As the trial of four men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan @GovWhitmer unfolds in federal court this week, it marks a new and alarming chapter in the slow but steady unraveling of American politics in recent years. ⬇️…
The plot served as a sequel to the demonstrations at the Michigan state capital that spring, when armed protestors occupied the building and stood in the galleries above lawmakers to express their opposition to COVID restrictions imposed by Gov. Whitmer.…
Some of the plotters, believing the occupation didn't go far enough, decided the governor must be punished for her "tyrannical reign." They also spoke of shooting police, seeking "Zionist banker blood," and killing those who supported vaccinations.…
After the arrests, the story made national headlines and was the subject of late-night parodies. Then, following the turmoil of the 2020 election, it quickly faded from the conversation.…
After all, a foiled plot targeting a state governor, no matter how cinematic, seemed minor in comparison to the full-scale assault on American democracy that took place on January 6.…
In federal court, prosecutors plan to argue that a bunch of men, brain-poisoned by the Internet and driven stir-crazy by COVID, were days away from kidnapping the governor. The defendants will acknowledge they were, in fact.…
But they insist the plot was nothing but talk — a kind of militia cosplay, an outlet to vent their rage at the government. They never planned to follow through on their plans, they claim, and were set up by FBI informants who had infiltrated their ranks.…
It's entirely possible that the men might never have found the will or the wherewithal to make good on their dark threats.…
This type of paranoia is nothing new in American politics.
The sanctuary, located in McAllen, Texas, cited mounting threats linked to a pro-Trump border wall event and conspiracy theories from We Build The Wall founder Brian Kolfage.
The border wall event is hosted by a slew of conservative organizations.
Since 1994, at least 8,000 migrants have died while passing through Brooks County. "Missing in Brooks County" details migrants' dangerous journey through south Texas. ⬇️…
Over the past 25 years, thousands of migrants have died — not just on their way to the United States, but within it.
We had emergency physician @DrLeanaWen answer some of our biggest Omicron variant questions, like what it means for booster shots and the holidays. Here’s what you should know. 👇
So far, the Omicron variant appears to be more contagious based on the cases in South Africa, but it’s hard to know if it’ll be more contagious in the US, where the Delta variant has already widely spread.…
Many of the cases reported so far have been more mild, with patients experiencing fatigue, body aches, and flu-like symptoms.…
Rittenhouse, now 18, is charged with fatally shooting Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, as well as injuring Gaige Grosskreutz, amid civil unrest in Kenosha in August 2020.
He pleaded not guilty to all charges, testifying he acted in self-defense.
The Republican furor over ‘critical race theory’ — a college-level concept that isn’t taught in K-12 schools — caught many in the education world by surprise.
Now education leaders are pushing back against misinformation.⬇️
When Angela Grunewald first heard complaints about “critical race theory,” the superintendent of Edmond Public Schools in Oklahoma had to Google the term to learn its meaning.