Why has Russia attacked Ukraine and has been doing this throughout its history? Because Ukraine can destroy the very political structure of today's Russia.
I’d like to tell people around the world the current Russian-Ukrainian war is not a local conflict. It’s a part of a long story of Moscow oppressing Ukrainian people in the course of centuries and trying to demolish its national consciousness.
1. Despite Putin’s claim he made before the invasion, Ukraine’s sovereignty has deep roots. Kievan Rus was a modern European state with its hey-day in 10-12 centuries A.D.
2. Grand Prince of Kyiv Yaroslav the Wise married off his daughters to royal representatives of the European state which was a very thoughtful move to strengthen diplomatic relations.Hence the royal dynasties of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Hungary have the blood of Kievan princes
3. The Grand Duchy of Moscow came much later then Kievan Rus - as one could say, it branched off. The lands of modern Ukraine were at that time part of the principality of Galicia-Volhynia.
4. Moscow’ princes began to cooperate with the Golden Horde khans, which enabled them to expand their territories and strengthen their position. Thus, it allowed them to achieve political supremacy in the region.
5. In the 16th century, the Zaporozhian Sich appeared on the lands of modern Ukraine - a military formation that emerged due to the pressure of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Cossacks are formed - a special army of those who fled from persecutions to the island of Khortitsa.
6. Quickly the Cossacks became a powerful force and their own state - The Cossack Hetmanate - was formed in Ukraine, led by Bohdan Khmelnitsky.
7. Unfortunately, the Cossack Hetmanate was all but eliminated by a peace treaty between the Kingdom of Moscow and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth which began redistribution of lands.
8. A few words about the power of the cossacks: kish otaman Ivan Sirko was once invited by France to storm the fortress of Dunkirk which was taken by Spain and didn’t surrender for 10 (!) years.
9. 2600 cossacks led by Sirko settled this over one autumn. In a short while russian empress Catherine II did everything she could to eliminate the cossackship because of this military power of cossacks.
10. Back to the Hetmanate though. Here we come to the story of worsening of Moscow-Ukrainian relations. It’s the 17th century and it is a very dark age of Ukrainian history called “The Ruin”. Cossack state Hetmanate literally falls apart.
11. The Tsardom of Muscovy uses this chance to get their hands of the Left-bank Ukraine. Hetman Samoylovych signs the Konotop Articles which formally forbid the hetman from making decisions regarding foreign affairs. The Left-bank Ukraine becomes a Moscow protectorate.
12. The denationalization of the elite begins, mass serfdom (in fact - slavery) is introduced. However, SUDDENLY, the very pro-Moscow hetman Mazepa achieves an unprecedented butt burning of the Moscow tsar. What did he do?
13. Ivan Mazepa quietly rubs himself into the confidence of Peter I, and in the meantime he formally unites the Right-bank and Left-bank Ukraine and begins establishing diplomatic relationships with the Swedish king who was the main enemy of the Moscow tsar --->
14. ---> in order to create an autonomous and independent Ukraine.
Unfortunately, the plan turns out to be not very significant.
15. But since then the story of a particularly fierce war of Ukraine for its independence, on the one hand, and a particularly fierce desire of Muscovy to destroy the national identity of Ukrainians, on the other hand, has begun.
16. Moscow tries to wipe out Ukrainian language: according to Valuev circular (1863) and Ems Ukaz (1876) publishing Ukrainian books, staging plays in Ukrainian and even singing songs at the concerts was forbidden.
17. Ukrainian intelligentsia was oppressed in the course of centuries. In the beginning of 20th century under the Stalin rule the terror action later called Executed Renaissance took place. Dozens of Ukrainian writers, poets and painters were executed or banished to GULAG.
18. Huge Ukrainian tragedy Holodomor was an artificial famine in the Ukrainian lands which took place almost at the same time. According to different estimates it caused from 4 to 10 million deaths!
19. It was made for purpose - to kill the Ukrainian spirit and to suppress revolts. Stalin was very cynical: starving people could change gold (i.e. wedding rings, mother’s earring) for bread - that’s how Stalin’s industrialization was financed.
20. Even later, in relatively liberal times (60th and later) some of the Ukrainian poets were oppressed. The most prominent example is Vasyl Stus who was charged with political accusations several times and died in prison in 80th.
21. Every time Ukraine reacts with national uprising to russian oppression. While Lenin was busy with revolution Ukrainians proclaimed Ukrainian People’s Republic (pay attention to Crimea’s belonging in the image).
22. The other time Bandera, who is every Russian propagandist’s nightmare comes up with the Ukrainian National Independence committee.
23. As we see, history is cyclical: Moscow regularly tries to destroy our statehood and denationalize Ukrainian citizens. But why is this happening? Actually, because a sovereign, independent, prosperous Ukraine destroys the main myth --->
24. ---> , the main ideological background of the existence of Russia, which is also known as the "Russian world".
25. The Russian world is a cultural and historical concept of the community, where the so called "Great Russians", "Little Russians" and "Belarusians" are united within the framework of one sociocultural reality.
26. Notwithstanding the concept appeared in the 90s of the last century - after the collapse of the Soviet Union, its authentic roots are quite ancient. Actually they, in one way or another, determined Moscow's policy towards Ukraine.
27. One way or another, in some perverted forms, these ideas underlie the very Russian statehood. Bring "great Rus" back to life… However, Kyiv, "the mother of Russian cities" is located in Ukraine. And Ukraine doesn’t want to be a part of someone's legend.
28. Ukraine wants peace and independence.
Our European and prosperous Ukraine is capable to cast a shadow on Russian propaganda,showing that Russian and Belarusian totalitarianism isn't as good as it claims about itself, making people wonder if the authorities are lying to them.
