala held in 2011 by the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA). Centerpieces were rotating platforms; upon each a live nude woman. Dessert cakes were life size nude replicas of Abramović and Harry #mocabitchute.com/channel/ACa7R1…
13. A third event to add fuel to the satanic fire, was Gaga and Abramovic at Devil's Heaven 20th Annual Watermill Center Summer Benefit 27 Jul 2013 Water Mill, New York, evoking cannibalism. #watermill #gaga #abramovic #DevilsHeaven
14. Live models at the Watermill event took part in a variety of weird "performance art" #abramovic #ladygaga #gaga #devilsheaven #trinamerry
15. This is the event at which it is claimed that Ryan Singleton was last seen before he died. However it is also claimed that the man was Phillip J. Lewis #RyanSingleton #PhillipJLewis #Watermill meaww.com/dying-to-be-fa… web.archive.org/web/2021121903…
16. Abramovic claims not to be a satanist, despite having a twitter account with 666 @AbramovicM666 and "Why Not" avoids the question. The denial of satanist tag is likely she identifies as Luciferian... #abramovic #luciferian #satanist
17. Abramovic abandoned that twitter account not long after but it may be worth a further dig, I briefly did so here with some success... #abramoviccathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/04/23/arc…
18. Her denials of satanism do not bear scrutiny. Here is Abramovic with Jacob Rothschild in front of 'Satan summoning his Legions' by Sir Thomas Lawrence 1796-7. #satan #JacobRothschild #ThomasLawrence #Abramovic royalacademy.org.uk/art-artists/wo…
19. Abramovic's work is full of body parts and satanic symbolism... #MarinaAbramovic #satanic #luciferian
22. Regularly she uses the satanic colours of black and red. See is probably Illuminati Grand High Priestess level... #Abramovic #GHP #Illuminati
23. Often Abramovic is covered in blood, working with blood or representing it... #blood #abramovic
24. This book by Blood Ritual Monarch explains how energy through blood is used to affect and control physical reality from the astral plane in rituals. #Blood #BloodRitualMonarch #abramoviccathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/04/05/mon…
25. " The book also explains that "Human fluids, particularly semen and menstrual blood have certain energies or frequencies, to which the spirits are attracted" This is the idea behind the fluids used for spirit cooking... #abramovic #spiritcooking
26. She even admits that it is occult magik but classified as art if it is in a gallery... the only difference bwtween that and ritual is intention. #magik #abramovic #occult
27. Quote is from useful Mark Vallen article. It gives some of Abramovic history of performance art.
1974 Rhythm 0
1975 Art Must Be Beautiful, Artist Must Be Beautiful
1996 Spirit Cooking project
2010 retrospective The Artist Is Present.
#abramovic art-for-a-change.com/blog/2017/05/s…
28. Signs of course of monarch mind control programming... #mindcontrol #monarch
29. A previous art partner Ulay met Abramovic during one of her performances in 2010 in an emotional exchange... #ulay #abamovic #theartistispresent
30. However the context was not as it appeared. Abramovic was taking credit for his share of the work and taking too much money. This article explains... #ulay #abramovic #art salon.com/2016/09/25/ula…
31. The artist is present was based on their joint work "nightsea crossing" from early in their careers #nightseacrossing #ulay #abramovic
32. 2005 saw Abramovic perform "nude with skeleton" with askelton on top of her... #skeleton #abramovic li-ma.nl/lima/catalogue…
33. Tweet 12 i did not connect directly to the video of dinner gala by the LA Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA). Centerpieces were rotating platforms; upon each a live nude woman. Dessert cakes were life size nude replicas of Abramović and Harry bitchute.com/video/dptXK2jx…
34. Velimir Abramović, brother of Marina says her performance is exhibitionism and kitsch that flatters our decadent civilization of the West. The fact that Marina Abramović succeeded in the world speaks of that world. Video in Serbian #abramovic
