Megan 👑 Profile picture
Mar 14 79 tweets 54 min read
All My Friends

🤓A Reylo textfic for #ReyloSpiritWeek
🤓College AU
🤓Nerd Rey
🤓Frat Bro Ben
🤓Prompt fills for Fake Relationship & Only One Bed
🤓Eventual NSFW 🔞
🤓#AllMyFriendsFic to 🔇

Special thanks to @spiritusmovensx for her guidance on text fic writing! 😘 Let’s go!
1. Let’s meet our dynamic dyad.

Rey Niima, biochem student at Illinois State. Barista and book shop girl by day. Part-time note-taker for the university. Underpaid and overworked. Aggressively single. (1 SS)

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2. Benjamin Organa Solo, Alpha Tau Omega president at Illinois State. Cat dad. Part-time trainer. Political science and international relations double major. Broody and buff. (1 SS)

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3. It’s been too long since Rey has spent any time with the squad. The thing is Rey is *always* working. Or in the lab. She doesn’t have TIME. So when she gets Rose’s text, she’s not surprised.

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4. But she couldn’t. So she missed it. Again.

But Rose Tico didn’t take this shit lying down. (3 SS)

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5. Finn reaches out while Rey is at her morning barista shift. But it’s finally winding down a bit and she can look at her phone. (2 SS)

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6. When she gets home, though she’s exhausted from her shift, her classes, her labs, she can’t help but smile at her friends’ antics. They truly are her found family and her heart squeezes as she looks fondly at them.

Finn captures it in his IG story (2 SS)

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7. That is, until Rose pulls out her eyelash curler and Kaydel pulls out a duffel bag of trendy clothes with a manic gleam in her eye.

Oh shit. What did she agree to?

The makeover process per Tico and Connix on Rosie’s IG (4 SS)

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8. #AllMyFriendsFic

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12. The next morning, Rey gets an unexpected text from an unknown number… (4 SS)

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13. Rey can’t believe she just agreed to continue this ruse her and Ben started. What was she thinking? But she couldn’t help but remember his warm palm pressed to the small of her back. The way his lips curved into that reluctant smile.

14. So she went to the bookstore and began shelving textbooks, but her mind kept wandering back to Solo and his big hands. The way his fingertips brushed those circling patters along the skin of her waist.

15. Rey was quite lost in her thoughts when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Kaydel. Probably wondering when she’d return the borrowed outfit. (3 SS)

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16. #AllMyFriendsFic

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17. #AllMyFriendsFic

That’s it for today friends!

Today’s prompt for #ReyloSpiritWeek was fake relationship. Tomorrow, tune in for the conclusion of this fic and prompt 2 of Spirit Week: only one bed.

Thank you @bb_kate_ and @feralsandgremln for putting this on!
18. DAY 2 of #ReyloSpiritWeek is ONLY ONE BED

So buckle up for PART 2 of #AllMyFriendsFic

Let’s get back with your favorite d!ck detective, Kaydel. If you thought she’d be content with Rey borrowing something again, you thought *wrong*. (4 SS) ImageImageImageImage
19. Ben will surely sweat when he sees Rey in that dress. It was a splurge purchase, cheered on by Kay. Why was she allowing herself to get so swept up in this charade? Wasn’t he just using her to make his ex jealous? Disappointment seeped into her chest.

20. She didn’t have time to dwell on whatever this new feeling was. Instead, she did what she always did. Threw herself into work and school and anything that wasn’t the reality of her situation. This was fine. Really. It didn’t mean anything.

21. Mr. Solo must have sensed her general panic. Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she almost threw the stack of books down that she was reshelving in order to answer it. (2 SS)

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22. She wants to bristle as his assumptive behavior. Feeling like he needs to do things for her. Like she couldn’t take care of herself. But she can’t quite muster her annoyance.

And horrifyingly, she finds herself looking forward to him coming to the lab.

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25. #AllMyFriendsFic

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26. Her brain a foggy mess from working from five in the morning at the coffee shop, doing a shift at the bookstore until five, and then finally dragging herself away from the lab at ten. She was exhausted.

27. As she prepped for bed and her phone buzzed again though, she couldn’t keep the smile from her face as she saw who it was.

(2 SS)

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30. #AllMyFriendsFic

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31. #AllMyFriendsFic

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32. The thought of sharing a bed with Benjamin Organa Solo, a virtual stranger, shouldn’t thrill her the way it does. It definitely shouldn’t make her mouth go dry and her breath catch in her throat as she thinks about his warm body next to her.

