jaeyong & nomin land 🌷 Profile picture
Mar 23, 2022 β€’ 362 tweets β€’ >60 min read β€’ Read on X
limerence // nomin dark academia au

in which jeno only wants to enjoy his first year at college but gets caught in a web of sweet lies and lustful sins. a web named na jaemin.

and it happens that 50 years before, student jung jaehyun got caught too. in a web named lee taeyong. ImageImageImageImage
✧ notes ✧

- ignore time stamps
- pics used are not mine, credits to the owners

- soulmate au
- slight fantasy and harry potter inspired
- dark/sad/angst and might get nsfw but i will warn first
- it will include jaeyong (in the past) and other sideships!
✧ notes ✧

- will include quotes, poems & works from various authors

⚠️ tw: toxic relationship, manipulation, possible character death

!! i don’t condone nor defend any toxic behaviors that may appear in this story. they are not intended to be seen as healthy or romantic !!
✧ playlist ✧


✧ tags ✧

@nct_au_ @nctvarchive @ncityfics_ @nctficfic @nctaus_archive @kpopausrec

#nomin #nominfic #jaeyong

lastly, i hope you enjoy and feel free to send me your thoughts, questions, suggestions etc πŸ’—
about the school:

- centuries old
- isolated in the middle of the forest
- one of the most prestigious private universities in the country
- students get sorted into two houses: yin and yang ImageImageImageImage
✧ meet the characters ✧

lee jeno

- first year student
- literature major
- house: ?
- kind, innocent, curious and often daydreaming

na jaemin
- second year student
- classics major
- house of yin
- charismatic, cunning, sardonic and enigmatic ImageImageImageImage
✧ jeno's friends ✧


- 1st year student
- history major
- house: ?
- witty, skeptical, soft-hearted


- 2nd year student
- arts major
- house of yang
- mischievous, funny


- 2nd year student
- creative writing major
- house of yin
- cheerful, laidback ImageImageImage
jaemin's "friends"


- 4th year student
- philosophy major
- house of yang
- snobbish, pretentious, elitist, extremely clever


- 4th year student
- political science major
- house of yin
- activist, disruptive, enthusiastic and defender of social causes ImageImage
and 50 years before...

jung jaehyun

- literature major
- house of yang

lee taeyong

- classics major
- house of yin ImageImage
01. and so it begins ImageImageImage
02. renjun is right (as always) ImageImageImageImage
03. jaemin in a leather jacket >>>> ImageImage
04. two-faced ImageImage
05. haechan's superpower: detecting hotties ImageImageImage
06. they're besties now ImageImage
07. freedom to all ImageImage
08. opposites attract ImageImageImage
09. at the exact same time ImageImage
10. yin and yang at its worst ImageImage
11. fate ImageImage
12. dip your toes in first ImageImageImageImage
13. jaemin texts doyoung and yuta ImageImageImageImage
14. jaemin stalks jeno's twitter Image
15. time for the house sorting ImageImageImageImage
16. special ImageImageImageImage
17. dark side ImageImage
18. chosen one ImageImage
19. group chat for the new besties ImageImageImage
20. time to sleep... ImageImageImage
21. ... or maybe not ImageImage
22. jaemin intense hours: open ImageImageImageImage
23. yin and yang already working perfectly ImageImageImageImage
24. pretty everything ImageImageImage
25. dove head in ImageImageImage
26. busy thinking bout boys ImageImage
27. taeil makes a cameo ImageImage
28. smoke and mirrors ImageImageImageImage
29. what happened ImageImage
30. i want to see you ImageImageImage
31. ruin you ImageImageImageImage
32. careful what you wish for ImageImageImageImage
33. the next morning ImageImageImage
34. "lucky" ImageImageImage
35. jaemin warns doyoung Image
36. a few days later ImageImage
37. who are you ImageImageImage
38. seems like someone did notice him Image
39. a couple days later, at lunch ImageImageImage
40. tragic ImageImageImage
41. what drama is this ImageImageImage
42. some markrenhyuck content Image
43. that day jeno goes to the library again ImageImageImageImage
44. i'm keeping him Image
45. jaemin's phone ImageImage
46. talk sweet to me ImageImageImage
47. even if it's mine ImageImage
48. we're the same ImageImageImage
49. i wonder who these are from... ImageImage
50. half of my soul ImageImageImage
51. the next morning Image
52. time with the besties ImageImageImage
53. no you don't ImageImage
54. later that day ImageImageImageImage
55. good boy ImageImageImage
56. i'm going to be your doom ImageImageImageImage
57. like a dream, or like a nightmare ImageImageImage
58. jeno is back at the library ImageImage
59. what jeno asks, jeno gets ImageImage
60. i want you ImageImage
61. off limits ImageImage
62. renjun confronts jeno ImageImageImage
63. as johnny said in beautiful... Image
64. the night of the freshmen party ImageImageImage
65. how to make jaemin go to parties ImageImageImage
66. pretty neck ImageImageImage
67. into the woods ImageImageImage
68. mine ImageImage
69. can you tell i live for angsty quotes ImageImage
70. what ImageImageImageImage
71. before the night ends, the houses post too ImageImage
72. they fall asleep thinking about each other ImageImage
73. two days later (btw jaemin changed jeno's contact name after the party) ImageImage
74. nct debate club when ImageImage
75. fomo ImageImageImage
76. sike ImageImageImage
77. later that day Image
78. pretty eyes ImageImageImage
79. puppy ImageImage
80. selfie time ImageImage
81. enjoy that d ImageImageImage
82. visiting the campus radio at night? not suspicious at all Image
83. the struggle is real ImageImageImage
84. seems like jaemin had second intentions ImageImage
85. limerence ImageImageImageImage
86. villain or antihero? ImageImageImage
87. some days later ImageImageImageImage
88. uh oh Image
89. i like a challenge ImageImageImageImage
90. back to you ImageImage
91. psycho ImageImageImage
92. lonely ImageImage
93. who's him ImageImage
94. nothing but him ImageImage
95. oh no ImageImageImage
96. jeno's "i'll stay away from him" lasted for five minutes ImageImageImage
97. nothing compares to you ImageImageImageImage
98. at the maze ImageImageImage
99. nothing but jaemin

