Сын России, Свет Зари Profile picture
Mar 27, 2022 244 tweets >60 min read Read on X
3 alleged thiefs in Ukraine under the mercy of nazi militia ImageImageImageImage
More marauders are brutally punished by nazis approved by zelensky regime funded by US|NATO
Zelensky defends Nazi collaborator Stephan Bandera. Yeah, yeah Zelensky is Jewish, but he has an agreement with the nazi militia, they don’t touch Jews, just ethnic Russians.
Wounded Russian soldier vows to take avenge and take revenge on nationalist nazi forces who have committed atrocities against Russian POW. The soldier also reveals more crimes the nazi militia did against civilians.
❗️Склад украинских боеприпасов под школьной доской

Очередная школа, которую ВСУ превратили в укрепрайон, была отбита силами армий России и ДНР

Ящики со снарядами и патронами сложены прямо под школьными досками.
Woman Found Tortured And Murdered in School Basement "Military Base" in Mariupol with swastika painted in blood on her. Avoz battalion also used school to hide. Warning video extremely graphic
Dead People in Mariupol Are Buried In Parks To Avoid Disease as bodies line the streets in decomposition
3 part video on Avoz battalion and Putin’s Denazification of Ukraine —— Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Another short documentary that depicts Avoz battalion recruiting many young people of which many young women. Avoz battalion is a far right nazi militia which is supported by Zelensky regime and funded by oligarchs - US|NATO. Avoz battalion members are from 22 countries: Part 1
Part 2
В Днепропетровске наказали мародёра.
Украинские нацисты мрази Image
В Донбассе украинских военных заставили произнести денацифицированную кричалку.

Look at the difference on how Russian soldiers treat the Ukrainian POW. They’re not shooting them in the legs or executing them
В Мариуполе уничтожен чемпион мира по кикбоксингу Максим Кагал из состава «Азова». Another nazi bites the dust Image
Results of Ukrainian shelling attack on Donetsk. Ukrainian nazi militia bombing and killing Ukrainian civilians. This has been a war zone since 2014
Сегодняшний бой в Мариуполе. Чеченский спецназ вместе с военнослужащими ВС РФ и НМ ДНР продолжают зачистку Украинские нацисты
Сдавшиеся в плен солдаты ВСУ

Look at the difference on how Russian soldiers treat Ukrainian POW. MSM will never show this, western hegemonic propaganda depicts Putin as a personification of Hitler and that we’re losing the war, methinks not
Footage by Russian soldiers that captured an Avoz base. They found "Mein Kampf" which is An autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. They also found nazi slogans, nationalist stickers and the flag of Ukraine
CNN said that Zelensky regime would look into this but in their opinion this is staged by Russian propaganda. Looks damn real to me…..
Kharkov:,Extremely hard footage. Not for the faint hearted! In the video a Ukrainian nazi militia executes a person in the most cruel way, accusing the person of having links with Russia (!). At the end of the video, the killer says "Glory to Ukraine, death to enemies".”
Part of Video footage depicting executed Russian (DPR) POW. They’re hands are tied behind their back. These Ukrainian nazi militia are ruthless. Backed by ZELENSKY | NATO |US
A resident in the suburbs of Mariupol speaks about the atrocities of Azov battalion: “Azov fighters got 250 civilians out. Lined them up in a row, then the militia began to shoot at civilians from the first floor of the building. Eight people were killed, four were wounded”
She also reported that “they took away food from civilians, came and took away their houses and apartments. And then, the apartments of citizens were used as strategic points.”
В Мариуполе нацисты выжгли на теле девушки свастику🤬 (потом будут говорить, что нацистов вна Украине нет)

Ублюдков уже нашли. Такое не прощается. Image
Footage of the brutality that this poor woman suffered in the hands of these Ukrainian nazi militia scum. This cannot be forgiven. Zelensky | NATO | US - I’m sure you’re all too aware of this. Avoz nazis have members from you’re countries. Avoz has members from 22 countries.
Женщина из Луганской области, которая раньше жила в Грозном, благодарит от всего сердца Кадырова и кадыровцев

There are literally hundreds of Ukrainian citizens who are so so happy to be liberated by the Russian soldiers. They have been subjugated to Ukrainian nazis for decades
German TV reporting on the cold blood shootings to Russian POW in the legs by Ukrainian nazi militia. The truth and facts are slowly getting out on some sources in the west, but these sources will soon be censored. Image
Western hegemonic MSM is already promulgating that this is Russian propaganda and it’s staged. Doesn’t look staged to me, does it look staged to you? Maybe I’m delusional 🤔
Happening hourly 24/7
This is so Normal in Ukraine that people just completely ignore what’s happening, they actually participate. Makes you think, what democracy to they support? In a parallel universe these things happen,wait it’s happening right here, right now. Are we witnessing The Apocalypse?
Residents of Volnovakha speak about how the nazi paramilitary units fired on civilians.
Testimony: in 2020 Ukrainian citizen, Alexander Sleptsov was shelled by the Ukrainian fascist Army when he was at home. In 2021 he was shot by a Ukrainian sniper. He tells his story and shows is scars. Strong footage.
The Ukrainian authorities arrest civilians that sympathise with Russia. Image
This is what happens when a government gives civilians weapons. Zelensky created anarchy in Ukraine: Shootings for unknown reasons, personal vendettas and gang related crimes. Image
Эвакуация кота из мариупольского аэропорта в приют