29. Modern Russia keeps inventing stories about “nazies” in Ukraine and keeps destroying peaceful cities just because it can’t forgive Ukraine its freedom. It inherits the ideas of Lenin and Stalin dictatorships - the main ideologists of genocide.
30. This is the reason Putin CAN NOT RETREAT.
The retreat will show the weakness of the regime - which is indeed weak and based on the belief in a “supreme state”, and a “great leader”, strong and invincible, because he usually only attacks those who cannot stand for themselves.
31. This time, however, something went wrong - Putin underestimated Ukraine enormously. We have already seen the greatness of Russia through the shelling of peaceful houses.
32. The Army of Russia is weak, demoralized and lacks even food to operate normally - its greatness lies only on its number advantage and its despicable methods of terrorizing civilians. But even that didn’t help Putin’s blitzkrieg.
33. Huge Russia is bound together with propaganda. Propaganda is the only method to keep this very motley country together. That’s why Russia is under the rule of despots again and again and the scenario of “little victorious war” is used countlessly.
34. Don't expect Putin to back down - he went for broke. Nor should we expect Putin to stop only at Ukraine. It is quite possible that he will decide to expand the borders of the Russian world to Moldova, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.
35. History already knows examples of Russia's similar territorial appetites, such as the Soviet-Finnish War.
Putin, like a school bully or an abusive guy, probes the boundaries of what is permitted before taking an even more nefarious step.
36. The hypocritical silence of European politicians also shows that they have not learned the lessons of the Second World War, when the whole world silently watched the Nazi occupation of Poland.
37. Now the brave people of Ukraine barehanded go out against the armed rashists,defending their freedom,and our army shows incredible heroism.We are fighting as we have been fighting for centuries.But this is a war not only for Ukraine. It's time for the world to understand this
38. As long as Russia inherits an imperialistic ideology, neither Ukraine nor any other country will ever be safe. That's why we need real support now. That's why we need a closed sky.
Давайте зробимо аукціон на потреби ЗСУ, чи що? Початкова ставка - 300 грн, крок - 50, час до завтра, до 12:00.
Переможець відправляє гроші на ПЖ, а я відправляю йому брошку. 😊
Ставки залишайте під початковим твітом. Швайнокарасик виконаний з окантовкою зі стразового ланцюжка, тому ви будете сяяти на будь-якій вечірці ✨ Це також чудовий подарунок, особливо для твіттерського.
Подумала, що було б непогано вдатися до традиційного акту селфхарму і продовжити добивати рукав, але всі мої тату-майстри не в Украіні, а в нео-традіші і нео-Японії працює не так багато людей, тобто я навіть не можу нормально іспиздяритися татухами.
Ща скажу може зверхню річ, але більшість людей не запарюється за стилі і їх поєднання, але ж я бляха художник, я так не можу.
Бзв більшість майстрів не думають композиційно, не кладуть малюнки уздовж мускул, і тупо ліплять їх як наліпки, і навіть якщо якість непогана, це не виглядає стильно.
Отже, є півтора майстра, які мені подобаються, і вони поїхали 😭
Найстаріший університет у Східній Європі - Києво-Могилянська академія.
Іван Федоров у 16 ст. надрукував «Апостол», післямова до якого стала першою світською публікацією.
Одне з найстаріших зображень театральної вистави знайдено на фресці Софійського собора, де зображені скоморохи часів Київської Русі, що говорить про давність театральної традиції.
В ЮНЕСКО зібрана фонотека народних пісень з усього світу. Україна на першому місці - 15,5 тисяч пісень. На другому місці Італія, у фонді якої більше 6 тисяч пісень.
Усього фольклористи записали півмільйона украінських народних пісень. ПІВМІЛЬЙОНА!
Коли я була малою, ситуація з українською в Україні була вкрай складна. Якщо без цензури - хуйова. Коли мені було 6, по телевізору не було майже нічого українською, крім серіалу про рятувальників Малібу. Я дивилася його і ніц не розуміла. Я знала тільки, що є кіт і кит.
Був ще такий звір як «російські школи». Таких дітей, як я, з російськовних сімей, які не чули української майже ніде (а їх було чимало) відправляли у них. Там українська викладалася просто як окремий предмет, а так все було російською. І ось постало питання, куди мене віддавати.
І тут моя мама проявила рішучість, за яку я їй досі вдячна.
- Вона українка, - сказала мама на сімейній нараді, - народилася в Україні і буде навчатися в українській школі.
- Але вона не знає української.
- То вивчить.
Німці, у шеред апартмент яких ми зараз винаймаємо кімнату, сказали, що якщо ми повернемося в Україну і не дай Бог ситуація у наших містах буде нестабільна, ми можемо завжди знову приїхати і нас поселять у гостьовій 😭😭😭
Дякую Богові, що попри те, що Шольц і уряд у Німеччині максимально продажні, нам зустрілося за часи наших мандрів дохуя ахуєнних людей, які все розуміють, викупають ситуацію і реально саппортять українців.
Тільки завдяки цьому моя віра у людство ще досі не втрачена.
Сьогодні я хочу вам розповісти про цю людину. Це Микола Лемик. У світлі того, що росіяни знову намагаються створити голод на українських землях, я хочу, щоб цю історію знало якомога більше людей.
Під час Голодомору галичани, землі яких тоді були у складі Польщі, намагалися допомогти українцям, що страждали від голоду. Про це вони дізнавалися, бо радянський уряд цинічно пропускав листи, щоб галичани надсилали допомогу у валюті (а совок потребував валюти).
Галичани надсилали фінансову допомогу в злотих та доларах. У відповідь їм приходили страшні листи: «Яка страшна іронія долі. - Ви висилаєте нам 10 дол. і смерть відходить від нас, і так у безконечність продовжується наше страждання, наша нічим не заслужена мука і кара.»