35. Asked if he thinks that she tortured children , he said that, some of those people certainly do, but Marina as artist is useful for promoting those twisted ideas... It is disturbing that she appears with an unhappy child blocking his eyes... #marinaabramovic
36. Abramovic visited John of God who was later locked up for selling babies and keeping teenagers as sex slaves #JohnOfGod #Abramovic #Abramovich #childtrafficking
37. Abramovic has even done a spirit cooking art cabin in Japan #abramovic #japan
38. Ghislaine Maxwell child trafficker and child abuser was at the infamous Chateau Marmont for a Dinner for Abramovic.... #Ghislaine #Maxwell #Abramovic #ChateauMarmont
39. This article is good on some Abramovic history and also states her book, Walk Through Walls says there are 3 Marinas, reminiscent of monarch mind control alters -a warrior, a spiritual and a little Marina who’s fat, ugly, and unwanted. #abramovictheguardian.com/artanddesign/2…
40. Why would satanist Marina Abramovic send a message of solidarity to Ukraine ? and she is far from the only satanist to do so. "An assault on Ukraine is an assault on all of us" #ukraine #abramovic #satanist
41. I never cover are they male/female, are they hermaphrodite, are they clone, are they arrested, are they dead, as its so difficult to prove but there are some tweets here on is Marina male? (btw There is a Baphometism secret society ) #abramovic
@reSeeIt 43. Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine #ukraine #abramovic #marinaabramovic #zelenskyweb.archive.org/web/2023092222…
44. Is Marina Abramovic really the person to be around children?? “I have been invited by Zelensky to be an ambassador of Ukraine, to help the children affected by rebuilding schools and such.” #abramovic #ukraine #zelensky
45. Is Marina Abramovic really the person to be around children?? #abramovic #ukraine #zelensky
46. Is Marina Abramovic really the person to be around children?? #abramovic #ukraine #zelensky
47. Marina Abramovic photo dump, many photos c.200 on telegram spirt cooking, water mill and others t.me/wolfchannel2/4…
49. Zelensky has made Marina Abramovic an Ambassador for Ukraine "to help the children affected by rebuilding schools and such." Is this a suitable person? #ukraine #abramovic #zelensky
50. This old account of Abramovic Institute may be worth a look for researchers... #marinaabramovic
51. Currently Abramovic has an exhibition at the Royal Academy in London of 50 years of her work. Maybe no coincidence that she announced her being Ukraine Ambassador at the same time.
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1. Thread 🧵on British Nonces Series 2 British Pedophiles #BritishNonces #MeatyTrumps #pedo #paedophiles #pedophiles #csa #childabuse
2. Edward Heath was British Prime Minister and there were many reports that he was a pedophile. Here is one from MIchael Shrimpton. #tedheath #childabuse #pedophile cathyfox.wordpress.com/2015/08/04/mic…
3. Fred Talbot ITV weatherman was jailed for child abuse whilst teaching at Altrincham Grammar School for Boys #FredTalbot #childabuse #csa dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
1. Thread 🧵on Dr. Guthries Child abuse. Follow and read thread thanks #drguthries #childabuse #csa #scotland x.com/GuthriesSu24583
2. Dr Guthrie's Boys School. Edinburgh. This video is dedicated to the hundreds, if not thousands, of abused and sexually assaulted children who attended Dr Guthrie's schools in Edinburgh. … #drguthries #csa #childabuse
3. Dr Guthrie's Ragged Schools - Scotland's elite abused children with total impunity. They gave children no education, very little food, and dormitories that mirrored the workhouses of the 1840s #drguthries #raggedschools #childabuse #scotland
1. Thread on pizzagate as twitter decimated my thread from 2020. #pizzagate #podesta #clinton #spiritcooking #hillary
2. This was before it was called pizzagate, I called this USA, Coups, Counter Coups and Child Sexual AbU$e … #Wiener #csa #podesta #Abramovich #SpiritCooking #childabuse #JohnPodesta #Wikileaks #AnthonyWiener #pizzagatecathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/05/usa…
3. Then Comey FBI Caves in. Clinton child abuse links #Podesta #Silsby #Haiti #FBI #Comey #ClintoNEmails #HumaAbedin #Wiener #csa #childabuse #pizzagate #SpiritCookingcathyfox.wordpress.com/2016/11/06/cli…