🔴On the war in Ukraine: “It’s monstrous for Ukraine…Why did he do it? There are two ways of looking at this question. One way, the fashionable way in the West, is to plumb the recesses of Putin’s twisted mind and try to determine what’s happening in his deep psyche.”
🔴On Trump’s return: “I remember listening to Hitler’s speeches on the radio. I didn’t understand the words...but I understood the mood. And it was frightening and terrifying. And when you watch one of Trump’s rallies that can’t fail to come to mind. That’s what we’re facing.”
🔴On the Republican Party: “Because of Trump’s fanaticism, the worshipful base of the Republican Party barely regards climate change as a serious problem. That’s a death warrant to the species.”
🔴On Brexit: “I think it’s a disaster. What does it mean for the Conservative Party? I imagine they can lie their way out of it, they’re doing a good job of lying about a lot of things and getting away with it.”
🔴On Keir Starmer: “He’s returning the Labour Party to a party that’s reliably obedient to power, that will be Thatcher-lite in the style of Tony Blair and that won’t ruffle the feathers of either the US or anyone who’s important in Britain.”
🔴On hope for the future: “There are plenty of young people who are appalled by the behaviour of the older generation, rightly, and are dedicated to trying to stop this madness before it consumes us all. Well, that’s the hope for the future.” newstatesman.com/encounter/2022…
Why do so many of us lash ourselves to another imperfect human being forever more and act surprised when this person fails to make us elated all the time? newstatesman.com/culture/2022/0…
⚫️In her book, Foreverland, Heather Havrilesky aims to puncture our overblown expectations of marriage, which she likens to a “a slowly unfolding apocalypse”.
⚫️Her schtick boils down to: we need to accept our flawed lives, suffering, mess, humiliation, “disappointing” husband and all.
Elon Musk has made near-weekly headlines for his tweets – which have ranged from claims he would give away $6bn if his followers could explain how it would solve world hunger, to challenging Putin to a fight. newstatesman.com/social-media/2…
Musk’s account has always been a combination of misleading information, business tweets and jokes.
⚫️On 25 March, he posted a series of tweets in this vein. “Free speech is essential to a functioning democracy,” he wrote, followed by a poll asking his followers to vote yes or no to the prompt: “do you believe Twitter rigorously adheres to this principle?”
Nadine Dorries has announced that she intends to privatise Channel 4. She wrote on the 4th April that government ownership “is holding Channel 4 back from competing against streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon”. newstatesman.com/politics/media…
Channel 4 is publicly owned, but it receives no public funding – it covers its own costs through advertising and commercial partnerships.
Unless you pay for ad-free streaming on All4 (£3.99 a month), Channel 4 costs you £0 a month – vs £7.99 for Disney+, £13.25 for the BBC’s multiple TV and radio channels (via the licence fee), and £15.99 a month for Netflix’s most expensive plans.
On Sunday (3 April) the European Union’s longest-serving political leader, the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán, won his third re-election since returning to power in 2010. newstatesman.com/international-…
🔴The most important thing is that, for the third time in a row, the leader of an EU member state was elected in elections that international observers judged not “free and fair”.
To be clear, Hungarians are free to vote, and to vote for whomever they want.
The Kyiv region was liberated from Russian occupiers on 2 April. Within hours, the whole world saw photos of the corpses of civilians, which literally littered the streets of Bucha. newstatesman.com/world/europe/u…
⚫️Oksana Semenik, a Ukrainian journalist, shares her experience.
⚫️“I liked living in Bucha. The commute to Kyiv was easy, there’s fresh air, it was green. I moved there with Sashko last September, and we were still buying furniture and finishing renovations when Russia invaded Ukraine.”
In a wide-ranging interview, Sergey Karaganov, former presidential adviser to both Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin, speaks to @BrunoMacaes about the unfolding war in Ukraine. newstatesman.com/world/europe/u…
🔴Karaganov is associated with a number of key ideas in Russian foreign policy, from the so-called Karaganov doctrine on the rights of ethnic Russians living abroad to the principle of “constructive destruction”, also known as the “Putin doctrine”.
🔴Below is a breakdown of this extensive interview, covering everything from Western geopolitics to a clash between Nato and Russia.