If I remember correctly Biden said we were also animal killers, sleepy joe, were you referring to nazis, I’m confused 🤔
More of the same
Several Reporters from around the world came to Donbass and were shocked by what they saw: Locals were welcoming Russian troops with open arms…. Watch video, quite enlightening. Western MSM distorting reality and censorship is the norm in this day and age
Part II
This is so surreal: Has zelensky lost his mind. Armed young kids are at the check point in Ukraine. They ask the driver to the say the magic word that Russian speakers find hard to pronounce, "palyanitsa"? They are just kids with weapons!!
Как сообщается, боец теробороны в Виннице, убивает мужчину, якобы заподозренного в диверсионной деятельности. Без суда и следствия
Он бьет его ножом в шею, голову и лицо.

Укронацизм во всей красе

I posted video a while back with same nazi stabbing civilian in neck
This same psycho nazi: he’s on a rampage of gore. Psychopaths roaming the streets of Ukraine.
В Харькове поймали мародера

See the problem isn’t just with the nazi militia, look at ordinary civilians, oh I forgot, they all worship Nazi idolatry: Stepan Bandera en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stepan_Ba…
Look at the civilians digging right in😐😶😐
Doesn’t matter if you’re a woman, the punishment is exactly the same treatment as if it was a man…. These nazis show no mercy
Новости из мира душевнобольных

Сегодня в Тбилиси провели обряд по сжиганию Путина.

Witchcraft/paganism/nazism quite a cultural melange
Boris Johnson knows all too well what’s going on with the nazi atrocities in Ukraine. There are a lot of UK members in Avoz. Nevertheless whilst a member of parliament speaks of the Ukrainian tragedy, he finds it all very amusing. Boris, take that foolish smirk off your face
Как сообщается, боец теробороны в Виннице, бивает мужчину, якобы заподозренного в диверсионной деятельности.Без суда и следствия. Он бьет его ножом в шею, голову и лицо.

Укронацизм во всей красе

This is a longer version that has been uncut. Trial with out jury. Nazi scum
A mall in Ukraine with some decorative democratic or should I say nazism slogans. The normality is shocking
Nazi scum calling people from Donetsk “sub human” he even admits to being a nazi on camera. Proud Nazi.
Secret prison is uncovered in Mariupol Airport by Russian officials (DPR) atrocities happened within these walls
Very intuitive video on how western hegemonic propaganda and MSM manipulate a web of lies - part I
Witnesses from Mariupol speak on how Azov and Ukraine Army fired at their apartments and houses and targeted civilians…..
Russian troops capture Nazi collaborator’s flags.
More trophies taken from paramilitary nazi units of the Ukrainian Army. They’re really into Adolf. ImageImage
Трупы сожженных украинских наемников найдены на объекте ВСУ под Донецком Бойцы армии ДНР продолжают наступление на Марьинку. В освобождённом квартале обнаружены сожженные тела боевиков, находившиеся в здании, использовавшемся для военных целей.
More citizens of Mariupol giving their testimonies
Video depicts what really happened at drama theatre in Mariupol: Completely different events than what MSM portrayed.
Ukrainian civilians speak their minds in regards to Ukrainian Nazi Nationalist Battalions.
Дом главы «Правого сектора»* по городу Бердянск. В жилище нашли нацистскую форму, шевроны, фотографии и документы, подтверждающие, что их владелец состоит в ультраправых организациях
В Киеве поймали очередного мародера, мужик решил прикарманить колбаску, за что и познал гнев народа.

Another marauder getting the nazification treatment.
Ukraine now and then: young children are brainwashed into performing nefarious acts
There have been constant provocations from some Ukrainian civilians in russian controlled areas. They attack & provoke russian units looking for a reaction to show the western media that the Russian soldiers reacted: Russian units rarely fall for these provocations….
Zelensky regime has been handing out guns to children from age of 10, he released prisoners with combat experience from jails. What he didn't tell you is that some of these prisoners are the infamous nazi Tornado Battallion imprisoned for raping minors in front of their parents ImageImageImageImage
Daniil Dashuk of Belarús (former member of the Tornado Battalion) was allegedly released from prison in Ukraine to fight Russian forces. A recent video shows Dashuk carrying an AK-74 rifle with GP-25 grenade launchers. These are stone cold criminals zelensky released
Daniil Dashuk is an animal; this beast, rapist, paedophile, thug, was released from jail by Zelensky.

Dashuk also seems to be carrying a FGM-148 Javelin ATGM — These weapons are supplied by US|NATO
A Donetsk resident relates how life has been for last 8 years.
Тероборонское быдло устроило расправу над священником украинской Православной Церкви Московского патриархата.
Боевики Теробороны захватили его прямо в храме. О дальнейшей судьбе ничего не известно.
Жуткие кадры из Рубежного: люди бежали от обстрелов из города и не успели выбраться

Innocent civilians dead in Rubizhne because of shelling by Ukrainian militia. Thousands of Ukrainian civilians have been killed by Ukrainian nationalist army who attribute the blame on Russia
20% of nazi Avoz battalion is made up of women. These women were captured by DPR-Russian soldiers Image
«Владимир Путин давал клятву защищать граждан РФ. И именно этим президент сейчас и занимается — защищает граждан России».

