minayeon au πŸ“Œ sahyo au πŸ“Œ Profile picture
Apr 2, 2022 β€’ 413 tweets β€’ >60 min read β€’ Read on X

Where Sana and Nayeon have a bet of who can get the most girls, failing to realize how much it hurts one another. ImageImage
- Knows everyone.
- Social studies major.
- Part the dance team.
- Your reliable fuckboy.
- Nayeon's best friend.

- Psychology major.
- Preppy it girl everyone knows in school.
- Jihyo's helper as student representative.
- Sana's best friend. ImageImageImageImage
- Students representative.
- Always getting everyone out of problems.
- International relations major.

- Dance major.
- Leader of the dance team.

- Medicine student.
- Part of the dance team.
- Generally quiet girl.
- Both Sana and Nayeon's fwb. ImageImageImage
- Forensic science major.
- Nayeon's biggest pain.

- International relations major.
- Daughter of a big and influential diplomat in Taiwan. ImageImage
Dahyun and Chaeyoung:
- Music major.
- Both of them help the dance team with logistics. ImageImage
Hi! I hope you enjoy this sanayeon AU.

- Don't pay a lot of attention to the time stamps.
- Obviously a work of fiction. Don't take it too seriously.
- I'll try to keep daily updates!
- Interact, quote, send me ccs. I love hearing your thoughts.
If you like my work and would like to buy me a coffee!! here is the link!

