Iowa Safe Schools' Executive Director, Becky Smith, released the following statement regarding the passage of HF 2416 today:
"It’s incredibly disappointing and frankly disgusting that there are members of the Iowa Legislature who have equated being transgender to cancer and referred to LGBTQ people as "mentally ill".
The supporters of this bill covertly strategized to ram this bill through to passing to avoid any confrontation, question, or challenge against this discriminatory bill.
This is state-sanctioned bullying, and we are greatly disappointed in the adults in the state capitol that openly voted to discriminate against children.
Transgender students want to play sports for the same reason that other students want to play - to build leadership skills, socialize with their peers, and engage in an enriching activity.
These votes will be remembered as an embarrassing attempt to score cheap political points, at the expense of innocent children. Iowans deserve better, and transgender children deserve better." #ialegis#iagov
THREAD: SF 2342 will be coming up for debate shortly. This bill bans trans athletes from participating in Iowa. We’re live from the gallery - keep an eye on this Twitter #ialegis