33. Nope. Nope. Definitely not. This was just to help him out. Like he helped her. It *had* to be about that. Because a traitorous part of her heart that flipped goofily when she thought about Ben knew she couldn’t handle getting hurt again.

34. That’s it for today my friends! Another installment will be up tomorrow!

Clearly this little fic idea got away from me. Haha. But this will only stick with the first two prompts for #ReyloSpiritWeek.

Thanks again to @bb_kate_ and @feralsandgremln for hosting!
35. It’s been a few days since the party and the squad need more details about this sudden boyfriend revelation.

*insert Kaydel with an all-knowing smug expression on her face during the entirety of this group chat* (3 SS)

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36. #AllMyFriendsFic

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37. She doesn’t out her in the group chat, but Kay texts her privately about her *situation*. (3 SS)

CW: mention of drug use for soul searching in Kay’s texts (i.e. mushro0ms and w3ed)

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38. Chaotic D!ck Detective Kay to Wise Soul Bearing Kay? Yes. She is a multi-faceted being.

Note: On the blue word bubble the last word that is not appearing is WISE. SO it should read “Fuck Kay, when did you get so wise?” Apologies for the error! (3 SS)

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39. Rey thinks about Kay’s words of wisdom but she’s so scared. Her parents left when she was four. She’d bounced from foster home to foster home until she’d aged out of the system. She didn’t have true friends until college.

40. Everyone had always left. But her friends showed her that people could stay. That not every relationship ended in hurt. So she’d opened herself up to Snap. And after a year together he irrevocably broke her heart.

41. It somehow felt worse than her parents leaving. Maybe it was because she could really remember it. Maybe it was because it had been a relationship she chose to peruse. Whatever it was, the ache was like nothing else.

42. But a year later and she was mostly healed. The scar was still there but the sharp, stinging pain from before was gone. Replaced by just the slightest twinge deep in her chest. But she had moved on. Life was better.

43. But she just couldn’t bear to put herself back out there again. No matter what Kay said, the fear of the hurt was still too much. But she’d already agreed to help Ben out. And she was a woman of her word. She’d be damned if she’d bail now.

44. #AllMyFriendsFic

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45. As they drove through the country to head out onto the highway, Rey scrolled through her playlist. 90’s road trip!

Anyone sensing a theme? (4 SS)

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46. Ben is a good sport about the whole thing. Rey acts as a DJ on their way up, enjoying the open road, and putting her bare feet up on the dash.

47. They talk, they laugh, they play stupid car games, and take turns making up stories about the people in the cars they pass.

Rey learns about Ben’s family. Their expectations. His hopes to please them. His disastrous freshman and sophomore year.

48. She grabs his hand when he tells her about his dad’s heart attack. The moment he started to pull his head out of his ass. The still fragile and tenuous relationship with them. Her heart squeezes in her chest and she has to look out the window.

49. Rey tells him about the foster families. How she always waited for her parents to show up and claim her. How they never did. She doesn’t cry but she comes close, tears pooling in her eyes as squeezes her hand back, gentle but firm.

50. And when things start to feel too heavy, she cracks a joke and he smiles and the rest of the world seems to fall away. She lets herself get caught up in the kick drum beat of the music, the winding stretch of road ahead of them, and Ben Solo’s dimples.

51. From Rey’s IG story. (4 SS)

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52. Finally, they pull into the hotel parking lot. Rey cranes her head up to look at the absolutely monstrous hotel they are staying at. She can’t quite believe this is where she’s staying tonight.

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53. #AllMyFriendsFic

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54. That’s it for tonight! Tune in on Friday for the next update. Apologies for the minor delay. I just can’t seem to want to let this fic go.

To come: the Baz confrontation and the use of the one bed!

Thank you @bb_kate_ and @feralsandgremln for hosting #ReyloSpiritWeek ! ❤️
55. Kicking off with Ben’s POV for this installment of #AllMyFriendsFic

A text to his bestie… (3 SS) ImageImageImage
56. Ben’s POV as they head to the fundraiser.

(4 SS)

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57. Ben spent the next hour leading her around to various exhibits. They talked about the sustainability project ATO was fundraising for, the food and cocktails that were being served, and the various people in attendance.

58. Ben’s IG Story (4 SS)

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59. Rey’s IG Story (4 SS)

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60. They both whipped their phones out as they circulated the venue, documenting their evening on IG. Ben couldn’t help himself. He snapped a picture of Rey as she was turning back to him, laughing at something he had said. She was beautiful. Breathtaking.

