NATO promised in the 1990s it would not spread East, they have, Ukraine is the final divide between Europe & Russia, so Russia is putting a stop to it just like USA would do if Russia had military camped out on its borders in Mexico or Canada. Ukraine has been corrupted by Pt1
the Western cabals/WEF ideology, its used as a sanctuary to launder their money, traffic humans & to establish a disproportionate amount of biolabs. They have also been bombing Eastern Ukraine for 8yrs hence why Putin formally took them under his wing at the start of Pt2
this crisis. Putin is not part of the WEF or this ideology & he wants to snuff it out as did Trump. He took out the biolabs & military bases he is not directing his military towards the people infact he is sending in humanitarian aid via Crimea. The Western cabal/WEF is so Pt3