What if there was a way to sidestep the exchanges for native assets.....not the wrapped centralized junk but an actual way to get native assets......would you believe me?
2/ thats okay you dont have to I'll spoil the surprise, its called $rune.
What is this mysterious asset?
3/ @THORChain aka $rune allows you to swap native $BTC for anther native asset like $doge …….the only way to normally do this is an exchange and even then you have to swap from one asset to another as in BTC to USDT and USDT to Doge
4/now that you understand thorchain, what is rune for …….well when you deposit one asset into any of the pools 50% on the other side will be paired with rune. So rune is the like trading pair across all assets creating an omni-pool.
5/ this is important for several reasons
1.lower fees
2.less slippage
3.deeper liquidity 4. better order routing
6/ Oh did I mention with an omni pool its super easy to lp you only have to deposit one asset, yes you can do both but you can spend less gas fees using rune if using eth native tokens
7/come on you have to admit this is sweet......they dont have this stuff on uniswap
-thorchain also has impermanent loss protection after 100 days
-dynamic swap fees based on the liquidity in the pool (helps to pay for imperm loss for those pools with low liquidity)
9/so what does this mean for $rune
now lets break down the rune formula…….
it is 3x what is deposited aka for every $1 deposited that goes for $3 in market cap on rune……well let me explain why
10/ -max cap 500 mil rune (and all of this cannot be used because about 25% is locked up in nodes and in defi/ on exchanges. so as more assets are deposited more rune is bought up to put in lp pools.
11/ so with this model if 1 billion dollars worth of btc comes in you can basically add 3 billion to rune MC......now im really bad at geometry class but I know that 3 billion is more than a 1.22 billion MC
12/ so what are some bullish catalysts coming 1. synths coming .... here are some benefits
-some btc maxis only want exposure to btc not rune
- much quicker aka btc takes 10 min per block to update prices….sythhs are faster
-also integrates with ibc
12b/ need a deeper dive on synths....check this out
13/ 2. savings coming
this will be like anchor……where the asset you deposit is earning a yield from the yield bearing asset aka the btc you deposit goes into the lp pool to earn a yield
3.Thor usd coming
need I say more……this will be the same mechanics as luna…..🔥
4. luna is about to be active on thorswap(main dex on thorchain) brings tons of TVL......dont forget the formula 😉 5. main net thooooonnnnn
15/ so what are the risks.....well it is a complex protocol, there were hacks from last april and the team have been rebuilding since then.....the hacked users were also compensated for losses.
so TLDR the biggest will be
-contract risk
16/ the good news is rune is much lower from ATH's so if you are bullish the asset its much easier to accumulate. now should you throw everything at it, well im not a financial advisor so you need to determine your risk tolerance..... can this 100x....yes ...can it go to 0... yes
17/ Me personally I see more of an upside given the current situation with
-exchanges closing down or having KYC
-Bitcoiners looking for a yield on btc
-luna TVL coming
-syths (allows others to not have exposure to rune yet it indirectly is actually buying rune 🤯 )
oh and did I mention we are not even main net yet
you can just watch this video too it makes it much easier
enjoyed this thread feel free to share it with a @THORChadsDAO, @THORChain degen near you or a
In my short time here on this earth I have come to realize That the entitled nature of humans is all consuming.
Ex: Wi-Fi is slow so I throw my computer at the wall.
17 years ago we were lucky to even have a computer that could “do stuff”
With all the entitlement in the world how can anyone live up to expectations
You either create something and meets expectations and there is no appreciation just expectation. Or you create something that is not perfect and everyone hates you.
Seems like a lose lose situation
For all those trying to create new things remember there are still people out there who appreciate what you do. Don’t let the entitled ones speak for the appreciative ones
Do not let entitlement overtake remember there will be a day when you lose something that
ever heard this term, well it happens to everyone.....
is it healthy? its it good?
how do you stop it?
well first what is fomo
how do you know when you are fomoing
1.heart is racing before a trade 2. trying to consume as much information as humanly possible before pressing the green button (searching old discord messages , listening to videos, talking to your "DEFI Expert" 3. coin is up 300% at ATH
either an uber degen play or a golden opportunity........TWT what will haps, I want to make a thread on rainspirit
2/ so what is it first, well it is from the ola finance team ( whitelisted by the spirit team) it is a fork of winspirit which is just liquid inspirit tokens from the spirit swap team.......
normally when you lock spirit for inspirit, it is illiquid and you cannot trade it
3/ so with rain-spirit what is interesting is you can have a liquid staked spirit token, so you can still vote and get rewards
Now I don’t receive anywhere near the magnitude of negativity that Andre gets but I think this verse pertains to everyone
Proverbs 12:18. The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
2/ don’t let haters get you down. Remember the reason why you have haters (usually come from jealousy). You are much appreciated in this space and a valuable asset. To the community you are like running water in a house. We don’t realize how much we need it till it’s shut off 😉
3/ Not sure how I can get this to you Mabe @FTMAlerts Will know (usually knows everything) but keep doing what you do Andre and take the much needed time off
As always there is a time for everything
Osmosis- A uber inflationary token that has a chart that says "I dont care".......this could be top signal but lets break it down
2/ so what is osmosis, well osmosis is a dex that is built on the osmosis chain, the dex has all kinds of pools ranging from a 50/50 to an 80/20 split which allows more flexibility and creativity for degens to you know, "do DEFI"
3/ What I really like about osmosis (these are not the only things) 1. The ux is amazing, from little touches of swap 50% or lp with one asset instead of having to take multiple steps to compound 2. the aprs are nuts and ham 3. dual incentive pools
Airdrops....... do you seem to never get them?????
Well I got ur back here is the ultimate guide to cosmos airdrops
2/stake every coin imaginable......okay thanks for reading
3/ JK>>>>>>>>
Now in a perfect world and with all the money in the world yes that would be the best strategy but if money is a limited resource for you then you need to find some coins to focus on......
IMO these are the coins to focus on and a blurb on why