Now enjoy the au as much as I am enjoying writing it!
1. EW. ImageImageImageImage
2. spit his way. ImageImageImage
3. I'm a lesbian. ImageImageImageImage
4. 🀣🀣🀣 ImageImage
5. key. ImageImage
7. sana? Image
8. (λˆˆβ€Έλˆˆ) ImageImageImage
9. i promise to say the truth and nothing but the truth if you don't call me don't call me don't call me ImageImageImageImage
10. rocky balboa ImageImage
11. what do y'all need me for. ImageImageImage
12. scaryy. ImageImage
13. fan girls. ImageImage
14. the mood. ImageImage
15. sorry. ImageImage
16. career. ImageImageImage
17. manipulation. ImageImageImage
18. literally. ImageImageImage
19. get over. ImageImageImage
20. whatchu. ImageImageImage
21. 🀫 ImageImage
22. what happened? ImageImage
23. miseravel. ImageImageImage
24. ungiggles ImageImageImage
25. d!ed ImageImage
26. did we win? ImageImageImage
27. fair. ImageImage
28. don't come near me. ImageImage
29. lil loser. ImageImage
30. feminist. ImageImageImage
31. ba dum tssss ImageImageImage
32. miserable ImageImage
33. the baby ImageImageImageImage
34. apologies. ImageImage
35. join them ImageImageImageImage
36. forgiven. ImageImage
37. strongest soldier. ImageImageImage
38. everyone ! ImageImage
39. lowkey. ImageImageImage
40. signs ImageImageImageImage
41. stressed. ImageImage
42. solution. Image
43. can you fill in? ImageImage
44. has anyone seen sana? ImageImage
45. a team. Image
46. disqualified. ImageImage
47. πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹ ImageImageImage
48. out of the team. ImageImageImage
48. partyY. ImageImageImage
49. what time. ImageImage
50. you need to get laid. ImageImage
51. ready. ImageImage
52. party. ImageImageImage
53. momo. ImageImageImage
54. laugh. ImageImage
55. off my game. ImageImage
56. let's bet. ImageImage
57. bad. ImageImageImageImage
58. win. ImageImageImage
59. how are you? ImageImageImage
60. feeling. ImageImage
61. rule. ImageImage
62. pretty. ImageImageImage
63. add one. ImageImage
64. pretty girl next to pretty girl. ImageImage
65. fuckboi. ImageImage
66. hard. ImageImageImage
67. idea. ImageImageImage
68. help. ImageImage
69. devilish. ImageImageImage
70. unholy duo. ImageImage
71. momo. ImageImage
72. just thinking. ImageImage
73. ❀️ Image
74. part 2. ImageImage
75. coffee. ImageImage
76. boom. ImageImage
77. 😏 ImageImage
78. hello bitches ImageImageImage
79. leave. ImageImageImage
80. wtf. ImageImage
81. got it. ImageImage
82. macbook. Image
83. company. ImageImageImage
84. bitchy. ImageImageImage
85. reminder. ImageImageImage
86. context. Image
87. a date. ImageImage
88. jealousy jealousy. ImageImageImage
89. 🚩 ImageImageImage
90. hands. ImageImage
91. nosey. ImageImage
92. lesbian 101. ImageImageImage
93. plan. ImageImageImage
94. out. ImageImage
95. wtf ImageImageImageImage
96. whats going on? ImageImageImage
97. ???? ImageImageImageImage
98. prize. Image
99. another one bites the dust. ImageImage
100. πŸ‘ ImageImage
101. #1 ImageImageImage
102. dance practice. ImageImage
103. πŸ₯΅ ImageImage
104. Netflix and chill. ImageImage
105. one to go. ImageImage
106. fuckboy ImageImageImage
107. messy ImageImage
108. downfall. ImageImage
109. happiness. Image
110. sorry ImageImageImage
111. broke up. ImageImage
112. android. ImageImage
113. not answering. ImageImage
114. disrespectful. ImageImageImage
115. fixing this. ImageImageImage
116. busy. ImageImage
117. std. ImageImage
118. won't be pretty ImageImageImageImage
119. I'll treat you coffee. ImageImage
120. a doctor and a lawyer. ImageImage
121. owe me one ImageImageImage
122. I'll try to. ImageImage
123. 55555 to APOLOGY. ImageImage
124. are you in love with me? ImageImageImage
125. silly. ImageImageImage
126. πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί ImageImage
127. unlovable. ImageImageImage
128. tips. ImageImageImage
129. confidence. ImageImage
130. enough. ImageImage
131. bby girl. ImageImageImage
132. want me. ImageImage
133. Mr world wide. ImageImage
134. rumors. ImageImage
135. available. ImageImageImage
136. better - TWICE. ImageImageImage
137. look at me. ImageImage
138. deciding πŸ‘ Image
139. zzz ImageImageImage
140. new teacher. ImageImageImage
141. donkey.jpg ImageImage
142. mission. ImageImage
143. delete. ImageImage
144. study. ImageImage
145. hater... ImageImageImage
146. lawyers... Image
147. short and shorter ImageImage
148. ❀️ ImageImage
149. success. ImageImage
150. joydivision ImageImage
151. jealous. ImageImageImage
152. good to knowπŸ‘ ImageImageImage
153. blushing ImageImageImage
154. :) ImageImageImage
155. ❀️ ImageImage
156. bitchless. ImageImage
157. init ImageImage
158. dropping it low. ImageImage
159. priorities. ImageImage
160. Stan twitter. ImageImageImage
161. talentest. ImageImage
162. fake competition. ImageImage
163. YERI. ImageImage
164. tied. ImageImage
165. classy. ImageImageImageImage
166. party ImageImageImage
167. ready. ImageImage
168. busy. ImageImageImage
169. wtf ImageImage
170. pursuing. ImageImageImage
171. why did you do that? ImageImage
172. not enough ImageImageImage
173. forget. ImageImageImage
174. forgiven. ImageImage
175. enemies list. ImageImageImage
176. revelation. ImageImage
177. focused. ImageImage
178. culprit. ImageImageImage
179. same. ImageImage
180. attention. ImageImage
181. won't do ImageImage
182. dinner ImageImage
183. 😹 ImageImage
184. wife. ImageImage
185. unfairly mad? Image
186. done with that ImageImage
187. available ImageImage
188. ❀️ ImageImage
189. i don't want to. ImageImage
190. place. ImageImage
191. has anyone seen sana? ImageImage
192. stop talking about me. ImageImage
193. done with it. Image
194. fuck you ImageImage
195. wtf ImageImageImage
196. I'm sorry. ImageImageImage
197. mina. Image
198. big baby. ImageImage
199. anyway ImageImage
200. party rock. ImageImage
201. drunk ImageImage
202. real ImageImage
203. fun police ImageImage
204. ImageImageImage
205. fast things at the park. ImageImage
206. roller coaster. ImageImage
207. forgive her Image
208. tw // self harm meme?

