Comparison of air filtration/ventilation at a restaurant table.
Smoke machine flicked on every 15 seconds, video sped up 10x. With ventilation, smoke is continuously cleaned. Without, it builds up.
In an unventilated space, you're breathing exhaled air from other people.
Same video, showing the other half. 7' acrylic wall separating tables, HEPA air purifiers on both sides of the wall.
With one "puff," a particle counter maxed at 999. At the other table, it read between 25-75 (HEPA on), so I'm confident that very little exhaled air is shared..
between guests. (Another particle counter showed 3300, but it only took sporadic readings. ~50/3300 = 1.5%)
Should mention the measurements were with the smaller air filters that we actually use at the tables. For the video, I used the larger ones for greater visual contrast.
Should also mention this is at Osteria Du, where we actually did have a covid+ guest in December:
**Covid+ guest dined at our restaurant** (Osteria Du - we just opened). Got a voicemail from them on Sunday, the day after we announced closing our dining rooms. They had dined with us on Thursday, but didn't know that they had been exposed until Friday.
We immediately did ...
rapid tests for service staff, and they were negative. We tested again today, just to be more certain. It is not possible to get PCR tests done in a timely manner right now.
We also called the guests who were at a nearby table, and they reported no symptoms and were planning ..
to have rapid tests done too. (The remaining tables were in a different area, at least 30' away).
We were fortunate. Maybe our safety protocols were effective against omicron, or maybe the guests didn't happen to be infectious that night.