Джефф Монсон по пунктам ответил Арнольду Шварцнеггеру, зачем РФ понадобилось начать спецоперацию на Украине:
— угроза расширения НАТО и включения Украины в альянс;

— продолжающаяся восемь лет война, в ходе которой Украина обстреливает жителей Донбасса;

— националисты со свастиками и вооружением США, которых на Украине много.
«Всё это — только верхушка айсберга во всём, что обусловило необходимость российского вмешательства. Но, освещая эту тему в западных СМИ, никто не говорит о том, какой у России оставался выбор», — заключил Монсон.
На первом видео про убежище в Мариуполе где проживает 400 человек люди сказали, что давно не ели хлеб

Civilians in Mariupol are starving. Ukrainian forces gave them nothing to eat. Now Mariupol is under Russian dominance, the DPR are providing civilians with food
В Рубежном поймали всушника, переодевшегося в гражданское и пытавшегося бежать.

In Rubizhne, Chechen soldiers caught a nazi trying to escape; he didn’t get very far
Российский солдат ребёнка не обидит.

A Russian soldier will NEVER hurt a child
⚔️Чеченцы продолжают штурмовать Мариуполь

MSM a mirror of western hegemonic policies/democracy have made up so many lies in regards to our Russian military.
Western media promulgates that we are cowards and are running out of food and have low moral and that we are getting slaughtered by the thousands. The reality is quite different. Bless our brave soldiers for getting rid of Nazi scum. Zelensky arming children and civilians…///
5 part video that depicts how the Ukrainian Nazi Nationalist militia have been bombing and shelling the civilians of Donetsk… MSM says it’s the Russians doing these atrocities, couldn’t be further from the truth
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Civilians used as human shields in Mariupol
Ukrainian Nazi Nationalist militia have been bombing and shelling the civilians of Donetsk… I posted the videos but without subtitles so here is a link for those who don’t speak Russian, video has subtitles
Extremely graphic video (not for the faint hearted ) Ukrainian nazi militia fired a cluster bomb 2 weeks ago in Donetsk. Extreme gore and carnage. Of course MSM said that this was the Russians but there is solid proof that this was performed by Ukrainian Nazi militia
Caught marauding and publicly humiliated in public by Nazi militia
Байден выступил перед американскими солдатами, которые дислоцируются в Польше. Затронув тему Украины, он заявил им следующее: "Увидите всё собственными глазами, когда окажетесь там".

Biden speaking in Poland. US is preparing a Bio/Chem Red Flag in the not to distant future.
В Германии нет нацистов. На Украине их тоже не должно быть"

Скромная антинатовщина у Мюнхенского футбольного стадиона. Четыре человека, два плаката. На втором: "Нато — это война. Пресса — лжёт".

Munich football stadium. On the 2nd poster: "NATO is a war. The press is lying,
There are literally hundreds of testimonies that depict the Ukrainian civilians being butchered by the Ukrainian nationalist nazi militia
Interesting and enlightening report the female affiliation to Avoz battalion and their nefarious acts, in the name of nazism - Part I
Part II
Avoz battalion holding hostage Ukrainian civilians. One of the Avoz members is playing the TERMINATOR theme…..

Подконтрольные Украине территории охватывает хаос. Целые регионы оказались во власти нацистских батальонов
Video from 2015 depicting Avoz nazi militia executing (by hanging) a couple that were Ukrainian civilians. Woman was around 7/8 months pregnant… extremely graphic
Some soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to surrender in the Horlivka area, but they were shot in the back by the Ukrainian Nationalist militia
Another female Ukrainian citizen, being degraded for looting, by some random Ukrainian nazi scum
Nazism has been entrenched in Ukrainian culture for years. The face is Stepan Bandera:an ideologist of Ukrainian ultranationalism,also known for his involvement in many terrorist activities. Stepan Bandera was an anti semite and nazi collaborator. He is a hero to many. Nazi scum
A father from Donbas meets his son after 8 years of them being separated from one and other. The son was part of the DPR units Inside Russia, and the family home was on the Ukrainian side.
A Ukrainian civilian is been kidnapped by Ukrainian nationalists. Verdict: His native tongue is Russian. They humiliate him asking him to say "palyanitsa".
Brainwashed children lured by nationalists are playing war in a self made check point: "say the word palyanitsa". This is language discrimination and a norm in Zelensky's Regime.
Подконтрольные Украине территории охватывает хаос. Целые регионы оказались во власти нацистских батальонов, которые занимаются всем тем, что они привыкли делать на Донбассе за 8 лет войны: грабежами, террором местных жителей, политическими убийствами