61. The laughter went out of him as he stared at the photo. She tried to pull his phone away and look but he just shook his head. She got him back by making him pose with her in the Renaissance exhibit. They looked like an actual couple and his heart lurched.

62. He wondered at what they could have. What they *could’ve* had if they weren’t in the midst of a ridiculous fake relationship ruse. His mouth turned down at the bitter thought.

63. Rey leaned into his side as they walked and talked and Ben found his gaze lingering to her mouth more and more. He couldn’t get over the sweet curve of her Cupid’s bow as she popped an amuse bouche between her teeth, moaning in delight.

64. Every blasted moan went straight to his c/ock and he had to try and remember his Uncle Chewie’s thoroughly grotesque grooming routine in order to keep from getting a full blown e/rection.

65. He was just about to show her where the silent auction would take place when a chill ran down his spine. He looked up.

There, across the room in a stunning skin tight black dress and flawlessly makeup stood Bazine.

66. She looked like a cat that had just spotted the canary.

67. Rey’s POV

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68. As the girls walk away Ben shoots off a quick text to Hux before funders and fraternity alum swarm him.

(1 SS)

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69. Back in the ladies’ room…

(2 SS)

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70. Meanwhile, Ben is becoming more annoyed and worried by the minute.

(2 SS)

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71. Rey left the bathroom at top speed, thoughts whirling relentlessly.

(2 SS)

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72. #AllMyFriendsFic

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73. That’s all for today folks!

Tomorrow: entirely NSFW smutty smut smut 😈


This has been such a fun wild ride! Thank you to our gracious hosts @bb_kate_ and @feralsandgremln for setting up this AMAZING #ReyloSpiritWeek.

This fandom is the BEST. ❤️
74. #AllMyFriendsFic FINALE!

CW: 🔞NSFW, praise k/ink, dom/su/b undertones, un/protected s/ex, dir/ty talk

Hope I got ‘em all.

Ben and Rey head back to the hotel. (3 SS) ImageImageImage
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78. Ben is still asleep when Rey rolls over the following morning, sore and sleepy, reaching for her phone to fire off a quick text.

(4 SS)

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Thank you so much for everyone who joined me on this #ReyloSpiritWeek journey! #AllMyFriendsFic was such a joy to write.

@bb_kate_ and @feralsandgremln you both have been such amazing hosts. THANK YOU!

Future text fic requests? Comment below 😘

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More from @marauder23_ao3

Dec 10, 2021
#24DaysOfReylo DAY 8 - CAROLS


A micro text fic

🎄Friends to Lovers

1. Rey had been friends with Ben Solo for approximately two years, eight months, three weeks, two days, and perhaps five hours.
2. She had been in love with him for approximately two years, seven months, two weeks, two days, and maybe seven hours. And it was making her miserable. And what was worse? Everyone seemed to know. Except Ben.
3. So when she passed by the Holiday Market on 12th and Lincoln and a group of carol singers were belting out “Wrapped in Red” by Kelly fucking Clarkson, she knew.

It was time to do something about it. If nothing else it would put her out of her misery.
Read 37 tweets
Dec 9, 2021
#24DaysOfReylo DAY 8 - HOLLY

🎄😘🎄 a micro fic

1. “You wanna make out?”

Ben’s eyes widened, utterly perplexed.

“You’re standing under mistletoe.”

He looked up and his brows furrowed. “Isn’t that holly?”

“Same thing,” Rey quipped with a shrug.
2. Slowly she ran her hands up his chest before pulling him down by the shoulders.

He rolled his eyes at her but couldn’t hide the upturning of his lips as he leaned into her and whispered, “You’re a menace, sweetheart.”
3. She pushed up on her toes and pressed her mouth to his, soft and languid. His hot breath ghosted across her cheek and shivers rippled down her spine. She would never get used to the feel of his plush lips or his firm body pressed against hers.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 8, 2021
#24DaysOfReylo DAY 7 - CANDY CANE

I had a vision of @itsmzladybird #FinePrint Ben and Rey. Office shenanigans are afoot.


1. Rey loved candy canes. The sweetness and the peppermint swirled into a delicious easily portable treat.
2. She started sucking on the candy cane at her desk while working on Poe’s latest acquisition. Finally, she pushed away from her desk, straightening her floral pencil skirt and made her way down the hall to their weekly staff meeting.
3. Poe sat at the head of the table as people filed in to fill the massive conference room. She sat to Poe’s right, dutifully pulling out her computer to take notes and setting her cell next to it with her trademark red rabbit phone case, ears and all.
Read 26 tweets

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