Are we talking enough about how the GOP enabled Putin’s war on Ukraine? I know things have been coming at us pretty fast and furious lately, but did we just collectively forget what trump was impeached for the first time? A wee Saturday 🧵👇🏻
trump was impeached for abusing his power to withhold military aid to Ukraine. The same President Zelenskyy we all worry over because Putin invaded his country, was:
👉🏻By donald trump.👈🏻
Do you get that?
Here are the Articles of Impeachment.
(It’s only 3 pages.)👇🏻
The US had committed over $390m in military aid to Ukraine to keep Russian aggressors at bay. trump stopped those funds and prevented the weapons needed for Ukraine to defend herself. Unless of course, President Zelenskyy *announced* that Ukraine was investigating Joe Biden.
trump didn’t even care if he *actually opened* an investigation, he just wanted to hear Zelenskyy announce an investigation.
trump withheld military aid for a sentence.
trump wanted Zelenskyy to lie to save his country.
Not only did trump withhold the weapons, he in a sense disavowed our alliance with Ukraine. He would not provide an image of solidarity to the world by welcoming President Zelenskyy to the Oval Office. This would have sent the message to Putin, we stand with Ukraine.
But trump wouldn’t send that message unless it would help him win re-election. Ask yourself whose interests trump was serving? By not sending military aid, trump was helping Putin. By not hosting Zelenskyy, trump was helping Putin. Make no mistake, war was plan B.
When you hear them say, ‘this would not have happened if trump were president’ they’re right. Putin would have relied on trump to create a different means to overtaking Ukraine. Because that is what Putin wants. Don’t think we haven’t noticed, he is taking Belarus too, btw.
trump was always plan A. A second term would have taken us out of NATO, further eroded democracy. Ask yourself whose interests does that serve? We’re fighting WWIII now. Disinfo, lies, lack of accountability, all fronts on a battlefield. trump was a weapon aimed at democracy.
What’s worse now is everything Ukraine was trying to protect is being destroyed on a real life, flesh and blood battlefield. We are witnessing war crimes being committed. How would things be different if the GOP Senators convicted trump for his abuse of power?
How might our country look if instead of letting trump off the hook for strong arming an ally, the GOP dealt with their mess right then and there? Did they not know that trump was beholden to Putin for 2016? (📌)
Did they not care?
How might Ukraine look today had they acted?
The atrocities committed in Ukraine by an enabled and emboldened Putin should be worn by the GOP until it no longer exists, for they enabled and emboldened Putin’s enabler.
If you find yourself waking up hoping that President Zelenskyy and Ukraine still stand, if you find yourself moved by the images of what is happening to the Ukrainian people, never forget trump was Putin’s plan A and the republicans looked away. Lessons learned right Sen Collins?
States laws are changing, you may no longer appear on a voter roll. Don’t assume because you voted before, you can vote now. Confirm you are registered to vote and vote. Republicans tell us, elections have consequences. Let our vote bring about consequences.
If you would like to read more about how trump was putin office please read this recap of the Republican led Senate Intelligence Investigation into the 2016 election.
We are in the Both Sides Era. For what seems the past decade, we have been subjected to both sides of the news, normalizing the weird, accepting the inappropriate, and moving on from the unforgivable.
Both sides are not the same.
A wee Sunday morning coffee🧵👇🏻
We have been so conditioned to Both Sides everything that we immediately fall into one side or the other. We are sorting ourselves based on memes and shallow thinking. Reporters complaining about hotel experiences due to the DNC running late, isn’t news. That’s a yelp review.
Have you noticed trump is on both sides of every issue? Probably not, because the “press hasn’t yet learned how to report on trump.” Why is covering trump any different from what they learned in journalism school?
Why not ask him about his incongruities? Or a follow up question?
Did you ever hear the phrase: “they have so much money they don’t know what to do with it.”? Not a problem, I’ve ever run into myself, but Project 2025 is just that. Billionaires want to be bankers. They want to sell off our governmental oversight to private companies they own.
Here is Project 2025. There isn’t one part of our lives this won’t touch. Think it doesn’t mean you? There is no provision to exclude from its effects those who vote for fascism so choose your candidate wisely.
Here is the part where they will abolish the federal reserve. It will be replaced by currency they can “create” and then lend out at their own interest rates.
“There is no place for political violence” has been a pretty common refrain throughout the weekend. It really got me thinking. ”Political violence” must be one of those “you know it when you see it” types of things.
Let’s see…
Political violence strikes me as a visual medium but there are so many things that occur before we see the blood that I think might be political violence. Are we just numb to it? How do we define what is political violence and what is just violence? Why is it different?
Are Texas Gov Greg Abbott’s razor balls floating in the river, considered “political violence”? Kind of. I mean, the idea is people from south of the US shouldn’t be allowed to come here and take our jobs.
To deter from this, razor balls in the river.
There’s been a lot said about Joe Biden since the debate. I, along with so many of you, watched it play out in real time as respected news transmitters read out ‘inside texts’ from knee jerk reactionaries.
After much thought, I won’t be voting for Joe Biden because he’s old.
I’ll be voting for Joe Biden because he’s team democracy. I’m voting for ideas he represents. I’m voting for the team of people he can put together. I’m voting for my own interests and for your ability to vote for your own interests. I didn’t vote for him last time either, btw.
In 2020, I voted for a November 5th, 2024 election. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were the only options on the ballot that allowed this. I colored in Joe and Kamala’s bubble to keep the lights on long enough for us to have this election. Like many of you, I voted team democracy.
I am loathe to do predictions. However, there are some things you just can’t help but see coming. Project 2025 is a blinking red alarm and we all need to be aware of the stakes of this election. Please familiarize yourself with EO11246, be discriminating voters.
A wee thread🧵👇🏻
On September 24th, 1965 President Lyndon Johnson signed Executive Order 11246. EO11246 established Equal Opportunity Employment. It includes Non-Discrimination in Government. It includes Non-Discrimination Employment by Government Contractors and Subcontractors.
Focus on Non-Discrimination Employment by Government Contractors and Subcontractors. In Sub Part B under Contractor’s Agreements, contractors agree to not discriminate against employees based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
Trust me…
The above is the oath the President takes at 12 noon on January 20. Typically, it is administered by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court but there is no law that makes that a requirement. You could have your gran do it. So why is it *usually* the Chief Justice?
For this thread let’s assume the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is there as a symbol of the law. Chief Justice Roberts in a way represents the Judicial Branch of our government on the day it grants power to the person who will symbolize the Executive Branch.