(note: i know there are a lot of mythological references in this story so if you don't understand something or have any questions feel free to dm me/talk to me on curious cat) ImageImageImage
100. get lost in ImageImage
101. some days later ImageImageImage
102. on the weekend, the besties go to the city ImageImage
103. jaemin intervenes ImageImageImageImage
104. time to find out more ImageImage
105. revelations ImageImageImageImage
106. rose ImageImage
107. the shop owner had some pictures of them ImageImageImageImage
108. back to campus ImageImage
109. jaemin's pov πŸ₯³ ImageImageImageImage
110. is jaemin... perhaps... catching feelings? ImageImageImage
111. forever ImageImageImageImage
112. introducing: my favorite mark lee poem ImageImage
113. love triangle? more like love circle ImageImage
114. the mirror strikes again ImageImageImageImage
115. another letter ImageImage
116. did you guess this is what it means? ImageImage
117. jeno reflects ImageImage
118. he won't love you ImageImageImage
119. was it a lie? ImageImage
120. jeno confronts jaemin ImageImageImageImage
121. ah how i love angst :') ImageImageImage
122. change ImageImageImageImage
123. the mirror doesn't lie ImageImageImage
124. now playing: two people by jaymes young ImageImage
125. movie night ImageImage
126. taking selfies with other people... what a low blow ImageImageImage
127. some days later ImageImageImage
128. they're indirecting each other through quotes again ImageImageImage
129. their love language = angsty quotes ImageImage
130. enter the phantom ImageImage
131. forbidden fruit ImageImageImageImage
132. sweet ImageImage
133. jeno is going through some issues ImageImageImage
134. the account ImageImage
135. patience ImageImageImage
136. πŸ”ž slight nsfw ImageImageImage
137. this rilakkuma meme haunts me ImageImage
138. worth it ImageImageImageImage
139. oh ImageImage
140. jeno's wise words ImageImage
141. the day of the date ImageImageImageImage
142. foreshadowing much? ImageImageImageImage
143. some days later Image
144. jaemin is craving ImageImage
145. jaemin always gets what he wants ImageImageImageImage
146. what is jaemin up to? ImageImage
147. we're going to play a game ImageImageImage
148. πŸ”ž slight nsfw, food play ImageImageImageImage
149. jaemin posts his first meme πŸ₯³ ImageImageImage
150. a few days later ImageImageImage
151. how to win over jeno's heart: give him jellies ImageImageImage
152. wanderer above the sea of fog ImageImageImageImage
153. crescent moons ImageImageImage
154. jaemin learns how to smile in selfies ImageImageImageImage
155. i wonder who these admins are πŸ€” ImageImage
156. living for markhyuck's dynamic ImageImageImage
157. this selfie of jeno changed my life ImageImageImage
158. πŸ”ž slight nsfw ImageImageImageImage
159. πŸ”ž slight nsfw ImageImageImageImage
160. some days later ImageImage
161. jeno posts a thirst trap... and it gets wild (some of the comments areπŸ”ž) ImageImage
162. jaemin reacts ImageImageImageImage
163. jeno gets what he wanted ImageImageImage
164. πŸ”ž later that night (let's just pretend a tie is enough to restrain jeno) ImageImageImage
165. on the weekend ImageImageImage
166. the pillars of dark academia ImageImageImage
167. speak of the devil ImageImageImageImage
168. πŸ”ž nsfw ImageImageImageImage
169. jeno is frustrated ImageImage
170. that night, when jeno returns to his room... ImageImageImage
171. was it enough? ImageImageImage
172. a few weeks later exams start ImageImage
173. some exams-related memes because i felt them ImageImageImage
174. worried ImageImageImage
175. after the exams ImageImage
176. some weeks later Image
177. house tournament ImageImageImageImage
178. prove you wrong ImageImage
179. haechan and jeno join forces ImageImageImage
180. pre-tournament tweets ImageImageImageImage
181. before he goes to the tournament, jeno finds more letters ImageImageImage
182. jeno starts off strong ImageImageImage
183. it's working ImageImageImage
184. the tables start to turn ImageImageImageImage
185. debate time ImageImageImage
186. poetry contest ImageImageImageImage
187. and the winner is ImageImageImage
188. i think he is jeno ImageImage
189. jeno receives his award ImageImage
190. i'll always choose you ImageImageImage
191. jeno asks for a date ImageImageImage
192. what a contrast ImageImage
193. come feed me ImageImage
194. jaemin wants a puppy ImageImageImage
195. love declarations? ImageImage
196. thank you glitch mode era for giving us sleeveless jaemin πŸ™ ImageImageImageImage
197. at the arcade ImageImageImage
198. ⚠️ violence, blood ImageImageImageImage
199. my first and last ImageImageImageImage
200. back on campus ImageImageImage
201. someone texts jaemin Image
202. break free ImageImage
203. first kiss ImageImageImage
204. worth the risk ImageImage
205. do i wanna know? ImageImage
206. some days later ImageImage
207. coincidence ImageImageImage
208. the way they stare at each other >>>> ImageImageImageImage
209. pink hair jeno is SUPERIOR ImageImage
210. somewhere ImageImage
211. first time jaemin cuddles ImageImage
212. pose for me ImageImage
213. a few days later ImageImageImageImage
214. kiss it better ImageImageImage
215. the next morning, jeno finds more letters ImageImageImageImage
216. words i can't say ImageImage
217. reminiscing about the past makes the phantom post ImageImageImageImage
218. the halloween party ImageImage
219. the spidermark we deserved ImageImageImageImage
220. edward cullen who i only know na jaemin ImageImageImageImage
221. best vampire-werewolf couple ImageImageImage
222. my soulmate ImageImageImageImage
223. i want to worship you ImageImageImage
224. love language: angsty poetry ImageImage
225. two days later (slight nsfw πŸ”ž) ImageImageImageImage
226. good boy ImageImageImage
227. jeno gets good at lying ImageImageImageImage
228. the next day ImageImageImage
229. some time later Image
230. here comes the angst πŸ₯² ImageImageImageImage
231. renjun gives jeno some tough love ImageImageImageImage
232. yuta best boy ImageImageImage
233. caught in jaemin's web ImageImageImageImage
234. they don't know you like this ImageImageImage
235. real ImageImage
236. achilles and patroclus ImageImageImageImage
237. back on campus Image
238. jaemin gets even angrier ImageImageImageImage
239. anger? or grief? Image
240. jaemin texts yuta ImageImageImage
241. v for vendetta ImageImage
242. meanwhile ImageImageImageImage
243. thank you ImageImage
244. broken from inside out ImageImageImage
245. ruins ImageImageImageImage
246. renjun updates haechan and mark ImageImage
247. the next morning ImageImageImage
248. yuta confronts jaemin ImageImageImageImage
249. yuta knocks some sense into jaemin's head ImageImageImage
250. some days later ImageImageImageImage
251. miss you ImageImageImageImage
252. renjun talks to haechan and mark ImageImage
253. i need to know ImageImageImageImage
254. the truth unveils ImageImageImageImage
255. it stops with us ImageImageImage
256. find a way ImageImageImage
257. not achilles and patroclus ImageImage
258. jeno makes amends ImageImageImageImage
259. best friends ImageImage
260. some weeks later ImageImageImage
261. winter break ImageImageImageImage
262. stay Image
263. i want you to stay ImageImageImageImage
264. his north ImageImageImage
265. some days later, it's new year's eve ImageImageImageImage
266. get a room Image
267. i trust you ImageImageImageImage
268. i'll give you everything ImageImageImageImage
269. happy new year ImageImageImage
270. the next morning ImageImage
271. boyfriends ImageImageImageImage
272. guess who ImageImage
273. the holidays end ImageImageImage
274. one month later jeno finds more letters ImageImageImageImage
275. come back to you ImageImageImageImage
276. not this ImageImageImageImage
277. jaemin texts renjun for the first time ImageImage
278. at the lake ImageImageImageImage
279. jaemin calls yuta ImageImage
280. back on campus ImageImageImageImage
281. the phantom grieves ImageImage
282. at the infirmary

