It is #AntiTrustDay today - we want thousands of tech firms (and web3 DAO's) all thriving instead of 5 big tech companies and 12 layers of 50,000 employees with centralized top-down control.
The way to preserve this is by preserving interoperability and competition for upstarts.
Why didn't iMessage add Android support many years before? It's about money, control, and lock-in.
Their moat is our loss of functionality, and their anti-competitive behavior means new software makers don't have a level playing field.
We the tech founders and the builders of these apps and services must ask our US elected representatives to stand up for two bills today
The Open App Markets Act
The American Innovation & Choice Online Act
The original tweetstorm is here — as you can see I provided specific links to problems in San Francisco that the Chronicle has to date failed to cover.
The DSA resorts to lies and misinformation, and crybullies when presented with evidence.
The tankie horde is coming to this thread claiming "I tweeted that" — no, my words are chopped up and taken out of context, with facts removed, with an intent to defame me and my character.
This editing constitutes a purposeful, malicious act.
Megan Cassidy should do some work investigating TODCO and the corrupt Board of Supervisors instead of me.
I just want startups to thrive. I want more jobs. I want more opportunity. We want prosperity for our wonderful city and we need officials and media who will help us build.
Instead of investigating me, Megan Cassidy should investigate @chesaboudin for retaliating against an African American family when his office violated victim’s rights and refused to help a family in mourning get the justice they deserve.
“Not having SATs/ACT scores to consider,” MIT’s dean of admissions, Stu Schmill, wrote, “tends to raise socioeconomic barriers to demonstrating readiness for our education.”…
Income-related disparities we see in SAT scores are not evidence of an unfair test.
They are evidence of an unfair society.
The test measures differences in academic preparedness, including the ability to write a clear sentence, to understand a complex passage, and to solve a mathematical problem.
The SAT doesn’t create inequalities in these academic skills. It reveals them.
Given equally distributed technology and zero market moats, infinite competiton is Moloch
In tech we get nonlinear exponential breakthroughs and moats to protect those rev streams so then tech workers get to bask in work wonderlands like Google
Moloch is an ancient Carthaginian demon: the answer to the question “Who does it?” It being society and the mechanistic grinding of it all
We need to streamline building housing in San Francisco. If it observes planning rules then it shouldn’t ever be blocked by the SF Board of Supervisors.
Many supervisors have been bought by nonprofits like TODCO that block housing except if you are sure to kickback to them