β₯ An inline property dose not start on new and only takes up as much width as necessary.Any height and width properties will have no effect on inline elements. This example overrides the default setting of <li> bullet points and presents them in one line.
β Display : Block
β₯ Display Block property shows the elements one by one like a building. Every block element appears in a new line. margin. padding and width work in display block.
β <!DOCTYPE> β₯ Defines the document.
β <html> β₯ Defines an html document
β <head> β₯ Contains metadata/information for the document
β <title> β₯ Defines a title for the document
β<body> β₯ Defines the document's body
β<h1> to <h6> β₯ Defines HTML Heading
β <p> β₯ Defines a paragraph
β <br> β₯ inserts a single line break
β <hr> β₯ Defines a thematic change in the content
β <!--..--> β₯ Defines a comment
β Devhints.io
β₯ Here you will file sate of ready-made snippets with popular code snippets, configurations, and commands.
β Bootsteap Cheatsheet
β₯ The bootstrap cheat sheet is an interactive list of bootstrap 5 classes, Variables and mixins. it helps you easily fine the differences between bootstrap 4 and bootstrap 5.
β¬ Every Python Developer Has To Know About The Keywords.
These Are The 30 Below π§΅β
β And β₯ A Logical operator.
β As β₯ To create an alias.
β Assert β₯ For Debugging.
β Break β₯ To Break Out Of a .
β Class β₯ To Define A Class.
β Continue β₯ To Continue to the next iteration of a loop.
β Def β₯ To Define a function.
β Delβ₯ To delete an object.
β Elif β₯ Use in conditional statements, same as else if.
β Else β₯ Used in conditional Statements.
ββ Except β₯ Used with exceptions, what to do when art exception occurs.
ββ False β₯ Boolean value, Result of comparison operations.