— How the fandom spreads lies about Sakura, Ino and Hinata; the biased fans, the headcanons and the inability to read the source of information.
Alternative title:
— Sakura, Ino and Hinata fans wanking some of their powers and showing social media that they do not know how to read and have poor eyesight, leading them to say the first thing they come up with.
This thread is a companion piece to this one, expanded and with other aspects and lies spread by fans explained and debunked.

I will feature fans’ takes on their favorite character and explain why what I wrote previously is actually accurate.
This informative thread will contain evidence in picture format directly from the manga Naruto (1999 - 2014) created by Masashi Kishimoto and published by Shueisha in 1999; and the manga Boruto (2017 - ) written by ? and published by V Jump.
I will also use information present in novels and the databooks.

I do not support the anime because I consider it over exaggerated and beyond biased. Furthermore, these fillers include some actions that these characters are unable to do in canon according to official sources.
However, I need to take fillers from the Boruto anime because this is the main point of the thread.

The Naruto anime will not be included here because this deals with current events.
The fact that I will call out fans that spread misinformation without a base and the misunderstandings do not make me a hater. In fact, this thread will only prove that the things you assume or the statements you see on the internet might be false.
I will use screenshots from fans that have contributed to these lies and offer a detailed explanation to why their words are wrong and biased. However, my aim here is not to start a war with anybody, because these proofs will be anonymous.
This post will focus mainly on a previous thread of mine explaining the kunoichi’s current jobs. Other types of misinformation closely related with prowess and feats will be included because they explain aspects analyzed here.
I will point out several times the fact that this fandom lacks reading comprehension and interpretation skills, so, before commenting on this thread, read carefully every piece of information disclosed here.
If you are familiar with me or my threads, you know that I always start by saying that I do not support the work of Studio Pierrot and, subsequently, the fillers; and that I am a manga only.

For this thread, I need to use the anime, but there is a distinction.
I want to clarify what is a “good filler” and a “bad filler”:
– A good filler respects the canon and is decent.
– A bad filler disrespects canon and inserts characters in the story that do not belong to scenes in particular, leading to mistakes.
I looked for templates on the Internet to use for guidance while I write this thread, as pictures are easier to analyze visually and also gather a lot of information at once. There are multiple images that fans have created, but they are all repetitive so I included a few.
I will mainly focus on the contents of the templates. If I had to write every single piece of fake or biased information that people come up with every day on social media, this thread would never end.

Nonetheless, let’s start.
When it comes to the jobs that Sakura has currently in Boruto and the feats she has, the fans do not usually make any mistakes because from the novels, manga and the anime, it is very clear which position she holds in Konoha or how much she has contributed to the world.
These two pictures offer actually more reliable information than misunderstood information, even coming from reddit and Instagram.

I will break down the information following the contents of the pictures from left to right: ImageImage
Point 1: Active kunoichi✅
During the Boruto era, Sakura is the kunoichi that goes to the most missions. She went to rescue Sarada in Naruto Gaiden, worked as Naruto’s bodyguard, went to discover Naruto’s disease in Redaku and joint mission with Team 7 in Retsuden novels. ImageImageImage
Sakura has completed a total of 34 missions from genin and until chapter 699 plus the times she used to sneak out of the village.
She has also completed 7 A-rank missions.
In the Blank Period she participated in missions while working in the Hospital. ImageImageImage
These are references of her missions in Sasuke Shinden, Shikamaru Hiden, Konoha Hiden, Kakashi Hiden and The Last in that order: ImageImageImageImage
Although she was not sent outside of the village, Sakura, Sai and Ino were tasked with investigating Kido Tsumiki and Magire inside Konoha during Sakura Hiden.
Sakura was captured and taken outside of the borders, and she single-handedly defeated him. ImageImage
Point 2 and 3: A mother. A wife. ✅
Well, yes. She is the mother of Sarada Uchiha and the matriarch of the newly reborn Clan, as well as Sasuke Uchiha’s wife.
All the kunoichi are mothers and wives except for Tenten. Image
Point 4: Director of Children’s Mental Health Clinic❌
No, and the official name is Therapy Center. This concept that has been misunderstood the most. The novel introduces the Therapy Center as a project proposed by Sakura to the *upper ranks of the Hospital* as a branch inside. Image
I explain how this Center was launched by Sakura in this thread and how Ino, Tsunade and Kakashi supported her.
To sum up, at the time of the novel’s setting, Sakura did not have a position of power in the Hospital.
Sakura works in the Hospital as part of the Medic Corps, who are the intern medics that dedicate to the care of patients as a full-time job, during the Blank Period.
This is not the same as being a field medic-ninja because those are not prepared to work as medics. ImageImageImage
Sakura does not hold a high ranking position in the Hospital, which is why she must ask the upper ranks. At the time, it is Shizune who represents the Medical Department in organization meetings at this time as she still works as a medic. Tsunade is long retired. Image
Which makes the “Director of the Children’s Mental Health Clinic” written in the Naruto Wiki a wrong statement. Especially because: it is not mentioned in the novel, like Ino being its co-founder, a fact that is also not mentioned in the novel and is just false information.
The “Director of Mental Health Clinic” is poor comprehension skills, because the novel says that the Center is a branch/department inside the hospital, not a separate organization; and also not using the official name: Therapy Center, in a “professional wiki”. Image
What the novel reiterates several times is that Sakura “proposed the creation”, “setting up a department”, “proposed and launched”, “managed the open”; which are the same as “she founded a Therapy Center” but not “she is the Director”.
Sakura is the founder of the Center. ImageImageImageImage
This scene in episode 167 is not the Therapy Center but Konoha Hospital. What the scene tells is that Sakura is the Director of Konoha Hospital, which makes her the boss of every branch inside, including the Therapy Center. It is not difficult to understand. ImageImageImage
How do fans believe, after reading the novel and watching this scene in the anime, that Sakura directs a Center separate from the hospital? It is common knowledge that SP did not animate Sakura Hiden and, thus, they do not take this Therapy Center into consideration.
One more thing: the Therapy Center is not an orphanage and it must not be confused with what Kabuto does in the present. Kabuto is now in charge of the Orphanage of Konoha, the place where he was taken after Nono Yakushi found him. ImageImage
Point 5: Teacher in medical ninjutsu✅
Episode 152 of Boruto describes Sakura as a teacher of Medical Ninjutsu for genin that want to become medic-ninjas of their respective teams.
This branch of ninjutsu is taught in the Academy, and then the interested genins take training. ImageImageImage
Sakura dedicates a room inside the Hospital to the impartation of classes in the art of chakra control and the subsequent knowledge of the Mystical Palm Technique.
So, in addition to her other high-ranking positions, Sakura is also a ninjutsu sensei when required. ImageImageImageImage
However, this is not the same as being an Academy teacher.
