Not a big Fuentes guy, but he’s 100% right about metapolitics, Trump aesthetics, and Vaporwave calling back to a past conception of a glorious modernist future.
@AaronWriterAC@RAZ0RFIST I've said it before - Bowden in his juvenile comic-book/Americana appreciating modernist mode would have DUG Donald like Dickie Spencer did before he became a fag.
{Someone} once said “Wouldn’t it be better if we presented ourselves as the victims?”
The problem with doing that is that it’s what everyone else does... if you concentrate on pain and defeat you will breed resentment, and I believe {these} are... to be avoided.
Trump's represented hope for a normal republic, not an empire
The GAE led to all MAGA opposed. He was a critique of policies predicated on American strength that destroyed the roots of that strength, and the movement conservatism that legitimised and did not threaten the system.
Everything, from free trade to civil rights to a loose immigration policy to missionary foreign wars for liberal democracy is an outgrowth of the cold war machine that should have been turned off in the 1990s.
Oh well, Pat Buchanan tried.
Everything repugnant about American politics, from the Post-Marxist liberal racialist moralism to the hostility to the historic American nation comes from the proposition nation - which started with Lincoln but was supercharged by the FDR admin/JFK - is inherently imperialistic.