Vídeo is self explanatory
Part II
Russian soldier gives his life to save civilians.
Warning graphic content. Azov nazi recorded a video of the body of a DPR soldier that laid dead on the ground with clear signs of torture. The Nazi kicks and spits on the body.
Independent journalist Patrick Lancaster speaks with civilians that were hiding in basements from Ukrainian nationalist army shelling & bombings.
А также на видео, бойцы ВСУ с висящим на стене флагом нацистской дивизии СС "Мертвая голова"

This video depicts soldiers of the Ukrainian nationalist army with the flag of the Nazi SS division "Dead Head" hanging on the wall
Mariupol resident saying that the Ukrainian Nazi nationalists had been allowed to settle here for 8 years ( Azov ) EU|US have supplied weapons, trained them. Look at our city now. Majority of destruction at Mariupol was effectuated by Avoz; supported by ZELENSKY |NATO|US
Video is subtitled, it speaks for itself. Very young Ukrainian children are lured into nazi ideologies, in this case to hate Russia and to kill the enemy (Russia)
Photos depict nazi slogans and also face of their hero Stepan Bandera ImageImageImage
Zelensky Jewish, ok, but here he’s shaking hands and awarding Dmytro Kotsyubaylo “Hero of Ukraine” so let me get this straight. Zelensky is shaking hands with a nazi and giving him some ornament which represents Hero of Ukraine. Am I hallucinating? ImageImageImage
Stepan Bandera’s face. What a merry bunch of nazis. ImageImage
Mariupol is completely devastated, amongst the rubble are Improvised burials, and written on the wall "Bandera is our Father" .
Post apocalyptic scenes after the destruction of Azov Battalion. These nazi scum were complete psychos
Since 2013 articles have been written on the glorification of Nazism in Ukraine and that it’s a national problem ImageImageImageImage
More of the same —— ImageImageImage
Ukrainian objectors that were against this nazi martial law imposed by zelensky regime and other Ukrainian adult males who crossed the border to avoid the war are been marginalized by their own people….these are not deserters, they’re against these nazi militia squadrons ImageImage
The truth is getting out. For how long before it gets shut down and censored ImageImageImageImage
——— ImageImageImageImage
/////// ImageImage
Пришло видео из Грузии. Украинское русофобство добралось даже до языческих обрядов. Которое между прочем исторически объядиняет наши два народа.

Предкам стыдно...
A young girl who is a resident of Mariupol gives her testimony: Azov and Ukraine Nationalist army use civilian buildings, peoples homes, hospitals & schools.
Ukrainian Paramilitary nationalists fire at civilians in a check point….
Mariupol resident blames Ukrainian nationalist army for the damage and destruction of the city.
Mariupol residents speak of the atrocities of Avoz battalion. They took positions in populated areas, hospitals.
В Харькове местная терроборона задержана пьяного мужчину в немецкой форме времен 2-й мировой войны

👉 drunk nazi caught in Kharkiv by Russian anti terrorist squadron. Nazi is wearing a German uniform from the 2nd World War Image
Российский спецназ захватил людей, которые стреляли по ногам пленных.

Речь идет о лидерах "Азов" Сергее Величко по кличке "Чили" и Константине Немичеве.

Russian SF captured leaders of Avoz battalion, Sergei Velichko & Konstantin Nemichev, who shot at the legs of Russian POW. Image
3 часа назад отряд Кадыровцев поймали нацистов, которые издевались над российскими пленными.

Russian special forces caught some more nazi scum. Image
Ужасающие кадры спецоперации на Украине. Куча мертвых, насилие мирных женщин, разгром колонны войск, жестокие убийства и издевательства.

Rapes, extreme violence, tortures and killings are normality for the Ukrainian Nazi nationalist army Image
Ukrainian Nazi Nationalist Army have a Russian soldier captive: The sadistic nazis phone his girlfriend and tell her that they are going to castrate her boyfriend and where they should send his testicles

Украинские нацисты мрази
The FSB detained 60 supporters of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi group "M.K.U." in 23 regions of Russia.

The organization operated under the control of the Kiev special services. Hunting weapons, crossbows, knives, videos of "direct action" actions were seized from the detainees.
И сообщают об еще ликвидированных.
5 в списке находится в плену.

Азов (Avoz) militia are slowly being rounded up by the DPR. There are 5 in captivity Image
Книги о Муссолини, свастики, портреты фашистских вождей и 6 многое другое.

Такие находки обнаружили военнослужащие армии ДНР в ходе осмотра курортных поселков Юрьевка и Урзуф, возле Мариуполя, где нацисты батальона "Азов" долгое время занимали коттеджи.
This video depicts what the DPR found when they entered the cottages where the Avoz battalion were staying. nazi and fascist books and slogans, even Mussolini book The Doctrine of Fascism was amongst the nazi trash.
Морпехи ВС РФ выводят с линии огня заблудившуюся бабушку, после чего БТР начинает работать по позициям запрещенного в России нацбата «Азов» и остатков ВСУ

DPR soldiers accompany elderly lady from line of fire. Once she is out of harm's way the DPR obliterate Avoz
Кадры штурма базы запрещённого в РФ нацбата «Азов» в Мариуполе силами бойцами ДНР и российской морской пехоты.