Some fans have spread the misinformation of Sakura (and Naruto) becoming a teacher in the Academy during the Blank Period, which is not true. Image
In Sakura Hiden, Sakura passes by the Academy and finds Naruto teaching the children a taijutsu lesson. Naruto notices Sakura and asks her to show the kids the abilities of a kunoichi with superhuman strength. Sakura agrees and acts as a guest teacher. ImageImageImageImage
However, it only happened once, and the mere fact that it was a random class does not mean that she “began teaching at the Academy after the War”, because it says there that she acted as a guest. Naruto, on the other hand, is invited by Iruka to instruct the children in The Last. Image
Point 6: Pillar of Konoha✅
Yes, Sakura is considered as one of the most important ninjas in Konoha along with Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi and Shikamaru.
Her role is linked to the village but also to Naruto directly, as she is the Hokage’s medic and the village’s immune system. Image
I explain the roles and the importance of the Pillars of Konoha in this thread:
Point 7: Friend✅
Sakura and Ino have been best friends since they were very young. Sakura forms a friendship trio with Temari and Ino, and is also close with Hinata. ImageImageImageImage
Point 8: Head of the Medical Department✅
The Boruto anime introduced the Medical Department in chapter 76 as a small space inside the Hokage Tower dedicated to the field of medicine.
Sakura is seen there working and leading other medics. ImageImageImageImage
This office/infirmary seems to be one of the department divisions of Konoha’s Organization, since the area to treat wounded would be located in the Hospital.
It could be a special room for important cases that need to be thoroughly investigated. Sakura spends time here too. ImageImage
Boruto episode 152 explains why she is in charge of this small office/infirmary inside the Hokage Tower.

In the anime, it is revealed that Sakura is the Head of the Medical Department. It makes sense that she attained this position, as she became the top medic at 17. ImageImageImage
Even if this position is yet to be mentioned in the manga, it is difficult to not picture the top medic of Konoha in a position of power in the field, especially since she was already leading medics at 19, opening Centers and working in the Hospital. ImageImageImageImage
What does it entail to be the Head of a Department?
The head is the position of highest rank and overseeing, while a department is an administrative branch of a government.
This means that Sakura controls every aspect of medicine in Konoha. ImageImageImage
I explain the world of medicine, medical ninjutsu and medic-ninjas in this thread:
Basically Sakura manages the Konoha Hospital as Director, including the branches of the Medic Corps, nurses, mental health, surgery, veterinary, etc, supervising the training or teaching field medic-ninjas and their assignment to teams; and the office in the Hokage Tower.
Let’s analyze the second picture, which repeats a lot of things from the first one so I will jump straight to what has not been mentioned:
Point 1: Heroine of her generation✅
Sakura Haruno is the female protagonist and heroine of the series. When speaking of War feats, her comrades also became heroes and heroines. The anime, manga and novels highlight how important she became.
Here is a link to the interview where Kishimoto confirms that Sakura is the heroine of the series. That must never be confused with wanting another character to turn into the main heroine or in the way of a heroine.
Point 2, 9 and 10: The strongest kunoichi, elite ninja, jōnin✅
Sakura was promoted to jōnin after the war. She inherited the power of the strongest kunoichi and the power of a Sannin and a Kage, the strongest trio of ninja in the world and the highest rank of a village. ImageImageImageImage
Just as a reminder (and this applies to the kunoichi in this thread), the theme of students surpassing their masters has always been mentioned in Naruto.
Here is Kakashi referencing it in chapter 342. Image
Sakura became the strongest kunoichi of her generation directly after the time-skip, including Temari, and has retained that title since.
From a maximum of 40 points, and she has 26, above the average. Sakura surpassed Tsunade, the strongest kunoichi at the time. ImageImageImage
In the canon, Sakura surpassed Tsunade, the strongest kunoichi in the series with 35 points out of 40. Tsunade has perfect ninjutsu and taijutsu, is the most intelligent female and has enormous power.
Sakura would surpass these stats, especially in genjutsu, where she excels. Image
Sakura’s fighting style is taijutsu (strong fist) and medical ninjutsu. Her signature move, Ōkashō, is taijutsu augmented with chakra enhanced strength, which is a variant of medical ninjutsu.
Only two people with perfect chakra control can achieve this move, Sakura being one. ImageImageImage
I will not go into more details, but it has been hinted at since the second databook and Part II.
Sakura, the only member of the Rookie 9 from a civilian family and the only one to not have a hiden jutsu, a kekkei genkai or a tailed beast, became the strongest kunoichi. ImageImageImageImage
Canonically, and up to date, Sakura is the strongest kunoichi in the world, a feat she achieved by her own effort and merits, motivated by her teammates and the support of her master; she does not need any given powers to remain as the strongest on paper and on screen. ImageImageImage
Sakura has been given manga chapters, fights, feats, her own novel and other written and soon-to-be-illustrated materials where she has had her moments to shine and demonstrate her strength and power; there is more than enough proof, unlike other characters. ImageImageImageImage
The difference between her and other characters is that Sakura has also been given parallels.
For example, she studied under the Sannin and Fifth Hokage, Tsunade, the strongest kunoichi. The manga has always foreshadowed that Sakura would surpass her in the future. ImageImageImage
Moreover, in Naruto Retsuden, Sakura became part of the Hokage Guard Platoon, which is a group of bodyguards that protect the Hokage. In this novel’s prologue, it is highlighted how elite and famous Sakura has become.
Boruto mentions she is suitable for the Hokage seat. ImageImage
Points 3 and 7: Master of chakra control and Byakugou user✅
Tsunade and Sakura are the only ever known users of the Strength of a Hundred seal, the pinnacle of chakra control. Sakura’s chakra control has been highlighted throughout the series as her talent. ImageImageImageImage
Medical ninjutsu requires advanced chakra control.
Sakura can perform advanced medical ninjutsu procedures, she has perfect control to apply it in taijutsu with chakra enhanced strength (which is unique to two people) and has awakened the Strength of a Hundred seal. ImageImageImageImage
Moreover, Sakura developed her own sensory jutsu using her chakra control to map the surface on buildings and look for traps or hidden rooms. It only applies to her. This must not be confused with being a sensor-type ninja.
Users of sensing jutsus and sensor-types are different. ImageImage
Point 5: Best medical ninja. ✅
Sakura surpassed Tsunade the moment she awakened her Strength of a Hundred Seal.
The third databook already hailed Sakura as one of the top medics in Konoha at 15, the fourth had already recognized her as the best at 17. ImageImageImageImage
Actually, Sakura works and collaborates with three other teams of Konoha that are mentioned in the manga and novels, and that fans normally forget or overlook because it is not highlighted enough, but it is canon nonetheless.
Point 1: Sakura collaborates with the Cryptanalysis Team.
Sakura and Shikamaru worked with Shiho to understand the power of Pain in chapter 418. They also worked in this team in Kakashi Retsuden, as both are the most intelligent members of their generation. ImageImageImage
Point 2: Sakura is a member of the Hokage Guard Platoon.
