Remember when they said puberty blockers were to "buy time" for a child to decide if they are trans or not? That's so 20th century. As our source in the Parents of Transgender Children FB group reveals in the leaked thread below (2 hrs ago), get them on cross hormones ASAP. /1
"Now that many come out at 4-5 years old" why wait? Just ignore the "too many (cis) people [who] freak out about giving hormones to kids." /2
Mother of 7-yr-old "trans daughter" has heard there might be some issues w/early hormones, but is reassured that "not having enough material" to work with for later genital surgery is something modern surgeons can "get around." /3
When your trans daughter has "known since she was 4 that medical transition is essential," of course the process might as well be accelerated as much as possible. To state the obvious, what preschooler "knows" that invasive & permanent medical procedures are "essential"? /4
Note the reference to bone density. Legitimate concerns about blockers aren't leading to MORE caution in pediatric medical transition. On the contrary, those concerns are used as an excuse to put elementary and middle-school age kids directly on cross-sex hormones. /5
Lest anyone think these "get-them-on-hormones STAT!" parents are outliers, top gender clinicians have been arguing to start hormones earlier (or skip blockers entirely) for many years.
And our Assistant Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine, has publicly discussed putting homeless street kids on cross-sex hormones ASAP--no blockers necessary. /7
We always anonymize these posts because it’s a private Facebook group. But know that (in addition to the many “ordinary” parents), the group includes several well known activist parents/media figures (e.g. Jazz Jennings’ mom), as well as leaders of child-transition orgs. /8
One of these well known activist parents weighed in on the thread today, revealing (while scoffing at guidelines followed by "nervous" MDs) that her male-born child was on blockers for 6 months before starting estrogen at age 11. This protocol permanently sterilizes a child. /9
Putting tweens on cross hormones is now quite common, w/little to no time on blockers. An activist who runs a child transition org admits they don't publicize it "due to the current political climate."
But: "We'll get there." Why the rush to sterilize 11 & 12 yr olds? /10
The ostensible reason for the rush is so the child can go through "peer-concordant" puberty. Originally puberty blockers were meant to buy time for consideration, but now they are seen as a hindrance to the child going through puberty at the same time as peers. HOWEVER /11
This abandonment of blockers subverts the very reason they were used by the Dutch pediatric transition pioneers: Because younger children are not developmentally capable of understanding the monumental decision to undergo irreversible, sterilizing medical treatments. HOWEVER /12
The irony is that even the most radical gender clinicians understand this--that tweens are too immature to truly consent. Yet they push ahead anyway. For a look at their convoluted, confirmation-biased rationale, see this seminar led by Diane Ehrensaft /13…
Look back at tweet 9 in this thread. The activist parent notes that "nervous" doctors treat WPATH guidelines (which recommend cross hormones no earlier than 16) as if they are rules. She's right: /14
WPATH guidelines aren't rules. There are none. Doctors can medically transition minors in any way & at any age they like, because (in the US at least) no law or regulation constrains them. And if the Biden admin has its way, any youth who "seeks" such care is entitled to it. /15
The lack of regulation or adhered-to-standards is why even under-18 "bottom" surgery has occurred in the US, despite the fact that some surgeons have expressed concern about the "Wild West" attitude and atmosphere in the industry. /16
And double mastectomies on younger and younger females represent a growing business. No lower age limit. No regulations. Some surgeons specialize in the practice, advertising on Insta, Tumblr, & other social media.
For the newbies or deniers, in reference to tweets 9 & 10, cross hormones administered to prepubescent children DOES permanently sterilize. Watch Diane Ehrensaft discuss the matter here (while shaming any parent who hesitates to approve such treatment) /18
Unlike the original “Dutch protocol”—which involved careful assessment, discouraged early social transition, prescribed cross hormones no earlier than LATE adolescence, and saw desistance as a positive outcome—we now have /19
The institutionally-captured belief that even toddlers “know” they’re trans, so medical intervention should advance as quickly as possible. In the US, this belief has now morphed into government policy at the federal level. /20
1/Clinicians exposed in the #WPATHfiles admitted something obvious to any unbiased observer: Tweens/young teens can't make informed decisions about their future fertility. Blockers followed directly by cross-sex hormones typically results in sterility. 🧵
2/So how do pediatric genderists justify this rather significant side effect? A stunning recent example of a clinician rationalizing "they don't get it, but let's do it anyway" is a 2021 Zoom training with celebrity WPATH developmental psychologist Diane Ehrensaft.
