26/32 Where are the #Hyperboreans in this? They are connected with the Atlantis- and Aryan-myth through the fictions of the Theo-, Anthro- and Ariosophists. The H.-myth was misused as a (false!) evidence to prove that Atlantis was in the north and would be home of the Aryans.
27/32 That the esoteric-folkish movements, such as Ariosophy, prove that the Nazis were occultists is another myth that alarms scientists today. Hitler distanced himself from the Esoterics (See Goodrick-Clarke). We see this also in his distancing from the Atlantis-House
28/32 But it is known that Himmler and Alfred Rosenberg were the best known representatives of a minority in the NSDAP who were enthusiastic about esotericism. Rosenberg also misused the Hyperborean myth in his racist writings. (Strohmeyer, p. 93 onwards)
29/32 Even after the end of WWII the esoteric-racist speculations about a Nordic Atlantis as the origin of the Aryans don‘t stopped. Among others, the Frisian pastor Jürgen Spanuth is one pathetic example of this never-ending damn cringe! (See Burchard Brentjes)
30/32 In the 80s Ales Adamowitch wrote the novel "Karateli" about the Nazi crimes in Ukraine. Reflecting Nietzsche, Adamovitch cynically connected the Germans again with the hyperboreans. (See Strohmeyer)
31/32 In 2005 Mike Mignola creates a creation-myth for the Hellboy-Universe in his story "The Island". He refers to Blavatsky's imaginings about the Hyperboreans.
32/32 Conclusion
30.1/32 Ales Adamowitch also wrote screenplay for "come and see"
1/32 This is a thread about the #Hyperborea-Mythos in the #Hellboy-Comics.
I'm posting this thread because I love the comics but am worried about the use of history and myths in them. Especialy the Hyperborea-Mythos was connectet with the place I'm living: Lower Saxony, Germany
2/32 This thread contains more than 30 main-points plus sub-points (recognizable by the dots). The sub-points contain further information and explanations, plus source references. Hyperboreans are abbreviated with H.
3/32 In the context of remembering Nazi crimes, experts view comics like Hellboy with trepidation, fearing a dangerous misinterpretation of history for commercial motives.