⚠️ mention of past character death ImageImageImageImage
283. jaemin's pov Image
284. inside jaemin's mind ImageImage
285. his feelings awake ImageImage
286. back at the infirmary ImageImageImage
287. give him everything ImageImageImage
288. some weeks later ImageImageImageImage
289. let's play ball ImageImageImageImage
290. the besties come together ImageImageImageImage
291. jaemin continues with his puppy-jeno agenda ImageImageImage
292. face the world with you ImageImageImage
293. some days later ImageImage
294. ⚠️ mention of past character death ImageImageImageImage
295. everything is for him ImageImageImage
296. he loved you so much ImageImageImage
297. taeyong reads the letters and the poetry book jaehyun wrote for him ImageImageImageImage
298. midnight talk about feelings & dreams ImageImageImage
299. one month later ImageImageImage
300. jeno and taeyong team up against jaemin Image
301. another month passes ImageImageImage
302. jaemin upgrades the group chat name ImageImageImageImage
303. graduation day ImageImageImageImage
304. miracles happen ImageImageImage
305. the houses admins post one last time ImageImage
306. surprise!! i thought it'd be fun to sneak sungtaro in here πŸ˜‰ ImageImage
307. time to party ImageImage
308. seven minutes in hell ImageImageImageImage
309. you're mine ImageImageImageImage
310. πŸ”ž slight nsfw ImageImageImageImage
311. fighting or not fighting that's the question ImageImageImage
312. jeno opens up ImageImageImage
313. we stan supportive friends ImageImageImage
314. the next day Image
315. something gets in the way ImageImageImage
316. this meme is my life motto ImageImageImage
317. let's talk about souls ImageImageImageImage
318. not orpheus ImageImageImage
319. taeyong to the rescue ImageImage
320. meanwhile jaemin is regretting ImageImage
321. jaemin texts haneul (and makes a potential new friend) ImageImage
322. the angsty quotes are back ImageImageImageImage
323. is this love ImageImageImageImage
324. a week later ImageImageImage
325. jaemin and taeyong bond ImageImage
326. the next day ✈️ ImageImageImage
327. in greece ImageImage
328. at the hotel ImageImageImageImage
329. oops ImageImage
330. new meme unlocked ImageImageImage
331. the next day ImageImageImageImage
332. later that evening ImageImageImageImage
333. please listen to 505 by arctic monkeys while reading this 🎢 ImageImageImageImage
334. going back to 505 ImageImageImageImage
335. the next day ImageImageImageImage
336. seven greek words for love ImageImageImage
337. the next day ImageImage
338. new friend ImageImageImageImage
339. two days later ImageImage
340. jeno's dream comes true: to have prose written about him ImageImageImage
341. the wanderer on the cliff ImageImageImage
342. jaemin's pov πŸŒ™ ImageImageImage
343. half sun half moon ImageImage
344. an eclipse only they can make ImageImageImageImage
345. you and me Image
346. full circle ImageImageImageImage
347. enjoying the last days of the trip ImageImage
348. these photos saved my life ImageImageImage
349. wait for me ImageImage
350. five years later πŸ’ž ImageImage
50 years later ImageImageImage
✦ final notes ✦ ImageImage