The original Team 7 and Shikamaru, or four of the Five Pillars, are now members of the Hokage’s personal bodyguards. This was introduced in Naruto Retsuden, when Naruto traveled to the Land of Stairs. ImageImage
Point 3: Sakura is now present in council meetings as Head of the Medical Department.
The Organization system of Konoha features the Hokage and advisors, ANBU, high ranks and the Medical Department in the meetings to discuss budget, among other things. ImageImage
So, after explaining all of the above, this tweet I wrote about her positions in Boruto is confirmed and I did not make any mistakes.
I did not add things that I could have perfectly included as there is proof.
If fans really wanted to expand her character with what the anime and novels show, her positions would drastically increase: Image
Summary: It is very difficult to come up with wanked statements about Sakura since, as the main female, her feats and jobs are very much clear and confirmed. Despite some reading mistakes, there is always a way to demonstrate her achievements in canon and offer proof.
There are quite a handful of mistakes when it comes to Ino Yamanaka’s jobs or positions in Konoha or her feats and abilities as a sensor-type.
More often than not, they stem from the lack of reading comprehension skills and assumptions.
These two pictures are the perfect example to describe how the fandom does not take its time to look for information and to directly jump into conclusions instead.
Fans would believe the contents of templates without doing their own research. ImageImage
“Ino Yamanaka is the most active kunoichi of Konoha” and she is considering the number of made up jobs that have been given to her, like the pictures below.
It is important to dedicate time and attention to reading what the source of information says and how to interpret images. ImageImage
Please pay attention to the contents of the pictures above. They are by two different people on different social media platforms, yet they are a copy paste of each other. This is the epitome of not looking for information themselves.
It is very sad from a writer's perspective.
The assumptions are the major problem. For example, that Ino is the Assistant Director of the Therapy Center when it is not mentioned anywhere in the novel, or that she was called to a jōnin meeting in the Medical Department where she works as a doctor… there are many of those.
The Wiki pages are written by fans, it is called wiki fandom after all. Those pages must never be used as a source, especially if they have not been referenced or cited. Same with reddit, quora…
These pictures were provided by a member that has an account. ImageImage
A Wiki page is only for guidance, because the root of information is the manga or the novels, or even the anime.
Rather than trusting a Wiki, I invite fans to make their own judgment and draw their own conclusions based on what they see and read from the source.
Although some parts are accurate, they sometimes refuse to add actual official information when people suggest them and they do not bother to add references, like those pictures above. The source materials are manga, databooks and novels, even the anime on some occasions.
The other major problem is the inaccuracy that comes with the manga or the anime translations of Naruto, which is the reason people should always use the official name of a facility or a department; or the mix of anime fillers and canon novels and the comprehension and the feats.
Let’s analyze picture 1 in the first Ino tweet from right to left. This is the first step to draw the line between canon and headcanon.
Point 1: Head of the Yamanaka Clan✅
Ino is presumably the Head of the Yamanaka Clan.
There is no confirmation whatsoever, but since Shikamaru is the Head of his clan and Shikaku and Inoichi died in the same circumstances, it is plausible.
Point 2: Head of the Barrier Team. ✅
This statement starts badly. Teams are preceded by leaders, not heads.
The Boruto anime introduced the Konoha Barrier Team in chapter 177, led by Ino Yamanaka. Episode 195 and chapter 28 also call this group the Sensory Unit. ImageImage
Kohan Yamanaka explains that Ino, at some point between 19 and 32 years old, took the lead in rebuilding the sensory system (the Sensing Barrier dome) with the collaboration of Katasuke Tono, becoming an automatic organization. ImageImageImage
However, this is the first step that leads to a mistake. The Sensory Unit does not “exist” because it has always been called the Barrier Team and thus, it should be addressed as such.
The error of the anime is that they changed the name of this team, but it is the same.
The term “team” (or “unit” in some episodes) confirms that the Barrier Team is part of a bigger Department that has not been mentioned, and that a team is managed by a leader.
I also searched for the definitions, which confirm my conviction. ImageImage
Head and Leader:
The Head is the person in command of an organization, like the Head of the Medical Department.
The Leader is the person in charge of a group or a team, they could have the highest proficiency of the team, and they offer guidance. ImageImage
To explain this in easier terms, the leader manages a unit inside a much bigger organization. For example, Inoichi was the leader (not shown) of the Analysis Team, which is a branch of Konoha Intelligence Division.
Or Katasuke, who is the leader of the Scientific Ninja Weapons Team, which would belong to another bigger Department, like a Research Department for example, although that has not been confirmed.
Like I said, teams have leaders, not heads. Image
The meaning the Naruto and Boruto series gives to these words is confusing. So far, the anime and manga have been decent.
For example, the Medical Department was introduced and is a big organization headed by one person that probably has branches with its own leaders.
Ino keeps track of the Barrier Team mostly from her Flowershop, although she has been seen there a few times.
This is an advantage for her since the Flowershop is her full-time job in Boruto and because the Sensing Barrier is automated. ImageImageImage
The Barrier Team is not a new concept in the verse. This group has protected Konoha for a long time and they make their debut in chapter 409 of the Naruto manga.
The leadership fell under Kakoi. The symbol they use is a triangle with three dots. Image
They are in charge of the Sensing Barrier, a barrier ninjutsu that detects intruders and enemies upon contact with its surface.
Kakoi, and now Ino, detects the anomalies as he is connected with the shield, and instructs interception teams to check on said anomalies. ImageImage
The Barrier Team is divided in:
1. Detection: The Barrier Team, as well as this subunit, were previously led by Kakoi, a sensor-type ninja. This subunit was automated.
2. Interception: Composed of sensor-types like Tasuki. They intercept the intruders. ImageImage
The Boruto anime explains that the Detection group was completely automated. The manga and anime replaced Kakoi with Ino.
It is beyond me why Kodachi decided to change the story of the Yamanaka Clan and the Barrier Team. ImageImageImage
Before this automatization, the interception team is mentioned many times in Sasuke Shinden and chapter 419. It is composed of chakra sensor-type and visual sensor-type like the Hyūga Clan.
In Boruto, they omit this fact and the team is formed of chakra sensor-type only. ImageImageImage
According to Kashin Koji in chapter 28, the Yamanaka Clan has been in charge of the Sensory Unit (Barrier Team) in the past.
This is completely false.
They have never been in any sensing position inside Konoha, and the Barrier Team was led by Kakoi, unrelated to the Clan. Image
The Yamanaka Clan specializes in mind projection techniques, whilst they are also sensor-type, but the manga does not explore this facet because sensor is just a classification.
The author of the manga made this change to justify Ino’s new job in Konoha.
The fourth databook states that Kakoi and subordinates were in charge of the Barrier Team.
It is also the reason why Ao, a very proficient sensor-type, was tasked with sensing in the War, while Inoichi was tasked with intelligence. ImageImageImage
In my opinion, the manga should have left the Yamanaka the way it was conceived, as an intelligence gathering Clan. However, they put them in sensing jobs rather than what they were originally created to do, which would explain why the manga omits the Analysis Team.
