as we develop #VirtualWards in NHS we need to consider these 3 areas:
#CareAnywhere - Humans invented Hospitals and Clinics in the 1780s we need to untether clinicians and patients from notion of travelling to a brick and mortar place to receive their care.
#CareNetworking uncoordinated care is expensive at best and is deadly at worst - 80 % of Medical errors caused by communication issues amoungst clinical teams. Move from isolated specialists doing parts care to multidisciplinary teams doing person care.
#CareCustomisation - magic is to experiment on Avatar in software not my body in suffering. Role of big data - patient goal is are important first of al. Genomics show a better path forward. How do we make access for everyone from goals to genomics.
and most recent TED talk from @ericdishman highlighlights precision medicine the disparities in research and healthcare shown up by the COVID19 pandemic escaping one size fits all medicine…
Now Dr Cathy Lines talking about evaluation and general elements. Evidence first and longer evaluations >4yrs showed positive change whereas shorter evaluations <2 yrs showed negative or no change and 4 areas for evaluation #Quadrupleaim