The FDA has not grant full-approval of the vax for anyone under 16yo; it's been nearly a yr under EUA.
It is scary that our govt is pushing an experimental vaccine that the govt (aka FDA) won't fully-approve.
Timeline of Pfizer Covid Vaccine:
Dec 2020 - EUA for 16+
May 2021 - EUA for 12-15
Aug 2021 - FDA approval for 16yo+
Oct 2021 - EUA for 5-11
Feb 2022 - FDA postpone EUA for under 5yo
FDA still has not approved use in under 16yo and has delayed EUA for toddlers.
With new data on efficacy plummeting within 2-months of vaccination for those under 16yo and unreliable data on protection against hospitalization, why are we still pushing this? It is not without unknowns for long term harm.…
It is outrageous they spending taxpayer $$$ to promote vax, using kids for radio/tv ads and plastering posters within school buildings.
But to forbid unvaxxed kids to participate in normal school activities like field trips and afterschool is cruel and unnecessary. @NYCMayor
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This is terrible. The Asian community did not ask for this. We strongly opposed it but our electeds and gov chose to ignore us. I’m no longer checking any boxes.
Instead of just Asian, there will be 24+ separate categories asked by all state agencies that collects demographics. Just visualize the form. It’s obscene!
All SUNY and CUNY applications will have the 24+ categories. Here is what a CUNY app looks like now. Imagine this w/ 24+ categories. Instead of “too many Asians”, it’ll be “too many Chinese and Bangladeshi students”.
Curious why NYC Chancellor, head of the largest school system in the country, was not even mentioned among contenders for the nation's top ed job.…
A simple google search to Wikipedia shows this:…
Gosh, Biden probably didn't want this headache.
A look back at 2020 with @NYCMayor and @DOEChancellor at the helm of NYC public schools. We started the year off w/angry parents at a Queens town hall.
“… newly released statistics from the US Dept of Labor for the third quarter of 2020 undermine this narrative. Asian women have now surpassed white men in weekly earnings...These outcomes cannot exist in a society suffused with misogyny and racism.”…
The attack on merit in education, seeking to kill objective tests like the SAT and #SHSAT in favor of subjective holistic factors, are intended to hurt immigrants.
"Asian women’s extraordinarily high earnings can be explained by several recorded cultural patterns. They have the highest education levels of all major groups. They are also most likely to major in the most high-paying fields in college (primarily STEM) ..."
The argument in NYC’s specialized HS was on a single test #SHSAT. However the attacks on all the other schools around the country made it crystal clear that it was never about a single test. 1/
The single test has been used since the 1930s. It was used when Hecht Calandra was past in 1971. The largest of the 3 HS was majority black and Hispanic for over two decades using this single test. This single test was never a problem until Asians became majority. 2/
With immigration picking up in the 1970s, poor, non-Engl speaking Asian students became a growing group relying on public schools. To escape the zip code of their immig communities, they aspired for these #SHSAT schools. 3/
“...White supremacy! How!? ... Asian students are double the population of white students, how is that white supremacy? Simple, Asians are white-adjacent.”…
Many Asians are immigrants, finding our way in a new country with no social capital. We simply ask for equal opportunity. Anti-Asian racism has intensified in education. Merit-based admissions have given Asian students the chance to earn spots at these top schools. 1/
The high number of Asian students at these public HS has become unacceptable. Something “must” be wrong if outcomes don’t mirror the population. “Asian immigrant supremacy”? — no, we are now called white-adjacent so that the claim of white supremacy can still be touted. 2/
“Trying to silence people, shame people, and bully people so they can’t be heard is unacceptable. .. and the ppl who want to silence parents should be ashamed of themselves.” Spoke like a true leader. TY @MaudMaron@placenyc_org
“Let the student speak” I said.
This woman blocks the podium and refuses to move out of the way so the 6th gr student can have her voice heard. This is not what democracy is about..this is the cancel culture.
This woman harassed the student earlier, telling her to not speak. When that didn’t work, she decided to block her from getting heard.