The Barrier Team is a part of a bigger department.
The people that lead the security inside Konoha and its villagers are Ino, with the Barrier Team, and Kotaru Fuma, leader of the Konoha Military Police Force in some kind of Security Department, but this is unofficial.
Kotaru Fuma is an anime exclusive too.
In the manga, the Police Force dress with the standard chūnin vest and the hitai-ate, like any other normal Konoha shinobi. They have no known leader, but they actually work as a separate organization and they were introduced in the manga. ImageImage
This could be explained because, in Boruto chapters 36 and 49, Ino detects Jigen and contacts the Military Police in order to evacuate or to guard Naruto’s house.
Ino holds no power over the Police Force, they are under the Fuma Clan, or their unknown leader in the manga. Image
The anime, on the other hand, handles this situation differently. Ino still senses the enemy but the Military Police is not mentioned.
I would personally not take the anime seriously because Ino becomes exhausted pretty quickly, unlike what she did during the War.
The Police Force collaborate with the ANBU on occasions, according to the anime, but they are managed by their leader.
Shikamaru or Ino can contact the Police Force to keep guard or investigate whatever it is necessary. Image
Having control of the chakra signatures of everybody inside this Barrier, Ino can find people easily.
Being an automated Sensing Barrier now, the reach can be expanded beyond the limits of the Konoha. ImageImage
One thing in which fans tend to make mistakes, is in the confusion of Sensory Division and Sensory Unit/Barrier Team.
The Sensory Division was an organization during the War, under Ao.
These divisions in the War were also called Units, but the official name is Division.
Divisions are parts or groupings into which a whole is divided, but in the War the groups are called Divisions, because they are military units.
A unit or a team is a small fragment of something bigger, just like the Barrier Team.
This Team is not part of the main Organization of Konoha. I took the second picture from an Ino fan account on Twitter, who took the picture from reddit.
Reddit is not a source of information and Ino is not the leader of the “Intelligence Department”. ImageImage
The concept of the Five Pillars of Konoha was already explained and it consists of five members. Sai and Ino are not included.
Ino is still a leader of Konoha in the present, nonetheless; and her job is as important as any other because she protects the village too. Image
In fact, she is the first one to know or to be informed if somebody crosses the Sensing Barrier that surrounds the Village, as that is her job.
Especially now that the series deals with an enemy that infiltrates Konoha and people that leave it.
In the sense of the concept, the leadership in the protection of Konoha is shared by two people: Ino Yamanaka and Fuma Kotaro.
One of them keeps the borders safe and the other keeps the people safe, and they work together to protect the civilians.
But there is no Department in charge of the Security of the Village, so inside the canon, these two teams work separately but collaborate together in the canon, although they have the same function: protect Konoha’s safety.
Point 3: Head of the Analysis Unit❌
Again, teams have leaders not heads, because this is a part of the Konoha Intelligence Division.
It is impossible to assume Ino would be the leader of such a team just by looking at the picture below. It is literally jumping to conclusions. Image
The person that wrote the statement of the first picture and the picture below is the same person.
Basically, they are giving Ino a leadership position, and, when questioned about it, they do not know how to defend it and can only say she “at least works”. Image
Because of the lack of information and confirmation about this notion, fans tend to say “she is the leader *OR AT LEAST* an active member” and it really shows that they are not sure but still jump to conclusions without proof.
Inoichi’s job was not hereditary. Image
It is like saying Sakura inside the Hokage Office makes her the Hokage because Kakashi and Tsunade, both her senseis, had that position before and it is only fair that she takes over the role as well and she has expressed so in the past and is a perfect candidate for it. And no. ImageImageImage
This is a great time to bring the Wiki pages.
This person says (or is using sarcasm) that because the Wiki page says that she is the leader, so be it, without coming at me and debunking it. Are you talking about the same page that wrote this? It has already been changed. ImageImage
Inoichi having a job in the Analysis Team does not mean her daughter has to take over his position as well, because she was already given a different job, just like Tsunade (and Kakashi) did not pass down her Hokage position to Sakura but her strength as a Kage level kunoichi.
Besides, Inoichi being the leader of the Analysis Team is either anime exclusive or assumed because of the coat he wears.
I ask somebody in the qrt to tell me with proof. I even went to the Naruto Wiki to try and learn where it is stated, only to find there are no references.
However, the concept of Analysis Team is accurate because the fourth databook’s mini-character files mention that Mawashi Dokuraku, Tonbo Tobitake, Mitoku and Ranka have worked there.
They are all background characters and it confirms the rule. ImageImageImageImage
From the information about Tobitake and Dokuraku, both admirers and subordinates of Inoichi respectively, the assumption of this leadership becomes plausible, plus the coat.
Both entries of Inoichi Yamanaka in the databooks do not mention his position in the Analysis Team. ImageImageImage
The job of the Analysis Team is to take over an interrogation if the Torture and Interrogation Force, or Ibiki to be precise, turn unsuccessful.
In the manga, Ibiki Morino called Inoichi for assistance to probe Yudachi’s mind. They invade the mind of the unconscious victim. ImageImageImage
The anime that has fueled fans into making this conjecture and it still does not say that she is the leader. The Yamanaka Clan specialize in mind projection techniques.
The manga completely omits this fact, making them protectors of the Sensing Barrier instead.
That time Ino probes the mind of the chūnin in the infirmary in episode 72 is from the Mitsuki’s Disappearance filler Arc.
That time when Naruto says that Ino investigated the mind of Katasuke in episode 157 is a filler insertion, it did not actually happen. ImageImageImageImage
In the canon, chapter 11, Ibiki Morino concluded that Katasuke was being controlled by somebody after an interrogation.
Ino is not mentioned at any moment because she is not an interrogator and the manga covers her in the Barrier Team already and its responsibilities. ImageImageImageImage
In fact, the manga and the anime make Sai an interrogator instead of Ino, and he is shown working alongside Ibiki numerous times in chapters 15 and 60.
Apart from being the ANBU Chief, Sai collaborates with the Konoha Intelligence Division. ImageImage
Like Sakura does with the Cryptanalysis Team, Ino collaborates by probing minds when asked, which is a thing she does in the anime, as opposed to Sakura who does it in the canon.
Ino probes minds (although Ibiki is nowhere to be seen) in the anime as an insertion.
So, fans are inflating Ino’s character with a scene that they do not know how to interpret and completely opposes the manga, which is called filler.
It also says nothing about leadership, she just uses her jutsu, it has no basis. The anime is just inserting her in the story. Image
If the manga acknowledged the Analysis Team or the anime followed the canon suit, the responsibility of this interrogation subunit would fall on Aoba Yamashiro, because he is one of the only people in the canon that can perform the Psycho Mind Transmission. Image
This is a hijutsu taught only to members of the Interrogation Force, it is not a Yamanaka technique. Mawashi, Tonbo, Shimon and Aoba can perform it because they are part of the Analysis Team.
