🌟THREAD—Here are all the things that you should be changing/tweaking on your resume every time you apply to a new job.
(meaning if you apply to 17 positions, you should have 17 variations of the master copy of your resume):
1. The title of the position
If you are applying to a job where the title on the job description is “Media Assistant” you need to put the title “Media Assistant” on your resume.
Then, if you see a role for a Media Specialist that you also like… Change the title again!
The title is also going to be reiterated in the Professional Profile Statement so you must change it in two places.
Once in the actual title at the top of the page and again for the second time in the Professional Profile Statement.
Example below:
2. The years of experience
You’re going to say directly in your Professional Profile Statement that you have the exact years of experience that the job post is calling for.
They are describing who they will hire, so if they say they want you to have 5 years? You have 5 years.
3. The skills section
You are going to ACTUALLY READ the job description and then copy & paste the skills that they are asking their ideal candidate to have inside of your Areas of Expertise section whether you have them or not because these are the keywords you need to have.
Again, if you want the job opportunity or the callback invite at all—PUT the skills they are asking of you to have in the skills section at the top of your resume.
You either have the skills already or you will gain them from the on the job training. So?You have them.😇
Every time you apply to a new job, you should change the following 3 items:
1. The title of the job 2. The years of experience being asked for 3. The skills section
📃 Your resume could look something like this for reference:
• You can change your old job titles
• Make them similar to the new job title
• Increase the # of how long you worked
• Add that you’ve been working freelance
• Put that you are a Social Media Manager
🥱 “But what if…” “So then if I get the job and can’t…” “Now about the background check…” “I don’t think I can do…” “I’m scared of…” “Won’t they know if…”
🌴 For more information about my work, click the link in the bio or email your resumes to: resume@thecareerisland.com and the office will reply to you!
How to Get HIRED in 2024 Step-by-Step (all results and success messages will be from April 2024), a playing field leveling thread.✊🏾
Please take don’t skip any of these tips if you are seriously trying to get a new job this year.
Only choose 1, do not be open to everything! Get extremely clear on the next job title you want because you need to have a specific target to go after in order to hit it.
💲alary Negotiation tips & tricks (for people that have never asked for more money than they were offered), a thread:
Things that I have seen work for job seekers that you can start trying out immediately!
💲ample 1: Just say you want to negotiate the salary!
By just bringing up the conversation at all is better than saying nothing and taking what is offered because the company is EXPECTING you to negotiate.
Closed asses don't get ate up, so if you're nervous just be direct.
💲ample 2: I am interviewing for roles that are between xxx-xxxk/year. What could "WE" do to ensure that this company is able to pay me my value which starts at xxxk?
Use the word "WE," state the range you're interviewing in, and ask what can be done to ensure the company pays
I offer job seekers the information that is typically hidden and not discussed openly when it comes to how to EXCEL in the job market in order to help them achieve higher salaries at better companies.
What is this hidden information ⬇️⬇️⬇️
1. NOBODY really sits there and reads resumes.
They scan and skim them in 6-7 seconds (or even less) to see if they will call you back. Yes, some companies use an ATS but some companies don't, so you barely need to focus on "fitting it."
You need to just fit the job description
2. Companies ONLY care about 3 things
If you can:
- Make them money
- Save them money
- SAVE THEM TIME (so they can make more $$$)
This is what human capital (employees) are bought to do for the company. If you cannot demonstrate this, you are not getting hired.
🐠 How to PREPARE for job interviews for roles that you have never done before (fish-out-of-water job hunting), a thread on executing a seamless career pivot:
*Please refer to this thread when you land an interview for a title you haven't officially yet held*
1. Go back to the original job description (you should have already saved it as a PDF) and start rereading it!
You should know the job description like the BACK of your hand once you get that initial interview confirmation.
2. Pull out the main keywords from the job description because you are going to use them A LOT in your interview.
These will be the words that the interviewer will be listening for and ✨WANTING ✨ to hear. They are the words that are repeated many times in the job description.