3/Don't burden kids w/ "TMI" about icky & (to a 12 yr old) irrelevant talk about future baby-making. Ehrensaft: "How can a child 2 or 3 stages behind Erikson’s stage 7 anticipate what they will feel 2 or 3 stages later? It’s for us to start finding out. And we are.” #WPATHfiles
Planned Parenthood is sharing "facts" for parents on Facebook and other social media--including this one: Gender identity is formed "for everyone" in their toddler years.
They encourage parents to ASK their preschooler "are you a boy or a girl" to "create a safer space."
Here's a Facebook post from a couple days ago pushing these "facts." They manage to play the "suicide or transition" card, trans toddlers, and "there's no social contagion" -- all in one meme.
Must-watch clip from the Netherlands. Apart from the fact that brain studies have never been carried out on puberty-blocked youth, evidence from animal studies has revealed something huge: Blockers impair emotional and social development and behavior. In particular ...1/n 🧵
The ability to regulate emotions is a key aspect of normal development. What is emotional regulation? it includes understanding and modulating behavior rather than simply following one's impulses and acting on them--as most immature children do. 2/n
The very basis of "affirmative" care is that a child is "persistent, consistent, insistent" in their desire to be the other sex. How much of that demand is rooted in the very natural emotional immaturity of a child who is not yet able to process and regulate their emotions? 3/n
It's hard to believe Turban isn't being deliberately misleading. He KNOWS nearly all puberty-blocked kids go on to cross hormones, and that protocol does result in infertility. And immature gametes can't be frozen for later use; natural puberty is required for that.
Right here, Seattle Children's Hospital says it.
Turban knows. He just won't say it, because blocked kids almost never stop blockers and go through their "birth assigned puberty." So yes--they are sterilized! @JeremyShawMD
Right here, Diane Ehrensaft says it--at the very beginning of this clip. The standard affirmative protocol (which Jack Turban constantly promotes) sterilizes children--and Turban knows it.
Even people who support pediatric medical transition should question the trans-kid celebrity trend. "Hey I blocked my kid's puberty at 11, then put them on cross hormones at 12. This sterilized them & may have wrecked their future sexual function before they had any concept of what they were sacrificing... but look at me! Look at what a virtuous parent I am!" Oh, what if they regret all that publicity later on ... or even regret their transition? Maybe keeping private medical decisions about a know, private, might have been a better idea? "No worries, I'm on the right side of history. I'm not like those bigots! After all, my kid might be the next Jazz Jennings, getting SRS on national TV at 17!"
Imagine one of these children wanting to detransition, now or in the future. That's hard enough (ask any detransitioner) when you're not a public spectacle being unkindly gawked at by some, and depended upon by others (like the @ACLU , @HRC ) to promote a narrative. You are virtually guaranteeing these kids will maintain their "identity" because of all the public fallout they'd endure if they ever change their minds.
Closing quote from Diane Ehrensaft: " [kids] are far more advanced than I am, as somebody in my 70s, about how they live and understand gender...“So if we want to really understand gender, turn to the experts—and that would be the youth themselves.”…
Scientific American @sciam a once-respected publication, didn't bother to ask why this 70+-yr-old **developmental psychologist** thinks a kid is equipped to sterilize themselves & knows more than she does. But then, neither did @wapo in 2018.
How does Ehrensaft keep getting away with this quasi-religious reverence for the wisdom and judgment of pre-pubescent kids? It would be one thing if the stakes weren't so high--as in, permanent sterilization and irreversible bodily changes. As a developmental psych, she KNOWS executive function is not fully in place until the mid-20s. Yet she keeps pushing her kids-know-best catechism and no reporter pushes back.