In Sasuke Shinden, Aoba uses it to probe Tadaichi’s mind. ImageImage
Quick note: The Yamanaka Clan do not have a Kekkei Genkai but a Hiden jutsu. This means that the mind projection techniques they use are secret hand seals passed down from generation to generation and kept from others, while a Kekkei Genkai is a blood limit and is genetic.
It is weird that Aoba is tasked with performing and probing the mind of the victim instead of Ino, who is right next to him.
This only proves how the anime inserts Ino in the narrative when there are already other characters designated for that mission. Image
Sakura Hiden confirms that there are people in charge of delving into memories with the Psycho Mind Transmission hijutsu of the Analysis Team, people from the Yamanaka Clan; and they use the same machine that Inoichi used, which the anime fillers forget. Image
In addition, the information provided by that fan is incomplete, because there are also other sub-units: ImageImageImageImage
Point 4: Assistant Director/Co-founder/Co-director of Konoha’s Mental Health Clinic❌
According to fans, Ino holds more titles in the Therapy Center than the actual founder: Sakura Haruno. These are different fans that claim two different things for Ino. ImageImage
The only reason people have disagreements with this statement is because the novel does not say that Ino is assistant director, co-founder or co-director and the only thing that proves is that fans so want to insert Ino in the foundation that they would come with whatever name.
With the proof that the novel never mentions any position of power besides Ino helping Sakura with her project, saying Ino is co-founder of the Center has the same energy as saying Katasuke is the co-leader of the Barrier Team, yet I have seen no fans claiming this. ImageImage
Because Ino did not modernize the Barrier Team by herself, she collaborated with Katasuke, the leader of the Scientific Ninja Weapons Team.
The difference? According to Kohan Yamanaka, Ino took the lead in rebuilding this system.
Sakura also took the lead with her project. ImageImage
The novel reiterates several times that the Therapy Center was opened by Sakura Haruno, and not by Sakura and Ino.
She laid the groundwork alone for 6 months, while Kakashi and Ino’s help made the final project possible in another 6 months. ImageImageImage
There is no position of power inside the branch that forms the Therapy Center.
When the novel talks about this new project, they are very explicit to say that Sakura is the creator and write “Ino helped” next to it, because that is all she did: help, not open. ImageImageImage
However, that does not mean that Ino’s contribution was not important. It was.
Not only does the novel mention Ino’s help two times, but it was also decisive for Sakura because that assistance reduced Sakura’s workload and the opening time was only 6 months.
But that is all.
Still, fans need to give explicit proof that it says somewhere in the novel that Ino is co-founder or whatever in order to make this statement; and they will not find anything because the only thing that the novel says is that Ino helped Sakura open her own Center.
Some fans even get angry at the fact that Ino is not considered an Assistant Director or founder.
They try too hard to insert some sort of position of power when the novel makes it clear that Ino does not have anything to do with the Center besides aiding Sakura. Image
To be more specific, I searched for the meanings of Assistant Director, Co-founder and Co-director respectively to try to understand why they have reached said false conclusion.
Assistant Director: The work as an intermediary between the Director of a movie and the crew. It’s a separate work from the assistant of the Director and they must never be confused.
The position of an Assistant Director is in movie productions not in a Therapy Center. ImageImage
I also looked at what Assistant Director could possibly mean outside the world of cinema. According to masterclass,com, an A.D is, in essence, the link between the Director of the company and the departments.
They make sure the policies and regulations are followed. Image
Assistant Director. Really? Did any of those fans think before coming up with that position? It is a job exclusive in movie productions, this is very pathetic.
Either way, Ino would be the person managing the branches inside the Therapy Center? Please, this project is already a branch inside the Hospital. Another reason why the concept of the Therapy Center being inside the Konoha Hospital has not been fully grasped.
Fans are being fooled by biased people on the internet and the sole definition of Assistant Director puts the cherry on top, because it is used only in movie productions.
I kindly ask them to do their own research, and read the novel.
Co-founder: A person that starts an organization together with someone else.
These are definitions of Co-founder and co-found from three different dictionaries. ImageImageImage
Ino did not start the project with Sakura, in fact, she was not even the first person to know about the whole idea. Tsunade knew first and pushed to launch the project.
I am looking at the “Sakura and Ino opened a Center” with a magnifying glass at this point. ImageImageImage
If by foundation you mean prepare the project, Sakura had already laid the groundwork for what the Children’s Therapy Center would become in six months.
After she had already sorted out the steps required, Ino helped her. Most importantly: it is written explicitly in the novel. ImageImage
Are you assuming Ino is the co-founder because she attended a conference to help Sakura with the paperwork? Or because she traveled to Suna with her to help her offer a speech? Or because her name is mentioned many times? Ino was Sakura’s helper.
Let me clarify the point of the conference presented at the beginning: Ino helped Sakura with the collaboration with Konoha Hospital, which requires paperwork, the same ones presented to Sakura by the young medic of page 15. It is mentioned more than once. ImageImage
So, Ino attended that conference as Sakura’s assistance, companion and support.
Sunagakure wanted to discuss their future center with Sakura and Ino went to accompany her as per Kakashi’s idea.
The medics at the end of the novel and Koharu wanted to speak with Sakura. ImageImageImageImage
If we follow the logic of Ino fans, Tsunade and Kakashi are also co-founders of this Center. Without Tsunade the project would not have launched and, without Kakashi, there would be no budget. But neither of their fandoms insert them in the foundation.
Co-director: A person that shares the direction and the duties of something.
I could only find a definition in one dictionary because the others did not have any entries for this word. It is not even in Wikipedia, to say the least. Image
This one is the easiest to debunk: There is only one director and that is Sakura Uchiha, Head of the Medical Department.
She manages every aspect related to the field of medicine in Konoha. Every medic and every patient falls in the hands of Sakura.
Like I said before, Sakura is not the Director of the Therapy Center because the Center is a branch inside the Konoha Hospital, which is directed by Sakura. If Sakura is not the Director, do you think Ino would be?
Ino does not belong in the Medical Corps, she is not a doctor or a medic. She is the leader of the Barrier Team, a group of people that guard the borders of Konoha.
In missions, Ino is managed by Sakura, who is in charge of field medic-ninjas.
Another popular claim is saying that Ino works in this Therapy Center with Sakura or because she knows about the mind: no. I wonder since when do the Yamanaka act as psychologists. Sakura does not even work in the Therapy Center and they think Ino does? ImageImage
At the start of the novel, Ino says that the Center “is finally on track”, which means that after two years since Sakura opened it, the project has proved successful. That is the point of the conference from the beginning, to which Ino attends as she helps Sakura with paperwork. Image
Ino only helped Sakura open her Center, which proved to be advantageous because it eased the workload. But, since fans cannot accept that, they make up things that are not confirmed only to fulfill their wishes.
