A friend asked for an explanation why "It's just Putin" is wrong and dangerous. I felt it needs a longer response. Here it is:
The problem is immeasurably deeper, wider and older than Putin and his band of gangsters. Generation after generation has been raised in a lie. And the despots who have ruled Russia have always gotten away with it internationally.
The terror of Bolsheviks, Stalinist purges, the GULAG as a system have never been criminalised, there was never a national, leadership-led redemption attempt. The opposite, all this is now, again, officially preached as a proud process of national cleansing and strengthening.
Stalin's generals and NKVD bosses were not tried at Nuremberg or Moscow process for co-conspiring with Hitler and Ribbentrop in 1939, for Katyn, for invading and illegally annexing all or parts of the Baltic states, Poland, Finland, Romania, Hungary etc,
never tried for genocide in all these countries nor for war crimes anywhere they went. I'm not even talking about the wave of Bolshevik aggression against all neighbours in 1918-24…
Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine were all independent democratic nations back then whose future was crushed by Moscow. All these countries were betrayed by the Paris Peace Conference first and at Teheran and Yalta for the second time. By the West.
Hence the deep suspicion in these countries that it’s going to happen again. If Ukraine would have not fought or fought but lost in a week, Ukraine would have been betrayed in a second. By Macron, Scholtz, Biden. Realpolitik and all. New Minsks, new mediations, soon new wars
Current national myth of Russia & the core of Putins ideology is the lie about Russia as liberator. All of us between Russia and Germany are watching Ukraine being liberated and hope that for once the West understands that this is how the Russian liberation has always looked like
This is what was done to us either in 1918-21 or 1939-45 or both. And it kept going until 1991. And it began again in 2008 and the West pretended, again, that it was not happening.
Germans have apologised for 80 years but I still felt a bit uneasy listening to Scholtz saying: wir werden uns remilitarisieren. Thankfully, for once, the Germans r on the right side of things because even there, after 80 years, the demons are not entirely dead under the surface.
So. No. It’s not about Putin. It is very much about the state of Russian society. It's not Russians' "fault", there are too many factors, but to fix this means a process of national breakdown, regrouping, redemption and re-education for, well, 80 years.
It can only be done by the Russians themselves and the best thing we can do is not get in there to tell them how. Because we don't know better.
All that is needed is help Ukraine win, set strict cold war rules relating to Russia until the war crimes have been tried, by them, and a representative government is in office. Let them demilitarise. And then take it slow. Very slow
And jail every and any Westerner who tries to engage in corrupt business with them. And help them rebuild Russia not Russian imagined expansionist interests.
Of course, it's not going to happen. At least not with the current bunch of leaders we got. The best outcome will be another short period of a Yeltsin after which it’s all going to come to something like we have today, again.
Hope you enjoyed the optimistic note from Estonia.
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The current attitude of the US administration to small states has been compared to the Athenians, described by Thucydides in the The Peloponnesian War. 1/
The famous para by Thucydides is this (5:89):
"For ourselves (=Athenians), we shall not trouble you (Island of Melos, ally of Sparta) with specious pretences—either of how we have a right to our empire because we overthrew the Mede (Persia), ; 2/
"or are now attacking you because of wrong that you have done us—and make a long speech which would not be believed; " ( in short, we don't bother with moral arguments because we are strong) 3/
80 years ago 17 East European nations were sold out to communist tyranny so that the West could enjoy peace and liberal democracy. 30 years ago Eastern Europe won back its freedom despite efforts of our friends to “keep stability”. 1/6
Now it seems its up to Europe to decide. Do we want to be united and win or be divided between the “great powers” again. 2/6
Its not time to be shocked, insulted nor afraid. Its time for Europe to raise to the challenge. Putin united Ukraine, Ukraine cemented itself in Europe and Trump, albeit accidentally, is uniting Europe 3/6
A bit about the constitutional crises in Georgia.
President @Zourabichvili_S has 1. declared Parliamentary elections illegitimate. 2. declared the a Russian operation is ongoing attempting to take over Georgia 3. said the sitting government is illegitimate
This has sever constitutional consequences.
Article 49.1 of Georgian Constitution states:
The President of Georgia is the Head of the state of Georgia and is the guarantor of the country’s unity and national independence.
The President has stated that the independence of the nation is under threat.
She should declare the state of Emergency, but she cannot because the Prime Minister should propose this.
Its obvious the illegitimate PM will not do it.
As a reminder to my friend @vkaramurza, this is what Solzhenitsyn wrote on "Russian guilt."
"But who, if not we ourselves, constitutes society? This realm of darkness, of falsehood, of brute force, of justice denied and distrust of the good, this slimy swamp was formed by us, and no one else. We grew used to the idea that we must submit and lie in order to survive-and we brought up our children to do so."
"A n d if we now long - - and there is a glimmer of hope that we do - t o go forward at last into a just,
clean, honest society- how else can we do so except
by shedding the burden of our past, except by repen- tance, for we are all guilty, all besmirched?"
"We cannot convert the kingdom of universal falsehood into a kingdom of universal truth by even
the cleverest and most skillfully contrived economic and social reforms: these are the wrong building bricks."
I keep hearing that "the people" in the West are getting "tired" of the war against Ukraine. In case any of these tired people read this, I tell you a story. Its about not getting tired.
Erna Kelder was born in Järva county, Estonia, in 1922. She was one among 5 daughters and 1 son in a family of a local forester Eduard and Johanna Kelder.
This is Erna on the left, 14 years old in 1936. Estonia was free and the future was bright.