Corbevax maker Biological E disagrees with Gov. of India?
While GoI approved Corbevax for adolescents & kids (5 years & above), Biological E’s own FAQ on Corbevax says it should not be administered to anyone aged below 18 years
Covaxin for kids & adolescents
👉🏽Phase 2/3 trial duration was only 8 months
👉🏽Those with past infection were excluded from trials (this cohort is an overwhelming majority,~60% kids had antibodies per ICMR survey back in Jul 2021)
“ These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell's palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis”
“Our case demonstrates conclusive evidence of vaccine-induced immune-mediated hepatitis with a rapid onset of liver injury after the first Moderna dose, which on re-exposure led to acute severe autoimmune hepatitis.”…
“ Trial participants who were given the placebo …. and became infected during the trial were found to have significantly higher levels of the neutralizing anti-nucleocapsid antibodies than vaccinated participants who had comparable viral loads”
Fauci telling the truth after hundreds of millions jabbed and/or boosted.…
Gullian Barre syndrome (GBS) acknowledged as a potential side effect of AZ (Covishield) after millions jabbed.…
Per this study
👉🏽I dose efficacy was negative
👉🏽Rate of AESC (Adverse events of severe concern) was 1.3%, way higher than what’s being officially reported by many public health agencies
Yet another study confirming negative VE against infection. Specifically it indicates single dose recipients were 3x likely to test positive….…
“The occurrence of 3 reported ATM …. among 11,636 participants in the AZD1222 vaccine trials is extremely high considering a worldwide incidence of 0.5/million COVID-19 associated ATM cases”
New study: Analysis of UK’s pre Omicron data demonstrated negative VE against severe outcomes for 2 dose AZ & 1 dose Pfizer ( after certain timeframe), reconfirming what we’ve been observing in the raw data all along.
It’s always the same strategy by #BigPharma. Invent a new disease to:
➡️Perpetuate the lie of vax efficacy
➡️Introduce new p0isons in the name of treating/preventing the new disease
Kawasaki disease was discovered in Japan around the same time the measles vaccines were trialled & introduced & incidence increased significantly once the vaccine was made mandatory.
Quackcines hav no efficacy. Renaming the disease by reattributing to other "viruses" is the trick utilized by #BigPharma
👉Polio to AFP
👉Japanese Encephalitis to AES
👉Measles to MLI
👉Mumps to Parotitis
Disease renaming lunacy:
During WW1, British troops were vaxxed for typhoid. When they contracted typhoid, the disease was renamed paratyphoid A, for which they were vaxxed again, and the process repeated for paratyphoid B,C,D
In late 19th and early 20th century Britain, when those revaccinated for smallpox contracted smallpox, the disease was renamed "pustular eczema" or "varioloid", thereby "proving" there were 0 cases of smallpox among those revaccinated.
So @ndtv did a show to "discuss" the Covishield/AstraZeneca vaccine concern. Panelists included 1. @gvenugopalan 2. @doctorsoumya 3. Dr. Hemant Thacker 4. Dr. Shahid Jameel 5. Dr. Randeep Gulleria
Let's take a look at the history of docs in the panel wrt 💉. Read on.. (1/n)
1. Soumya Swaminathan @doctorsoumya falsely claimed in her talk with India today (Dec 2021) that 99% covid hospitalizations were unvaccinated (3:22 to 3:31 in the video link below {not 20 min}). Her false claim was debunked (read the below in full)