If it is not written in the novel, why would they invent it?
Point 5: A kunoichi who still goes on a lot of missions✅
Ino still goes on missions and has been on one off-screen and another explicitly, not “a lot”.
One is mentioned at the end of Naruto Gaiden, and the other is the infiltration with Orochimaru during Naruto Retsuden. ImageImageImage
Ino has completed a total of 40 missions from genin and until chapter 699. In the Blank Period she participated in missions while working in the Flowershop.
All of her missions are gathered in these pictures: ImageImage
These are references of her missions in Shikamaru Hiden, Kakashi Hiden, Konoha Hiden and Sakura Hiden in that order: ImageImageImageImage
Point 6: A jōnin-sensei❌
This is the problem of Studio Pierrot being unable to animate the source correctly and always messing with fans’ minds.
The whole deal of jōnin-sensei comes straight out of Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness.
First of all, this novel happens during the Blank Period, after The Last: Naruto the Movie takes place. During this part of the Blank Period, Ino is a chūnin. Awful scan, but yes.
The novel does not say anything other than Choji and Ino are respectable chūnins in the village. ImageImage
The anime mentions that Ino and Choji became instructors of teams, and Ino is particularly teaching a young girl that is a little dense. Be careful and do not be fooled.
Chūnins are in charge of the academy and can be team captains. ImageImage
They might get the wrong idea based on the Boruto manga chapter 36.
Sarada calls Ino “master”, but it is more about respect than any sensei and student relationship because they are not master and student. Sarada is respectfully addressing Ino, nothing else. Image
It is also not based on ranks either. Boruto calls Sasuke “master” but the former is not a Konoha shinobi and does not have a rank.
It is true that Sasuke is Boruto’s master, but in the movie or anime he does not call him that. Image
Mitsuki and Boruto also call Sasuke “master” in chapter 1 and 17 despite Mitsuki not knowing him and Boruto not being under his tutelage yet.
In chapter 16 Boruto goes back to calling him old man again. ImageImageImage
During the Blank Period, Ino only works in the Flowershop and does not belong to any facility or collaborate with any Department or Division.
She uses her Mind Body Switch and Transfer during this time, no interrogation feats mentioned.
Points 7 & 8: Owns a Flowershop. A botanist✅
Ino does work at the Flowershop because her family owns it.
She is also a botanist. In Boruto, she makes this her full-time job. Sai and Inojin also work here, like Ino did as a young genin and chūnin. ImageImageImageImage
Point 9: A mother and a wife✅
Like the rest of kunoichis except for Tenten. Image
Let’s analyze picture 2 now. The text screenshots come from a fan from Tumblr.
Point 1: Strongest Head of the Yamanaka Clan.
I would not say she is the strongest, but she is the most adept of them in terms of her mastery of the Yamanaka hijutsu. Inoichi’s jutsu surpasses Ino’s because he did not need to rely on his teammates, while she does. ImageImage
Point 2: Strongest Sensory Ninja Alive. ❌
Sorry, but this place belongs to Karin, whose sensor skills have been praised numerous times.
Ino is adept, not strong, because that adjective denotes physical powers, and she is not particularly strong in that aspect. ImageImage
Karin is the best sensor-type in the shinobi world based on her jutsu alone, which is unique.
Her sensory skills have been praised several times, while Ino does not specialize in sensing but in mind projection techniques, and it is the reason why it has never been highlighted. Image
Ino is the best sensor-type inside Konoha, and the manga made that her job actually.
Also, she did not develop a sensory perception, this person is talking about Formation E Human-Bullet-Yoyo, she did not invent that, she is relaying the sensing, not even using a sensing jutsu. ImageImage
There is a difference between a sensor-type and sensing techniques.
Sensor ninjas have the innate ability to perceive chakra, while sensing techniques are developed to enhance the perception abilities and are not only developed to sense chakra, but other things too.
The previous two points, which talk about Ino’s powers, are closely related to her feats and what fans have misunderstood from them.
I found this picture while searching for the job’s lies. It is not true that she has the most chakra affinities of the kunoichi of her generation. Image
In fact, Ino and Sakura (and Karin) have the same chakra affinities. Ino uses Fire release in the anime filler that adapted Konoha Hiden (which is not in the novelization), while Sakura used it in Sasuke Retsuden.
These releases can be learnt. ImageImage
This other picture takes Ino’s feat from the War a little out of context. Hashirama did not say “I need Ino Yamanaka”.
He asked for a member of the Yamanaka Clan, and Ino happened to be very close. She demonstrated a great mastery of this technique. ImageImageImage
Point 3: A professional medical ninja/a doctor❌
This cannot be serious. Ino uses the Mystical Palm Technique (literally the most basic jutsu in Medical Ninjutsu) two times and she becomes a professional doctor.
This is also a companion piece to the “Ino works in the Hospital”. Image
What do they mean by surgeries? Ino has never performed a surgery in her whole life and I think she does not do that either in the fillers.
She can only perform the Mystical Palm Technique, which is not a surgery, it is a healing process.
Ino has never been a part of the Medical Corps, especially because she is a field medic-ninja, who uses Medical Ninjutsu to heal wounds.
Being a first-rate medic is a completely different thing, that Ino is not, and that requires more than 3 months of training in one jutsu.
This is the same Tumblr user and this is borderline stupid by now.
First of all, the name is not Psychiatric Clinic; second, this person clearly did not read the novel; and third, Ino is not a world-renowned medic-ninja and she did not accompany Sakura to Suna for that reason. Image
Her fans warped Boruto episode 72.
Clearly, the injured chūnin were carried by the Medic Corps to the infirmary to be treated. Ino does not heal him, she probes his mind. She does that after the injured is treated. ImageImageImageImage
I have seen fans claim that that scene is a jōnin meeting and Ino attended it. In the picture below, aside from all the wanked and terrible mistakes mentioned in this tweet, is an example.
Really? I do not imagine how an infirmary could potentially be used as a meeting point. Image
Quick clarification: This is a chūnin vest, the new design to be exact. Here are other chūnin wearing the same vest, old and new design. It is incredible the lengths of stupidities I have seen in this fandom only to create false statements. ImageImageImage
Back to the Mitsuki Arc, I will tell you what happens: the ninjas are attacked, the Medic Corps take the injured to the Medical Department office inside the Hokage Tower and treat them, and then Ino is called to probe.
No jōnin meetings and no healing. ImageImage
In fact, Sakura is in charge of this chūnin and it is shown in episode 76.
I seriously do not know where the notion of the Medic Corps carrying the injured to the Medical Department and Ino being called to probe once he is stabilized transforms into Ino treating him. ImageImage
This is also a great chance to bring fillers, because I cannot believe practicing the Mystical Palm Technique for three months is considered being a professional and world-renowned medic.
Tsunade tested her and then Ino quit. As simple as that. Image
Moreover, about the fact that she “makes her own drugs/poisons”.
