Retrieval-based models are increasingly important in NLP/QA. But an important factor in modeling text is knowing *where* it came from. Our #ICLR2022 paper proposes retrieval-based LMs considers the "structural locality" of texts to improve retrieval: 🧵↓
We demonstrate this on two example datasets: Wikipedia articles and Java code. We leveraging the article and project structure respectively to define different "locality" levels between two documents.
Our analysis shows that the distance between embeddings, used widely in retrieval tasks, is *not* capturing this locality directly, so further improvements are needed. We do this by learning a function to adjust the distance metric for each locality level in KNN language models.
Results are nice! Perplexity of the strong KNN-LM model improves, and there are good qualitative examples demonstrating why locality should be considered. We believe this is just the start! Retrieval is all over NLP now and similar methods could be applied to other models.
We've been on a multi-year effort to take steps towards understanding how well NLP/language tech serves people on a *global* scale. Here's a first report:
We perform meta-analysis of performance across 7 tasks, and devise "global utility" metrics. 1/7
The idea is that language tech should serve every person in the world, not just English native speakers. Based on this, we come up with metrics for language-weighted and population-weighted performance that explicitly consider how many people or languages may benefit 2/7
We then collect performance metrics for seven different tasks, and calculate how well these tasks are doing to serve every language or every population. See some of the breakdowns in the attached figure. 3/7
Super-excited about our new #ICASSP2020 paper on "Universal Phone Recognition with a Multilingual Allophone System"
We create a multi-lingual ASR model that can do zero-shot phone recognition in up to 2,186 languages! How? A little linguistics :) 1/5
In our speech there are phonemes (sounds that can support lexical contrasts in a *particular* language) and their corresponding phones (the sounds that are actually spoken, which are language *independent*). Most multilingual ASR models conflate these two concepts. 2/5
We create a model that first recognizes to language-independent phones, and then converts these phones to language-specific phonemes. This makes our underlying representations of phones more universal and generalizable across languages. 3/5