10 years ago:
Friend - I have given full freedom to my 7 year old to make his own decisions. He can sleep, play, eat as much & whenever he wants to.
Friend: He is directionless. He is obese. I am worried for his future.
Moral- Wokeism is no substitute to Discipline
Your young ones need discipline and your guidance in the childhood.
They don’t need freedom at tender age.
Give them discipline and not wokeism.
Friends who are grandparents:-
Would you be able to narrate the differences in upbringing which you got in your childhood w.r.t upbringing you offered to your kids compared to upbringing which your grandkids are getting now?
These days many perverts have popped up who take advantage of your mental & social health to exploit you in the name of occult, spiritualism, religion, astrology etc.
These con men narrates wrong & distorted idea of spirituality to you.
They exploit you.
How they con?
Show “recently” developed hate for Pakistan, Love for India and parrot two-three bhakti phases 500 times a day.
I mistook one of these as a noble man. That’s why I apologised to you all to have retweeted his work in past. He is a Con Man. Asaram in making..