- Observational retrospective multicenter study
- Medical records were used
- Pediatric patients with severe IgA (bullae, ulceration, & necrotic lesion)
- Control group with IgA but no severe skin manifestation
- 41 patients were identified with severe cutaneous manifestations
- 26 males (63.4%)
- Age of onset: median 8.75
- patients with severe disease were older (8.75 vs 7.17 years)
97.5% of patients received glucocorticoids (local/systemic)
Patients with severe cutaneous manifestations received significantly higher frequency of systemic glucocorticoids (90.2% vs 38.9%) compared to controls
- Patients with severe cutaneous IgA manifestation have more renal and GI involvement and more likely to receive more frequent systemic glucocorticoids
- Most patient with renal and severe cutaneous IgA manifestation had good prognosis