On a train to Philly. Man gets on, no mask. Attendant says he needs one. He doesn't have one, wraps piece of clothing around face. Attendant leaves. Man removes covering. Says "fucking bitch."
The level of "Philly" brought into this man by fellow passengers is beyond.
An older woman turns from several seats away and yells, "can't you read?" The person next to her sarcastically says, "is a miracle, he's apparently immune to covid and can't give it to anyone either!"
The first woman says, "call the authorities! They need to know!"
I'll add now for context the man without the mask is youngish and white.
He responds, somewhat politely, "I don't have a mask and I'm only going 3 stops."
To which the woman yells, "how do you not have a mask with you after all this time?!"
Another man jumps in. "Did you just wake up from a coma?"
A woman jumps in. She's got a British accent I think. I'm not sure what she says but everyone by her laughs.
The man says, "Mind your own business" but has yet to put the clothes around his face again.
Two, also young men, start singing about the maskless man. They're improvising the song as they go. People are cheering them on. The maskless man has put back on the clothing around his face.
New people are getting on and are confused.
The singing is getting more intense. A new person is dancing.
The maskless man, now wearing a sweatshirt wrapped around his face, looks defeated.
Someone has gone for the attendant.
A small group is chanting, "Off the train. Off the train."
And on the next stop, the man leaves (one stop early)
Philly be Philly.
Update. My ride home was much less eventful.
Also, to the people who think this is unreasonable, please note it's still Federal Law on public transportation.
Disagree? Please come to Philly. We're happy to welcome you with open arms and apparently improvised songs about your assholery.