Anesthetic weapons are laced with anesthesia, which is a medical treatment that makes people unconscious and unable to move, created by the Medic Corps. Image
The novel mentions the word “poison” throughout Magire’s fight and they did not use it with Ino because poison is not what she concocted, she used previously elaborated anesthesia.
This compound is developed from paralyzing drugs and analgesics that leave the victim unconscious. ImageImageImage
I have talked about how this concept of Sakura Hiden with Ino and anesthetics has been misunderstood and that she uses the required standard ninja tools inside her pouch, which includes this paralyzing anesthetic, in this thread:
Ino does not teach Inojin Medical Ninjutsu and I honestly do not understand where this comes from.
Inojin attended a class to perfect the knowledge acquired in the Academy and at the end of the class, he became good at it, according to SP, in one day. ImageImageImage
Inojin’s profile shows healing techniques as a skill, also known as Medical Ninjutsu.
I repeat, this art is taught in the Academy according to Sarada, where she did not fare well, the contrary to Inojin. ImageImageImage
It is somehow common to see people putting Ino’s Medical Ninjutsu rivaling Sakura’s, and I cannot help but laugh. It is like saying Sakura can be as good a sensor-type because she developed her own jutsu. Ino will never reach Sakura’s level and Sakura will never reach Ino’s.
Point 4: Greatest Telepathic Ninja, the communication source across worlds✅
Not across worlds oh my god. Ino does have the ability to connect the Five Nations using the device, like her father. The Yamanaka Clan’s expertise is this. She is not the only one but she is the best.
Point 6: Leader of Konoha’s Torture and Interrogation Force/Intelligence Division❌
This point literally calls the Intelligence Division and the Torture and Interrogation Force subunit as the same thing, which they are not. Ibiki Morino is responsible for both. ImageImage
I am really starting to believe that these fans do not read the manga.
In canon, there is no proof of Ino being in these facilities and fans are erasing Ibiki from existence only to put their favorite character on a pedestal, not bothering to see if it is legit info or not.
So, after explaining all of the above and debunking all of the inflated and biased statements fans make about Ino, this tweet I wrote about her jobs in Boruto is confirmed and I did not make any mistakes.
If fans really wanted to expand her character with what the anime and novels show, her positions would not change much. Image
Summary: The major problem here is the fans and their assumptions, because, as I pointed out here, they have no means to prove what they state and they are not even sure of what they are spreading around. The manga and anime are very clear, it only takes comprehension.
Contrary to the false statements made with Sakura and Ino, Hinata does not have anything to fuel her status in the current events of Boruto, and the manga and anime make it very clear where she stands in the hierarchy and her profession.
Since I do not have any templates to guide this thread, I will use what I wrote about Hinata and explain why these statements are true. Image
Point 1: Retired kunoichi✅
The original manga already introduces Hinata as a kunoichi that does not enjoy the concept of shinobi, fighting or competition.
Nonetheless, she decided to show her clan that her kind nature did not hinder her to become a chūnin and a powerful ninja.
In Naruto Retsuden, this notion is made very clear. Naruto tells Chihare that Hinata was forced to become a ninja because of her Clan and, if the circumstances had allowed it, she would have chosen another lifestyle from the beginning. Image
The concept of “retired” is confirmed in Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day.
Hanabi mentions that Hinata has spent 10 years as a housewife and that, with this joint mission, she will have “ a heavier responsibility”. Image
That picture alone should be enough confirmation about her retired status.
If not enough, the novel makes more comments about Hinata. She mentions that her body is more rigid now than when she used to go on missions. Image
Basically, this point becomes automatically debunked, because it is not that Hinata “doesn’t do missions often, she goes on specific missions (Naruto Shinden)”, it is just that she is not active anymore, which does not have anything to do with teaching Boruto taijutsu. Image
Being a master of the Gentle Fist and being an active kunoichi are not the same. Being inactive will not strip her from her feats and she is still classified as kunoichi. Another misunderstood notion: this picture below describes Hinata and her abilities in the first paragraph. Image
Why would I write retired *kunoichi* then? Denying that Hinata is not inactive is beyond stupid at this point, because in the current events of Boruto, she had opportunities to go on missions and she did not, like the Retsuden novels. Instead, others went on missions and not her.
Hinata’s last known mission is in The Last: Naruto the Movie, where, despite not being in the original lineup to rescue Hanabi, she was added to the team per her request, which then resulted in the mission’s success. ImageImage
Hinata has completed a total of 33 missions from genin and until chapter 699. In the Blank Period had the chance to participate in missions but she was the only kunoichi to stay behind and rest of were attending their duties regularly. I gather them in these pictures: ImageImage
In essence, Hinata did not join the missions in Shikamaru and Kakashi Hiden when she could have, no missions mentioned in other novels.
In Sasuke Shinden, she was asked to keep guard to locate the exploding humans and Sakura asked for her help with them. These are not missions. ImageImage
In Boruto, the only “mission” she did in Naruto Shinden turned out to be a misunderstandment to which Naruto ended up apologizing.
Fans hype up this mission, but in the end, she did nothing and counting this as a mission is wrong. ImageImageImage
Hinata had the chance to help Naruto with his chakra problem during the Retsuden saga after discovering the problem.
Instead, Team 7, Team 10 and Orochimaru took care of getting access to the celestial body and hack Kengakuin’s computers.
She only gave Sasuke a headband. ImageImage
This is closely related to Hinata’s powers and feats.
Canonically, Hinata is a strong member of the Hyūga Clan. She has the longest known range of the Byakugan and has mastered the Twin Lion Fists, a technique only taught to the main family. ImageImage
She is considered a master of the Gentle Fist and, like the rest of her teammates, a War heroine.
Despite not being active, her skill is high enough to beat her sister in a friendly match. ImageImageImageImage
People tend to compare Hinata’s taijutsu style with Sakura or Lee’s but, actually, they are different.
The Hyūga specialize in the Gentle Fist, which is tied with their Byakugan and the target of tenketsu points, while Sakura and Lee are Strong Fist users. ImageImageImage
So basically, all of them use different styles and are risky to compare in strength.
Sakura and Lee use the same style, with Sakura enhancing her attacks with chakra, while Lee can enhance them with the Gates. Hinata’s style is different and linked with her dōjutsu.
Given the number of fans that say Hinata could have perfectly endured Tsunade’s training.
Well, I do not think she would have enjoyed the broken bones and punches. Besides, Tsunade’s taijutsu requires far beyond delicate control, which Hinata does not have. Image
Hinata became strong out of her own resolve and not because she was given powers. Or is it that she needed someone else to transform her into a powerful ninja because she lacked?
She did not get a power up and nobody has seen what it entails. Image
Let’s talk about the power up that fans love to hang onto.
In a quick analysis, Hamura implicitly gave Hinata an unknown quantity of his chakra when she was shown the memories with the light orb. It is confirmed later by the change of color of her jutsu and herself. ImageImageImage
I say implicit because there is no text or moment in which Hinata is given this power other than the orb moment.