Footage of the DPR assault on the base of the nationalist nazi battalion "Azov" All these nazi scum must be purged from the face of the earth!
В объективе журналистов - оператор ПТРК "Стугна-П" Татьяна Черновол. Ранее она находилась под следствием по обвинению в убийстве.

Её муж, о чем упоминается в репортаже, член нацбатальона "Азов" (запрещено в РФ), погиб недавно на Донбассе…………. Video English
— Пусть весь мир знает: "Азов" и "Правый сектор" нас убивал.

Беженцы из Мариуполя рассказывают о преступлениях неонацистких формирований Украины.

Citizens from Mariupol say: “Let the whole world know: Azov and Right Sector killed us.” Horrific crimes by Ukrainian neo nazis
Смотрите ещё одно свидетельство террористической тактики украинских националистов. Девочка только что вырвалась из плена боевиков, которые взяли мирных жителей в заложники.

Civilian speaks how Ukrainian Nationalist Army used civilians as shields and killed them with no mercy
A Mariupol civilian relates how Ukrainian Nationalist army were terrorising the entire city & how they were engaged in pillaging, shooting people and shelling residential buildings with tanks.She also recalls that Ukrainian militants stationed tanks in the courtyard in mid-March
On March 20, when her husband was on his way to get his dressings of his wounds changed, the Ukrainian Nationalist militants shot him dead.
В одном из домов в центре Мариуполя (проспект Металлургов 89), недавно освобождённом союзными силами от неонацистов из так называемого "полка Азов". Почти каждая квартира, почти каждый коридор или лестничный пролёт - везде лежат трупы убитых неонацистов.

Bodies of Avoz nazis…
Трое грузинских наемников - членов нацбатальона «Азов» убиты в зоне проведения специальной операции на Украине.

По предварительным данным, погибли Бахва Чикобава, Гия Бериашвили и Давид Ратиани. Чикобава погиб в Мариуполе, а другие – в городе Ирпень.

Avoz in photo: dead nazis Image
CNN really has no SHAME: Filming a Nazi psychopath who is killing Ukrainian civilians by the hundreds and shelling houses, using civilians as shields, raping women and leaving swastikas on their bodies…. This hegemonic western narrative or should I say propaganda is SHAMELESS!!
Ditches made for the dead civilians that were killed by Ukrainian Nationalist army in Mariupol. ImageImageImage
В Харьков к неонацистскому полку Азов прибыли гранатометы NLAW и натовские инструкторы

NATO|US supplying grenade launchers and NATO instructors teaching nazi national Ukrainian guard known as Avoz Battalion. Surreal so Surreal! ImageImage
Азербайджанцы из неонацистского полка Азов грозят главе Чечни и прославляют террористическую «Ичкерию»
Mariupol residents relate how they managed to survive the savage brutality of Ukrainian Nazi Azov crimes and how they tried to survive.
Mariupol resident recounts how US soldiers had shown the Ukrainian Nationalist troops to shield behind people homes. He goes on a rant about how US and Britain have provoked this war…..
A Ukrainian civilian gets assaulted while waiting for the bus at night: he wasn’t following the curfew, so nazi slaps him around
Children playing war in Ukraine. They say to each other the Nazi slogan from WWI & WWII. Slava Ukraini, heroyam slava!” | “Glory to Ukraine, glory to the Heroes!”This greeting was used by Nazi collaborators in the 1930’s and 1940’s…Nazism is so entrenched in Ukrainian culture.
Situation of the fight in Mariupol and why the Russian army is taking it's time to finish off the Nationalists. Part I
Part II
Zelensky Govt adviser praises Isis for its war crimes, terrorism,sadistic rituals:He promulgates it's an example to follow. Makes sense, if Zelensky Regime has these advisers,it’s no surprise that Nazism and it’s horrendous acts of cruelty run havoc in the streets of Ukraine…
Another Zelensky Govt official justifying why they released murders, rapists, paedophiles, and war criminals, and gave them guns: So let me get this right, anarchy and nazism in the streets of Ukraine.
More testimonies about Ukrainian Nationalist army bombing civilians which included a residential area full of pensioners.
Пишут в Днепре несколько дней назад поймали мародера, укравшего духи в одном из ТЦ‌‌.

Судя по профилю это не мародёр, а местный гопник. ‌

Judging by the photos, he’s not a marauder. Definitely did something to anger these nazis. ImageImageImage
"Бабушку завалило плитами, сказали, что не могут её найти". Пострадавшие от попадания украинской ракеты по жилому дому в Донецке рассказали о последствиях удара
A guided tour of a house in Berdyansk, that belongs to a Nazi leader, within the regime of the Ukrainian nationalist army, rooted in nazi ideologies. Part I
Part II
Part III
Zelensky is a comedian, his new parody is that he’s pretending he can't speak Russian properly, for a media stunt: FACT CHECK:Zelensky native tongue is Russian. Before running for elections he took lessons of Ukrainian to sound more like a native speaker.This video is a parody
Volodymyr, who you trying to con, well you’re doing a damn good job of conning the west, even Sean penn thinks you should have an Oscar. Worlds best perfomance: Zelensky The Jester. ImageImage
A breeze of fresh air or not; short glimpse of Nazi ideologies in Ukraine————-Part I
Part II
This is what you can do with your western hegemonic democracy… I didn’t say it, seriously 😐
Russian Roulette or Ukrainian Ultranationalism. This is Kyiv region; drivers can’t make a mistake. All entrances to the city are littered with anti-tank mines. Local drivers literally risk their lives to drive through this section.

