1/ This article is from New Hampshire but is applicable here in Kansas. The bad education bills that have been heard so far this session have had multiple Kansas parents, teachers, school board members and administrators opposing them, #ksleg#ksed
2/ with a handful of members of the State Policy Network supporting them. The State Policy Network does not advocate for public education, but supports privatizing education as a way to reduce taxes and shift the burden for funding education to families. #ksleg#ksed
3/ "Dark money is limitless millions used by the wealthy to set the policy agenda and pass their preferences – which involves lowering their own taxes, destroying unions, and providing profit opportunities. Where do they put their dollars? #ksleg#ksed
4/ "Most states have a think tank affiliated with the State Policy Network, a Koch-backed clearinghouse that pushes corporate wish lists. In New Hampshire the SPN affiliate is the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, which is supported by Koch #ksleg#ksed
5/ and the Koch-related Donors Capital Fund, which conceals the true investors behind its grants. Still, when an established center like Bartlett issues a report on vouchers, it gets public attention and respectability. #ksleg#ksed
6/ "The State Policy Network is part of the political network employed by corporate interests to transform state policies. Another is Koch’s political organization, Americans for Prosperity...Big money has a big weakness: It usually backs unpopular positions. #ksleg#ksed