Subtle body which is made of Mind, Inteligence, false ego.
The subtle body attached with Atma comes along with it, this has stored memories, so some kids come with past life influence and talents in next birth.
Now after death, this Subtle body needs a form to survive so there's a process of 13 days rituals perfomed after which it gets a Superfast/Athivahak + a Suffering/yatna deh/body.
1st day it gets a head which sees everything, 2nd day neck & shoulders,...
...3rd day Heart, 4th day Back, 5th day navel, 6th day Waist portion, 7th day Privy parts, 8th day Thighs, 9th day Legs, toe & the 10th day is done with Purification after the body is developed. The body is complete & now desires to eat, so 11th to 13th day...
...Brahmins are invited along with family members to eat food.
This food is divided in 4 parts, some goes to this preta, some to Yamaduttas (so those who don't serve food & when the Yamaduttas don't get their part, they torture this soul more in...
...future journey as the family members didn't feed them well)
After the process of 13 days the body starts its journey after death. The Yamaloka is around 10,32,000 Kms far from Earth & this journey should be completed only in 348 days, the Athivahak body is given only so...
...that it travels approx 3000 km/day and because it is also the yatna/suffering body, it suffers but won't die.
Both the good & bad deed person has to travel the same path. In between there are 16 stops. Saumyapur, Soyrapur, Nagendra Bhavan...
...last stop is Bahubhiti where the person reaches in 11th month, even we perform shraadh at 11th month & by month 12th it reaches Yamapuri.
Those who performed good deeds, their journey is made comfortable & the sinner is tortured throughout the journey.
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In Sanskrit, the following Vedic numerical code was used in many Slokas:
कादि नव
टादि नव
पादि पञ्चक
क्ष शुन्यम्
This is the pronunciation in English:
“Kaadi nava
Taadi nava
Paadi panchaka
Kshah sunyam”
Here is the meaning of the Vedic numerical code. Kaadi Nava starting from ka is the sequence of 9 letters representing 1,2,..9. Similarly, Taadi Nava, starting from ta; Paadi Panchaka (1-5), starting from pa; Yadyashtaka (1-8), starting from ya; and Ksha represents 0.
🌺Ten Things a Hindu Can Do While Using the English Language🌺
1. Please stop using the word "God fearing" - Hindus never ever fear God. For us, God is everywhere and we are also integral part of God. God is not a separate entity to fear.…
2. Please do not use the meaningless term "RIP" when someone dies. Use "Om Shanti", "Sadgati" or "I wish this atma attains moksha".
3. Please don't use the word "Mythology" for our historic epics (Itihas) Ramayana and Mahabharata.
Rama and Krishna are historical heroes, not just mythical characters.
3. Please don't be apologetic about idol worship and say “Oh, that's just symbolic". All religions have idolatry in kinds or forms - cross, words, letters (calligraphy) or direction.
🌺Various aspects of the fierce Goddess Bhairavi who is the source of all power🌺
The spiritual phenomena in all universe tread the twin paths of beauty and danger. Goddess Bhairavi is the terrifying aspect of the Dasha Maha Vidya representing...
...divine wrath and anger.
With her piercing shrieks and petrifying rage she dispels negative forces that try to curb spiritual growth. Her name itself denotes terror or the one who is awe-inspiring. Although a frighteningly raw energy, she is mankind’s guide and protection.
She signifies the proverbial wrath of a mother towards beings that threaten her children.
Goddess Bhairavi’s riveting appearance in the battlefield itself makes the dark forces scatter in pure horror. She glorifies the supreme power of speech,...
छतरपुर मंदिर दिल्ली के सबसे बड़े और सबसे प्रसिद्ध मंदिरों में एक है। यह मंदिर गुड़गांव-महरौली मार्ग के निकट छतरपुर में स्थित है। छतरपुर स्थित श्री आद्या कात्यायनी शक्तिपीठ मंदिर का शिलान्यास सन् 1974 में किया गया था। इसकी स्थापना कर्नाटक के संत बाबा नागपाल जी ने की थी।
इनकी 1998 में मृत्यु हो गई थी और उनकी समाधि मंदिर परिसर के भीतर शिव-गौरी नागेश्वर मंदिर के परिसर में स्थित है। कहते हैं कि इससे पहले मंदिर स्थल पर एक कुटिया हुआ करती थी। फिर धीरे-धीरे मंदिर का क्षेत्रफल 70 एकड़ तक फैल गया।
संगमरमर से बना है माता का यह भव्य मंदिर
Veera Ballala III (1292–1342 CE) was the last great king of the Hoysala Empire. During his rule, the northern and southern branches of the Hoysala empire (which included much of modern...…
...Karnataka and northern Tamil Nadu) were consolidated and administered from Halebiedu.
During his rule, he fought numerous wars with the Yadavas of Devagiri, the Pandyan Dynasty of Madurai and other minor dynasties of South India.
But it was his conflict with the invading forces of Alauddin Khalji, and later those of Muhammad bin Tughluq, the Sultan of Delhi, that would alter the course of history of South India. Even if Veera Ballala III survived & won the war, the Hoyasala empire would still...
🌺Journey of the soul after death and the Hindu rituals associated with it🌺
There is a frequency called fear frequency below 20 Hz (18.9 &less)which is very difficult for humans to hear, very few can hear it,avg humans can hear from 20 to 20000Hz
The life on Earth is destined for 100 years however when dharma is not followed, disrespect to elders, cheating others, the life span decreases.
Few second before death the person's pineal gland gets activated or some divine vision is granted which helps
visualise all past sin that one commited in around 40 to 50 seconds.
There are 9 gateway for soul to escape. 2 ears, 2 Nostrils, mouth, 2 eyes, anal, 2 Privy parts. When the soul leaves from above it is eligable to reach higher planets for enjoyment & from lower parts of body