Как говорится, бей своих, чтобы чужие боялись.
Another testimony of the Ukrainian terror imposed by Ukrainian far right nazi militia, this woman survived two house bombings. Very sad
More testimonies from Mariupol residents on how Azov nazis took hostages in civilian areas.
The Far Right Armed Nationalist Forces of Ukraine fired at the temple in the village of Varvarovka, in the LPR, where civilians were hiding. There were about six shelling, presumably, they were using howitzers.
Nazi martial law in Zelensky regime shows that the brutality against "marauders" is going on on an hourly basis throughout Ukraine. Since the government publicly supports these abuses chaos is reigning havoc on the streets. This man is hit in the legs and the hand with a hammer.
Kadyrov: "Mariupol is already 90-95 percent liberated from Bandera scumbags. Life is gradually returning to the free territory of the city."

The last bandits are hiding at the large metallurgical plant "Azovstal" The marines of the Russian Navy in street battles in Mariupol.
Western hegemonic propaganda at its finest. #EmpireOfLies
Чеченские бойцы штурмуют здание в Рубежном (ЛНР), в котором засел противник. Russian soldiers don’t look like they have low morale to me… how about you????
Уровень поддержки Путина среди россиян составляет 83% — статистика выросла на 12% по сравнению с февралем.

The level of support for Putin among Russians is 83% - statistics increased by 12% compared with February Image

Русских преследуют, бьют, обвиняют во всех проблемах мира и так далее.

Russophobia in action: Russians are blamed for everything bad. Western hegemonic propaganda has created a Russophobia mania Image
Сегодня под Харьковом был обнаружен Роман Винич один из тех кто расстреливал пленных по ногам, помните это мерзкое видео? УРА, одного из них нашли.

Today one of the Ukrainian nazis that shot Russian POW in the legs has been found and captured!
Пленённых бойцов Азова решили проверить на верность идеологии. Одному из них дали в руки пистолет и сказали выстрелить в затылок своему товарищу. Азовец естественно выстрелил, но пистолет был разряжен. Но очень жаль, лучше бы пистолет был заряжен.
« The last of the Azovites have few options » - Basurin, DPR Defence Minister

As the battle for Mariupol is nearing its completion - the last opportunity for Azovites to leave the city has closed. The remainder are encircled and no corridor will be provided.
The marines of the Russian Navy in street battles in Mariupol…. Soon All the Nazis will be killed or imprisoned for their war crimes against Ukrainian civilians and Russian POW
Mariupol. According to Kadyrov - 90% of Mariupol has been liberated. Very soon the residents will be able to leave their bunkers.The civilians have been cut off from the outside world. Soon,very soon the Russian soldiers will liberate the Ukrainian civilians from the nazis.
Военнослужащие России убирают камеры видеонаблюдения в Мариуполе автоматным огнём.
Боевые действия в Мариуполе:

Russian soldiers and marines are clearing the nazi resistance. Very soon Mariupol will be under the domain of Russia Part I
Part II ——-liberation of Mariupol
Кадры с места боевых действий

Российские военные работают в промышленной зоне Мариуполя
Российские военные сегодня сбили под Мариуполем два украинских вертолета, используемых для экстренной эвакуации высших чинов батальона «Азов» из города

Как сообщают донецкие военкоры, оба вертолета летели со стороны «Азовстали» скором времени появится публикация с подробностями ImageImageImage
Бои на маслобойне закончились.

Oil mill is now under Russian control. The area has been cleared.
Боевики "Азова", кто опознан в сбитом сегодня под Мариуполем вертолёте:

Паламар Святослав Ярославович "Калина" (Не подтверждено)
Тимусь Юрий Владимирович
Дьяченко Максим Игоревич

Остальные не опознаны. ImageImageImageImage
Их взяли в плен военнослужащие ВСУ.

Russian soldiers have captured and taken prisoner Ukrainian Nationalist Army
The Commander of the Air Defense Forces, Colonel-General Alexander Chaiko, presented military awards to the soldiers who distinguished themselves during the special military operation.
Военный преступник Александр Турчинов на дне рождения получил торт с портретом Президента России и напоказ ткнул ножом в «лицо» портрета

These Nazis love to brag, but their demise is imminent. Very soon there won't be anything for them to brag about.....
Российские военные привезли около 30 т гумпомощи жителям населённых пунктов Великий Бурлук и Ольховатка Харьковской области.
Им раздали предметы первой необходимости, продуктовые наборы, детское питание и медикаменты, сообщили в Минобороны России.
Украинцы рассказывают, что в местных магазинах сейчас ничего нет, и благодарят за помощь россиян: «Спасибо вам больше. Привозится всё. Всё, что есть, — нам всё надо».