This is completely different to what this person is saying here. How can you possibly say that Hinata awakened Hamura’s chakra? Where and how? Image
Here is where to draw the line.
In order to “awaken” any dormant chakra, the ninja needs to be a reincarnation, a thing that Hinata is not. This “awakened power to destroy the Tenseigan” power up mentioned only proved to be ineffective by the novel and movie. ImageImageImage
If the power up was given to her in order to destroy the Tenseigan and she could not, then what kind of power up is that?
“The combined powers of the Naruhina destroy it”, yes, Naruto’s destructive Rasengan mixed with the Hyūga’s skill to touch the vessel proved effective. ImageImageImageImage
There is no need to perform mental gymnastics to grasp the simple notion of it, people only need reading skills.
The movie explains that Hinata can touch the Tenseigan because she is a Hyūga, while Naruto’s chakra is powerful. No need to go beyond inventing a chakra awakening. ImageImageImage
Yet people are trying to explain in a thousand ways, that Hinata is the reincarnation of Hamura, a demi goddess or that she is super strong because of this deity’s chakra.
Hamura’s chakra is not a power up and, when given, it did not serve its purpose, which proved nothing.
Hamura stated very clearly that the Byakugan Princess was the only person able to destroy the Tenseigan.
Yet, this is a romance movie and the female protagonist still did not get to demonstrate her ultimate power up to fulfill Hamura’s words by herself. ImageImage
One quick clarification: Hinata did not invent the Twin Lion Fists, it is a jutsu taught only to the main branch.
Also, if I am not mistaken, the Hakke Sōjishi Hōgeki is the combination of 8 Trigrams 64 Palms and Twin Lion Fists, already shown during the War. ImageImageImageImage
I have seen people say that, in the anime, it is explained that she created it with Neji after seeing the Rasenshuriken, which is chakra change in nature.
The Twin Lion Fists are not a nature change, they are chakra draining points in the shape of lions.
The Gentle Fist and its variants are classified as taijutsu. The Hyūga Clan has never used elemental chakra or ninjutsu.
They can use them, but they do not need to because their Clan's taiutsu is their means of fighting.
The anime portrays Hinata as the developer of this technique, while the canon is that it was taught to her, presumably by her father, who is from the main branch. This is the clear definition of filler, as it goes against the canon.
Hinata had so many opportunities to flex the power up her fans always talk about, especially in her own movie, where she was supposed to shine.
However, she did not, and the ultimate savior was Naruto. It was a wasted opportunity that should not be applauded. ImageImageImage
This power up was not taken into consideration for other novels. Hinata does not participate in any missions and has given up as a shinobi.
“Hinata’s power up that you have not seen yet” is correct. It only worked to stop Toneri from taking more of Naruto’s chakra. Image
Fans are clinging to a power that has never been shown and that was not explored even in her own movie and explain it in different ways to try to convince themselves.
After SP gave Hinata this power, they proceeded to put her in distress and fainting after a single strike. ImageImageImage
The fans only have to wait if the fillers mention Hinata as “the woman with the Byakugan” again and make her do something. Let them hope since the manga and the anime do different things and the Karma was already explained.
During the War, Hinata had already proven to be strong, and even the person she wanted to acknowledge her the most, Naruto, said it.
This is enough for her. The resolve to become stronger and be noticed by the person she loved, and change her clan consequently. ImageImage
However, what this user states here has to be the most stupid thing I have seen so far here, and this is what I mean by poor comprehension skills.
This person is saying that Hiashi stated that Hinata and Neji are equals in power and bringing up their ranks. Image
I am deeply sorry but this is the epitome of lacking reading skills.
Hiashi is telling his brother, who died to protect the main branch, that the Hyūga Clan is not moved by past notions of main and cadet branches, and that every member is equal to protect each other. ImageImageImageImage
I honestly do not know how to explain it differently since the manga panel is very clear, but this person needed a clarification. In my opinion, this person is a little upset because Hinata is a chūnin.
Ranks do not define everything in a ninja, she is capable of more.
More poor examples bringing up the ranks.
Hinata and Neji are in the same Division and he is shown keeping guard, apart from being totally wrecked, he is tasked with keeping guard.
Hinata, with Shino, steps in and takes his place. ImageImageImage
The og post is manipulating this information a little.
The Divisions always count with medic-ninjas, so Hinata could have been there or doing something else. Neji had spent an unknown amount of time on the lookout. Of course Hinata had more energy than him. Image
In conclusion, the manga and the movie made clear what Hinata is able to do and how powerful she is.
The difference is that she has never been compared with a member of her Clan in terms of strength, but that still does not deny that she is a strong Hyūga.
Point 2: Former heiress of the Hyūga Clan✅
Hanabi was considered as future Clan Head since the first databook, plus the fact that Hinata is no longer a Hyūga. Nonetheless, Hinata is still a member of the main branch. I will not go into more details. ImageImage
Point 3: Housewife✅
This statement really makes fans mad the most.
Hinata is a full-time housewife, it was confirmed not only by the Shinden novel, but also by the anime and manga, as she does not have a job. She has 2 children, and now takes care of a third. Image
The other kunoichis, Sakura and Ino, are also mothers and housewives of their respective households.
Ino has not been seen as a housewife for example, and the difference with her is that she has her husband home.
Sakura and Hinata do not have the support of their husbands. ImageImageImage
After Naruto became Hokage, Hinata has practically raised two children by herself and dedicated herself to that mission only.
Sakura, on the other hand, raised her child since Sarada was around 1 year old while also having duties. Image
So, after explaining all of the above, this tweet I wrote about her positions in Boruto is confirmed and I did not make any mistakes.
Summary: Since there is no lead with her jobs, fans would turn their assumptions into wanked abilities and non-existent feats. The manga and the movie showed, pretty clearly, what it is that Hinata can do and what she can, and what she does and does not.
So, after reaching the end, it is more than confirmed that this fandom lacks comprehension skills, a mind of its own and overly biased people that go around spreading the first thing they see without taking their time to process the information given.
Leave and love the characters the way they were conceived and appreciate the way they are being developed. They are fiction.
This is not a competition, this is not about who works the most jobs or who can beat who based on power scales, this is about self accomplishment.
Personal comments: About the translations of the Divisions, Units, Teams, Departments and so on, this is how I would tackle the mentioned divisions in the thread and how the manga would do a good job at explaining the different facilities.
This is my personal opinion only. Image
I am content with the lifestyle chosen by and for Hinata.
However, if I had to place her somewhere, I would have her lead the Barrier Team or at least make her a member of the Interception since the Byakugan has been a great asset in finding enemies.
This is the end of the thread.

I used the colored manga for the screenshots: bato.to/chapter/1842354

I used the databooks for the information: narutoversity.wordpress.com/databooks-and-…
Thank you for reading and especially thanks to those that support my content and that provided me with some of the info displayed here.

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