Celebrating the impact our #SLT2b students have on our local #aphasia community of stroke survivors 🧠. Proud to be presenting not one, but two posters at #SLKE22. These also represent the best bits of my job @marjonuni 👇
Our Connect Conversation Partners scheme was inspired by the original @Aphasiareconne1 back in 2008, led by @Emib53 for the first 5 years and still going strong 💪
I started a specialist Reading and Writing clinic in 2016. Students provide intervention for people with #aphasia who want to work on their literacy skills📱📚✍. Keeps me busy on semester A Fridays.
Also, you’ll be relieved to know that I won’t be exploiting Bruce Willis’ recent diagnosis of aphasia to garner interest in my work from non-clinical colleagues. Well, maybe just a little bit…
Reading between the lines it sounds like Bruce has a form of ‘language led’ dementia known as primary progressive aphasia where the language centres of the brain are the first to be affected.
Unfortunately, this is a degenerative condition and different from aphasia acquired post-stroke, where people may continue to improve their language skills for many years.
It's nice too to be attending a conference in my home institution, it’s even the same building where I work. #Easylife#LazyAcademic Thank you @MarjonSLKE 👍