Russian military supply food and medicine and all essential necessities for the Ukrainian citizens.
This videos depicts the aftermath of the previous video I posted some days, when the Ukrainian nationalist nazi militia shot the Russian POW the legs and knees
Poland: Neonazis target and attack antifascist activists that expose neo Nazism in Ukraine. The victim pointed out a Stepan Bandera patch on a Ukrainian video. He was then savagely beaten in a planned attack.
Второй выживший после падения вертолёта под Мариуполем — офицер ГУР с позывным «Бельмак»

Украинские нацисты мрази! Image
Chinese TV channel CGTN-Russian reporter Dmitry Maslak visited the crash site of the Mi-8 helicopter of the Ukrainian Nationalist Armed Forces near Mariupol.

There were reportedly 17 people on board. Operational measures are being taken with the survivors.
Deputy Commander of Azov regiment, Lieutenant "Kalina" was among the liquidated members of the crash,the helicopter got shot down by the DPR, while he was trying to escape Mariupol. He was the one who kept posting on AZOV media channels from Mariupol. Now he’s another dead nazi Image
Some high ranking Azov and Ukraine armed forces Militants tried escaping Mariupol via helicopter but ironically were shot down by a captured American made Stinger.. Image
The DPR army found the documents of Nazi militants from the Azov base in Mariupol

The Nazis fled so fast that they left their documents and a lot of property behind. Some of these nazi killers are already dead, but some are still hiding in the derelict buildings Image
Cleansing of Nazis around the Mariupol neighborhoods near Azovstal.
Видео с левого берега Мариуполя.
Video showing the clearing and cleansing of Avoz on the left bank of Mariupol. Some dead nazis amongst the debris
Империи Лжи приходит конец

The Empire of Lies is coming to an end!

Part I
Империи Лжи приходит конец

The Empire of Lies is coming to an end!

Part II 🤥
English version: Video showing the clearing and cleansing of Avoz on the left bank of Mariupol. Some dead nazis amongst the debris
The Streets of Mariupol: dead Ukrainian “Azov” nationalists, ruined vehicles, bullet casings and shrapnel litter the city.

Hundreds of civilians hide in the basements of these buildings - predominantly pensioners who refuse to evacuate.
Post apocalyptic landscape
In the US dormant cells of world wide Nazi groups await their moment. They are watching developments in Ukraine closely. Image
This is the kind of propaganda Ukraine Neo Nazis share in their social media and chats. They have thousands of followers from all over the planet…. ImageImageImageImage
More Ukrainian Nazi ideologies ImageImageImage
Latest video by the Ukraine Nazis calling all White Ultranationalist Nazis to support the Ukrainian cause. He calls Zelensky a Jew, a fag#@t and that he upholds the worst of liberals values, that he wants to make Ukraine a colony of the West.
He also says that Ukraine is the only country in the worlds where White nazi National supremacy can fight with weapons for their ideas. —- yeah that’s right. Ukraine has a Nazi militia armed to the teeth, provided by NATO|US
Russian prisoner murdered. This man had obviously held his hands up in surrender when he was shot. ImageImage
Warning strong footage, two Russian POW with severe burns are harassed and denied immediate medical help…. Part I
Part II
Two Russian POW are insulted whilst taken in a pick up truck. The faces of the Russian soldiers are severely wounded but the rest of their bodies are perfectly fine... No artillery, or hand grenade does this. Damage only their faces. They surrendered and Nazis beat them up.
Ukrainian govt official had to give a TV speech to "remind everyone that we are a European army... We treat POW according to Genevra convention..." Keep watching the video till the end, blatant lies.
Another Video a couple of weeks ago; A Russian POW is searched ( and found ) for Communist tattoos and once found he is tortured relentlessly by the Ukrainian Nazi militia
This is The Misanthropic Division, one of the most dangerous radical groups on the planet regardless of the ideologies. Now they have access to tanks. Ukrainian Nazi Martial Law runs havoc on the Ukrainian streets. Image
3 part videos about the neo Nazi movement in Ukraine: Part I
Part II
Part III
Humiliation and torture in Ukraine for anyone suspected of being pro Russian. Still going on a daily hourly basis in the streets of Ukraine where the Nazi martial law flourishes
Traditional Ukraine punishment for civilians.
"marauder' accused of starting fires on the road sides ( in winter, unlikely anything will burn after weeks of snow).
Another Marauders being severely punished in Ukraine.
Normal Uklrainian civilians get punished for diverse reasons. Pro Russia sympathisers, hungry thieves, refusing to enroll in the paramilitary or the Nazi National Guard, speaking Russian. Really anything can be used against you to get you humiliated and abused. ImageImageImageImage

Tamara saw with her own eyes how the militants equipped their base at the school near her house. And this is another confirmation that the Nazis are hiding behind civilians and using them as shields
Новое видео от Рамзана Кадырова о чеченских силовиках в Мариуполе

🇷🇺 Chechens Russian special forces are cleansing Mariupol from Nazi scum
Малыш вышел к российским военным на окраине Киева
«Искандеры» отрабатывают по объектам ВСУ.

