#parentviews101 : “Head says as a mainstream they are not set up to support a child who can’t access the classroom.
How am I supposed to move forward?”
“On the SEN Register for SEMH and offered a second reduced timetable which they said my child needs to attend so they can get the evidence for EBSA…”
“School not willing to support my child having lunch away from the lunch hall they must sit near the door. My child has sensory processing was well as anxiety and visual and auditory processing difficulties.”
“School won’t support applying for another EHCP due to lack of evidence and can’t give a timescale for gathering evidence.
I am at a loss as to how to proceed.”
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“It affects everything because collagen is in everything. It’s a multi-systemic illness, and there’s not very much research into it at the moment.” wiltshiretimes.co.uk/news/19961622.…
‘Due to her late diagnosis and a lack of compassion she has faced, she feels that more needs to be done…to tackle the illness, which affects around 1 in 5000 people in the UK.’
“I think as well if you’ve been well to a certain point of your life, and then suddenly you are considered disabled, people really seem to struggle with that concept." Well said! We are all likely to be disabled at some point in our lives due illness, injury, MH.
I was reliably informed during a conversation with policy writers in a well-known high profile org that an LA Lead had told them “you’d be amazed how much non-attendance at school is down to Munchausens by Proxy.” I blanched. You see that was levelled at me by services once.
My child at that time had ‘perplexing’ presentation no one could find the cause. His health declined & got any better for months, school attendance dwindled. Neuralgic episodes emerged, hallucinations, nightmares, dissociative behaviour. We were losing him and no one in primary
health or local hospital could figure it out. That’s when they concluded it must be me. I was anxious. I was making him ill. I defy anyone to hold their child for nights on end while they shake in unending unimaginable pain. His joints swelled over the months.
‘"For years, that contract has been clear, parents have a responsibility to get their children to school, with minimum absences, and in return schools do their level best to educate and look after those children," she said.’ tes.com/magazine/news/…
Unless Ms Spielman & others are prepared to consider the impact of current curriculum raised levels under Gove reforms, high-stakes testing, zero tolerance on behaviour, uniform, attendance; the flawed beliefs woven into systems arising from statistically incorrect research via
Working Together guidance; that education has not kept pace with neuroscience & child development research re. importance of attachment, relationships, trauma-informed practice, psychological safety, play, movement, creative arts, autonomy for wellbeing, mental health, belonging,
‘“Most parents aren’t equipped to do it, and if they are motivated by their own or their child’s anxiety, rather than a deeply held desire to home-educate – the outcomes for their child are unlikely to be great,” she will add.’ standard.co.uk/news/uk/ofsted…
‘Motivated by their own or their child’s anxiety’! I mean, seriously? How much ignorance is laced into this thought process and statement?! Clearly, Ms. Spielman has no experience of mental illness, caring for a person battling it, or how disabling it is.
As a parent, watching your child spiral while you are threatened with fines, prosecutions, prison, is utterly horrific and yes, anxiety provoking (unsurprisingly). And when the cause of your child’s crisis is directly linked to school and institutional systemic failings,
Yes. Let’s recognise and talk about clinical level anxiety in our YP for what it is: mental illness. It isn’t rational, it can’t be out thought via CBT or behaviour management or punishments. Unrecognised & unsupported, these YP end up:
At risk of suicide; self-harm (to the extent of life-changing injuries including loss of mobility & speech); eating disorders, exclusion; youth justice, criminal justice; removed from parents & placed in care; in residential institutions or tier 4 CAMHS; at risk of abusive
Dear @LGAcomms. Your lack of accountability and reflection re. SEND speaks volumes. It tells me we have a system flooded with toxic stress, laced with a complicit culture of shame & blame. Service users are an easy and convincing target.
Disproportionately disadvantaged & vulnerable service users the softest target of all, and your blame & selective narrative around their behaviour rather than reflecting on yours speaks of a staggering level of hubris, churlish, immature & unprofessional culture & practice.
You have achieved nothing more than expose yourselves as being complicit in the agony, despair, persecution and breakdown of families, parents, carers, children & YP.