Let's have some fun and talk about comp titles. This relates to part of what we do as agents, too. It's about knowing the current market and knowing where your work fits into it. So I'm going to dive right in, but I'll finish this thread with the comps for my clients' projects.🧵
FYI: This is going to be geared mostly towards newer writers or writers new to querying. But I hope there will be something here for everyone. And I can't speak for all agents, of course, so this is just from my own perspective. Anyway, let's go. 🧵
Since I'm drawn to stories that are unique and original in one way or another, comps can sometimes be tricky to come up with. But as a querying writer, it's important not to force them. Don't use comps just for the sake of including a book in the same genre. 🧵