Fireworks 🎆
Support Ukraine promulgates: There are no Nazis.
The Peace Corps included in a disclaimer in the applicants section for African Americans, who “may be at risk of hearing the N word” or “being called a monkey” by Ukrainians. It’s so blatantly obvious;racism runs strong in Ukraine ImageImage
Жители Мариуполя используют даже животных, чтобы выехать из города. Автомобилей не много, АЗС не работают.

Surreal: Donkeys are alive and used by civilians to bring their belongings. Cars are practically nonexistent and there is no petrol
В составе подразделений ДНР в Мариуполе сражаются обычные сотрудники республиканской таможни.
«Им весь мир помогал, вся Европа. Их 8 лет тренировали, а тут пришла таможня и начала воевать» шутит один из бойцов.

DPR cleansing Mariupol from the remaining Ukrainian nazi militia.
Американский наемник Роберт Вардаро попал под огонь подразделений ВС РФ.

Stupid fool, US mercenary doesn't even know what he's fighting for... 💸💵
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Отвратительные и мерзкие кадры обращения с плененным российским майором сейчас гуляют по всем чатам Украины. Это всё, что нужно знать о том, с кем именно воюет ВС РФ.

Товарищ майор, держись и не теряй веры. Русский мир с тобой.

Russian major being mishandled by Nazi Scum
Жуткие кадры из Рубежного: люди, пытающиеся покинуть город. часто становятся жертвами непрекращающихся обстрелов вооруженных формирований Украины.

Footage from Rubizhne: people trying to leave the city often become victims of the shelling of Ukrainian armed formations.
The moment of impact and explosion at the Ilyich plant in Mariupol, where the Nazis from the Azov regiment were entrenched
Explosion at the Ilyich plant in Mariupol, where the Nazis from the Azov regiment were installed
The Russian army destroyed the Nazi MLRS "Azov" at "Azovstal" in Mariupol
Hit by high-precision weapon
After DOR army withdrew from Bucha, the Armed Nationalist guard of Ukraine began throwing artillery around the city. Civilians killed amidst the shelling

• • •

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May 7, 2022
In Kharkov, Ukronazis beat and humiliated a prisoner, from Luhansk, in the middle of the street, so the press and other civilians could witness this barbaric act.
Ukronazi brags on how the Ukrainian far right nazi battalions don’t take prisoners of war…….. 🤔 hmmmm, no sh!te, we all know you shoot the Russian POWS in the legs, kill them, then burn them!
Russian federation army ambush Ukrainian nazi scum.
Read 10 tweets
May 7, 2022
Портрет Гитлера, свастика и фашистские погоны – такие татуировки нашли на одном из задержанных
В руки российских силовиков попался еще один националист, который является ходячим доказательством распространяющегося фашизма.

Nazi scum
Все его тело разрисовано татуировками, но особенно выделяется портрет Гитлера, свастика, фашистские погоны и орел.

По словам этого персонажа, он имеет несколько судимостей и только поддерживает аморальный образ жизни вместе с фашистской идеологией.
Read 12 tweets
May 7, 2022
Бои идут в пригороде Северодонецка, в бывшем детском лагере, превращенном националистами в базу, сообщили в Народной милиции ЛНР

Ukronazis using children camps to fight
A ukronazi who surrendered talks about drugs such as ephedrine used by Ukrainian fighters to suppress fear and lower the threshold for pain.
Укроживотные разведроты 28 механизированной бригады укроублюдков стреляют когда и как хотят.

Gun toting Ukrainian nazis are always trigger happy! Give these psychos weapons and then ask questions after…
Read 5 tweets
May 6, 2022
Georgian mercenary is fooling around on camera when a mortar flew in, himself and his comrade basically had a sh!te in their pants. His comrade shouted “wounded” in Russian! Bravo, Georgians demonstrate knowledge of the Russian language.
Работа военнослужащих ДНР по позициям нацистов на территории завода "Азовсталь”

Cleaning of Nazis at Avozstal plant

Part I
Part II
Read 5 tweets
May 6, 2022
Ukrainian POWS - look at the difference the Russian soldiers treat Ukrainian POWS and how Ukrainian soldiers treat Russian POWS: oh I forgot, the Ukrainian soldiers don’t take prisoners of war, they just kill the Russian POWS
Remember the video where the Russian POWS are shot in the legs and then killed and burnt - ironic how we see a wounded Ukrainian soldier is being treated by a Russian medic.

Western MSM never shows these hard facts and they hide the atrocities of Азов
The testimony of Ukrainian POW, Ivan Syritsa, on the murder of a civilian
Read 11 tweets
May 5, 2022
Нацисты жестоко пытают в застенках СБУ Михаила Кононовича - лидера украинского Комсомола, который еще в начале марта вместе с братом Александром был захвачен цепными псами режима Зеленского по обвинению в "антиукраинской пропаганде". На фото видны побои Image
Братья Кононовичи были одними из тех немногих на Украине, кто все восемь лет не боялся публично критиковать майданную хунту и выражать солидарность с Донбассом. Если кого и стоит поменять на захваченных в плен украинских боевиков, то этих отважных ребят Image
Any Ukrainian who speaks Russian or is against the Zekensky ‘machine’ well the pictures say it all Image
Read 4 tweets

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