i was not sure if i should trigger this so i did! ImageImage
209. bad news ImageImageImage
210. talk ImageImage
211. fight ImageImageImage
212. shit together ImageImage
213. planned Image
214. awful ImageImage
215. πŸ‘ ImageImage
216. infuriating. ImageImage
217. worst. ImageImage
218. myself. ImageImage
219. sincere. ImageImage
220. asked me out. ImageImage
221. coward. ImageImage
222. fancy. ImageImage
223. nervous. Image
224. pretentious. ImageImage
225. friends ImageImage
226. Oscars ImageImage
227. interesting ImageImageImage
228. kindness. ImageImageImageImage
229. 🀨 ImageImageImageImage
230. fishy Image
231. chaeyu ImageImageImage
232. trust. ImageImage
233. I've missed you. Image
234. uninviting. ImageImage
235. girlfriend. ImageImageImage
236. behaving. Image
237. outside. ImageImageImage
238. ImageImageImage
239. we're done. Image
240. serious ImageImageImage
241. my fault ImageImageImage
242. awkwardest ImageImage
243. how are you feeling? ImageImage
244. ily ImageImage
245. πŸ™„πŸ™„ ImageImage
246. we will see ImageImageImage
247. disagree ImageImage
248. infuriating ImageImage
249. bff ImageImage
250. all out ImageImageImageImage
251. date night ImageImageImage
252. congrats ImageImage
253. something. ImageImage
254. happy. ImageImage
255. extra annoying Image
256. why should I care? ImageImage
257. awfully close to a date ImageImageImage
258. cute. ImageImageImage
259. don't be true. ImageImageImageImage
260. nothing. ImageImageImage
261. better. ImageImage
262. google. ImageImage
263. be serious. ImageImage
264. white men songs ImageImage
265. maybe ImageImageImage
266. send nayeon. Image
267. what the hell ImageImage
268. practice off. Image
269. you and momo ImageImageImageImage
270. the queen's back ImageImage
271. sunbae ImageImage
273. pretty. ImageImage
274. party. Image
275. ignore her ImageImageImage
276. i miss her ImageImage
277. now ImageImageImage
278. too much ImageImage
279. favor ImageImageImage
280. slave ImageImage
281. πŸ₯± ImageImage
282. love ImageImageImage
283. send me pics ImageImage
284. bad idea ImageImage
285. who? ImageImage
286. happy ImageImage
287. no..... ImageImageImage
287. ijbol ImageImage
288. honorifics ImageImage
289. oomf ImageImageImage
290. stop ImageImageImage
291. concentrate ImageImage
292. behave ImageImage
293. the time of my life Image
294. something good Image
295. poison ImageImage
296. she's texting me. ImageImageImageImage
298. thank you ImageImage
299. liar. ImageImage
300. how is it going? ImageImage
301. your job. ImageImage
302. my part. ImageImage
303. cringe ImageImage
304. spongebob ImageImage
305. insane Image
306. πŸ€“ Image
307. cute ImageImage
308. giggling ImageImage
309. talk ImageImage
310. nice ImageImage
311. best friend Image
312. frustrating ImageImage
313. reject ImageImage
314. Image
315. back to being friends ImageImageImage
316. I'm not dumb ImageImage
317. do you like her ImageImage
318. complicated ImageImage
319. safely. ImageImage
320. this. ImageImage
322. late ImageImage
323. mommy Image
324. party. ImageImage
325. πŸ€πŸ€“πŸ’ͺπŸ₯΅πŸ’― Image
326. πŸ’― ImageImage
327. ImageImage
228. welp ImageImage
229. questions ImageImageImageImage
230. ? ImageImageImageImage
231. mm ImageImage
232. mn Image
233. jh Image
234. dh ImageImageImage
235. bah ImageImage
336. bob ImageImage
337. take over ImageImage
338. /: ImageImage
339. where ImageImage
340. ah. ImageImageImage
341. wait for me ImageImage
342. so gf ImageImage
343. best friend. ImageImageImage
344. fake ass bitch ImageImageImage
345. necessary ImageImage
346. hot ImageImage
347. this is another day ImageImage
348. Riverdale ImageImage
349. couple ImageImage
350. miss you Image
351. happy ImageImage
352. dog ImageImage
353. nevermind Image
354. ImageImage
355. I'm sorry Image
356. everything. ImageImage
357. done. Image
358. hands Image
359. date ImageImage
360. win Image
361. 🀷 ImageImage
362. hold ImageImage
363. dance Image
264. hope ImageImage
265. party ImageImage
266. /: ImageImage
267. ImageImage
268. today?? ImageImage
369. clingy ImageImage
370. demanding ImageImage
371. high maintenance Image
372. Image
373. come here Image
374. glue ImageImage
375. not today ImageImage
376. nayeon took this ImageImageImage
377. boom ImageImage
378. good luck ImageImage
379. lovely ImageImage
380. vibes Image
381. uhh ImageImageImage
382. late Image
383. ImageImageImage
384. barely Image
385. momo ImageImageImage
386. eh ImageImage
387. cheer up ImageImage
388. ImageImage
389. cheated on you. ImageImage
390. good for me. ImageImage
391. dare ImageImageImage
392. just a kiss ImageImageImage
393. can we not do this rn? ImageImage
394. why should I? ImageImage
395. try. ImageImage
396. better now ImageImageImage
397. asleep ImageImage
398. empty bed Image
399. heartbreak. ImageImage
400. happy and smiley ImageImage
401. pissed off ImageImage
402. unworthy. ImageImage
404. on their own ImageImage
405. freedom ImageImage

β€’ β€’ β€’

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