and that's it!! what a journey this was - thank you so much to everyone who read and supported this au, it truly means a lot πŸ₯ΊπŸ’—

if you have any questions, doubts or feedback you'd like to share feel free to dm me or talk to me on cc πŸ₯°πŸ’–

β€’ β€’ β€’

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More from @jaeyongaus

Jun 30, 2022
#jaeyong mini au to celebrate taeyong's day 🌹

in which when taeyong shouts for jeffrey, both his dog and jaehyun himself show up at his door.
- tooth rotting fluff and crazy cute pics of dogs (and some cats) you have been warned!!

- for context: it’s taeyong’s birthday and he’s moving in to his new home

- just wanted to do a little something to celebrate this special day and the incredible person taeyong is β™‘
Read 20 tweets
Jan 23, 2022
blue ✦ a jaeyong au ✦

δΈ€ in which taeyong is a monochrome artist whose world is black and white until jaehyun comes along and makes a kaleidoscope out of it. ImageImageImageImage
✧ notes ✧

🌷 pls quote, don't reply
🌷 ignore time stamps
🌷 side ships included
🌷 soc media + narration
🌷 most pics used are not mine, credits to the respective owners!

⚠️ tw: family issues, mentions of a past toxic relationship
✧ playlist ✧


✧ tags ✧

#nctau #nctaus #nctfic #jaeyong #jaeyongau #JAEHYUN #TAEYONG #μ •μž¬ν˜„ #μ΄νƒœμš©

@nct_au_ @nctvarchive @ncityfics_ @nctficfic @nctaus_archive @kpopausrec

lastly, I hope you enjoy & feel free to send me your thoughts/questions πŸ’–
Read 350 tweets

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